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2021 Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 179 - Special Proceedings of a Criminal Nature; Sealing Records of Criminal Proceedings; Rewards; Forms
General Provisions
General Provisions
- NRS 179.015 - "Property" defined.
- NRS 179.025 - Authority for issuance.
- NRS 179.035 - Grounds for issuance.
- NRS 179.045 - Issuance and contents; sealing information upon which warrant is based; time for serving warrant.
- NRS 179.055 - Officer may break door to serve warrant after admittance refused; breaking of door or window to liberate officer or person acting in aid of officer; use of reasonable and necessary force.
- NRS 179.063 - Officer prohibited from performing body cavity search unless warrant contains specific authorization to perform body cavity search of person.
- NRS 179.065 - Person charged with felony may be searched.
- NRS 179.075 - Execution and return of warrant with inventory.
- NRS 179.077 - Execution and return of warrant for collection of biological specimen.
- NRS 179.085 - Motions for return of property and to suppress evidence.
- NRS 179.095 - Return of papers to clerk.
- NRS 179.105 - Retention of property taken on warrant by officer subject to court order; restoration of property to person from whom it was taken; technical irregularities will not quash warrant.
- NRS 179.115 - Scope.
- NRS 179.11512 - "Property" defined.
- NRS 179.11514 - Grounds for issuance and contents.
- NRS 179.11516 - Execution of warrant: Determination whether property is subject to attorney-client privilege.
- NRS 179.11518 - Return of property subject to attorney-client privilege.
- NRS 179.1156 - Scope.
- NRS 179.1157 - Definitions.
- NRS 179.1158 - "Claimant" defined.
- NRS 179.1159 - "Plaintiff" defined.
- NRS 179.1161 - "Proceeds" defined.
- NRS 179.1162 - "Property" defined.
- NRS 179.1163 - "Protected interest" defined.
- NRS 179.11635 - "Willful blindness" defined.
- NRS 179.1164 - Property subject to seizure and forfeiture; exceptions.
- NRS 179.1165 - Seizure of property: Requirement of process.
- NRS 179.1169 - Title in property; transfer.
- NRS 179.1171 - Proceedings for forfeiture: Rules of practice; complaint; service of summons and complaint; answer; parties.
- NRS 179.1173 - Proceedings for forfeiture: Priority over other civil matters; order to stay; standard of proof; conviction of claimant not required; confidentiality of informants; return of property to claimant; forfeiture as part of plea or stipulated agreement.
- NRS 179.1175 - Disposition of property after seizure and forfeiture.
- NRS 179.118 - Distribution of proceeds from forfeited property.
- NRS 179.1185 - Issuance of certificate of title for forfeited vehicle or other conveyance.
- NRS 179.1187 - Establishment of account for proceeds from forfeited property; restrictions on use of money in account; distribution of certain amount to school district; duties of school district and chief administrative officer of law enforcement agency. [Effective through June 30, 2021.]
- NRS 179.1187 - Establishment of account for proceeds from forfeited property; restrictions on use of money in account; distribution of certain amount to school district; duties of school district and chief administrative officer of law enforcement agency. [Effective July 1, 2021.]
- NRS 179.119 - Quarterly reports by law enforcement agencies that receive forfeited property or related proceeds; inclusion of such anticipated revenue in budget prohibited.
- NRS 179.1205 - Annual reports by law enforcement agencies.
- NRS 179.121 - Forfeiture of personal property and conveyances used in commission of crime.
- NRS 179.1211 - Definitions.
- NRS 179.1213 - "Proceeds" defined.
- NRS 179.1215 - "Property" defined.
- NRS 179.1217 - "Technological crime" defined.
- NRS 179.1219 - Property subject to forfeiture; substitution for unreachable property.
- NRS 179.1221 - Forfeiture as part of plea agreement.
- NRS 179.1223 - Temporary restraining order to preserve property.
- NRS 179.1225 - Orders to secure property.
- NRS 179.1227 - Order of forfeiture; order to protect interests of State.
- NRS 179.1229 - Property subject to civil forfeiture; required proof; where action must be instituted.
- NRS 179.1231 - Seizure of property before forfeiture and final disposition; institution of proceedings; intercession by district attorney or Attorney General; interlocutory actions by court; order of forfeiture.
- NRS 179.1233 - Sale of forfeited property; use of proceeds; deposit of balance of proceeds in Account for the Technological Crime Advisory Board; payment of certain encumbrances.
- NRS 179.1235 - Limitation of actions.
- NRS 179.125 - Stolen or embezzled property held by peace officer subject to magistrate’s order.
- NRS 179.135 - Order for delivery to owner; payment of expenses.
- NRS 179.145 - Magistrate to deliver property to owner when it comes into magistrate’s custody; proof of title and payment of expenses.
- NRS 179.155 - Court may order return of property to owner.
- NRS 179.165 - Notice must be provided by law enforcement agency to owner, pawnbroker and other interested persons; contents of notice; sale or disposal of unclaimed property by county treasurer; records; audit.
- NRS 179.177 - Short title.
- NRS 179.179 - Definitions.
- NRS 179.181 - Fugitives from justice; duty of Governor.
- NRS 179.183 - Form of demand.
- NRS 179.185 - Governor may investigate case.
- NRS 179.187 - Extradition of persons imprisoned or awaiting trial in another state or who have left demanding state under compulsion.
- NRS 179.189 - Extradition of persons not present in demanding state at time of commission of crime.
- NRS 179.191 - Governor’s warrant of arrest.
- NRS 179.193 - Manner and place of execution.
- NRS 179.195 - Authority of arresting officer.
- NRS 179.197 - Rights of accused person; application for writ of habeas corpus.
- NRS 179.199 - Penalty for noncompliance with NRS 179.197.
- NRS 179.201 - Confinement in jail or detention facility when necessary.
- NRS 179.203 - Arrest before requisition.
- NRS 179.205 - Arrest without warrant.
- NRS 179.207 - Commitment to await requisition; bail.
- NRS 179.209 - Bail: In what cases; conditions of bond.
- NRS 179.211 - Extension of time of commitment; adjournment.
- NRS 179.213 - Forfeiture of bail.
- NRS 179.215 - Persons under criminal prosecution in this State at time of requisition.
- NRS 179.217 - Guilt or innocence of accused: When inquired into.
- NRS 179.219 - Governor may recall warrant or issue alias.
- NRS 179.221 - Fugitives from this State; duty of Governor.
- NRS 179.223 - Application for issuance of requisition: By whom made; contents.
- NRS 179.225 - Costs and expenses.
- NRS 179.227 - Immunity from service of process in certain civil actions.
- NRS 179.229 - Written waiver of extradition proceedings.
- NRS 179.231 - Nonwaiver by this State.
- NRS 179.233 - No right of asylum; no immunity from other criminal prosecutions while in this State.
- NRS 179.235 - Interpretation.
- NRS 179.2405 - Declaration of public policy.
- NRS 179.241 - Definitions.
- NRS 179.242 - "Agency of criminal justice" defined.
- NRS 179.243 - "Disposition" defined.
- NRS 179.244 - "Record" defined.
- NRS 179.2445 - Rebuttable presumption that records should be sealed; exception.
- NRS 179.245 - Sealing records after conviction: Persons eligible; petition; notice; hearing; order. [Effective through June 30, 2020.]
- NRS 179.245 - Sealing records after conviction: Persons eligible; petition; notice; hearing; order. [Effective July 1, 2020.]
- NRS 179.247 - Vacating judgment and sealing of records after conviction of certain offenses: Persons eligible; petition; notice; order.
- NRS 179.255 - Sealing of records after dismissal, decline of prosecution or acquittal: Petition; notice; hearing; exceptions; order; inspection of records. [Effective through June 30, 2020.]
- NRS 179.255 - Sealing of records after dismissal, decline of prosecution or acquittal: Petition; notice; hearing; exceptions; order; inspection of records. [Effective July 1, 2020.]
- NRS 179.259 - Sealing records after completion of program for reentry: Persons eligible; procedure; order; inspection of sealed records by certain entities.
- NRS 179.2595 - Sealing more than one record; procedure.
- NRS 179.265 - Rehearings after denial of petition: Time for; number.
- NRS 179.271 - Sealing of records after decriminalization of offense: Written request; notice; hearing; no fee; exception.
- NRS 179.275 - Order sealing records: Distribution to Central Repository and persons named in order; compliance. [Effective through June 30, 2020.]
- NRS 179.275 - Order sealing records: Distribution to Central Repository and persons named in order; compliance. [Effective July 1, 2020.]
- NRS 179.285 - Order sealing records: Effect; proceedings deemed never to have occurred; restoration of civil rights. [Effective through June 30, 2020.]
- NRS 179.285 - Order sealing records: Effect; proceedings deemed never to have occurred; restoration of civil rights. [Effective July 1, 2020.]
- NRS 179.295 - Reopening of sealed records. [Effective through June 30, 2020.]
- NRS 179.295 - Reopening of sealed records. [Effective July 1, 2020.]
- NRS 179.301 - Inspection of certain sealed records by certain persons and agencies.
- NRS 179.315 - Use of authorized forms.
- NRS 179.320 - Warrant of arrest.
- NRS 179.325 - Summons.
- NRS 179.330 - Search warrant.
- NRS 179.335 - Motion for return of seized property and suppression of evidence.
- NRS 179.340 - Bail: After arrest and before preliminary examination.
- NRS 179.345 - Endorsement on warrant of arrest for commitment for preliminary examination.
- NRS 179.350 - Discharge after preliminary examination.
- NRS 179.355 - Commitment and bail after preliminary examination.
- NRS 179.360 - Commitment where defendant held to answer after preliminary examination.
- NRS 179.365 - Bail after preliminary examination and before arraignment.
- NRS 179.370 - Indictment.
- NRS 179.375 - Information.
- NRS 179.380 - Warrant upon finding of presentment, indictment or information.
- NRS 179.385 - Bail after arrest on warrant following finding of presentment, indictment or information.
- NRS 179.390 - Subpoena; subpoena duces tecum.
- NRS 179.395 - Bench warrant after conviction.
- NRS 179.400 - Undertaking on recommitment.
- NRS 179.410 - Definitions.
- NRS 179.415 - "Aggrieved person" defined.
- NRS 179.420 - "Contents" defined.
- NRS 179.421 - "Electronic communication" defined.
- NRS 179.423 - "Electronic communication service" defined.
- NRS 179.425 - "Electronic, mechanical or other device" defined.
- NRS 179.430 - "Intercept" defined.
- NRS 179.435 - "Investigative or law enforcement officer" defined.
- NRS 179.440 - "Oral communication" defined.
- NRS 179.443 - "Peace officer" defined.
- NRS 179.445 - "Person" defined.
- NRS 179.450 - "State" defined.
- NRS 179.451 - "Tracking device" defined.
- NRS 179.453 - "User" defined.
- NRS 179.455 - "Wire communication" defined.
- NRS 179.458 - Provisions inapplicable to recording of certain telephone calls by public utility.
- NRS 179.460 - Circumstances in which interception of communications may be authorized; immunity.
- NRS 179.463 - Circumstances in which interception, listening or recording of communications by peace officer or certain other persons not unlawful.
- NRS 179.465 - Disclosure or use of intercepted communications.
- NRS 179.467 - Order requiring provider of electronic communication service to disclose contents of electronic or wire communication or records pertaining to customers; immunity.
- NRS 179.470 - Application for order authorizing interception of communications; prerequisites to issuance of order.
- NRS 179.475 - Order authorizing interception of communications: Contents; duration; extension.
- NRS 179.480 - Progress reports to judge.
- NRS 179.485 - Recording.
- NRS 179.490 - Sealing of applications and orders; disclosure.
- NRS 179.495 - Notice to parties to intercepted communications.
- NRS 179.500 - Contents of intercepted communications inadmissible in evidence unless transcript provided to parties before trial.
- NRS 179.505 - Motion to suppress.
- NRS 179.510 - Appeal by State from order granting motion to suppress.
- NRS 179.515 - Reports by justices of Supreme Court, district judges, Attorney General and district attorneys.
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