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2024 Nebraska Revised Statutes
Chapter 68 - Public Assistance
- 68-101 - Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 532, § 2.
- 68-102 - Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 532, § 2.
- 68-103 - Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 604, § 32.
- 68-104 - Department of Health and Human Services; overseer of poor; county board; assistance; powers and duties.
- 68-105 - Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 604, § 32.
- 68-106 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-107 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-108 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-109 - Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 604, § 32.
- 68-110 - Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 604, § 32.
- 68-111 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-112 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-113 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-114 - Nonresident poor persons; temporary aid; relief when legal residence not determined.
- 68-115 - Legal settlement, defined; exclusions; minors; termination.
- 68-116 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-117 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 212, § 1.
- 68-118 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 212, § 1.
- 68-119 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 212, § 1.
- 68-120 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 212, § 1.
- 68-121 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 212, § 1.
- 68-122 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 212, § 1.
- 68-123 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 212, § 1.
- 68-124 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 212, § 1.
- 68-125 - Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 212, § 1.
- 68-126 - Health services; maximum payments; rules and regulations; standard of need for medical services; established.
- 68-127 - Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 904, § 11.
- 68-128 - Emergency assistance; families with children.
- 68-129 - Public assistance; computation of available resources; exclusions.
- 68-130 - Counties; maintain office and service facilities; review by department.
- 68-131 - Poor person; support by county; when eligible.
- 68-132 - County board; duties.
- 68-133 - County; adopt standards; requirements.
- 68-134 - Standards; review; filing; availability.
- 68-135 - Standards; hearing and notice.
- 68-136 - Failure to adopt or review standards; judicial review.
- 68-137 - Repayment; when required.
- 68-138 - Assistance; denial; termination; reduction; notice; hearing.
- 68-139 - Hearing before county board or hearing examiner; when allowed.
- 68-140 - Hearing; rights of person requesting.
- 68-141 - Hearing; procedure.
- 68-142 - Judicial review; procedure.
- 68-143 - Poor person; where chargeable.
- 68-144 - Poor person; duties of county where found and county of legal settlement.
- 68-145 - Poor person; county where found; action to recover costs; when authorized.
- 68-146 - Nonresident poor person; general assistance; legal settlement verified; assurances.
- 68-147 - County, when liable.
- 68-148 - General assistance; not alienable; exception.
- 68-149 - Reimbursement to county; when; procedure.
- 68-150 - Application; right of subrogation.
- 68-151 - Employable recipients; legislative findings.
- 68-152 - Employable recipients; programs authorized.
- 68-153 - Employable recipients; terms, defined.
- 68-154 - Employable recipients; rules and regulations.
- 68-154.01 - Employable recipient; community service required; exception.
- 68-154.02 - Employable recipient; community service; costs; paid by county.
- 68-154.03 - Employable recipient; community service; participation; how construed.
- 68-155 - Employable recipients; ineligible; when; notice; appeal.
- 68-156 - Repealed. Laws 2013, LB 156, § 3.
- 68-157 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1155, § 121.
- 68-158 - Program to provide amino acid-based elemental formulas; Department of Health and Human Services; duties; report.
- 68-201 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 237, § 11.
- 68-202 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-203 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-204 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-205 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-206 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-206.01 - Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 340, § 1.
- 68-206.02 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-207 - Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 328, § 1.
- 68-208 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-209 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-210 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-211 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-212 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-213 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-214 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1155, § 121.
- 68-215 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.01 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.02 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.03 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.04 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-215.05 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.06 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.07 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.08 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.09 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-215.10 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.11 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.12 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.13 - Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 130, § 2.
- 68-215.14 - Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 3, § 3.
- 68-216 - Transferred to section 68-1001.02.
- 68-217 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-218 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-219 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-220 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-221 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-222 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-223 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-224 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-225 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-226 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-227 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-228 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-229 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-230 - Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 372, § 2.
- 68-301 - State Assistance Fund; created; investment.
- 68-302 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-303 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 237, § 11.
- 68-304 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 237, § 11.
- 68-305 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 237, § 11.
- 68-306 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 237, § 11.
- 68-307 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-308 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-309 - Department of Health and Human Services; sole state agency for administration of welfare programs.
- 68-310 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-310.01 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-310.02 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-311 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-312 - Department of Health and Human Services; rules and regulations; records and other communications; use by other agency or department.
- 68-313 - Records and information; use and disclosure; limitations.
- 68-313.01 - Records and information; access by the Legislature and state and county officials; open to public; limitation.
- 68-314 - Violations; penalty.
- 68-315 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-316 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 237, § 11.
- 68-317 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-318 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-319 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-320 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-321 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-322 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-322.01 - Repealed. Laws 1977, LB 312, § 9.
- 68-323 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-324 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 237, § 11.
- 68-325 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 399, § 4.
- 68-326 - Transferred to section 68-702.01.
- 68-327 - Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 415, § 38.
- 68-328 - Assistance; application; furnish with reasonable promptness.
- 68-329 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-401 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 237, § 11.
- 68-402 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-403 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-404 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-404.01 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-405 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-406 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-407 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-408 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-409 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-410 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-411 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-412 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-413 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-414 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-415 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-416 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-417 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-418 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-419 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-420 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-421 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-422 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-423 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-501 - Repealed. Laws 1949, c. 193, § 9.
- 68-502 - Repealed. Laws 1949, c. 193, § 9.
- 68-503 - Repealed. Laws 1949, c. 193, § 9.
- 68-504 - Repealed. Laws 1949, c. 193, § 9.
- 68-505 - Repealed. Laws 1949, c. 193, § 9.
- 68-506 - Repealed. Laws 1949, c. 193, § 9.
- 68-507 - Repealed. Laws 1949, c. 193, § 9.
- 68-508 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 250, § 2.
- 68-509 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 250, § 2.
- 68-510 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 250, § 2.
- 68-511 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 250, § 2.
- 68-512 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 250, § 2.
- 68-513 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 250, § 2.
- 68-514 - Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 250, § 2.
- 68-515 - Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 263, § 1.
- 68-601 - Social security; policy.
- 68-602 - Terms, defined.
- 68-603 - Agreement with federal government; state agency; approval of Governor.
- 68-604 - Agreement with federal government; instrumentality jointly created with other state.
- 68-605 - Contributions by state employees; amount.
- 68-606 - Contribution by state employees; collection.
- 68-607 - Contribution by state employees; adjustments.
- 68-608 - Coverage by political subdivisions; plan; modification; approval by state agency.
- 68-609 - Coverage by political subdivisions; refusal, amendment, or termination of plan; notice; hearing.
- 68-610 - Coverage by political subdivisions; amount; payment.
- 68-611 - Coverage by political subdivisions; delinquent payments; penalty; collection.
- 68-612 - Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 684, § 13.
- 68-613 - Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 684, § 13.
- 68-614 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1216, § 31.
- 68-615 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1216, § 31.
- 68-616 - Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 3, § 3.
- 68-617 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1216, § 31.
- 68-618 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1216, § 31.
- 68-619 - Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 284, § 1.
- 68-620 - Cities and villages; special levy; addition to levy limitations; contribution to state agency.
- 68-620.01 - Transferred to section 18-1221.
- 68-621 - Terms, defined.
- 68-622 - Referendum; persons eligible to vote; Governor; powers.
- 68-623 - Referendum; how conducted.
- 68-624 - Referendum; completion; certification; notice; contents.
- 68-625 - Referendum; state agency; prepare plan; modification of state agreement.
- 68-626 - Referendum; state agency; forms; make available; aid political subdivisions.
- 68-627 - Referendum; supervision.
- 68-628 - Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 802, § 41.
- 68-629 - Referendum; Governor; appointment of agency to conduct; cost; payment.
- 68-630 - Political subdivisions; delinquency in payment; manner of collection.
- 68-631 - Metropolitan utilities district; social security; employees; separate group; referendum; effect.
- 68-632 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 68-633 - Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 878, § 2.
- 68-701 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 985.
- 68-701.01 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 985.
- 68-701.02 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 985.
- 68-701.03 - Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 109, § 1.
- 68-702 - Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 415, § 38.
- 68-702.01 - Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1067, § 2.
- 68-702.02 - Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1067, § 2.
- 68-702.03 - Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1067, § 2.
- 68-702.04 - Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 253, § 4.
- 68-703 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 985.
- 68-703.01 - Department of Health and Human Services; federal funds; expenditures; authorized.
- 68-704 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 889, § 1.
- 68-705 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-706 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-707 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-708 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-709 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 522, § 46.
- 68-709.01 - Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 497, § 1.
- 68-710 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 68-711 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 68-712 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 68-713 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 68-714 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 68-715 - Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 68-716 - Department of Health and Human Services; medical assistance; right of subrogation.
- 68-717 - Department of Health and Human Services; assume responsibility for public assistance programs.
- 68-718 - Furniture, property, personnel; transferred to Department of Health and Human Services; personnel, how treated.
- 68-719 - Certain vendor payments prohibited.
- 68-720 - Aid to dependent children; child care subsidy program; administrative disqualification; intentional program violation; disqualification period.
- 68-721 - Repealed. Laws 2015, LB 6, § 1.
- 68-722 - Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 820, § 13.
- 68-723 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 985.
- 68-724 - Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 13, § 1.
- 68-801 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-802 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-803 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-804 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-804.01 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-805 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-806 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-807 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-808 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-809 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-810 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-811 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-812 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-813 - Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 395, § 27.
- 68-901 - Medical Assistance Act; act, how cited.
- 68-902 - Purposes of act.
- 68-903 - Medical assistance program; established.
- 68-904 - Legislative findings.
- 68-905 - Program of medical assistance; statement of public policy.
- 68-906 - Medical assistance; state accepts federal provisions.
- 68-907 - Terms, defined.
- 68-908 - Department; powers and duties.
- 68-908.01 - Dental services; reimbursement rates.
- 68-909 - Existing contracts, agreements, rules, regulations, plan, and waivers; how treated; report required; exception; department; powers and duties.
- 68-910 - Medical assistance payments; source of funds.
- 68-911 - Medical assistance; mandated and optional coverage; department; submit state plan amendment or waiver; specified coverage requirements.
- 68-912 - Limits on goods and services; considerations; procedure.
- 68-913 - Medical assistance program; public awareness; public school district; hospital; duties.
- 68-914 - Application for medical assistance; form; department; decision; notice; requirements; appeal.
- 68-915 - Eligibility.
- 68-916 - Medical assistance; application; assignment of rights; exception.
- 68-917 - Applicant or recipient; failure to cooperate; effect.
- 68-918 - Restoration of rights; when.
- 68-919 - Medical assistance recipient; liability; when; claim; procedure; department; powers; recovery of medical assistance reimbursement; procedure.
- 68-920 - Department; garnish employment income; when; limitation.
- 68-921 - Entitlement of spouse; terms, defined.
- 68-922 - Amount of entitlement; department; rules and regulations.
- 68-923 - Assets; eligibility for assistance; future medical support; considerations; subrogation.
- 68-924 - Designation of assets; procedure.
- 68-925 - Department; furnish statement.
- 68-926 - Legislative findings.
- 68-927 - Terms, defined.
- 68-928 - Licensed insurer or self-funded insurer; provide coverage information.
- 68-929 - Licensed insurer; violation.
- 68-930 - Self-funded insurer; violation; civil penalty.
- 68-931 - Recovery; authorized.
- 68-932 - Process for resolving violations; appeal.
- 68-933 - Civil penalties; disposition.
- 68-934 - False Medicaid Claims Act; act, how cited.
- 68-935 - Terms, defined.
- 68-936 - Presentation of false medicaid claim; civil liability; violation of act; civil penalty; damages; costs and attorney's fees.
- 68-937 - Failure to report.
- 68-938 - Charge, solicitation, acceptance, or receipt; unlawful; when.
- 68-939 - Records; duties; acts prohibited; liability; costs and attorney's fees.
- 68-940 - Penalties or damages; considerations; liability; costs and attorney's fees.
- 68-940.01 - State Medicaid Fraud Control Unit Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 68-941 - Limitation of actions; burden of proof.
- 68-942 - Investigation and prosecution.
- 68-943 - State medicaid fraud control unit; certification.
- 68-944 - State medicaid fraud control unit; powers and duties.
- 68-945 - Attorney General; powers and duties.
- 68-946 - Attorney General; access to records.
- 68-947 - Contempt of court.
- 68-948 - Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 68-949 - Medical assistance program; legislative intent; department; duties; medicaid nursing facility rates; appropriations; reports.
- 68-950 - Medicaid Prescription Drug Act, how cited.
- 68-951 - Purpose of act.
- 68-952 - Terms, defined.
- 68-953 - Preferred drug list; department; establish and maintain; pharmaceutical and therapeutics committee; members; expenses.
- 68-954 - Preferred drug list; considerations; availability of list.
- 68-955 - Prescription of drug not on preferred drug list; conditions; antidepressant, antipsychotic, or anticonvulsant prescription drug; prior authorization; not required, when.
- 68-956 - Department; duties; contract; pharmacy benefit manager; comply with Pharmacy Benefit Manager Licensure and Regulation Act.
- 68-957 - Repealed. Laws 2017, LB4, § 1.
- 68-958 - Repealed. Laws 2017, LB4, § 1.
- 68-959 - Repealed. Laws 2017, LB4, § 1.
- 68-960 - Repealed. Laws 2017, LB4, § 1.
- 68-961 - Repealed. Laws 2017, LB4, § 1.
- 68-962 - Autism Treatment Program Act; act, how cited.
- 68-963 - Purpose of Autism Treatment Program Act.
- 68-964 - Autism Treatment Program; created; administration; funding.
- 68-965 - Autism Treatment Program Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 68-966 - Department; apply for medical assistance program waiver or amendment; legislative intent.
- 68-967 - Comprehensive treatment of pediatric feeding disorders; amendment to state medicaid plan; department; duties.
- 68-968 - School-based health centers; School Health Center Advisory Council; members.
- 68-969 - Amendment to medicaid state plan or waiver; children eligible for medicaid and CHIP; treatment for pregnant women; department; duties.
- 68-970 - Nebraska Regional Poison Center; legislative findings.
- 68-971 - Amendment to medicaid state plan or waiver; Nebraska Regional Poison Center; payments; use; department; duties; University of Nebraska Medical Center; report.
- 68-972 - Prenatal care; legislative findings; creation of separate program; benefits provided; department; submit state plan amendment or waiver; eligibility.
- 68-973 - Medical assistance programs; improper payments; postpayment reimbursement; legislative findings; integrity procedures and guidelines; legislative intent.
- 68-974 - Program integrity contractors; contracts; contents; audit procedures; powers; health insurance premium assistance payment program; contract; department; powers and duties; form of records authorized; appeal; report.
- 68-975 - Department; apply for amendment to medicaid state plan; multisystemic therapy for youth.
- 68-976 - Provider with high categorical risk level; fingerprint-based criminal history record information check; Nebraska State Patrol; issue report; cost; department; powers and duties.
- 68-977 - Ground Emergency Medical Transport Act; act, how cited.
- 68-978 - Terms, defined.
- 68-979 - Legislative intent.
- 68-980 - Supplemental reimbursement.
- 68-981 - Supplemental reimbursement; eligibility.
- 68-982 - Supplemental reimbursement; calculation and payment.
- 68-983 - Intergovernmental transfer program; department; powers and duties.
- 68-984 - Agreement.
- 68-985 - Governmental entity; duties.
- 68-986 - Department; amendment to medicaid state plan; department; powers.
- 68-987 - Department; duties.
- 68-988 - Increased capitation payments; commencement.
- 68-989 - Disclosure by applicant; income and assets; action for recovery of medical assistance authorized.
- 68-990 - Medical assistance; transfers; security for recovery of indebtedness to department; lien; notice; filing; department; duties; section null and void.
- 68-991 - Medical provider; authority to apply for medical assistance.
- 68-992 - Eligibility for medical assistance; expanded population; Department of Health and Human Services; duties.
- 68-993 - Medical parole; protocol.
- 68-994 - Long-term care services and supports; department; limitation on addition to medicaid managed care program.
- 68-995 - Contracts and agreements; department; duties.
- 68-996 - Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund; created; use; investment.
- 68-997 - Job-skills programs; voluntary; departments; powers and duties.
- 68-998 - Managed care organization; provider contract; material change; notice.
- 68-999 - Direct care staff; psychiatric facilities caring for juveniles; standards.
- 68-9,100 - Hospital and nursing facility services; reimbursement; rate methodology; rules and regulations.
- 68-9,101 - Multiple procedure payment reduction policy; implementation; when prohibited.
- 68-9,102 - Long-term acute care hospitals; enroll as providers.
- 68-9,103 - Long-term acute care hospitals; coverage; state plan amendment or waiver.
- 68-9,104 - Critical access hospitals; rebase inpatient interim per diem rates.
- 68-9,105 - Nebraska Prenatal Plus Program; terms, defined.
- 68-9,106 - Nebraska Prenatal Plus Program; created; purpose; termination.
- 68-9,107 - Nebraska Prenatal Plus Program; services eligible for reimbursement.
- 68-9,108 - Nebraska Prenatal Plus Program; reimbursement rate; state plan amendment or waiver.
- 68-9,109 - Nebraska Prenatal Plus Program; department; report.
- 68-9,110 - Nebraska Prenatal Plus Program; funding.
- 68-9,111 - Pharmacy dispensing fee reimbursement; survey.
- 68-1001 - Assistance to the aged, blind, or disabled; program; administration.
- 68-1001.01 - Department of Health and Human Services; rules and regulations; promulgate.
- 68-1001.02 - Assistance; action for reimbursement; statute of limitations; when commences to run.
- 68-1002 - Persons eligible for assistance.
- 68-1003 - Assistance to the aged; additional qualifications required.
- 68-1004 - Assistance to the blind; additional qualifications required.
- 68-1005 - Assistance to the disabled; additional qualifications required; department; powers and duties.
- 68-1006 - Assistance to the aged, blind, or disabled; amount authorized per person; payment.
- 68-1006.01 - Personal needs allowance; amount authorized.
- 68-1007 - Determination of need; elements considered; amounts disregarded.
- 68-1008 - Application for assistance; investigation; notification.
- 68-1009 - Hospital; reimbursement for certain services; conditions.
- 68-1010 - Patients with complex health needs; transfer; pilot program.
- 68-1011 - Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 760, § 2.
- 68-1012 - Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 532, § 2.
- 68-1013 - Assistance to the aged, blind, and disabled; not vested right; not assignable; exemption from levy.
- 68-1014 - Assistance; payment to guardian or conservator; when authorized.
- 68-1015 - Assistance; investigation; attendance of witnesses; production of records; subpoena power; oaths.
- 68-1016 - Assistance; appeals; procedure.
- 68-1017 - Assistance; violations; penalties.
- 68-1017.01 - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; violations; penalties.
- 68-1017.02 - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; department; duties; state outreach plan; report; contents; categorical eligibility; legislative intent; increased benefits, when; person ineligible, when.
- 68-1018 - Transferred to section 68-903.
- 68-1019 - Transferred to section 68-911.
- 68-1019.01 - Transferred to section 68-912.
- 68-1019.02 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1019.03 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1019.04 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1019.05 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1019.06 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1019.07 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 985.
- 68-1019.08 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1155, § 121.
- 68-1019.09 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1020 - Transferred to section 68-915.
- 68-1021 - Transferred to section 68-906.
- 68-1021.01 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1022 - Transferred to section 68-910.
- 68-1023 - Transferred to section 68-908.
- 68-1023.01 - Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 816, § 22.
- 68-1024 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1025 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1025.01 - Transferred to section 68-913.
- 68-1026 - Transferred to section 68-916.
- 68-1027 - Transferred to section 68-917.
- 68-1028 - Transferred to section 68-918.
- 68-1029 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1030 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1031 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1032 - Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 816, § 22.
- 68-1033 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1034 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1035 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1035.01 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1036 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1036.01 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1155, § 121.
- 68-1036.02 - Transferred to section 68-919.
- 68-1036.03 - Transferred to section 68-920.
- 68-1037 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1037.01 - Transferred to section 68-1073.
- 68-1037.02 - Transferred to section 68-1074.
- 68-1037.03 - Transferred to section 68-1075.
- 68-1037.04 - Transferred to section 68-1079.
- 68-1037.05 - Transferred to section 68-1080.
- 68-1037.06 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1135, § 34.
- 68-1038 - Transferred to section 68-921.
- 68-1039 - Transferred to section 68-922.
- 68-1040 - Transferred to section 68-923.
- 68-1041 - Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 362, § 19.
- 68-1042 - Transferred to section 68-924.
- 68-1043 - Transferred to section 68-925.
- 68-1044 - Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 362, § 19.
- 68-1045 - Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 362, § 19.
- 68-1046 - Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 362, § 19.
- 68-1047 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1352, § 4.
- 68-1048 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1049 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1050 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1051 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1052 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 892, § 7.
- 68-1053 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 892, § 7.
- 68-1054 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 892, § 7.
- 68-1055 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 892, § 7.
- 68-1056 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1057 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1058 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1059 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1060 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1061 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1062 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1063 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1064 - Repealed. Laws 2005, LB 301, § 78.
- 68-1065 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 892, § 7.
- 68-1066 - Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 892, § 7.
- 68-1067 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1068 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1069 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1070 - Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 465, § 2.
- 68-1071 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1072 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1073 - Transferred to section 68-934.
- 68-1074 - Transferred to section 68-935.
- 68-1075 - Transferred to section 68-936.
- 68-1076 - Transferred to section 68-937.
- 68-1077 - Transferred to section 68-938.
- 68-1078 - Transferred to section 68-939.
- 68-1079 - Transferred to section 68-940.
- 68-1080 - Transferred to section 68-941.
- 68-1081 - Transferred to section 68-942.
- 68-1082 - Transferred to section 68-943.
- 68-1083 - Transferred to section 68-944.
- 68-1084 - Transferred to section 68-945.
- 68-1085 - Transferred to section 68-946.
- 68-1086 - Transferred to section 68-947.
- 68-1087 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1088 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1089 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1090 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1091 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1092 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1093 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1094 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1095 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 965, § 10; Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1095.01 - Long-Term Care Partnership Program; established; Department of Health and Human Services; duties.
- 68-1096 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 965, § 10; Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1097 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 965, § 10; Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1098 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 965, § 10; Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-1099 - Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 965, § 10; Laws 2006, LB 1248, § 92.
- 68-10,100 - Transferred to section 68-926.
- 68-10,101 - Transferred to section 68-927.
- 68-10,102 - Transferred to section 68-928.
- 68-10,103 - Transferred to section 68-929.
- 68-10,104 - Transferred to section 68-930.
- 68-10,105 - Transferred to section 68-931.
- 68-10,106 - Transferred to section 68-932.
- 68-10,107 - Transferred to section 68-933.
- 68-1101 - Division of Medicaid and Long-Term Care Advisory Committee on Aging; created; members; appointment; term; vacancy.
- 68-1102 - Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 456, § 2.
- 68-1103 - Committee; officers; meetings.
- 68-1104 - Committee; duties.
- 68-1105 - Committee; special committees; members; expenses.
- 68-1106 - Committee; federal funds; grants; gifts; acceptance; disposition.
- 68-1107 - Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 68-1108 - Department of Health and Human Services; report.
- 68-1109 - Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 68-1110 - Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 68-1111 - Act, how cited.
- 68-1112 - Legislative findings.
- 68-1113 - Purpose of act; legislative intent.
- 68-1114 - Terms, defined.
- 68-1115 - Funding for aging and disability resource centers.
- 68-1116 - Aging and disability resource centers; services.
- 68-1117 - Area agency on aging or partnering organization; powers and duties.
- 68-1118 - Department; report.
- 68-1119 - Reimbursement; schedule.
- 68-1120 - Funding; legislative intent.
- 68-1201 - Eligibility determination; exclusion of certain assets and income.
- 68-1202 - Social services; services included.
- 68-1203 - Social services; provided or purchased; dependent children and families; aged, blind, or disabled persons.
- 68-1204 - Social services or specialized developmental disability services; rules and regulations; agreements; fee schedules.
- 68-1205 - Matching funds.
- 68-1206 - Social services; administration; contracts; payments; duties; federal Child Care Subsidy program; participation; requirements; funding; evaluation.
- 68-1207 - Department of Health and Human Services; public child welfare services; supervise; department; caseload requirements; case plan developed.
- 68-1207.01 - Department of Health and Human Services; caseloads report; contents.
- 68-1208 - Rules and regulations; right of appeal and hearings.
- 68-1209 - Applications for social services; information; safeguarded.
- 68-1210 - Department of Health and Human Services; certain foster care children; payment rates; family care services; plan; implementation.
- 68-1211 - Case management of child welfare services; legislative findings and declarations.
- 68-1212 - Department of Health and Human Services; cases; case manager; employee of department; duties.
- 68-1213 - Repealed. Laws 2022, LB1173, § 23.
- 68-1214 - Case managers; training program; department; duties; training curriculum; contents.
- 68-1215 - Low-income home energy assistance program; eligibility; determination.
- 68-1216 - Low-income home energy assistance program; allocation of funds.
- 68-1301 - Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1067, § 2.
- 68-1302 - Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1067, § 2.
- 68-1303 - Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1067, § 2.
- 68-1304 - Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1067, § 2.
- 68-1305 - Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1067, § 2.
- 68-1306 - Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1067, § 2.
- 68-1401 - Act, how cited.
- 68-1402 - Department of Health and Human Services; program for persons with genetically handicapping conditions; duties.
- 68-1403 - Genetically handicapped persons; medical care program; services and treatment included.
- 68-1404 - Medical care of genetically handicapping conditions; reimbursement.
- 68-1405 - Department of Health and Human Services; medical care program; uniform standards of financial eligibility and payment; establish.
- 68-1406 - Benefits and services; payment liability.
- 68-1501 - Act, how cited.
- 68-1502 - Legislative findings.
- 68-1503 - Terms, defined.
- 68-1504 - Department of Health and Human Services; provide support; expenses; compensation.
- 68-1505 - Support; families; eligibility requirements.
- 68-1506 - Support; disabled person in independent living situation; eligibility requirements.
- 68-1507 - Eligibility; department determine.
- 68-1508 - Support; allocation of costs; basis.
- 68-1509 - Department; needs and eligibility criteria; factors.
- 68-1510 - Support; supplemental to other programs; availability of other programs; department; duties.
- 68-1511 - Department; payment of support; provide assistance; providers of programs and services.
- 68-1512 - Support; maximum allowance; limitations; appropriations; legislative intent.
- 68-1513 - Department; review needs of support recipient.
- 68-1514 - Denial of support; hearing provided.
- 68-1515 - Rules and regulations; contents.
- 68-1516 - Department; provide support; when; priorities.
- 68-1517 - Department; expenditure of funds authorized.
- 68-1518 - Department; report; contents.
- 68-1519 - Obtaining support in violation of sections; violation; penalty.
- 68-1520 - Legislative findings.
- 68-1521 - Terms, defined.
- 68-1522 - Nebraska Lifespan Respite Services Program; established.
- 68-1523 - Program; administration.
- 68-1524 - Program; requirements.
- 68-1525 - Services; requirements.
- 68-1526 - Rules and regulations.
- 68-1527 - Department; duties.
- 68-1528 - Use of funds.
- 68-1529 - Legislative findings and declarations.
- 68-1530 - Family support program; Department of Health and Human Services; Advisory Committee on Developmental Disabilities; duties; funding; legislative intent; family support program; services and support; rules and regulations; report.
- 68-1531 - Services and support; eligibility.
- 68-1532 - Family support program; services and support; priorities.
- 68-1533 - Family support program; implementation; conditions.
- 68-1534 - Family support program; evaluation.
- 68-1601 - Act, how cited.
- 68-1602 - Legislative intent.
- 68-1603 - Department, defined.
- 68-1604 - Homeless Shelter Assistance Trust Fund; created; use; investment.
- 68-1605 - Department; grants; requirements; application; considerations.
- 68-1606 - Grant money; use.
- 68-1607 - Recipients; requirements.
- 68-1608 - Rules and regulations.
- 68-1701 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 892, § 3.
- 68-1702 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 892, § 3.
- 68-1703 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 892, § 3.
- 68-1704 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 892, § 3.
- 68-1705 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 892, § 3.
- 68-1706 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 892, § 3.
- 68-1707 - Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 892, § 3.
- 68-1708 - Act, how cited.
- 68-1709 - Legislative findings and declarations.
- 68-1710 - Legislative intent.
- 68-1711 - Assessment tool; state agencies; utilize.
- 68-1712 - Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 455, § 27.
- 68-1713 - Department of Health and Human Services; implementation of policies; transitional health care benefits.
- 68-1714 - Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 455, § 27.
- 68-1715 - Rules and regulations.
- 68-1716 - Repealed. Laws 2005, LB 301, § 78.
- 68-1717 - Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 864, § 20.
- 68-1718 - Financial assistance; comprehensive assets assessment required; contents; periodic assessments.
- 68-1719 - Self-sufficiency contract; purpose.
- 68-1720 - Self-sufficiency contract; contents.
- 68-1721 - Principal wage earner and other nonexempt members of applicant family; duties.
- 68-1722 - Legislative findings; case management practices and supportive services; department; powers and duties; extension of time limit on cash assistance; when.
- 68-1723 - Cash assistance; requirements; extension of time limit; when; hearing; review.
- 68-1724 - Cash assistance; duration; reimbursement of expenses; when; conditions; extension of time limit.
- 68-1725 - Alternative payment systems authorized.
- 68-1725.01 - Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 940, § 4.
- 68-1726 - Assistance under act; eligibility factors.
- 68-1727 - Family resource centers; legislative intent.
- 68-1728 - Services for families and children; legislative findings and declarations.
- 68-1729 - Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 296, § 815.
- 68-1730 - Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 296, § 815.
- 68-1731 - Family services; legislative intent.
- 68-1732 - Integrated programs and policies; legislative intent.
- 68-1733 - Planning process; state agencies; duty to establish.
- 68-1734 - Application process; legislative intent; common assessment tool.
- 68-1735 - Creating self-sufficiency contract and meeting work activity requirement; applicant under twenty years of age; activities authorized.
- 68-1735.01 - Creating self-sufficiency contract and meeting work activity requirement; applicant; activities authorized.
- 68-1735.02 - Department of Health and Human Services; report; contents.
- 68-1735.03 - Legislative intent.
- 68-1735.04 - Repealed. Laws 2016, LB1081, § 8.
- 68-1736 - Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 68-1737 - Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 68-1738 - Department of Health and Human Services; duty.
- 68-1801 - Act, how cited.
- 68-1802 - Terms, defined.
- 68-1803 - Tax; rate; collection; report.
- 68-1804 - ICF/DD Reimbursement Protection Fund; created; use; allocation; investment; report.
- 68-1805 - State medicaid plan; application for amendment; tax; when due.
- 68-1806 - Collection of tax; discontinued; when; effect.
- 68-1806.01 - Tax; use.
- 68-1807 - Failure to pay tax; penalty.
- 68-1808 - Refund; procedure.
- 68-1809 - Rules and regulations.
- 68-1901 - Act, how cited.
- 68-1902 - Definitions, where found.
- 68-1903 - Bed-hold day, defined.
- 68-1904 - Continuing care retirement community, defined.
- 68-1905 - Department, defined.
- 68-1906 - Gross inpatient revenue, defined.
- 68-1907 - Hospital, defined.
- 68-1908 - Life care contract, defined.
- 68-1909 - Medical assistance program, defined.
- 68-1910 - Medicare day, defined.
- 68-1911 - Medicare upper payment limit, defined.
- 68-1912 - Nursing facility, defined.
- 68-1913 - Quality assurance assessment, defined.
- 68-1914 - Resident day, defined.
- 68-1915 - Skilled nursing facility, defined.
- 68-1916 - Total resident days, defined.
- 68-1917 - Quality assurance assessment; payment; computation.
- 68-1918 - Providers exempt.
- 68-1919 - Reduction of quality assurance assessment; when.
- 68-1920 - Aggregate quality assurance assessment; limitation.
- 68-1921 - Quality assurance assessment; payments; form.
- 68-1922 - Department; collect quality assurance assessment; remit to State Treasurer.
- 68-1923 - Quality assurance assessment; report; medicaid cost report; how treated.
- 68-1924 - Underpayment or overpayment; notice.
- 68-1925 - Failure to pay; penalty; waiver; when; withholding authorized; collection methods authorized.
- 68-1926 - Nursing Facility Quality Assurance Fund; created; use; investment.
- 68-1927 - Application for amendment to medicaid state plan; approval; effect; resubmission of waiver application.
- 68-1928 - Department; discontinue collection of quality assurance assessments; when; return of money.
- 68-1929 - Aggrieved party; hearing; petition.
- 68-1930 - Rules and regulations.
- 68-2001 - Act, how cited.
- 68-2002 - Purposes of act.
- 68-2003 - Terms, defined.
- 68-2004 - Department; report; contents.
- 68-2005 - Rules and regulations.
- 68-2101 - Act, how cited.
- 68-2102 - Terms, defined.
- 68-2103 - Hospital inpatient and outpatient services; assessments and directed-payment programs; establish; department; powers and duties.
- 68-2104 - Assessments; collection and remittance.
- 68-2105 - Assessment; statewide aggregate assessment; amounts, how determined; payment; procedure.
- 68-2106 - Hospital Quality Assurance and Access Assessment Fund; created; use; investment; department; duties; medicaid managed care organizations; hospitals; prohibited acts.
- 68-2107 - Hospital inpatient and outpatient services; medicaid rates; legislative intent.
- 68-2108 - Assessments and directed-payment programs; treatment; retroactive.
- 68-2109 - Assessments; discontinue, when; effect.
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