2022 Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 392 - Pupils
NRS 392.457 - Adoption of policies by State Board and school districts concerning effective involvement and engagement; annual review of policies.
1. The State Board shall, in consultation with the boards of trustees of school districts, educational personnel, local associations and organizations of parents whose children are enrolled in public schools throughout this State and individual parents and legal guardians whose children are enrolled in public schools throughout this State, adopt a policy to encourage effective involvement and engagement by parents and families in support of their children and the education of their children. The policy adopted by the State Board must be considered when the Board:
(a) Consults with the boards of trustees of school districts in the adoption of policies pursuant to subsection 3; and
(b) Interacts with school districts, public schools, educational personnel, parents, legal guardians and families of pupils, and members of the general public in carrying out its duties pursuant to this title.
2. The policy adopted by the State Board pursuant to subsection 1 must include the following elements and goals:
(a) Promotion of an atmosphere for parents and families to visit the school that their children attend and feel welcome, valued and connected to the staff of the school, other parents and families and to the education of their children.
(b) Promotion of regular, two-way, meaningful communication between parents, families and schools relating to learning by pupils.
(c) Collaboration among parents, families and schools to support learning by pupils and healthy development of pupils at home and school.
(d) Empowerment of parents and families to advocate for their children and the children of other parents and families to ensure that all pupils are treated fairly and have access to learning opportunities that support pupil achievement.
(e) Promotion of an equal partnership between parents, families and schools in making decisions that affect children, parents and families and in informing, influencing and creating school policies, practices and programs.
(f) Collaboration of parents, families and schools with the community to connect pupils, parents, families and schools with learning opportunities, community services and civic participation.
3. The board of trustees of each school district shall, in consultation with the State Board, educational personnel, local associations and organizations of parents whose children are enrolled in public schools of the school district and individual parents and legal guardians whose children are enrolled in public schools of the school district, adopt policies to encourage effective involvement and engagement by parents and families in support of their children and the education of their children. The policies adopted pursuant to this subsection must:
(a) Be consistent, to the extent applicable, with the policy adopted by the State Board pursuant to subsection 1;
(b) Include the elements and goals specified in subsection 2; and
(c) Comply with the parental involvement policy required by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, as set forth in 20 U.S.C. § 6318.
4. The State Board and the board of trustees of each school district shall, at least once each year, review and amend their respective policies as necessary.
(Added to NRS by 2001, 978; A 2003, 19th Special Session, 79; 2011, 513, 1985; 2017, 3274)