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2020 Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 616A - Industrial Insurance: Administration
- NRS 616A.005 - Short title.
- NRS 616A.010 - Legislative declarations: Statutory construction; repudiation of common law; basis of provisions; balanced interpretation required.
- NRS 616A.015 - Prior acts of State Industrial Insurance System continued in effect; disposition of claims and causes of action existing on December 31, 1999.
- NRS 616A.020 - Rights and remedies exclusive; terms and conditions for payment of compensation conclusive, compulsory and obligatory; application of exclusive remedies to certain employers.
- NRS 616A.021 - Limitation of actions upon repeal or invalidity.
- NRS 616A.022 - Applicability of Nevada Insurance Code.
- NRS 616A.025 - Definitions.
- NRS 616A.030 - "Accident" defined.
- NRS 616A.035 - "Accident benefits" defined.
- NRS 616A.040 - "Administrator" defined.
- NRS 616A.045 - "Advisory organization" defined.
- NRS 616A.047 - "Appeals Panel" defined.
- NRS 616A.050 - "Association of self-insured private employers" defined.
- NRS 616A.055 - "Association of self-insured public employers" defined.
- NRS 616A.060 - "Association’s administrator" defined.
- NRS 616A.065 - "Average monthly wage" defined.
- NRS 616A.070 - "Benefit penalty" defined.
- NRS 616A.075 - "Casual" defined.
- NRS 616A.077 - "Catastrophic injury" defined.
- NRS 616A.080 - "Certified vocational rehabilitation counselor" defined.
- NRS 616A.085 - "Commissioner" defined.
- NRS 616A.090 - "Compensation" defined.
- NRS 616A.092 - "Consolidated insurance program" defined.
- NRS 616A.093 - "Contractor-controlled insurance program" defined.
- NRS 616A.095 - "Damages" defined.
- NRS 616A.100 - "Division" defined.
- NRS 616A.105 - "Employee" and "worker" defined.
- NRS 616A.110 - "Employee": Persons excluded.
- NRS 616A.115 - "Employee": Lessees engaged in mining or operating a reduction plant.
- NRS 616A.120 - "Employee": Participants in programs of job training administered by Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of Department of Health and Human Services.
- NRS 616A.125 - "Employee": Participants in programs to obtain training for employment administered by Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of Department of Health and Human Services.
- NRS 616A.130 - "Employee": Volunteer workers in program for public service.
- NRS 616A.135 - "Employee": Persons performing volunteer work for private organizations as part of public programs.
- NRS 616A.140 - "Employee": Members of Nevada Wing of Civil Air Patrol.
- NRS 616A.145 - "Employee": Volunteer firefighters.
- NRS 616A.150 - "Employee": Paid firefighter performing voluntary off-duty services as firefighter.
- NRS 616A.155 - "Employee": Persons rendering voluntary ambulance service.
- NRS 616A.157 - "Employee": Volunteer members of search and rescue organization.
- NRS 616A.160 - "Employee": Volunteer peace officers and persons authorized to issue certain citations pursuant to NRS 484B.470.
- NRS 616A.165 - "Employee": Trustees of school districts.
- NRS 616A.170 - "Employee": Junior traffic patrols.
- NRS 616A.175 - "Employee": Person vending or delivering newspaper or magazine.
- NRS 616A.180 - "Employee": Members of county advisory boards to manage wildlife.
- NRS 616A.185 - "Employee": Members of Nevada Legislature.
- NRS 616A.190 - "Employee": Certain members of state, county and local departments, boards, commissions, agencies or bureaus; adjunct professors of Nevada System of Higher Education; members of Board of Regents.
- NRS 616A.195 - "Employee": Persons ordered by court to perform community service.
- NRS 616A.205 - "Employee": Volunteer workers at facilities for inpatients of Division of Public and Behavioral Health of Department of Health and Human Services.
- NRS 616A.207 - "Employee": Volunteer health practitioners.
- NRS 616A.210 - "Employee": Subcontractors and employees.
- NRS 616A.215 - "Employee": Apprentices and trainees.
- NRS 616A.220 - "Employee": Real estate licensees.
- NRS 616A.225 - "Employee": Persons participating in federally approved training programs.
- NRS 616A.230 - "Employer" defined.
- NRS 616A.240 - "Foot" defined.
- NRS 616A.245 - "Hand" defined.
- NRS 616A.250 - "Incarcerated" defined.
- NRS 616A.255 - "Independent contractor" defined.
- NRS 616A.257 - "Independent review organization" defined.
- NRS 616A.260 - "Industrial insurance" defined.
- NRS 616A.265 - "Injury" and "personal injury" defined.
- NRS 616A.270 - "Insurer" defined.
- NRS 616A.273 - "Medical facility" defined.
- NRS 616A.280 - "Organization for managed care" defined.
- NRS 616A.282 - "Owner-controlled insurance program" defined.
- NRS 616A.283 - "Police officer" defined.
- NRS 616A.284 - "Policy year" defined.
- NRS 616A.285 - "Principal contractor" defined.
- NRS 616A.290 - "Private carrier" defined.
- NRS 616A.295 - "Private employer" defined.
- NRS 616A.300 - "Public employer" defined.
- NRS 616A.305 - "Self-insured employer" defined.
- NRS 616A.310 - "Sole proprietor" defined.
- NRS 616A.315 - "Solicitor" defined.
- NRS 616A.317 - "State Industrial Insurance System" defined.
- NRS 616A.320 - "Subcontractors" defined.
- NRS 616A.330 - "Tangible net worth" defined.
- NRS 616A.335 - "Third-party administrator" defined.
- NRS 616A.340 - "Total disability" defined.
- NRS 616A.345 - "Trade association" defined.
- NRS 616A.350 - "Trade, business, profession or occupation of his or her employer" defined.
- NRS 616A.355 - "Utilization review" defined.
- NRS 616A.360 - "Vocational rehabilitation services" defined.
- NRS 616A.400 - Duties of Administrator: Regulations.
- NRS 616A.401 - Duties of Administrator: Adoption of regulations concerning determination of categories of injuries to be deemed catastrophic injuries.
- NRS 616A.402 - Duties of Administrator: Program concerning rights and responsibilities of employers and employees.
- NRS 616A.403 - Duties of Administrator: Preparation of annual report of enforcement of Nevada Industrial Insurance Act and Nevada Occupational Diseases Act.
- NRS 616A.404 - Duties of Administrator: Provision of information for Office for Consumer Health Assistance.
- NRS 616A.405 - Powers of Administrator: Adoption of regulations concerning affidavit required of businesses by local governments to affirm compliance with chapters 616A to 616D, inclusive, of NRS.
- NRS 616A.410 - Administrator to prosecute and defend actions; extraordinary writs; verifications; undertakings.
- NRS 616A.417 - Filing or delivering documentation by electronic transmission; regulations by Administrator.
- NRS 616A.420 - Agreements or compacts with other states; insurance coverage against double liability of employers.
- NRS 616A.425 - Fund for Workers’ Compensation and Safety.
- NRS 616A.430 - Uninsured Employers’ Claim Account.
- NRS 616A.435 - Office created; appointment; term; qualifications; duties limited.
- NRS 616A.440 - Employment of Deputy and staff; qualifications of Deputy.
- NRS 616A.445 - Offices; budget.
- NRS 616A.450 - Request for appointment; consideration of and action upon request; representation upon appointment.
- NRS 616A.455 - Powers and duties.
- NRS 616A.460 - Employment of private counsel by claimant; reimbursement of Division; report to Governor.
- NRS 616A.465 - Responsibilities of Division, Commissioner of Insurance, Department of Administration and Nevada Attorney for Injured Workers.
- NRS 616A.466 - Recognition of certain provisions of collective bargaining agreements.
- NRS 616A.467 - Power of Commissioner and Administrator to delegate authority to collect fines and deposit in Fund for Workers’ Compensation and Safety; claims for attorney’s fees and costs of investigation if authority to collect fines not delegated.
- NRS 616A.469 - Certificate to operate as independent review organization: Authority of Commissioner to issue certificate; application; fee; prerequisites to issuance; ineligible parties.
- NRS 616A.470 - Self-insured employers and private carriers to compensate Nevada Attorney for Injured Workers or Hearings Division of Department of Administration for services provided.
- NRS 616A.475 - Self-insured employers, associations of self-insured employers and private carriers to furnish information to Administrator; insured employer to keep sufficient supply of blank forms.
- NRS 616A.480 - Required execution of blank forms by employer; penalty for noncompliance.
- NRS 616A.485 - Employer’s records open to inspection.
- NRS 616A.490 - Employer to post notice identifying industrial insurer; contents of notice.
- NRS 616A.495 - Employer to make available evidence of coverage; penalty for noncompliance.
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