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2020 Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 673 - Savings Banks
Voluntary Liquidation Liquidation of Insured Savings Banks
- NRS 673.001 - Definitions.
- NRS 673.0054 - "Commissioner" defined.
- NRS 673.0056 - "Cooperative housing corporation" defined.
- NRS 673.0057 - "Deposit" defined.
- NRS 673.00575 - "Deposit account" defined.
- NRS 673.00577 - "Depository institution" defined.
- NRS 673.0065 - "Director" defined.
- NRS 673.0075 - "Division of Financial Institutions" defined.
- NRS 673.0077 - "Federal savings bank" defined.
- NRS 673.008 - "Foreign" defined.
- NRS 673.0155 - "Insolvency" or "insolvent" defined.
- NRS 673.016 - "Insured depository institution" defined.
- NRS 673.017 - "Investment certificate" defined.
- NRS 673.0175 - "Main office" defined.
- NRS 673.0185 - "Merger" defined.
- NRS 673.0313 - "Savings association" defined.
- NRS 673.0317 - "Savings bank" defined.
- NRS 673.0321 - "Service office" defined.
- NRS 673.0323 - "State bank" or "commercial bank" defined.
- NRS 673.034 - "Withdrawal value" defined.
- NRS 673.035 - Administration of chapter.
- NRS 673.03531 - Certain relationships between employees of Division of Financial Institutions and savings bank prohibited; termination of prohibited relationship.
- NRS 673.039 - Records of Commissioner.
- NRS 673.040 - Commissioner to supervise and make policy.
- NRS 673.043 - Regulations; authority of Commissioner to waive, modify or alter any requirement of chapter.
- NRS 673.0435 - Commissioner may secure injunctions and restraining orders.
- NRS 673.044 - Notices.
- NRS 673.045 - Amendment or alteration of license by Commissioner; appeal.
- NRS 673.046 - Application for license: Additional requirements; fingerprints; grounds for refusal to issue license.
- NRS 673.048 - Suspension or revocation of license: Additional grounds.
- NRS 673.049 - Authority of Commissioner to issue subpoenas and require attendance of parties.
- NRS 673.055 - Savings associations automatically converted into savings banks; issuance by Commissioner of savings bank charters to converted entities; rights, powers, privileges, immunities and exceptions provided to converted entities.
- NRS 673.060 - Deposit of money in State Treasury; payment of expenses; exceptions.
- NRS 673.065 - Applicability of provisions concerning Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
- NRS 673.070 - Incorporation of domestic savings banks: Procedure; applicability of chapter 78 of NRS; limitations on advertising for savings banks.
- NRS 673.080 - Articles to be approved by Commissioner; application; permission to organize; fees; conditions; regulations; withdrawal of application.
- NRS 673.090 - Provisions of chapter abridge, enlarge and modify powers and privileges of foreign and domestic savings banks.
- NRS 673.111 - Required filings before savings bank begins business: Statement concerning directors, managers and officers; proof of approval of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure its deposit accounts.
- NRS 673.112 - Branch offices: Definition; establishment and regulation; revocation of approval by Commissioner; advertisement; fees; regulations.
- NRS 673.113 - Surety bond of savings bank.
- NRS 673.114 - Service offices: Authority to establish and maintain; notification to Commissioner required; service office does not constitute branch office.
- NRS 673.115 - Restrictions on advertising.
- NRS 673.117 - Use or change of business name; prohibitions.
- NRS 673.207 - Directors: Number; filling of vacancies; amendment of bylaws.
- NRS 673.208 - Persons requiring Commissioner’s approval to serve as director.
- NRS 673.209 - Removal of director, officer or employee on objection of Commissioner.
- NRS 673.211 - Removal of director for cause.
- NRS 673.212 - Standard of conduct in discharge of duties of directors and officers.
- NRS 673.214 - Election of officers.
- NRS 673.215 - Directors: Meetings; quorum.
- NRS 673.216 - Official communication from Commissioner: Presentation at next board meeting and made part of minutes.
- NRS 673.2176 - Notification of change in ownership of stock; application required after certain acquisitions; investigation; costs; waiver.
- NRS 673.218 - Pensions and retirement plans for officers and employees.
- NRS 673.219 - Directors: Approval of depositary for money of savings bank.
- NRS 673.221 - Unlawful acts; penalty.
- NRS 673.2211 - Liability of directors, officers or other persons.
- NRS 673.222 - Authority of savings bank to indemnify and defend officers, directors, employees, agents and other parties.
- NRS 673.225 - Certain savings banks possess same powers and privileges as federal savings banks and foreign savings banks; federal law prevails in event of conflict with state law.
- NRS 673.226 - Savings banks possess same powers, privileges and authorities as state banks and national banks; exceptions and limitations; savings banks subject to restrictions, limitations and requirements applicable to state and national banks.
- NRS 673.2265 - Membership in Federal Reserve System: Authorization; powers, duties and examination of member.
- NRS 673.227 - Land and office buildings of savings bank; limitation on costs.
- NRS 673.228 - Trustee and custodial powers, privileges and authorities of savings bank.
- NRS 673.250 - Licenses for issuance or sale of stock; contents and conditions of licenses.
- NRS 673.260 - Annual license: Fees; renewal; penalty; regulations.
- NRS 673.2755 - Investment certificates: Rights and liabilities of holders; types of certificates; limitation on approval.
- NRS 673.276 - Permissible investments.
- NRS 673.2765 - Investments in certain related service companies, operating subsidiaries or financial subsidiaries.
- NRS 673.2766 - Investments in real property for subdivision or residential development.
- NRS 673.278 - Power to make loans includes power to purchase loans and make loans upon security of other loans.
- NRS 673.279 - Purchases of real property contracts; conditions.
- NRS 673.280 - Certain federal obligations are legal investments.
- NRS 673.300 - Savings bank may become member and stockholder of Federal Home Loan Bank, borrow money and invest in bonds.
- NRS 673.301 - Savings bank may issue capital notes; voting rights of holders.
- NRS 673.302 - Limitation on borrowing.
- NRS 673.310 - Loans and advances of credit insured by Federal Housing Administration or Department of Veterans Affairs.
- NRS 673.315 - Investment in Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and SLM Corporation.
- NRS 673.316 - Additional advances or loans to borrower; renewal or extension of loans; loans on property sold by savings bank.
- NRS 673.324 - Permissible loans.
- NRS 673.3244 - Loans to directors, officers, shareholders or company owned or controlled by savings bank.
- NRS 673.3255 - Loans to finance interest in cooperative housing corporation; first security interests.
- NRS 673.3271 - Loans to one borrower.
- NRS 673.3272 - Payment of charges by savings bank for protection of its investments; required advance monthly payments.
- NRS 673.332 - Property acquired at or by foreclosure or developed by savings bank.
- NRS 673.340 - Minors and married persons; payment as valid discharge of savings bank.
- NRS 673.360 - Administrators, executors, guardians and trustees; payment as valid discharge of savings bank.
- NRS 673.430 - Annual reports: Filing; form and contents; fees; penalty; regulations.
- NRS 673.440 - Commissioner may require further information.
- NRS 673.450 - Hearings, investigations and examinations by Commissioner; confidentiality of examination reports and certain other information; powers of Commissioner; biennial examination required.
- NRS 673.451 - Authorization of Commissioner to investigate business; free access required; compelling attendance of witnesses.
- NRS 673.453 - Enforcement of subpoena by district court.
- NRS 673.455 - Examination of holding companies.
- NRS 673.460 - Examinations outside State; fees and traveling expenses; regulations.
- NRS 673.470 - Other examinations acceptable in lieu of examination by Commissioner.
- NRS 673.480 - Authority of Commissioner to make information available to other officers and agencies; documents, reports and information remain property of Division of Financial Institutions or Commissioner; disclosures by savings bank.
- NRS 673.483 - Audit of books and accounts.
- NRS 673.4835 - Independent audit and examination: Payment of assessment; cooperation.
- NRS 673.484 - Suspension or revocation of charter: Grounds; notice and hearing.
- NRS 673.4843 - Authority of Commissioner to order discontinuance of unlawful or unsafe practices; special meetings of directors concerning noncompliance.
Voluntary Liquidation Liquidation of Insured Savings Banks
- NRS 673.5912 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation authorized to act as receiver or liquidator of closed savings bank having insured deposits; no bond required.
- NRS 673.5913 - Acceptance of appointment as receiver or liquidator; possession of and title to assets, business and property rests in Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
- NRS 673.5914 - Enforcement of individual liability of stockholders or members and directors or managers of savings bank in receivership or liquidation.
- NRS 673.5915 - Payment of insured deposits; subrogation.
- NRS 673.5916 - Loans to closed savings banks by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; sale of assets of savings banks to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
- NRS 673.5917 - Commissioner to furnish copies of examinations and reports to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
- NRS 673.5918 - Deposit of books, papers and records with Commissioner upon final liquidation.
- NRS 673.5919 - Destruction of records of liquidated insolvent savings banks.
- NRS 673.5921 - Termination of trusteeship under security instruments upon insolvency; appointment of successor trustee by petition to district court or pursuant to security instrument.
- NRS 673.5922 - Petition for appointment of successor trustee by district court: Order to appear and show cause why successor trustee should not be appointed; publication and contents of notice.
- NRS 673.5923 - Appointment of successor trustee when no objection made.
- NRS 673.5924 - Hearing on objections to appointment of successor trustee; appeal from order.
- NRS 673.5925 - Recordation of order appointing successor trustee.
- NRS 673.5926 - Petition and order may relate to all instruments in which former trustee was named.
- NRS 673.5927 - Provisions are in addition to any other remedy provided by law.
- NRS 673.5928 - Validation of sales by liquidator under security instruments giving power of sale.
- NRS 673.5929 - Conditions under which savings banks may reopen.
- NRS 673.5931 - Conditions under which savings bank may reorganize before actual dissolution.
- NRS 673.595 - Certain foreign savings banks not required to be licensed under chapter; certain foreign savings banks permitted to operate and establish service offices in this State; limitations.
- NRS 673.597 - Conflict of laws; report to Commissioner of forbidden course or act.
- NRS 673.600 - Conversion authorized.
- NRS 673.610 - Notice of stockholders’ meeting: Service and proof of service.
- NRS 673.620 - Majority approval of resolution at stockholders’ meeting required; filing of minutes with Commissioner.
- NRS 673.630 - Filing of charter or certificate with Commissioner; fee; taxation; regulations.
- NRS 673.640 - When supervision as state savings bank ceases; when property and assets vest in converted entity; enjoyment of property by converted entity.
- NRS 673.650 - Conversion authorized; votes necessary.
- NRS 673.660 - Time for election of directors after conversion; time directors to hold office.
- NRS 673.670 - Filing of verified minutes of stockholders’ meeting.
- NRS 673.680 - Verified copy of minutes as presumptive evidence of holding meeting and action taken.
- NRS 673.690 - Converting institution and directors to take necessary action to incorporate as state savings bank; no minimum amount of capital required.
- NRS 673.700 - Inclusion of statement of conversion in articles permissible.
- NRS 673.710 - Time for filing articles of incorporation with Federal Home Loan Bank or Federal Reserve Bank; number of copies; certification by Secretary of State.
- NRS 673.720 - Time of cessation as federal savings bank or state or national bank; time of vesting of property in savings bank under new name and style.
- NRS 673.730 - Enjoyment of property by converted savings bank; savings bank as continuation of previous institution.
- NRS 673.740 - Acts permitted executors, administrators, fiduciaries and certain other entities without obtaining court approval.
- NRS 673.773 - Definitions.
- NRS 673.777 - "Designated reporter" defined.
- NRS 673.783 - "Exploitation" defined.
- NRS 673.787 - "Older person" defined.
- NRS 673.793 - "Reasonable cause to believe" defined.
- NRS 673.797 - "Vulnerable person" defined.
- NRS 673.803 - Training; reporting to designated reporter.
- NRS 673.807 - Designated reporter: Designation; duty to report; immunity.
- NRS 673.810 - Making false statement concerning financial condition of savings bank.
- NRS 673.820 - Violation of chapter or fraudulent misrepresentation of contract or securities by savings bank; administrative fines.
- NRS 673.830 - Violation of chapter or sale of securities through fraudulent misrepresentation.
- NRS 673.840 - Sale or offer to sell securities without license or for failure to pay fee or penalty.
- NRS 673.850 - Effect of revocation of license.
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