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2024 Nebraska Revised Statutes
Chapter 84 - State Officers
- 84-101 - State property; Governor the legal custodian.
- 84-101.01 - Governor; salary.
- 84-102 - Executive officers; duty to report to Governor.
- 84-103 - Civil officers; commissions; issuance by Governor.
- 84-104 - Thanksgiving Day; proclamation by Governor.
- 84-104.01 - Veterans Day; proclamation by Governor; prohibition of transaction of business by state departments; manner of observance.
- 84-104.02 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; manner of observance.
- 84-104.03 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; proclamation by Governor; commemoration.
- 84-104.04 - George W. Norris Day; manner of observance.
- 84-104.05 - George W. Norris Day; proclamation by Governor; commemoration.
- 84-104.06 - American Indian Day; legislative findings.
- 84-104.07 - American Indian Day; manner of observance.
- 84-104.08 - American Indian Day; proclamation by Governor; commemoration.
- 84-104.09 - Workers Memorial Day; proclamation by Governor; commemoration.
- 84-105 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 353, § 1.
- 84-106 - Superintendent of Law Enforcement and Public Safety; deputies; appointment by Governor; bond or insurance; powers; actions against, where brought.
- 84-107 - State Day; observance; commemoration; proclamation.
- 84-108 - Pulaski's Memorial Day; proclamation; observance.
- 84-108.01 - Observances; not paid holidays.
- 84-109 - State projects; control and supervision by Governor; when authorized; delegation of powers.
- 84-110 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-111 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-111.01 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-112 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-113 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-114 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-115 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-116 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-117 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-118 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-119 - Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 494, § 34.
- 84-119.01 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 226, § 5.
- 84-119.02 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 226, § 5.
- 84-119.03 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 226, § 5.
- 84-119.04 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 226, § 5.
- 84-119.05 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 226, § 5.
- 84-120 - Governor; succession to office.
- 84-121 - Governor; succession to office; resignation required.
- 84-122 - Governor; succession to office; oath of office; effect.
- 84-123 - Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 406, § 21.
- 84-124 - Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 406, § 21.
- 84-125 - Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 406, § 21.
- 84-126 - Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 406, § 21.
- 84-127 - Governor; disability; examination; conference; members; findings; effect.
- 84-128 - Governor; disability; removal; examination; conference; members; findings; effect.
- 84-129 - Governor; disability; conference; member; unable to perform duty; successor.
- 84-130 - Governor; disability; findings; appeal; procedure; validity of acts of successor to office of Governor.
- 84-131 - Comprehensive state and regional planning; declaration of purpose.
- 84-132 - Sections; purpose.
- 84-133 - Governor's Policy Research Office; created; members; Director of Policy Research; appointment; duties; Governor's Policy Research Office Revolving Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-134 - Advisory committees or councils; members; appointment; no compensation; expenses; meetings.
- 84-135 - Governor's Policy Research Office; principal state office to coordinate policy development; duties; Governor's Policy Research Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-135.01 - Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 412, § 32.
- 84-136 - Governor's Policy Research Office; state development policy alternatives; powers.
- 84-137 - Governor's Policy Research Office; functional plans; Governor; powers.
- 84-138 - Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 412, § 32.
- 84-139 - Plans of state agencies; approval by Governor's Policy Research Office.
- 84-140 - Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 811, § 1.
- 84-140.01 - Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 14, § 1.
- 84-141 - Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice; planning programs; consistent with planning policies of Governor's Policy Research Office.
- 84-142 - Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 573, § 16.
- 84-143 - Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 573, § 16.
- 84-144 - Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 573, § 16.
- 84-145 - Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 573, § 16.
- 84-146 - Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 573, § 16.
- 84-147 - Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 573, § 16.
- 84-148 - Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 573, § 16.
- 84-149 - Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 573, § 16.
- 84-150 - Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 573, § 16.
- 84-151 - Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 421, § 6.
- 84-152 - Transferred to section 13-301.
- 84-153 - Transferred to section 13-302.
- 84-154 - Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 421, § 6.
- 84-155 - Transferred to section 19-912.01.
- 84-156 - Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 421, § 6.
- 84-157 - Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 421, § 6.
- 84-158 - Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 421, § 6.
- 84-159 - Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 421, § 6.
- 84-160 - Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 421, § 6.
- 84-161 - Comprehensive development plans; Governor's Policy Research Office; assist in preparation; when.
- 84-162 - Vital resource emergencies; legislative findings.
- 84-163 - Terms, defined.
- 84-164 - Vital resource emergency; Governor declare; when; termination.
- 84-165 - Vital resource emergency; legislative determination; response of Governor.
- 84-166 - Vital resource emergency; Governor; powers.
- 84-167 - Emergency measures; exemption; issued by Governor.
- 84-168 - Acceptance of cession or retrocession of federal jurisdiction; conditions; filing; memorandum of understanding.
- 84-201 - Department of Justice; Attorney General; head.
- 84-201.01 - Attorney General; salary.
- 84-201.02 - Restriction on private practice of law.
- 84-202 - Department of Justice; powers and duties.
- 84-203 - Attorney General; actions by or against the state; duties.
- 84-204 - Attorney General; power in counties concurrent with county attorney.
- 84-205 - Attorney General; powers and duties; Child Protection Division.
- 84-206 - Deputy attorney general; bond or insurance; powers and duties; compensation.
- 84-206.01 - Attorney General; actions relating to boundary lines; duty.
- 84-206.02 - Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 220, § 4.
- 84-206.03 - Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 84-206.04 - Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 402, § 1.
- 84-207 - Attorney General; actions involving use of waters of interstate streams; duty.
- 84-208 - Attorney General; actions involving use of waters in interstate streams; special counsel; expense.
- 84-209 - Attorney General; actions against members of Legislature; defense; when authorized.
- 84-210 - Attorney General; actions against members of Legislature; defense when Attorney General disqualified.
- 84-211 - Attorney General; antitrust division; violations of federal antitrust laws; duties.
- 84-212 - Attorney General; antitrust matters; powers; duties; damages; proof; distribution.
- 84-213 - Attorney General; antitrust matters; investigation; powers; duties; subpoena.
- 84-214 - Antitrust matters; labor of human beings; exempt.
- 84-215 - Repealed. Laws 2024, LB287, § 81.
- 84-216 - State agency; failure or refusal to implement statute; action by Attorney General; when; costs.
- 84-217 - Section; cumulative to existing remedies.
- 84-218 - Statewide model anonymous reporting protocol for health care providers.
- 84-219 - Department of Justice Revolving Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-220 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1061, § 28.
- 84-221 - Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 322, § 43.
- 84-301 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 692, § 13.
- 84-302 - Transferred to section 81-1107.01.
- 84-303 - Transferred to section 81-1125.01.
- 84-304 - Auditor; powers and duties; assistant deputies; qualifications; powers and duties.
- 84-304.01 - Auditor; audit, financial, or accounting reports; minimum standards; establish; political subdivisions; failure to file report; late fee; performance audits.
- 84-304.02 - Auditor; audit, financial, accounting, or retirement system plan reports; written review; copies; disposition.
- 84-304.03 - Auditor; establish minimum standards.
- 84-305 - Public entity; access to records; procedure; Auditor of Public Accounts; powers; nonpublic information shall not be made public.
- 84-305.01 - Audit report; working papers and audit files; access; request; failure to comply; late fee; refuse report; deficiency; powers and duties.
- 84-305.02 - Prohibited acts; penalty.
- 84-306 - Transferred to section 81-1170.
- 84-306.01 - Transferred to section 81-1174.
- 84-306.02 - Transferred to section 81-1175.
- 84-306.03 - Transferred to section 81-1176.
- 84-306.04 - Transferred to section 81-1171.
- 84-306.05 - Transferred to section 81-1177.
- 84-306.06 - Transferred to section 81-1178.
- 84-306.07 - Transferred to section 81-1179.
- 84-306.08 - Transferred to section 81-1180.
- 84-306.09 - Transferred to section 81-1181.
- 84-307 - Transferred to section 81-1107.02.
- 84-308 - Transferred to section 81-1107.03.
- 84-309 - Transferred to section 81-1172.
- 84-310 - Transferred to section 81-1173.
- 84-311 - Reports and working papers; disclosure status; penalty.
- 84-312 - Auditor; oath; power to administer.
- 84-313 - Transferred to section 81-1107.04.
- 84-314 - Auditor; deputy; bond or insurance; compensation; duties; qualifications.
- 84-314.01 - Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 84-314.02 - Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 84-315 - Auditor; seal; evidentiary effect.
- 84-316 - Auditor of Public Accounts; powers; employees; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.
- 84-317 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 748, § 1.
- 84-318 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 748, § 1.
- 84-319 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 748, § 1.
- 84-320 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 748, § 1.
- 84-321 - Auditor of Public Accounts Cash Fund; created; use.
- 84-322 - Performance audits; authorized; report.
- 84-323 - Auditor of Public Accounts; federal funds; Statewide Single Audit; exclusive authority to perform.
- 84-401 - Board of Educational Lands and Funds; records of state lands; duty to keep.
- 84-402 - Board of Educational Lands and Funds; seal.
- 84-403 - Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 394, § 1.
- 84-404 - Board of Educational Lands and Funds; field notes of Surveyor General of the United States; receipt.
- 84-405 - Board of Educational Lands and Funds; field notes of Surveyor General of the United States; custody.
- 84-406 - Board of Educational Lands and Funds; field notes of Surveyor General of the United States; inspection.
- 84-407 - State Surveyor; deputy professional land surveyors; duties; compensation.
- 84-407.01 - Deputy surveyor; private employment; no additional fees; cost of plat and field notes.
- 84-408 - State Surveyor; duties; surveys; prima facie evidence of correctness.
- 84-409 - State Surveyor; surveys; fees; amount; disposition; Surveyors' Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-409.01 - Applications for surveys; costs advanced; disposition.
- 84-410 - State Surveyor; disputed surveys; how settled; prima facie evidence of correctness; compel testimony; oaths.
- 84-411 - State Surveyor; entry upon property authorized; damages.
- 84-412 - Survey record repository; established.
- 84-413 - Survey record repository; duties.
- 84-414 - Survey Record Repository Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-415 - Survey record repository; funding; fees.
- 84-501 - Secretary of State; Great Seal; custodian.
- 84-502 - Secretary of State; duties.
- 84-503 - Secretary of State; bills passed over Governor's veto; authentication.
- 84-504 - Secretary of State; bills not signed or returned to Legislature by Governor; authentication.
- 84-505 - Secretary of State; laws, acts, resolutions, bonds, insurance policies, records; custodian; transfer.
- 84-506 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 36, § 8.
- 84-507 - Secretary of State; oaths; acknowledgments; fees.
- 84-508 - Secretary of State; deputy; duties.
- 84-509 - Secretary of State; deputy; compensation.
- 84-509.01 - Restriction on political committee participation.
- 84-509.02 - Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 84-510 - Repealed. Laws 2020, LB910, § 49.
- 84-511 - Electronic transmission and filing of documents.
- 84-512 - Secretary of State Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-601 - State Treasurer; residence office; location.
- 84-602 - State Treasurer; duties.
- 84-602.01 - Taxpayer Transparency Act.
- 84-602.02 - Transferred to section 84-602.04.
- 84-602.03 - Taxpayer Transparency Act; terms, defined.
- 84-602.04 - Taxpayer Transparency Act; website; contents; link to Department of Administrative Services website; contents; actions by state entity prohibited; Department of Administrative Services; duties.
- 84-603 - State Treasurer; seal authentication; copies evidence of original.
- 84-604 - State Treasurer and Auditor of Public Accounts; records; delivery to successors.
- 84-605 - State Treasurer; records; inspection by Legislature; audit.
- 84-606 - State Treasurer; oaths; power to administer.
- 84-607 - State Treasurer; refusal to pay lawful warrant; penalty.
- 84-608 - State Treasurer; deputy; duties; compensation.
- 84-608.01 - Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 397, § 5.
- 84-608.02 - Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 286, § 1.
- 84-609 - Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 15, § 1.
- 84-610 - Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 15, § 1.
- 84-611 - Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 15, § 1.
- 84-612 - Cash Reserve Fund; created; transfers; limitations; receipt of federal funds.
- 84-613 - Cash Reserve Fund; investment; interest.
- 84-614 - Unreversed transfer; considered encumbrance; when.
- 84-615 - Petty cash fund; authorized.
- 84-616 - Judgments and security for debt; authority of State Treasurer to sell and assign.
- 84-617 - State Treasurer Administrative Fund; created; use; investment; fee schedule.
- 84-617.01 - Returned check or electronic payment not accepted; State Treasurer; state agency; assessment of charge; limitation.
- 84-618 - Treasury Management Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-619 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1061, § 29.
- 84-620 - State Treasurer; debtor of state agency; fees authorized; payment limitations.
- 84-621 - Repealed. Laws 2020, LB740, § 1.
- 84-622 - State Treasurer; duty to transfer funds.
- 84-701 - Fiscal year; beginning; end.
- 84-702 - State officers; biennial reports to Clerk of the Legislature.
- 84-703 - Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 339, § 1.
- 84-704 - Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 339, § 1.
- 84-705 - Repealed. Laws 1947, c. 344, § 8.
- 84-706 - Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 265, § 1.
- 84-707 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 341, § 1.
- 84-708 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 341, § 1.
- 84-709 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 341, § 1.
- 84-710 - Fees, proceeds, and money due state; payment to State Treasurer; duty of state officers and department heads; exceptions.
- 84-711 - Fees; failure to remit to State Treasurer; penalty.
- 84-712 - Public records; free examination; memorandum and abstracts; copies; fees.
- 84-712.01 - Public records; right of residents; full access; fee authorized.
- 84-712.02 - Public records; claimants before United States Department of Veterans Affairs; certified copies free of charge.
- 84-712.03 - Public records; denial of rights; remedies.
- 84-712.04 - Public records; denial of rights; public body; provide information.
- 84-712.05 - Records which may be withheld from the public; enumerated.
- 84-712.06 - Public record; portion provided; when.
- 84-712.07 - Public records; public access; equitable relief; attorney's fees; costs.
- 84-712.08 - Records; federal government; exception.
- 84-712.09 - Violation; penalty.
- 84-713 - Settled claims; record required; contents; public record; certain settlement agreements; public agency; agenda item; applicability of section.
- 84-713.01 - Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 590, § 19.
- 84-713.02 - Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 590, § 19.
- 84-713.03 - Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 590, § 19.
- 84-713.04 - Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 590, § 19.
- 84-713.05 - Transferred to section 50-117.
- 84-714 - Transferred to section 90-102.
- 84-715 - Transferred to section 90-103.
- 84-716 - Transferred to section 90-104.
- 84-716.01 - Transferred to section 90-105.
- 84-716.02 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 571, § 1.
- 84-716.03 - Transferred to section 90-106.
- 84-717 - Transferred to section 90-107.
- 84-718 - Elective constitutional state officer; status; effect of bond or insurance policy; right of action to establish; consent of state to suit.
- 84-719 - Elective constitutional state officer; status; effect of bond; action to establish; notice and hearing; service.
- 84-720 - Elective constitutional state officer; status; effect of bond; action to establish; notice; service upon Attorney General.
- 84-721 - Secretary of State; Auditor of Public Accounts; State Treasurer; Lieutenant Governor; salaries.
- 84-721.01 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 567, § 3.
- 84-721.02 - Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 286, § 1.
- 84-721.03 - Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 341, § 1.
- 84-722 - Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 84-723 - State officers; other compensation from state; prohibition.
- 84-724 - Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 84-725 - Transferred to section 90-108.
- 84-726 - Transferred to section 90-109.
- 84-727 - Transferred to section 90-110.
- 84-728 - Transferred to section 90-111.
- 84-729 - Transferred to section 90-112.
- 84-730 - Transferred to section 90-113.
- 84-731 - Governor; duty to implement laws; exceptions; Attorney General; action to implement.
- 84-732 - Governor or Attorney General; duty to implement laws; violation; penalty.
- 84-733 - Advertising or promotional materials; state funds; limitation.
- 84-801 - State officers; deputies; appointment; bond or insurance.
- 84-802 - Deputies; duties.
- 84-803 - State officers; appointment as deputy prohibited.
- 84-804 - Transferred to section 23-1704.01.
- 84-805 - Transferred to section 23-1704.02.
- 84-806 - Transferred to section 23-1704.03.
- 84-806.01 - Repealed. Laws 1976, LB 782, § 16.
- 84-807 - Deputies; oath.
- 84-808 - Transferred to section 23-1115.
- 84-809 - Transferred to section 24-403.
- 84-810 - Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 84-811 - Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 402, § 1.
- 84-901 - Terms, defined.
- 84-901.01 - Adoption and promulgation of rules and regulations; time; failure to adopt and promulgate; explanation; contents; hearing by standing committee of the Legislature; effect of legislative changes.
- 84-901.02 - Legislative findings.
- 84-901.03 - Agency; guidance document; issuance; availability; notice; request to revise or repeal; response; agency publish index.
- 84-901.04 - Emergency rule or regulation; factors; procedure; duration; renewal; filing; publication.
- 84-902 - Agency; rules and regulations; certified copies filed with Secretary of State; manner; open to public inspection.
- 84-903 - Agency; rules and regulations; publish.
- 84-904 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 992, § 11.
- 84-905 - Agency; rules and regulations; availability required; price.
- 84-905.01 - Rule or regulation; review by Attorney General.
- 84-906 - Rule or regulation; when valid; presumption; limitation of action.
- 84-906.01 - Official rulemaking or regulationmaking record; agency maintain; contents.
- 84-906.02 - Public comments; notice; agency; powers.
- 84-906.03 - Secretary of State; duties.
- 84-906.04 - Secretary of State; maintain docket for pending proceedings; contents.
- 84-906.05 - Rule or regulation; judicial notice.
- 84-906.06 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 784, § 2.
- 84-906.07 - Charitable organization; annual filing or reporting requirements.
- 84-907 - Rule or regulation; adoption; amendment; repeal; hearing; notice; procedure; exemption.
- 84-907.01 - Repealed. Laws 2016, LB867, § 21.
- 84-907.02 - Repealed. Laws 2016, LB867, § 21.
- 84-907.03 - Repealed. Laws 2020, LB910, § 49.
- 84-907.04 - Proposed rule or regulation; explanatory statement; contents; use; agency; written report; contents.
- 84-907.05 - Proposed rule or regulation; substantially different from published notice; considerations; limitation on agency.
- 84-907.06 - Adoption, amendment, or repeal of rule or regulation; notice to Executive Board of the Legislative Council and Secretary of State.
- 84-907.07 - Executive Board of the Legislative Council; standing committees of the Legislature; powers and duties.
- 84-907.08 - Petition to adopt a rule or regulation; form; procedure.
- 84-907.09 - Adoption, amendment, or repeal of rule or regulation; provide information to Governor.
- 84-907.10 - Member of the Legislature; complaint; procedure.
- 84-908 - Rule or regulation; adoption; amendment; repeal; considerations; when effective; approval by Governor; filing.
- 84-908.01 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 992, § 11.
- 84-908.02 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 992, § 11.
- 84-908.03 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 992, § 11.
- 84-908.04 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 992, § 11.
- 84-908.05 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 992, § 11.
- 84-909 - Agency; rules and regulations governing procedure; adoption.
- 84-909.01 - Model rules of procedure; Attorney General; agency; duties.
- 84-910 - Agency; notification to Legislative Performance Audit Committee; contents; format; notice to Executive Board of the Legislative Council.
- 84-911 - Validity of rule or regulation; declaratory judgment; procedure.
- 84-912 - Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 446, § 40.
- 84-912.01 - Petition for declaratory order; issuance by agency; duties; effect.
- 84-912.02 - Petition for intervention; hearing officer or designee; grant petition; conditions; powers and duties; order.
- 84-912.03 - Tax Equalization and Review Commission; exemption.
- 84-913 - Contested cases; notice of hearing; record; transcript.
- 84-913.01 - Hearing officer; prehearing conference; procedure.
- 84-913.02 - Hearing officer; prehearing conference; powers and duties; orders.
- 84-913.03 - Hearing officer; prehearing conference and hearing; how conducted.
- 84-913.04 - Proceedings; limitation on participation.
- 84-914 - Contested cases; evidence; procedure; ex parte communications.
- 84-915 - Contested cases; orders; findings of fact; conclusions of law; notification.
- 84-915.01 - Official record of contested cases; agency maintain; contents; use.
- 84-916 - Act; intent.
- 84-917 - Contested case; appeal; right to cross-appeal; procedure.
- 84-918 - District court decision; appeal.
- 84-919 - Act; exclusive means of judicial review.
- 84-919.01 - Negotiated Rulemaking Act; use by agency.
- 84-919.02 - Contested case; appeal; court review; de novo; deferral.
- 84-919.03 - Court on hearing officers; state agency actions.
- 84-920 - Act, how cited.
- 84-921 - Act, how cited.
- 84-922 - Purpose of act.
- 84-923 - Terms, defined.
- 84-924 - Negotiated rulemaking committee; establishment; agency director; use of negotiated rulemaking procedure; determination; considerations; convenor; duties.
- 84-925 - Petition to use negotiated rulemaking committee; procedure; exception.
- 84-926 - Negotiated rulemaking committee established; agency; duties; Secretary of State; duties.
- 84-927 - Negotiated rulemaking committee; establishment; notice of decision; agency support; termination.
- 84-928 - Negotiated rulemaking committee; membership; procedure.
- 84-929 - Negotiated rulemaking committee; powers and duties; consensus; procedure; report; contents.
- 84-930 - Facilitator; selection; duties.
- 84-931 - Convenor or facilitator; contract authorized; state employee; disqualification; members of negotiated rulemaking committee; expenses; per diem; grants or gifts.
- 84-932 - Agency action; judicial review; limitation; negotiated rule; judicial review; treatment.
- 84-933 - Act, how cited.
- 84-934 - Definitions, where found.
- 84-935 - Government certification, defined.
- 84-936 - Lawful occupation, defined.
- 84-937 - Least restrictive regulation, defined.
- 84-938 - Occupational board, defined.
- 84-939 - Occupational license, defined.
- 84-940 - Occupational regulation, defined.
- 84-941 - Personal qualifications, defined.
- 84-941.01 - Potentially disqualifying conviction, defined.
- 84-942 - Private certification, defined.
- 84-943 - Provider, defined.
- 84-944 - Registration, defined.
- 84-944.01 - United States Military, defined.
- 84-945 - Use of terms certification, certified, registration, and registered; how construed.
- 84-945.01 - Precedence of federal law.
- 84-946 - Statement of policy.
- 84-946.01 - Applicability of sections.
- 84-947 - Individual with criminal conviction; submit preliminary application; occupational board; duties; determination; appeal; fee.
- 84-948 - Standing committee of Legislature; duties; report; contents.
- 84-949 - Individual with criminal conviction; submit application; additional information regarding circumstances, mitigating factors, and rehabilitation; occupational boards; determination regarding disqualification; appeal.
- 84-950 - Occupational license or government certification; issuance required; conditions; procedure; appeal; validity.
- 84-1001 - Basic workweek; state officers; departments; hours required; exceptions; holidays; payment; rules and regulations.
- 84-1002 - Basic workweek; state institutions; hours required.
- 84-1003 - Basic workweek; staggering of hours.
- 84-1004 - Basic workweek; authority of Governor; time when effective.
- 84-1005 - Basic workweek; persons excepted.
- 84-1101 - Act, how cited.
- 84-1102 - Declaration of policy.
- 84-1103 - Terms, defined.
- 84-1104 - Sections; applicability.
- 84-1105 - Sections; provisions, when invoked.
- 84-1106 - Officers; alternates; appointment; qualifications.
- 84-1107 - Officers; alternate; notice of appointment.
- 84-1108 - Officers; alternate; oath.
- 84-1109 - Officers; alternate; appointment to only one office.
- 84-1110 - Officers; alternate; changing appointment; duty to be informed.
- 84-1111 - Officers; alternate; assumption of duties; length of service.
- 84-1112 - Officers; alternates; termination.
- 84-1113 - Officers; alternates; no compensation; acting officer; compensation.
- 84-1114 - Officers; alternate; acting officer; title.
- 84-1115 - Officers; alternates; assumption of power; disputes; how settled.
- 84-1116 - Officers; alternates; acting officer; acts; validity.
- 84-1117 - Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 340, § 1.
- 84-1201 - Legislative intent.
- 84-1202 - Terms, defined.
- 84-1203 - Secretary of State; State Records Administrator; duties.
- 84-1204 - State Records Board; established; members; duties; meetings; expenses.
- 84-1205 - Board; network manager; duties.
- 84-1205.01 - Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 84-1205.02 - Board; establish fees.
- 84-1205.03 - State agency; electronic access to public records; approval required; when; one-time fee; report; when required; fees.
- 84-1205.04 - Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 719, § 33.
- 84-1205.05 - Board; reports.
- 84-1205.06 - Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 719, § 33.
- 84-1206 - Administrator; duties; powers.
- 84-1207 - State or local agency head; duties.
- 84-1207.01 - Agency head; designate records officer; duties.
- 84-1208 - Administrator; preservation duplicates of essential records; process used; exception.
- 84-1209 - Administrator; storage of records and preservation duplicates; charges.
- 84-1210 - Administrator; records; maintain; temporary removal; inspection; copies certified.
- 84-1211 - Records; confidential; protection.
- 84-1212 - Program for selection and preservation of essential records; review, periodically.
- 84-1212.01 - Records retention and disposition schedule; review by State Archivist; approval; review by administrator.
- 84-1212.02 - Records retention and disposition schedule; disposal of records pursuant to schedule; report.
- 84-1213 - Records; property of state or local agencies; protected; willfully mutilate, destroy, transfer, remove, damage, or otherwise dispose of; violation; penalty.
- 84-1213.01 - Records; violation; prosecute.
- 84-1214 - State agency; disposition of records; procedure.
- 84-1214.01 - State Archives; authority; duties.
- 84-1215 - Nonrecord material; destruction; procedure; personal and political papers; preservation.
- 84-1216 - Administrator; rules and regulations; promulgate.
- 84-1217 - State and local agencies; preservation of records; administrator; advise.
- 84-1218 - Local agencies; preservation of records; administrator; advise and assist; rules and regulations.
- 84-1219 - Administrator; biennial report; copies; furnish.
- 84-1220 - Act, how cited.
- 84-1221 - Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 18, § 10.
- 84-1222 - Purchase of microfilm system or equipment; approval; property of administrator.
- 84-1223 - Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 719, § 33.
- 84-1224 - Administrator; microfilm; micrographic equipment; powers.
- 84-1225 - Administrator; micropublishing and computer output microfilm services; charges.
- 84-1226 - Records Management Micrographics Services Revolving Fund; created; credits; expenditures; rental.
- 84-1227 - Records Management Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-1228 - Electronic record constituting permanent record; requirements.
- 84-1229 - Electronic records; authorized.
- 84-1301 - Terms, defined.
- 84-1302 - State Employees Retirement System; established; operative date; official name; acceptance of contributions.
- 84-1303 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 987, § 38.
- 84-1304 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 987, § 38.
- 84-1305 - Retirement board; powers and duties.
- 84-1305.01 - Records; employer education program.
- 84-1305.02 - Retirement board; power to adjust contributions and benefits; overpayment of benefits; investigatory powers; subpoenas.
- 84-1306 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 847, § 62.
- 84-1307 - Retirement system; membership; requirements; composition; exercise of option to join; effect; new employee; participation in another governmental plan; how treated; separate employment; effect.
- 84-1308 - Retirement system; contribution of employees; method of payment; amount; employer pick up contributions.
- 84-1309 - State Employees Retirement Fund; established; amounts credited; disbursements; accounting of funds.
- 84-1309.01 - Board; provide benefit liability information; verify investments.
- 84-1309.02 - Cash balance benefit; election; effect; administrative services agreements; authorized.
- 84-1310 - Defined contribution benefit; employee account.
- 84-1310.01 - Defined contribution benefit; employee account; investment options; procedures; administration.
- 84-1311 - Defined contribution benefit; employer account; investment.
- 84-1311.01 - Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 85.
- 84-1311.02 - Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 85.
- 84-1311.03 - Defined contribution benefit; employer account; investment options; procedures; administration.
- 84-1312 - Direct rollover; terms, defined; distributee; powers; board; powers.
- 84-1313 - Retirement system; accept payments and rollovers; limitations; board; powers.
- 84-1313.01 - Retirement system; accept transfers; limitations; how treated.
- 84-1313.02 - Retirement system; transfer eligible rollover distribution; conditions.
- 84-1314 - State Employees Defined Contribution Retirement Expense Fund; State Employees Cash Balance Retirement Expense Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-1315 - Auditor of Public Accounts; annual audit of retirement system; annual report.
- 84-1315.01 - Transferred to section 84-1507.
- 84-1316 - Retirement system; sue and be sued; actions; representation by Attorney General.
- 84-1317 - Employees; retirement date; application for benefits; deferment of benefits; board; duties; certain required minimum distributions; election authorized.
- 84-1317.01 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 84-1318 - Employees; benefits; retirement value; how computed.
- 84-1319 - Future service retirement benefits; when payable; how computed; selection of annuity; board; deferment of benefits; certain required minimum distributions; election authorized.
- 84-1319.01 - State Equal Retirement Benefit Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-1320 - Prior service retirement benefits; when payable; how computed; deferment; reduction in amount, when.
- 84-1321 - Employees; termination of employment; benefits; when; how computed; vesting; deferment of benefits; certain required minimum distributions; election authorized.
- 84-1321.01 - Termination of employment; account forfeited; when; State Employer Retirement Expense Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-1322 - Employees; reemployment; status; how treated; reinstatement; repay amount received.
- 84-1323 - Members; death before retirement; death benefit; amount; direct transfer to retirement plan; death while performing qualified military service; additional death benefit.
- 84-1323.01 - Employee; retirement; disability; medical examination; waiver.
- 84-1323.02 - Beneficiary designation; order of priority.
- 84-1324 - Retirement benefits; exemption from legal process; exception.
- 84-1325 - Employees; military service; credit; payments; applicability.
- 84-1326 - Retirement system; membership status; not lost while employment continues.
- 84-1326.01 - Retirement system; member; employee status changed to behavioral health region or community mental health center; benefits retained; application; immediate participation; when.
- 84-1326.02 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 366, § 14.
- 84-1326.03 - Transferred to section 81-1328.02.
- 84-1326.04 - Transferred to section 81-1328.03.
- 84-1327 - Retirement system; false or fraudulent actions; prohibited acts; penalty; denial of benefits.
- 84-1328 - Retirement benefits; declared additional to benefits under federal Social Security Act.
- 84-1329 - Limitation of actions.
- 84-1329.01 - Transferred to section 84-1504.
- 84-1329.02 - Transferred to section 84-1505.
- 84-1329.03 - Transferred to section 84-1506.
- 84-1329.04 - Retirement system contributions, property, and rights; how treated.
- 84-1329.05 - Termination of system or contributions; effect.
- 84-1330 - Elected officials and employees having regular term; act, when operative.
- 84-1330.01 - State Employees Retirement Fund; elected officials and employees having a regular term; sections, when operative.
- 84-1331 - Act, how cited.
- 84-1332 - City or county employee changed by Legislature to state employee; vesting of prior service retirement benefits; application; vested benefits.
- 84-1333 - County employee changed by law to judge; vesting of prior service retirement benefits; vested benefits.
- 84-1401 - Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 325, § 11.
- 84-1402 - Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 325, § 11.
- 84-1403 - Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 325, § 11.
- 84-1404 - Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 325, § 11.
- 84-1405 - Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 325, § 11.
- 84-1406 - Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 325, § 11.
- 84-1407 - Act, how cited.
- 84-1408 - Declaration of intent; meetings open to public.
- 84-1409 - Terms, defined.
- 84-1410 - Closed session; when; purpose; reasons listed; procedure; right to challenge; prohibited acts; chance meetings, conventions, or workshops.
- 84-1411 - Meetings of public body; notice; method; contents; when available; right to modify; duties concerning notice; virtual conferencing authorized; requirements; emergency meeting without notice; appearance before public body; applicability of section.
- 84-1412 - Meetings of public body; rights of public; public body; powers and duties.
- 84-1413 - Meetings; minutes; roll call vote; secret ballot; when; agenda and minutes; required on website; when.
- 84-1414 - Unlawful action by public body; declared void or voidable by district court; when; duty to enforce open meeting laws; citizen's suit; procedure; violations; penalties.
- 84-1415 - Open Meetings Act; requirements; waiver; validity of action.
- 84-1501 - Public Employees Retirement Board; created; members; qualifications; appointment; terms; vacancy; removal.
- 84-1502 - Board; chairperson; secretary; election; meetings; compensation; expenses.
- 84-1503 - Board; duties; director; duties.
- 84-1503.01 - Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 85.
- 84-1503.02 - Board; duties and responsibilities.
- 84-1503.03 - Director; employ personnel; employees; duties.
- 84-1503.04 - Internal auditor; duties and responsibilities.
- 84-1504 - Deferred compensation; treatment; participation; requirements.
- 84-1505 - Deferred compensation; treatment; investment.
- 84-1506 - Deferred compensation; availability and distribution of funds; Deferred Compensation Fund; created.
- 84-1506.01 - Deferred Compensation Expense Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-1507 - Actuarial reports; statement of actuarial assumptions and methods; actuarial valuations and experience investigations; prepared; actuary; certified by Public Employees Retirement Board.
- 84-1508 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 847, § 62.
- 84-1509 - Administrative services agreement; authorized.
- 84-1510 - Administrative services agreement; terms.
- 84-1511 - Board; information and advice regarding retirement; provide sessions; for whom; required information; leave authorized; funding; fee.
- 84-1511.01 - Repealed. Laws 2022, LB700, § 19.
- 84-1512 - Board; access to records; director; duties; employer education program.
- 84-1513 - Board; members; personal liability.
- 84-1514 - Class V Retirement System Payment Processing Fund; created; use; investment; transfers of funds; liability.
- 84-1601 - Program; established; coverage; employees of the Nebraska State Patrol; optional coverage.
- 84-1602 - Program; administration.
- 84-1603 - Selection of insurance carrier; powers and duties.
- 84-1604 - Employees eligible.
- 84-1604.01 - Certain blind persons; eligibility.
- 84-1605 - Contract for insurance.
- 84-1606 - Optional health insurance coverage; authorized.
- 84-1607 - Life insurance contract; extension of special benefits; payment.
- 84-1608 - Health insurance contract; extension of special benefits; payment.
- 84-1609 - Special coverages; availability.
- 84-1610 - Supplemental coverage; restrictions; right to purchase.
- 84-1611 - Health insurance or health maintenance organization program; state contribution; amount; labor contract; effect.
- 84-1612 - Contributions by employees; payroll deductions.
- 84-1613 - State Employees Insurance Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-1614 - Program; applicability of law.
- 84-1615 - Coverage; when provided.
- 84-1616 - Health and Life Benefit Administration Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 84-1617 - Personnel division of the Department of Administrative Services; report.
- 84-1618 - Act, how cited.
- 84-1619 - Terms, defined.
- 84-1620 - Direct Primary Care Pilot Program; established.
- 84-1621 - Department; duties.
- 84-1622 - Participation.
- 84-1623 - Plan administrator; duties.
- 84-1624 - Direct provider; participation requirements; monthly payment.
- 84-1625 - Care quality and patient satisfaction measurements.
- 84-1626 - Report.
- 84-1627 - Rules and regulations.
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