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this Chapter
2019 Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 704 - Regulation of Public Utilities Generally
Standards and Practices
Conversion of Certain Generation Facilities
Discretionary Service Resource Planning, Energy Conservation and Programs of Economic Development
- NRS 704.001 - Purpose and policy of Legislature in enacting chapter.
- NRS 704.005 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.006 - “Basic network service” defined.
- NRS 704.007 - “Biomass” defined.
- NRS 704.008 - “Business line service” defined.
- NRS 704.010 - “Commission” defined.
- NRS 704.011 - “Competitive supplier” defined.
- NRS 704.012 - “Consumer’s Advocate” defined.
- NRS 704.013 - “Fund to maintain the availability of telephone service” defined.
- NRS 704.0135 - “Incumbent local exchange carrier” defined.
- NRS 704.0137 - “Interexchange carrier” defined.
- NRS 704.014 - “Local exchange carrier” defined.
- NRS 704.015 - “Person” defined.
- NRS 704.018 - “Provider of last resort” defined.
- NRS 704.020 - “Public utility” or “utility” defined.
- NRS 704.021 - “Public utility” or “utility” further defined.
- NRS 704.023 - “Small-scale provider of last resort” defined.
- NRS 704.025 - “Telecommunication” defined.
- NRS 704.027 - “Telecommunication provider” or “telephone company” defined.
- NRS 704.028 - “Telecommunication service” or “telephone service” defined.
- NRS 704.031 - Power to subpoena person claiming exemption.
- NRS 704.032 - Participation of Office of Economic Development in proceedings before Commission.
- NRS 704.033 - Levy and collection; limitations.
- NRS 704.035 - Report on revenue; computation, payment and adjustment of assessment; fee for delinquent assessment; action for collection; transfer to Consumer’s Advocate.
- NRS 704.040 - Charges for services must be just and reasonable; applicability; fair and impartial regulation of telecommunication providers; fund to maintain availability of telephone service; regulations concerning independent administrator to certify or recertify eligibility of customers for lifeline service; termination of service to certify or recertify eligibility for lifeline service under certain circumstances.
- NRS 704.050 - Special contract rates.
- NRS 704.060 - Charge for shorter haul included within longer haul.
- NRS 704.061 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.062 - “Application to make changes in any schedule” and “application” defined.
- NRS 704.065 - “Rate” defined.
- NRS 704.066 - “Schedule” defined.
- NRS 704.068 - Acts deemed to be change in schedule.
- NRS 704.069 - Commission required to conduct consumer session for certain rate cases; Commission required to conduct general consumer session annually in certain counties.
- NRS 704.070 - Public utility required to file current schedules with Commission and to post current schedules at certain offices; public inspection of current schedules.
- NRS 704.075 - Separate standards for rates for natural gas supplied to commercial and industrial customers; exemption from certain provisions concerning rates.
- NRS 704.085 - Electric utility prohibited from making change in schedule or imposing rate which requires residential customer to purchase electric service based on time of usage; exceptions.
- NRS 704.095 - Simplified procedures or methodologies for changing rates for certain public utilities furnishing water or services for sewage.
- NRS 704.097 - Simplified procedure for obtaining certificate of public convenience and necessity and for changing rates for certain public utilities furnishing liquefied petroleum gas.
- NRS 704.100 - Procedure for changing schedule: Approval of Commission required; filing application or letter of advice; quarterly rate adjustments for certain utilities; posting proposed, new and amended schedules; limitation on use of certain information to justify rate increase; power of Commission to dispense with hearing in certain matters; request for waiver.
- NRS 704.110 - Procedure for changing schedule: Investigation by Commission; parties; time within which Commission must act; general rate application; other applications and rate adjustments; deferred energy accounting adjustments; recovery of costs to plan, construct, retire or eliminate certain facilities.
- NRS 704.120 - Commission may substitute just and reasonable rates, regulations, practices or services after investigation and hearing; exceptions.
- NRS 704.130 - Rates effective and regulations enforceable until modified by Commission or court.
- NRS 704.140 - Free or reduced rates for transportation unlawful; exceptions; penalty.
- NRS 704.143 - Persons with physical or mental disabilities entitled to full and equal enjoyment of facilities for public transportation; unlawful denial of services and facilities.
- NRS 704.145 - Unlawful to refuse service of public transportation or charge additional fee or deposit to certain persons accompanied by service animal or service animal in training; exception; remedies.
- NRS 704.150 - Duty of connecting railroad to transfer car for just and reasonable charge.
- NRS 704.160 - Duty of railroad to provide and maintain depots, stations and other facilities.
- NRS 704.170 - Duty of railroad to furnish freight cars to shippers; regulations.
- NRS 704.175 - Compliance with standards for electrical construction; inspection; exemption.
- NRS 704.183 - Examination of certain public utilities.
- NRS 704.1835 - Commission required to adopt or amend regulations relating to termination of utility service for gas, water or electricity.
- NRS 704.185 - Use of deferred accounting by certain natural gas utilities; procedure; limitations.
- NRS 704.187 - Use of deferred accounting by certain electric utilities; procedure; limitations.
- NRS 704.190 - Report and investigation of accident or motor vehicle crash; regulations; forms; public inspection of report; inadmissibility of report in action for damages.
- NRS 704.195 - Recording of telephone call concerning emergency or service outage; disclosure.
- NRS 704.197 - Public utility to provide name and address of person listed in records of utility upon request of public administrator or deputy or certain other persons performing duties of public administrator; immunity for disclosure made in good faith.
- NRS 704.201 - Investigation by law enforcement agency: Subpoena for name and address of person listed in records of customers.
- NRS 704.202 - Investigation by law enforcement agency: Disclosure of name and address of person listed in records of customers.
- NRS 704.206 - Provision of list of customers for district judge or jury commissioner; reimbursement for cost of compiling list; immunity from liability for disclosure of list.
- NRS 704.210 - Powers of Commission: Adoption of regulations; supervision and regulation of public utilities; exceptions.
- NRS 704.215 - Powers of Commission: Adoption of certain rules, regulations and rates by reference.
- NRS 704.220 - Powers of Commission: Fixing standards; examination and testing of product or service.
- NRS 704.223 - Authorization of purchase or transmission of electricity to certain businesses to reduce overall cost of electricity to business.
- NRS 704.225 - Regulations requiring lower rates for electricity for irrigation pumps: Interruptible service.
- NRS 704.230 - Installation and use of water meters; separate rate for residential users. [Effective until certain conditions concerning agreement between Sierra Pacific Power Company and Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe have been met.]
- NRS 704.230 - Installation of water meters required by certain residential buildings; exceptions. [Effective when certain conditions concerning agreement between Sierra Pacific Power Company and Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe have been met.]
- NRS 704.235 - Use by local government of facilities of public utility for treatment, transportation or exchange of water.
- NRS 704.240 - Powers of Commission: Purchase of apparatus for examinations and tests; entry on premises to make examination and test.
- NRS 704.250 - Powers of Commission: Standards for maintenance, use and operation of electric poles, wires, cables and appliances.
- NRS 704.260 - Powers of Commission: Requiring repair and construction of property and use of appliances for safety; regulations.
- NRS 704.280 - Powers of Commission: Regulation of lines and tracks; regulations; safety devices.
- NRS 704.285 - Violation of law governing interception or disclosure of communications made by wire or radio: Investigation; hearing; orders to cease and desist.
- NRS 704.300 - Railroad crossings: Powers of Commission; payment of expenses.
- NRS 704.305 - Railroad crossings: Apportionment of costs of construction, reconstruction and protective devices; maintenance of surface.
- NRS 704.307 - Railroads: Duty of Commission to ensure safety; regulations.
- NRS 704.309 - Railroads: Commission to levy and collect annual assessments; fee for delinquent assessment; sale or transfer of certificate of public convenience and necessity; action for collection of assessment or fee.
- NRS 704.310 - Sale of surplus light, heat or power by person not public utility; approval by Commission.
- NRS 704.320 - Purchase of surplus water or electric current by public utility for resale; application filed with Commission; approval of application; seller not deemed public utility.
- NRS 704.322 - “Security” defined.
- NRS 704.323 - Issuance of security or assumption of obligation by privately owned public utility subject to authorization by Commission; exceptions.
- NRS 704.324 - Order authorizing issuance of security or assumption of obligation; variable-rate securities; supplemental order; findings; conditions.
- NRS 704.325 - Limitations on application of security or proceeds.
- NRS 704.326 - Guarantee or obligation of State not implied.
- NRS 704.327 - Payment of necessary expenses of Commission by public utility.
- NRS 704.328 - Inapplicability of NRS 704.322 to 704.326, inclusive, to certain public utilities.
- NRS 704.3296 - “Electric utility” defined.
- NRS 704.330 - Public utility to obtain certificate of public convenience and necessity; exceptions; terms and conditions; orders to cease and desist; duplication of se rvice; boundaries of certain service areas.
- NRS 704.340 - Municipalities and certain trusts for furtherance of public functions not required to obtain certificates; approval and jurisdiction of Commission.
- NRS 704.350 - Prerequisites to issuance of certificate.
- NRS 704.355 - Considerations for issuance of certificate to certain utilities providing water service or sewage service.
- NRS 704.360 - Conduct of investigations and hearings.
- NRS 704.370 - Issuance or refusal of certificate: Terms and conditions; hearing required for certain applications; power of Commission to dispense with hearing for certain applications.
- NRS 704.380 - Public utility beginning, prosecuting or completing new construction without certificate: Levy of tolls and charges prohibited and void; exceptions.
- NRS 704.390 - Discontinuance, modification or restriction of service: Authorization of Commission required; hearing required for certain applications; power of Commission to dispense with hearing for certain applications.
- NRS 704.400 - Order of Commission prima facie lawful from date of order.
- NRS 704.410 - Transfer of certificate: Authorization of Commission required; hearing required for certain transfers; power of Commission to dispense with hearing for certain transfers; factors considered; effectiveness of certificate after transfer.
- NRS 704.595 - Civil penalty for violation of regulations adopted in conformity with Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968; compromise and recovery of penalty.
- NRS 704.600 - Failure or refusal to make reports or allow examination unlawful; administrative fine.
- NRS 704.630 - Additional civil remedies of Commission.
- NRS 704.635 - Order by Commission to cease and desist.
- NRS 704.638 - Unlawful to post sign on device of public utility used to support line for telephone or electricity.
- NRS 704.640 - Criminal penalties.
- NRS 704.645 - Remedies of State cumulative; election of remedies.
- NRS 704.660 - Public utility supplying water required to provide sufficient water for protection from fire at reasonable rates; regulations by Commission.
- NRS 704.661 - Certain public utilities furnishing water or sewage service required to submit resource plan for meeting demand made on system; request for waiver from submission of resource plan; contents and procedure; recovery of certain costs and expenditures relating to plan.
- NRS 704.662 - Plan of water conservation: Requirement and procedure for adoption; review by Commission; election to comply with plan adopted by Commission.
- NRS 704.6622 - Plan of water conservation: Contents; approval by Commission. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]
- NRS 704.6622 - Plan of water conservation: Contents; approval by Commission. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
- NRS 704.6623 - Plan of water conversion: Submission of water loss audit or certain calculations regarding water service; comparison with previous audit or calculations and analysis of progress towards goals. [Effective January 1, 2020.]
- NRS 704.6624 - Plan to provide incentives for water conservation: Procedure for adoption; revision; review and approval by Commission.
- NRS 704.663 - Certain public utilities furnishing water or sewage service: Regulations by Commission to consider certain requests by utility to recover costs or impose surcharge.
- NRS 704.664 - Facility for treatment of water acquired and constructed by county: Approval of Commission required for imposition of tax to finance facility if water taxed is supplied by public utility; determination by Commission.
- NRS 704.6642 - Facility for treatment of water acquired and constructed by county: Billing and collection of tax imposed on customers of public utility.
- NRS 704.6644 - Facility for treatment of water acquired and constructed by county: Public utility’s use of water treatment services provided by facility authorized; Commission’s approval of agreement for use required.
- NRS 704.6646 - Facility for treatment of water acquired and constructed by county: Operation and maintenance of facility by public utility authorized; Commission’s approval of agreement for operation and maintenance required.
- NRS 704.665 - Water to be provided through single connection to building containing multiple units for occupancy; exception.
- NRS 704.667 - Public utility not required to furnish water for artificial lake or stream if prohibited or restricted by ordinance in certain counties; exceptions.
- NRS 704.6672 - Review of water supply and sewage service for certain proposed subdivisions: Duties of Commission; fee; exceptions.
- NRS 704.6674 - Supplier of water or services for sewage: Regulation by county; exceptions; appointment of receiver upon petition of county commissioners.
- NRS 704.6676 - Supplier of water or services for sewage: Appointment of receiver upon petition of Commission.
- NRS 704.668 - Disposal or encumbrance of property by certain public utilities furnishing water or services for sewage: Approval of Commission required; hearing required in certain matters; regulations.
- NRS 704.673 - Cooperatives, nonprofit corporations and associations supplying services both to public and members declared public utilities; regulation by Commission.
- NRS 704.675 - Cooperatives, nonprofit corporations and associations supplying services to members only declared public utilities; limited jurisdiction of Commission.
- NRS 704.677 - Certificates of public convenience and necessity to be issued to certain cooperatives, nonprofit corporations and associations; contents of statement and certificate.
Standards and Practices
- NRS 704.6873 - Adoption of regulations regarding telecommunication service furnished to certain public facilities, providers of health care, low-income persons and rural, insular and high-cost areas.
- NRS 704.6875 - Customer entitled to written notice of duration of certain calls.
- NRS 704.6877 - Adoption of regulations regarding notice provided by incumbent local exchange carriers of certain interconnection agreements.
- NRS 704.6878 - Adoption of regulations regarding incumbent local exchange carriers and the obligations of providers of last resort.
- NRS 704.6881 - Establishment of standards and penalties to encourage competition and discourage discrimination in provision of local telecommunication services.
- NRS 704.6882 - Establishment of expedited procedures for certain complaints filed by provider against another provider.
- NRS 704.6883 - Judicial review of certain decisions of Commission.
- NRS 704.6884 - Providers required to comply with state and federal consumer and antitrust protections; providers subject to laws governing unfair trade practices for violations of standards established by Commission.
- NRS 704.68861 - Applicability.
- NRS 704.68863 - Powers and duties under certain federal and state laws preserved.
- NRS 704.68865 - Adoption of regulations.
- NRS 704.68867 - Filing of reports.
- NRS 704.68869 - Regulation of small-scale providers of last resort.
- NRS 704.68871 - Exemption from review and monitoring of certain financial data; limited financial and accounting requirements.
- NRS 704.68873 - Exemption from regulation of telecommunication service; exceptions.
- NRS 704.68875 - Exemption from filing schedules or tariffs; requirements regarding publication of certain rate and service information.
- NRS 704.68877 - Requirements and exemptions regarding basic network service.
- NRS 704.68879 - Requirements regarding access to emergency 911 service; requirements and procedure regarding deregulation of intrastate switched or special access service.
- NRS 704.68881 - Authority of provider of last resort to satisfy obligations through alternative voice service; conditions and limitations.
- NRS 704.68883 - Permitted billing practices for certain service.
- NRS 704.68885 - Requirements regarding discontinuation of service.
- NRS 704.68886 - Relief from obligations and status as provider of last resort; requirements; filing application; power of Commission to declare emergency in area where alternative voice service is unavailable.
- NRS 704.68887 - Anticompetitive acts and unlawful discrimination prohibited.
Conversion of Certain Generation Facilities
- NRS 704.701 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.706 - Conversion of facility to allow firing by coal: Application for adjustment of rates; public hearing.
- NRS 704.711 - Decision on application for adjustment; conditions; requirements for approval; federal or state grants.
- NRS 704.716 - Calculation of amount of adjustment; effect on rates, prices and charges.
- NRS 704.721 - Filing of tariff on date of conversion.
- NRS 704.726 - Annual accounting of cost of conversion and revenues from adjustment in rates; termination of adjustment upon recovery of cost of conversion.
- NRS 704.731 - Faith of State pledged.
- NRS 704.7311 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.7312 - “Coal-fired electric generating plant” defined.
- NRS 704.7313 - “Electric utility” defined.
- NRS 704.7314 - “Emissions reduction and capacity replacement plan” defined.
- NRS 704.7315 - “Renewable energy facility” defined.
- NRS 704.7316 - Comprehensive plan for reduction of emissions from coal-fired electric generating plants and increased capacity from renewable energy facilities and other electric generating plants; contents and requirements.
- NRS 704.7317 - Electric utility required to record certain amounts in regulatory asset.
- NRS 704.7318 - Sites used for production of electricity from coal-fired electric generating plant, natural gas electric generating plant or renewable energy facility: Remediation or reuse; regulation of emissions from electric generating plants constructed on certain sites.
- NRS 704.7319 - General rate proceedings filed before June 1, 2018, which include request to recover certain costs.
- NRS 704.732 - Amendment to utility’s emissions reduction and capacity replacement plan required when utility requests approval and acceptance by Commission of contract with new renewable energy facility.
- NRS 704.7321 - Commission may recommend to electric utility modification of or amendment to emissions reduction and capacity replacement plan.
- NRS 704.7322 - Regulations.
- NRS 704.733 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.7331 - “Asset” defined.
- NRS 704.7332 - “Decommissioned” defined.
- NRS 704.7333 - “Electric utility” defined.
- NRS 704.7334 - “Operational” defined.
- NRS 704.7335 - “Post-operational reserve” defined.
- NRS 704.7336 - “Pre-operational reserve” defined.
- NRS 704.7337 - “Surplus” defined.
- NRS 704.7338 - Electric utility to file list of assets with Commission; contents of list.
- NRS 704.7339 - Reclassification of asset as surplus.
- NRS 704.734 - Surplus asset retirement plans: Filing; contents.
- NRS 704.7341 - Duty of electric utility to carry out surplus asset retirement plan.
- NRS 704.736 - Applicability.
- NRS 704.7362 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.7364 - “Cost effective” defined.
- NRS 704.7366 - “Energy efficiency and conservation program” defined.
- NRS 704.7368 - “Renewable energy facility” defined.
- NRS 704.738 - Program of optional pricing for electricity generated from renewable energy: Authorization of Commission required; Commission may authorize higher rates.
- NRS 704.741 - Plan to increase supply or decrease demands: Triennial submission required; joint plans by certain affiliated utilities; contents prescribed by regulation; requirements.
- NRS 704.744 - Utility required to provide overview of plan or amendment to plan to certain persons before filing such plan or amendment.
- NRS 704.746 - Public hearing on adequacy of plan; determination by Commission.
- NRS 704.751 - Order accepting or modifying plan or amendment to plan or specifying inadequacies; notice of utility to consent to or reject modifications; recovery of costs from customers; criteria for accepting energy efficiency plan, distributed resources plan and transmission plan.
- NRS 704.752 - Establishment of just and reasonable price for energy produced by renewable energy facility excluded from rate base and revenue requirement; performance terms and conditions of facility; findings regarding facility; regulations.
- NRS 704.753 - Acquisition by utility of renewable energy facility from which utility was authorized to purchase electricity in plan approved by Commission.
- NRS 704.754 - Reports regarding transmission plan.
- NRS 704.7561 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.7565 - “Affiliate” defined.
- NRS 704.7568 - “Dispose of a generation asset” defined.
- NRS 704.7571 - “Electric utility” defined.
- NRS 704.7575 - “Generation asset” defined.
- NRS 704.7578 - “Interest in a generation asset” defined.
- NRS 704.7581 - “Person” defined.
- NRS 704.7585 - Provisions do not prohibit certain transactions involving generation assets or other property.
- NRS 704.7588 - Conditions and limitations on disposal of generation assets; approval of Commission required; application; parties; effect of certain orders.
- NRS 704.7591 - Conditions and limitations on disposal of generation assets pursuant to certain mergers, acquisitions, transactions and transfers.
- NRS 704.7595 - Effect of violation.
- NRS 704.761 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.7611 - “Alternative rate-making mechanism” defined.
- NRS 704.7612 - “Alternative rate-making plan” defined.
- NRS 704.7613 - “Decoupling mechanism” defined.
- NRS 704.7614 - “Earnings-sharing mechanism” defined.
- NRS 704.7615 - “Electric utility” defined.
- NRS 704.7616 - “Formula rates” defined.
- NRS 704.7617 - “Multi-year rate plan” defined.
- NRS 704.7618 - “Performance-based rates” defined.
- NRS 704.7619 - “Subscription pricing” defined.
- NRS 704.762 - Regulations establishing procedures to apply for approval of alternative rate-making plan; Commission not required to accept applications to establish plan if certain criteria not met.
- NRS 704.7621 - Application for establishment of alternative rate-making plan; action by Commission on application; consumer session required; investigation relating to alternative rate-making plan.
- NRS 704.7622 - Prohibition against construction limiting rate-making authority of Commission.
- NRS 704.763 - Electric utility required to disclose certain information concerning electric services; format, contents and methods of disclosure; regulations; exceptions.
- NRS 704.764 - Electric utility required to disclose certain information concerning recycling of electronic and other waste; format, contents and methods of disclosure; regulations.
- NRS 704.766 - Legislative declaration.
- NRS 704.767 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.7675 - “Contiguous” defined.
- NRS 704.768 - “Customer-generator” defined.
- NRS 704.769 - “Net metering” defined.
- NRS 704.771 - “Net metering system” defined.
- NRS 704.7715 - “Renewable energy” defined.
- NRS 704.772 - “Utility” defined.
- NRS 704.7725 - Utility required to submit request to Commission to establish time-variant rate schedule designed to expand use of energy storage systems; review by Commission.
- NRS 704.773 - Utility required to offer net metering; limitations; rights and duties regarding energy meters and imposition of certain fees and charges; right of customer-generator to continue net metering for 20 years; regulations.
- NRS 704.7732 - Utility required to provide customer-generator with credit for excess electricity; amount of credit; monthly report of cumulative installed capacity of certain net metering systems.
- NRS 704.774 - Standards; utility prohibited from requiring certain customer-generators to meet additional requirements.
- NRS 704.775 - Billing; calculation of net energy measurement; treatment of excess electricity; status of net metering system under portfolio standard.
- NRS 704.776 - Conditions and limitations on utilities and customer-generators in open, competitive retail electric energy market. [Effective with respect to electricity customers in a service territory on the date on which the Legislature provides for an open, competitive retail electric energy market for all electricity customers within that service territory.]
- NRS 704.777 - Commission required to open investigatory docket to establish methods to determine impact of net metering on rates; biennial report to Legislature.
- NRS 704.7801 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.7802 - “Energy efficiency measure” defined.
- NRS 704.7803 - “Portfolio energy credit” defined.
- NRS 704.7804 - “Portfolio energy system or efficiency measure” defined.
- NRS 704.7805 - “Portfolio standard” defined.
- NRS 704.7808 - “Provider of electric service” and “provider” defined.
- NRS 704.7809 - “Qualified energy recovery process” defined.
- NRS 704.7811 - “Renewable energy” defined.
- NRS 704.7815 - “Renewable energy system” defined.
- NRS 704.7818 - “Retail customer” defined.
- NRS 704.7819 - “Utility provider” defined.
- NRS 704.7820 - Legislative findings and declarations.
- NRS 704.7821 - Establishment of portfolio standard; requirements; treatment of certain solar energy systems; portfolio energy credits; renewable energy contracts and energy efficiency contracts; exemptions; regulations.
- NRS 704.78213 - Establishment of portfolio standard for providers of new electric resources; requirements; treatment of certain solar energy systems.
- NRS 704.78215 - Calculation of portfolio energy credits.
- NRS 704.7822 - Calculation of electricity generated or acquired from certain solar photovoltaic systems.
- NRS 704.7823 - System that draws or creates electricity from tires deemed not to be renewable energy system; exception; calculation of electricity generated or acquired from certain systems that utilize reverse polymerization process.
- NRS 704.7825 - Reports; exceptions.
- NRS 704.78253 - Reports by certain providers not subject to jurisdiction of Commission.
- NRS 704.7826 - Certain providers not subject to jurisdiction of Commission.
- NRS 704.7827 - Temporary renewable energy development program.
- NRS 704.7828 - Regulations; authority to carry forward or sell excess electricity; enforcement; administrative fines.
- NRS 704.783 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.7831 - “Cost effective” defined.
- NRS 704.7832 - “Electric utility” defined.
- NRS 704.7833 - “Energy efficiency program” defined.
- NRS 704.7834 - “Energy savings” defined.
- NRS 704.7835 - Legislative findings and declarations.
- NRS 704.7836 - Commission required to establish by regulation goals for energy savings for each utility; Commission authorized to modify goals under certain circumstances; inclusion and approval of energy efficiency plan as part of resource plan; allocation of percentage of total expenditures on energy efficiency programs to low-income customers.
- NRS 704.7871 - Definitions. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]As used in NRS 704.7871 to 704.7882, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 704.7872, 704.7873 and 704.7874 have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.
- NRS 704.7872 - “Electric utility” defined. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.7873 - “Participant” defined. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.7874 - “Program” defined. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.7875 - Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program: Establishment; administration by Commission. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.7876 - Participation in Program: Application; eligibility requirements; determination and initial approval. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.7877 - Participation in Program: Additional requirements; contract terms and content. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.7878 - Electric utility required to recover certain amounts through deferred energy accounting adjustment application. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.7879 - Failure by participant to comply with contract or Program. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.788 - Limitations on acceptance or approval of application for participation in Program. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.7881 - Regulations. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.7882 - Preparation of written report by Commission; submission of report to Legislature. [Effective through the date on which the last contract entered into pursuant to the Program terminates, whether termination is by expiration of the terms or otherwise.]
- NRS 704.791 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.792 - “Electric utility” defined.
- NRS 704.793 - “Energy storage system” defined.
- NRS 704.794 - “Procure” or “procurement” defined.
- NRS 704.795 - Commission required to determine whether targets for the procurement of energy storage systems by electric utility is in public interest; required factors to consider; calculation of benefits and costs.
- NRS 704.796 - Commission to adopt regulations relating to procurement of energy storage systems if targets for procurement of energy storage systems by electric utility are in public interest.
- NRS 704.797 - Requirements for energy storage systems procured to meet targets.
- NRS 704.800 - Unlawful acts involving theft or damage to property: Criminal penalties.
- NRS 704.805 - Unlawful acts involving theft or damage to property: Civil remedies.
- NRS 704.820 - Short title.
- NRS 704.825 - Declaration of legislative findings and purpose.
- NRS 704.830 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.834 - “Appropriate federal agency” defined.
- NRS 704.840 - “Commence to construct” defined.
- NRS 704.842 - “Environmental review” defined.
- NRS 704.845 - “Local government” defined.
- NRS 704.848 - “Other permitting entity” defined.
- NRS 704.850 - “Person” defined.
- NRS 704.855 - “Public utility” and “utility” defined.
- NRS 704.860 - “Utility facility” defined.
- NRS 704.863 - Applicability.
- NRS 704.865 - Permit required to construct utility facility; transfer of permit; exemptions; waiver of exemption.
- NRS 704.870 - Requirements for filing application: Form and contents; procedure when federal agency is required to conduct environmental analysis; time for filing application; service; public notice.
- NRS 704.871 - Approval of application for utility facility not intended to serve customers in State.
- NRS 704.873 - Commission has exclusive jurisdiction to determine need for utility facilities of certain public utilities; other permitting entities precluded from considering need.
- NRS 704.875 - Review of application by Division of Environmental Protection of State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
- NRS 704.877 - Duty to accept and incorporate findings and conclusions of environmental review that already has been conducted; duplicative review prohibited; exception; duty to cooperate and coordinate to avoid duplication of activities.
- NRS 704.880 - Power of Commission to dispense with hearing for certain applications; practice and procedure at hearings.
- NRS 704.885 - Parties to proceeding for permit; limited appearance; intervention.
- NRS 704.890 - Grant or denial of permit: Required findings; conditions and modifications.
- NRS 704.8905 - Grant or denial of application: Time within which Commission and other permitting entities must act; determination upon record; terms, conditions and modifications; service of Commission order.
- NRS 704.891 - Reports to be filed with Commission by person holding permit who is not public utility.
- NRS 704.893 - Limitations on purchase of capacity of utility facility by certain public utilities.
- NRS 704.895 - Rehearing; judicial review.
- NRS 704.897 - Effect of provisions on jurisdiction of Commission over public utilities serving retail customers in State.
- NRS 704.900 - Cooperation with other states and Federal Government.
- NRS 704.905 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.910 - Applicability of provisions to manufactured home parks and mobile home parks; utility or alternative seller prohibited from selling to landlord at higher rate.
- NRS 704.920 - Applicability of provisions to company towns; examination of lines and equipment; costs; consequences of refusal to allow examination; repair of unsafe lines or equipment.
- NRS 704.930 - Manner of provision and interruption of service by landlord of manufactured home park or mobile home park or owner of company town; notice of proposed increase in rates.
- NRS 704.940 - Rates; service charges; proration and limitations on certain charges for water; itemization of charges; retention of copy of billings; transfer of balance by landlord upon termination of interest in manufactured home park or mobile home park.
- NRS 704.950 - Complaints: Investigation by Division of Consumer Complaint Resolution; action by Commission; enforcement of order.
- NRS 704.960 - Annual report to be filed by landlord of manufactured home park or mobile home park or owner of company town.
Discretionary Service Resource Planning, Energy Conservation and Programs of Economic Development
- NRS 704.991 - Informational report to Commission required regarding anticipated demand, estimated cost, sources of gas and significant operational or capital requirements.
- NRS 704.992 - Establishment of methods and programs to encourage natural gas utilities to support energy conservation.
- NRS 704.9925 - Regulations authorizing natural gas utility to expand infrastructure consistent with program of economic development.
- NRS 704.993 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.994 - “Alternative seller” defined.
- NRS 704.995 - “Person” defined.
- NRS 704.996 - “Potentially competitive service” defined.
- NRS 704.997 - Alternative plan of regulation for utility that supplies natural gas: Requirements; regulations; applicability of statutory provisions; use of name or logo by affiliate; sale of service relating to supply of natural gas by unlicensed alternative seller unlawful.
- NRS 704.998 - Licensing of alternative sellers: Requirements; regulations; denial, limitation, suspension or revocation.
- NRS 704.9985 - Collection of taxes, fees and assessments from customers: Duties of public utilities and alternative sellers; billing requirements; disciplinary action for failure to comply.
- NRS 704.999 - Restoration of service: Conditions; tariffs.
- NRS 704.9991 - Definitions.
- NRS 704.9992 - “Biogas” defined.
- NRS 704.9993 - “Environmental attributes” defined.
- NRS 704.9994 - “Renewable energy” defined.
- NRS 704.9995 - “Renewable natural gas” defined.
- NRS 704.9996 - “Renewable natural gas facility” defined.
- NRS 704.9997 - Regulations authorizing renewable natural gas activities; approval of activities; recovery of costs; activities authorized to be approved; incorporation of renewable natural gas into gas supply portfolio.
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