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2021 Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 533 - Adjudication of Vested Water Rights; Appropriation of Public Waters
Applications, Permits and Certificates
- NRS 533.005 - Definitions.
- NRS 533.007 - "Interbasin transfer of groundwater" defined.
- NRS 533.010 - "Person" defined.
- NRS 533.015 - "State Engineer" defined.
- NRS 533.020 - "Stream system" defined.
- NRS 533.023 - "Wildlife purposes" defined.
- NRS 533.024 - Legislative declaration.
- NRS 533.0241 - Duty of State Engineer to reserve certain amount of groundwater.
- NRS 533.0243 - Temporary conversion of agricultural water for certain purposes: Legislative declaration; requirements; duration.
- NRS 533.0245 - State Engineer prohibited from carrying out duties in conflict with certain decrees, orders, compacts or agreements.
- NRS 533.0247 - State Engineer, assistants and agents authorized to enter land to investigate and carry out duties.
- NRS 533.025 - Water belongs to public.
- NRS 533.027 - Applicability of chapter to de minimus collection of precipitation.
- NRS 533.030 - Appropriation for beneficial use; use for recreational purpose, developed shortage supply or intentionally created surplus declared beneficial; limitations and exceptions.
- NRS 533.035 - Beneficial use: Basis, measure and limit of right to use.
- NRS 533.037 - Determination of priority of water right acquired for use in federal reclamation project; no additional water rights granted.
- NRS 533.040 - Water used for beneficial purposes to remain appurtenant to place of use; exceptions.
- NRS 533.045 - Right to divert ceases when necessity for use does not exist.
- NRS 533.050 - Beneficial use of water declared a public use; eminent domain.
- NRS 533.055 - Storage of water for beneficial purpose; claiming and diversion of water turned into natural channel or watercourse.
- NRS 533.060 - Right to use limited to amount necessary; loss or abandonment of rights; no acquisition of prescriptive right; reservation of rights by State.
- NRS 533.065 - Standards of measurement.
- NRS 533.070 - Quantity of water appropriated limited to amount reasonably required for beneficial use; duties of State Engineer in connection with water diverted or stored for purpose of irrigation.
- NRS 533.075 - Rotation in use of water.
- NRS 533.080 - State water right surveyors: Certain projects required to be performed by surveyor; qualifications; appointment; regulations; compensation; State Engineer’s Water License Account.
- NRS 533.085 - Vested rights to water not impaired.
- NRS 533.087 - Requirement for claimant of vested water right to submit proof of claim.
- NRS 533.090 - Determination of relative rights of claimants to water of stream or stream system: Petition; order of State Engineer.
- NRS 533.095 - Notice of entry of order and pendency of proceedings: Preparation; contents; publication; service of notice. [Effective through December 31, 2027.]
- NRS 533.095 - Notice of entry of order and pendency of proceedings: Preparation; contents; publication; service of notice. [Effective January 1, 2028.]
- NRS 533.100 - Investigation of flow of stream and ditches by State Engineer; preparation of surveys and maps.
- NRS 533.105 - Use of data compiled by United States Geological Survey or other persons.
- NRS 533.115 - Blank forms enclosed with notice; form of proof; preparation of map. [Effective through December 31, 2027.]
- NRS 533.120 - Statements to be certified under oath; no fee for furnishing blank form. [Effective through December 31, 2027.]
- NRS 533.125 - Commencement of taking of proofs; extension of time; determination of rights if claimant neglects or refuses to make proof; defective proof or map; filing corrected proof of map. [Effective through December 31, 2027.]
- NRS 533.130 - Petition to intervene may be filed by interested person not served; contents.
- NRS 533.135 - Fees of State Engineer; disposition.
- NRS 533.140 - Preparation and printing of abstract of proofs of appropriation; preliminary order of determination; notice of availability of evidence and proofs for inspection; service of notice and preliminary order; State Engineer to be present during period that evidence and proofs are available for inspection; posting preliminary order of determination and abstract of proofs on Internet. [Effective through December 31, 2027.]
- NRS 533.140 - Preparation and printing of abstract of proofs of appropriation; preliminary order of determination; notice of availability of evidence and proofs for inspection; service of notice and preliminary order; State Engineer to be present during period that evidence and proofs are available for inspection; posting preliminary order of determination and abstract of proofs on Internet. [Effective January 1, 2028.]
- NRS 533.145 - Objections to preliminary order of determination; form and contents of objection.
- NRS 533.150 - Hearings of objections to preliminary order of determination: Contents and service of notice; procedure; witnesses; evidence.
- NRS 533.155 - Hearing of objections: Court reporter; transcript; division of fees.
- NRS 533.160 - Entry of order of determination after hearing of objections to preliminary order; legal effect of order; certification, printing and service of order.
- NRS 533.165 - Certified copy of order of determination to be filed with county clerk of county where stream system located; procedure when stream system in two or more judicial districts; order setting time for hearing; service and publication of order.
- NRS 533.170 - Exceptions to order of determination: Filing and service; pleadings; findings of fact, judgment and decree; service of findings of fact and cost bill.
- NRS 533.175 - Employment of experts by court.
- NRS 533.180 - Court may refer case to State Engineer for further evidence.
- NRS 533.185 - Entry of judicial decree; revised map; delivery and filing of final judgment.
- NRS 533.190 - Costs: Assessment by court; entry of charges on assessment roll; collection and disposition of money.
- NRS 533.195 - Powers of successor judge; inapplicability of NRS 3.180.
- NRS 533.200 - Appeal from decree to appellate court: Procedure; service of notice of appeal.
- NRS 533.205 - Motion for new trial: Service of notice of intention to move for new trial.
- NRS 533.210 - Finality of decree; application for modification within 3 years after entry; limitations on modification; notice of application.
- NRS 533.215 - Waiver of notices by claimants or appropriators.
- NRS 533.220 - Distribution of water; enforcement of order or decision of State Engineer; appeal.
- NRS 533.225 - County clerk to transmit certified copy of decree to State Engineer; effectiveness of decree.
- NRS 533.230 - Division of water by State Engineer during time order of determination is pending in district court.
- NRS 533.235 - Operation of order of determination may be stayed by filing bond with court; conditions of bond; duties of State Engineer.
- NRS 533.240 - All claimants to be made parties in any suit brought to determine rights; State Engineer to prepare hydrographic survey of stream system; costs; transfer of suit to State Engineer for determination.
- NRS 533.250 - Admissibility of maps, plats, surveys and evidence on file in office of State Engineer; notice by State Engineer of intention to consider evidence and submission of findings to court.
- NRS 533.255 - Submission of findings made before March 25, 1915.
- NRS 533.260 - Regulations of State Engineer requiring blueprints from claimants to be attached to proofs.
- NRS 533.265 - State Engineer to issue certificates upon final determination of relative rights; contents of certificates; exceptions.
- NRS 533.270 - Water commissioners: Appointment; duties and salaries; exemption from state personnel system; district supervisors.
- NRS 533.275 - Engineer for supervision of distribution: Appointment; salary and expenses; additional work.
- NRS 533.280 - Annual budget for stream system or water district: Preparation; contents; limitation on assessment.
- NRS 533.285 - Entry on assessment roll of charges in budget; collection of special assessment.
- NRS 533.290 - Water District Account: Creation; deposit and use of money; accounting.
- NRS 533.295 - Limitation on use of Water District Account; "expenses" defined.
- NRS 533.300 - State to be divided into water districts; appointment of advisory boards by State Engineer; meetings.
- NRS 533.305 - Division of water among ditches and reservoirs; regulation of distribution among users; notice of regulation by water commissioner; duties of district attorney.
- NRS 533.310 - Administration of distribution by State Engineer if rights determined in manner other than provided in NRS 533.090 to 533.265, inclusive: Petition to district court; notice; hearing; order; appeal.
- NRS 533.315 - Payment of certain costs in proceeding under NRS 533.310.
- NRS 533.320 - Payment of cost of administration of final decree and distribution of water; approval of budget; submission to board of county commissioners; provisions applicable.
Applications, Permits and Certificates
- NRS 533.324 - "Water already appropriated" defined.
- NRS 533.325 - Application to State Engineer for permit.
- NRS 533.330 - Application limited to water of one source for one purpose; individual domestic use may be included.
- NRS 533.335 - Application for permit to appropriate water: Contents.
- NRS 533.340 - Additional requirements for contents of applications to appropriate water for certain specific uses.
- NRS 533.345 - Application for permit to change place of diversion, manner of use or place of use: Contents; approval of or hearing on temporary change; period of temporary change.
- NRS 533.350 - Applications to be accompanied by maps, drawings and other data.
- NRS 533.353 - Application to appropriate water for beneficial use: Participation of county in development and implementation of monitoring, management and mitigation plan.
- NRS 533.355 - Receipt of application; return for correction or completion; priority of returned application; rejection; recording.
- NRS 533.357 - Priority among applications to appropriate underground water for irrigation purposes from same basin.
- NRS 533.360 - Notice of application: Contents; publication; mailing required under certain circumstances.
- NRS 533.363 - State Engineer to notify county commissioners of application to use water in county other than that in which it is appropriated or currently diverted or used.
- NRS 533.364 - Certain interbasin transfers of groundwater; inventory required under certain circumstances; limitations; fee; time for completion of inventory.
- NRS 533.365 - Procedure concerning verified protest filed by interested person against granting of application.
- NRS 533.367 - Requirement to ensure access of wildlife to water it customarily uses; waiver.
- NRS 533.368 - Hydrological, environmental or other study: State Engineer to determine need for study; cost of study paid by applicant; regulations.
- NRS 533.369 - Special Account for Studies Concerning Water: Deposits; interest and income; limitation on use of money; refund of money to applicant; balance does not revert to State General Fund.
- NRS 533.370 - Approval or rejection of application by State Engineer: Conditions; exceptions; considerations; procedure.
- NRS 533.3703 - Consideration of consumptive use of water right and proposed beneficial use of water.
- NRS 533.3705 - Limitation on initial quantity of water approved for application; additional studies or evidence may be required; action by State Engineer on other applications in same basin.
- NRS 533.371 - Rejection of application for permit for specified period.
- NRS 533.372 - Approval or rejection of application to use water to generate energy for export.
- NRS 533.375 - State Engineer may require additional information before approval or rejection of application.
- NRS 533.380 - Time for completion of work and application of water to beneficial use; limitations and extensions; regulations.
- NRS 533.382 - Form, acknowledgment and recording of conveyance.
- NRS 533.383 - Effect of recording or failing to record deed of conveyance.
- NRS 533.384 - Filings required by person to whom conveyance is made.
- NRS 533.386 - Duties of State Engineer concerning conveyances; administrative action required upon entry of final judgment of court.
- NRS 533.387 - Inapplicability of certain provisions to conveyance of shares of stock in ditch company.
- NRS 533.390 - Statement of work actually constructed; verification; penalty for failure to file proof of completion of work.
- NRS 533.395 - State Engineer may require proof of good faith and reasonable diligence; cancellation of permit; review of cancellation; considerations when reviewing extension of time.
- NRS 533.400 - Verified statement to be filed with State Engineer by holder of permit within time set in endorsement on permit: Contents of statement; proof of beneficial use.
- NRS 533.405 - State Engineer may require map; contents.
- NRS 533.410 - Cancellation of permit for failure to file proof of application of water to beneficial use and accompanying map; notice to holder of permit; extensions of time.
- NRS 533.415 - State Engineer may refuse to file maps not conforming to statutory provisions or regulations.
- NRS 533.420 - Surveyor or engineer may be barred from practice before State Engineer for swearing falsely.
- NRS 533.425 - Issuance and contents of certificate of appropriation; notice of provisions governing forfeiture and abandonment of rights to underground water.
- NRS 533.430 - Permits and certificates of appropriation subject to existing rights.
- NRS 533.435 - Fees of State Engineer; disposition.
- NRS 533.437 - "Environmental permit" defined.
- NRS 533.4373 - Application for environmental permit: Contents; fee.
- NRS 533.4375 - Approval of application by State Engineer: Conditions.
- NRS 533.4377 - Limitation on period for which permit may be issued; change of use for which permit is issued prohibited.
- NRS 533.438 - Imposition of fee on certain transfers of water by county of origin; review by State Engineer; limitation on use of money collected from fee.
- NRS 533.4385 - Plan to mitigate adverse economic effects caused by transfer of water; contents of plan; modification of plan by State Engineer.
- NRS 533.440 - Permits: Primary and secondary; application; issuance of certificates.
- NRS 533.445 - Use of bed of stream or other watercourse to carry water to consumers; duties and expenses of State Engineer.
- NRS 533.450 - Orders and decisions of State Engineer subject to judicial review; procedure; motions for stay; appeals; appearance by Attorney General.
- NRS 533.455 - Appeals by State Engineer to appellate court.
- NRS 533.460 - Unauthorized use or willful waste of water; prima facie evidence.
- NRS 533.463 - Unlawful diversion and waste of water during irrigating season; penalty.
- NRS 533.465 - Interference with headgate, water box or water; prima facie evidence.
- NRS 533.470 - Employment of guards to prevent unlawful diversions of water; payment of guards’ salaries.
- NRS 533.475 - Power of State Engineer and assistants to make arrests.
- NRS 533.480 - Penalties.
- NRS 533.481 - Additional penalties.
- NRS 533.482 - Injunctive and other relief.
- NRS 533.485 - Definitions.
- NRS 533.490 - Watering livestock declared beneficial use.
- NRS 533.492 - Subsisting right to water livestock: Manner of proof; marking of location of right.
- NRS 533.493 - Recognition of adjudicated rights to water livestock from streams by State Engineer.
- NRS 533.495 - Subsisting rights not to be impaired.
- NRS 533.500 - Duties of State Engineer concerning approval and rejection of application.
- NRS 533.503 - Restrictions on issuance of permit or certificate regarding appropriation to water livestock.
- NRS 533.504 - Temporary permit regarding appropriation to water livestock: Application; approval; duration.
- NRS 533.505 - Unlawful acts; penalties.
- NRS 533.510 - Prior rights not affected.
- NRS 533.515 - Permit for appropriation of water or application to change point of diversion, manner of use or place of use if point of diversion or portion of works is outside state.
- NRS 533.520 - Application for permit to appropriate water for use outside State; change point of diversion for use outside State or change place of use to location outside of State; approval of application by State Engineer; conditions.
- NRS 533.524 - Appropriation from interstate streams: Right of appropriation having point of diversion and place of use in another state.
- NRS 533.525 - Stored water may be conveyed through streams and reclaimed; conditions.
- NRS 533.535 - Consent to use of Lake Tahoe by United States for reservoir purposes in connection with Truckee-Carson reclamation project.
- NRS 533.540 - Procedure for refund of water district’s money; conditions.
- NRS 533.545 - Hearings before State Engineer: Issuance and enforcement of subpoenas.
- NRS 533.550 - Sale or lease of water right by public body for more than 5-year term; exception.
- NRS 533.560 - Lease of water right by public body to owner or holder of water right who exceeds entitled amount of water.
- NRS 533.565 - Dedication of right to appropriate water: Requirements; exceptions.
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