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2024 Nebraska Revised Statutes
Chapter 37 - Game and Parks
- 37-101 - Game and Parks Commission; members; qualifications; term; appointment; removal; limitation on reappointment.
- 37-102 - Game and Parks Commission; districts.
- 37-103 - Game and Parks Commission; chairperson; election.
- 37-104 - Game and Parks Commission; meetings; special meeting; notice; place; quorum; agreement with city of Lincoln for building and facilities; location.
- 37-105 - Game and Parks Commission; expenses; per diem.
- 37-106 - Game and Parks Commission; secretary; qualifications; terms; compensation; expenses; duties; removal.
- 37-107 - Game and Parks Commission; secretary; duties; deposit of receipts from administration of game and fish laws; credited to State Game Fund.
- 37-108 - Game and Parks Commission; employees; appointment; compensation; interference with an election; prohibited.
- 37-109 - Game and Parks Commission; officers; oath.
- 37-110 - Game and Parks Commission; commissioners, officers, and employees; bond or insurance.
- 37-111 - Water safety education; grants; powers and duties.
- 37-112 - Josh the Otter-Be Safe Around Water Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 37-201 - Law, how cited.
- 37-202 - Definitions, where found.
- 37-203 - Aquaculture, defined.
- 37-204 - Aquaculture facility, defined.
- 37-205 - Aquaculturist, defined.
- 37-206 - Aquatic disease, defined.
- 37-206.01 - Aquatic invasive species, defined.
- 37-207 - Aquatic organism, defined.
- 37-207.01 - Authorized inspector, defined.
- 37-208 - Bait, defined.
- 37-208.01 - Bonus point, defined.
- 37-209 - Baitfish, defined.
- 37-209.01 - Captive, defined.
- 37-210 - Captive propagation, defined.
- 37-210.01 - Captivity, defined.
- 37-211 - Commercial aquaculturist, defined.
- 37-212 - Commercial exploitation, defined.
- 37-213 - Commercial fish, defined.
- 37-214 - Commission, defined.
- 37-215 - Conservation, defined.
- 37-215.01 - Conveyance, defined.
- 37-216 - Cultured aquatic stock, defined.
- 37-217 - Disabled person, defined.
- 37-218 - Ecologic harm, defined.
- 37-219 - Economic harm, defined.
- 37-220 - Ecosystem, defined.
- 37-221 - Endangered Species Act, defined.
- 37-222 - Falconry, defined.
- 37-223 - Fish, when used as a noun, defined.
- 37-224 - Fish, when used as a verb, defined.
- 37-225 - Fur harvesting, defined.
- 37-226 - Fur-bearing animals, defined.
- 37-227 - Game, defined.
- 37-228 - Game animals, defined.
- 37-229 - Game birds, defined.
- 37-230 - Game fish, defined.
- 37-231 - Habitual offender, defined.
- 37-232 - Hunt, defined.
- 37-233 - Migratory game birds, defined.
- 37-233.01 - Migratory waterfowl, defined.
- 37-234 - Nongame fish, defined.
- 37-235 - Officer, defined.
- 37-236 - Optimum carrying capacity, defined.
- 37-237 - Person, owner, proprietor, grantee, lessee, and licensee, defined.
- 37-237.01 - Protected bird, defined.
- 37-237.02 - Preference point, defined.
- 37-238 - Raptor, defined.
- 37-239 - Raw fur, defined.
- 37-240 - Species, defined.
- 37-241 - Sport fish, defined.
- 37-242 - Take, defined.
- 37-243 - Trap, defined.
- 37-244 - Upland game birds, defined.
- 37-245 - Wild birds, defined.
- 37-246 - Wild mammals, defined.
- 37-247 - Wildlife, defined.
- 37-247.01 - Wildlife abatement, defined.
- 37-248 - General penalty provision.
- 37-301 - Commission; general authority.
- 37-302 - Commission; stock game and fish.
- 37-303 - Commission; acquire land; gifts and bequests; powers.
- 37-304 - Commission; rules and regulations; commission orders.
- 37-305 - Rules and regulations; camping areas; violation; penalty.
- 37-306 - Rules and regulations; fire safety; violation; penalty.
- 37-307 - Rules and regulations; animals; violation; penalty.
- 37-308 - Rules and regulations; hunting, fishing, and trapping; use of weapons; violation; penalty.
- 37-308.01 - Rules and regulations; appropriate hunting weapons.
- 37-309 - Rules and regulations; water-related recreational activities; violation; penalty.
- 37-310 - Rules and regulations; real and personal property; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.
- 37-311 - Rules and regulations; vendors; violation; penalty.
- 37-312 - Commission permission; procedure.
- 37-313 - Rules and regulations; traffic; violation; penalty.
- 37-314 - Commission; rules and regulations; commission orders; powers; public hearing; notice; seasons; opening and closing; powers of commission; violations; penalty.
- 37-315 - Commission; reciprocal agreements.
- 37-316 - Rules and regulations; special permits; fish-related activities.
- 37-317 - Commission; disseminate information and promotional materials.
- 37-318 - Free fishing day; commission; powers and duties.
- 37-319 - Lake, pond, or stream closed to fishing; notice.
- 37-320 - Fish; propagation; stocking; removal by authority of commission; sale; proceeds.
- 37-321 - Fish; emergency created by drying up of waters; permission to take by any means; order; violation; penalty.
- 37-322 - Nongame fish; removal by commission; game fish; return to water alive.
- 37-323 - State Game Fund; created; investment; deposits by commission secretary; withholding funds; liability; penalty.
- 37-324 - Funds from permits and publications; placed in the State Game Fund; how used.
- 37-325 - Commission; funds; how expended.
- 37-326 - Commission; establish change cash funds; use; how funded; amount; monthly accounting.
- 37-327 - Commission; fees; duty to establish; limit on increase.
- 37-327.01 - Game Law Investigation Cash Fund; created; use; investment; record-keeping duties.
- 37-327.02 - Game and Parks Commission Capital Maintenance Fund; created; use; investment; projects; report.
- 37-327.03 - Game and Parks State Park Improvement and Maintenance Fund; created; use; investment.
- 37-327.04 - Game and Parks Commission Educational Fund; created; use; investment.
- 37-328 - Commission; acquire site for headquarters; consent of Governor.
- 37-329 - State park system; real estate; acquisition; eminent domain; consent of Legislature.
- 37-330 - Commission; grant easements.
- 37-331 - Commission; land; exchange; when.
- 37-332 - Acquisition of real estate by commission; bordering on lakes or artificial reservoirs; purpose.
- 37-333 - Meandered lakes; beds; dedication to public use; commission authorized to improve; jurisdiction.
- 37-334 - Commission; participation with other public entities; wildlife habitats; expenditures authorized.
- 37-335 - Commission; wildlife management areas; payments in lieu of taxes; proportionate allocation.
- 37-336 - State wildlife management areas; commission; powers; fees; disposition of proceeds; violation; penalty.
- 37-337 - State park system; purpose.
- 37-338 - Terms, defined.
- 37-339 - State park system; established; areas included; administration.
- 37-340 - State park system; classification of areas.
- 37-341 - State park system; areas; designation.
- 37-342 - Leases; lease-purchase agreements; commission; powers; restrictions.
- 37-343 - Funds; use.
- 37-344 - Rules and regulations; use by public.
- 37-345 - Fees; concessions; disposition; State Park Cash Revolving Fund; created; use; investment.
- 37-346 - Commission; state parks; use by public; concessions; length of term; fees.
- 37-347 - Commission; Nebraska State Historical Society; recreational trails; cooperative agreements.
- 37-348 - State park system; violations; penalty.
- 37-349 - State parks; use of name for trade purposes, prohibited; violation; penalty.
- 37-350 - Declaration of policy.
- 37-351 - Nebraska Outdoor Recreation Development Cash Fund; created; investment.
- 37-352 - Nebraska Outdoor Recreation Development Cash Fund; disbursements; commission; multiyear recreational development plan.
- 37-353 - Taking of wildlife; when authorized.
- 37-354 - Operation and maintenance; requirements; compliance and enforcement.
- 37-355 - Aquatic Invasive Species Program; activities authorized.
- 37-356 - Hunting and fishing guide and outfitter database; voluntary; fee; applicant; eligibility.
- 37-357 - Veterans; members of the armed forces; migratory waterfowl hunting season; requirements.
- 37-401 - Hunting, fishing, or fur-harvesting permit; required, when; exemptions; violation; penalty.
- 37-402 - Hunting, fishing, or fur-harvesting permit; persons exempt.
- 37-403 - Farm or ranch owner or operator; hunting permit exemption; violation; penalty.
- 37-404 - Permits; qualifications; limitations.
- 37-404.01 - Hunting permit; person with developmental disability; license-purchase exemption certificate; application; contents.
- 37-405 - Hunting, fishing, or fur-harvesting permit; expiration; duties of holder.
- 37-406 - Licenses, permits, and stamps; issuance; fees; violation; penalty.
- 37-406.01 - Organ and tissue donation; commission; distribute brochure; permit application; request status as donor; change; procedure; commission powers and duties; anatomical gift; when effective.
- 37-407 - Hunting, fishing, and fur-harvesting permits; fees.
- 37-408 - Permit fees; remittance.
- 37-409 - Hunting, fishing, and fur-harvesting permits; lost permit; replacement; fee.
- 37-410 - Permits; unlawful acts; penalty; confiscation of permits; residents under sixteen years of age, no permit necessary.
- 37-411 - Hunting, fishing, or fur harvesting without permit; unlawful; exceptions; violations; penalties.
- 37-412 - Hunting or fur-harvesting permit; exception for dog trials.
- 37-413 - Firearm hunter education program; commission issue certificate; hunting, lawful when; apprentice hunter education exemption certificate; fee.
- 37-414 - Bow hunter education program; certificate; issuance; hunting, lawful; when.
- 37-415 - Lifetime fur-harvesting, fishing, hunting, or combination permit; fees; replacement; rules and regulations.
- 37-416 - Lifetime permits; stamps, required.
- 37-417 - Lifetime permits; fees; disposition.
- 37-418 - Permits for scientific, educational, or private wildlife management purposes; when granted.
- 37-419 - Hunting, fishing, or fur-harvesting permit; person stationed in Nebraska in military service; certain students; resident permit.
- 37-420 - Hunting, fur-harvesting, and fishing permit; veterans; exempt from payment of fees, when; special permits; limitations.
- 37-421 - Combination hunting, fur-harvesting, and fishing permits; stamps; persons eligible; one-day permits and stamps for veterans; special permits, limitation.
- 37-421.01 - Military deployment; permits; stamps; conditions; fee.
- 37-422 - Special daily fishing permits; fee; form; requirements; commission; establish; educational fishing project permits.
- 37-423 - Fishing permit; recipient of old age assistance; exempt from payment of fees; condition.
- 37-424 - Special fishing permit for resident who is physically or developmentally disabled; fee.
- 37-425 - Special fishing permits for wards of the state; issuance.
- 37-426 - Taking birds, animals, and aquatic organisms; stamps; when required; exhibit on request; fees.
- 37-427 - Stamps; nontransferable; expiration.
- 37-428 - Stamps; unlawful acts; penalty; affirmative defense.
- 37-429 - Stamps; issuance.
- 37-430 - Habitat stamps; authorized agents; fees; remit.
- 37-431 - Nebraska Habitat Fund; Nebraska Aquatic Habitat Fund; created; use; investment; stamps; fees; disposition; duties of officials; violation; penalty.
- 37-432 - Stamps; money received from fees; administered by commission; purposes.
- 37-433 - Violations; penalty; affirmative defense.
- 37-434 - Entry permits required; purpose.
- 37-435 - Entry permits; terms, defined.
- 37-436 - Permits required; when.
- 37-437 - Permit privileges.
- 37-438 - Annual, temporary, disabled veteran, and active-duty military permits; fees.
- 37-439 - Duplicate annual permits; fee.
- 37-440 - Display and issuance of permits; where procured; clerical fee.
- 37-441 - Commission designate permit areas.
- 37-442 - Permit areas; post signs; free permit, employees.
- 37-443 - Unlawful entry; penalty; owner; prima facie responsible; when.
- 37-444 - Entry permit program; commission; rules and regulations; enforce.
- 37-445 - Permit fees; remittance to commission; failure to remit; liability; penalty.
- 37-446 - Permit fees; State Park Cash Revolving Fund; disbursement.
- 37-447 - Permit to hunt deer; commission; powers; issuance; fee; violation; penalty.
- 37-448 - Special deer, antelope, and elk depredation season; extension of existing hunting season; permit; issuance; fees.
- 37-449 - Permit to hunt antelope; regulation and limitation by commission; issuance; fees; violation; penalty.
- 37-450 - Permit to hunt elk; regulation and limitation by commission; issuance; fee; violation; penalty.
- 37-451 - Permit to hunt mountain sheep; regulation and limitation by commission; issuance; fee; violation; penalty.
- 37-452 - Hunting of antelope, elk, mountain sheep, mountain lion, or deer; age requirements.
- 37-453 - Permit to hunt deer, antelope, or elk; individual or joint application; ineligibility of individual, when.
- 37-454 - Permit to hunt deer, antelope, or elk; issued to disabled person; limitation.
- 37-455 - Limited deer, antelope, wild turkey, or elk permit; conditions; fee.
- 37-455.01 - Permit to hunt antelope, elk, deer, and wild turkey; auction or lottery permits; issuance; fee.
- 37-456 - Limited antelope or elk permit; issuance; limitation.
- 37-456.01 - Free-earned landowner elk permit; issuance; conditions.
- 37-457 - Hunting wild turkey; permit required; fee; issuance.
- 37-458 - Shooting coyotes from aircraft; permit; conditions; fee; duties.
- 37-459 - Shooting coyotes from aircraft; permitholder; report.
- 37-460 - Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 41, § 31.
- 37-461 - Muskrats or beavers; permit to destroy; violation; penalty.
- 37-462 - Taxidermists; permit; fees; renewal; authorizations; records; violations; penalty.
- 37-463 - Dealing in raw furs; fur buyer's permit required; annual fee; record; unlawful acts; penalty.
- 37-464 - Possession of fur, pelt, or carcass; prohibited acts.
- 37-465 - Aquaculture facilities; application for permits; fee.
- 37-466 - Aquaculture permit; rights.
- 37-467 - Transferred to section 37-482.01.
- 37-468 - Aquaculturist; activities authorized.
- 37-469 - Permitholder; report required; contents.
- 37-470 - Aquaculturist; report required; quarantine; when; notice; revocation of permit.
- 37-471 - Aquatic organisms; sale authorized; violation; penalty.
- 37-472 - Permit to kill mountain lions; eligibility.
- 37-473 - Permit for hunting mountain lions; application fee; auction; use of proceeds.
- 37-474 - Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 176, § 131.
- 37-475 - Officers; entry and inspection authorized.
- 37-476 - Aquaculture facilities; violations; general penalties.
- 37-477 - Certain animals kept in captivity; permit required; exceptions; rules and regulations.
- 37-478 - Captive wildlife auction permit; issuance; fee; prohibited acts.
- 37-479 - Captive wildlife permit; issuance; fee; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.
- 37-480 - Wild birds and wild mammals; disposition; restrictions.
- 37-481 - Certain wild animals; keeping in captivity; permit not required; when.
- 37-482 - Certain wild animals; keeping in captivity; violations; penalty; officers; entry and inspection authorized.
- 37-482.01 - Sale of game authorized.
- 37-483 - Recall pen; captive wildlife permit required; permit.
- 37-484 - Game breeding and controlled shooting area; license; application; fee.
- 37-485 - License requirements; inspection; issuance.
- 37-486 - License; expiration.
- 37-487 - Posting of areas.
- 37-488 - Privileges conferred by license; game birds, requirements; marking and transport.
- 37-489 - Game birds released, propagated, and taken; record; reports.
- 37-490 - Closed season.
- 37-491 - Hunting permit; habitat stamp; required; nonresidents, requirements.
- 37-492 - Commission; rules and regulations; commission orders; limitations upon game breeding and controlled shooting areas.
- 37-493 - License; refusal to issue or renew; suspension or revocation; grounds; notice; hearing.
- 37-494 - License; revocation; grounds.
- 37-495 - License; available for presentation.
- 37-496 - License; form and contents; requirements.
- 37-497 - Raptors; protection; management; raptor permit; raptor permit for wildlife abatement; captive propagation permit; raptor collecting permit; fees.
- 37-498 - Raptors; take or maintain; permit required.
- 37-499 - Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 41, § 31.
- 37-4,100 - Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 41, § 31.
- 37-4,101 - Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 41, § 31.
- 37-4,102 - Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 41, § 31.
- 37-4,103 - Raptors; violations; penalty.
- 37-4,104 - Commercial fishing permit; issuance; fees; expiration; tag requirements.
- 37-4,105 - Bait dealer's permit; issuance; fees.
- 37-4,106 - Nonresident fish dealer's permit; issuance; fee.
- 37-4,107 - Bullfrogs; fishing permit required; manner of taking.
- 37-4,108 - Commercial put-and-take fishing; license; issuance; fee; violation; penalty.
- 37-4,109 - Put-and-take trout fishing; regulations; fees; exception.
- 37-4,110 - Put-and-take trout fishing; fees; disposition.
- 37-4,111 - Permit to take paddlefish; issuance; fee.
- 37-501 - Game and fish; bag and possession limit; violation; penalty.
- 37-502 - Prohibited acts during closed season.
- 37-503 - Game; illegal possession; exception.
- 37-504 - Violations; penalties; exception.
- 37-505 - Game animals, birds, or fish; possession or sale prohibited; exceptions; violation; penalty.
- 37-506 - Illegal activities regarding fish and game; extent of restrictions.
- 37-507 - Game bird, game animal, or game fish; abandonment or needless waste; penalty.
- 37-508 - Game and fish in cold storage; violation; penalty; duty of inspectors to report.
- 37-509 - Hunting from aircraft; unlawful; exception; violation; penalty.
- 37-510 - Game shipments; prohibited acts; penalties.
- 37-511 - Import shipments of fish or game; unlawful, when; violation; penalty.
- 37-512 - Transfer of raw fur by carriers; document required; penalty.
- 37-513 - Shooting at wildlife from highway or roadway; violation; penalty; trapping in county road right-of-way; county; powers; limitation on traps.
- 37-514 - Hunting wildlife with artificial light; unlawful acts; exception; violation; penalty.
- 37-515 - Aircraft or boats; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.
- 37-516 - Harassment of game animals and game birds; use of aircraft, vessel, or vehicle; prohibited.
- 37-517 - Game animals and game birds; use of aircraft, vessel, or vehicle to spot; radio; prohibited.
- 37-518 - Violator; aid or assist; prohibited.
- 37-519 - Use of aircraft, vessel, vehicle, weapon, or other equipment; prohibited.
- 37-520 - Authorized personnel; administer and manage wildlife resources.
- 37-521 - Violations; penalty; liability to property owner.
- 37-522 - Shotgun on highway; restrictions; violation; penalty.
- 37-523 - Wild mammal or wild bird; hunt or trap; unlawful in certain areas; violation; penalty.
- 37-524 - Aquatic invasive species; wild or nonnative animals; importation, possession, or release; prohibition; violation; penalty.
- 37-524.01 - Wild pigs; animals of the Families Tayassuidae and Suidae; prohibited acts; destruction; when; penalty.
- 37-524.02 - Aquatic invasive species; prohibited acts; penalty; impoundment of conveyance.
- 37-524.03 - Aquatic invasive species; rules and regulations.
- 37-525 - Training or running of bird dogs or hunting dogs; regulation; violation; penalty.
- 37-526 - Ferrets; use or possession prohibited, when; violation; penalty.
- 37-527 - Hunter orange display required; exception; violation; penalty.
- 37-528 - Administration of drugs to wildlife; prohibited acts; violation; penalty; section, how construed; powers of conservation officer.
- 37-529 - Permit to kill deer, antelope, or elk; tagging and storage.
- 37-530 - Wildlife species accidentally killed; disposal authorized.
- 37-531 - Wild animals; explosive traps; poison gas; unlawful use; penalty.
- 37-532 - Traps; requirements; violation; penalty.
- 37-533 - Offenses relating to fur-bearing animals; violation; penalty.
- 37-534 - Wild turkeys; tagging and storage of carcasses; regulations.
- 37-535 - Hunting game from aircraft or watercraft; prohibited acts; penalty.
- 37-536 - Game birds; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.
- 37-537 - Baiting prohibited; violation; penalty.
- 37-538 - Hunting game birds from vehicle; violation; penalty.
- 37-539 - Game bird nests or eggs; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.
- 37-540 - Protected birds; nest or eggs; prohibited acts.
- 37-541 - Homing pigeon; protection; violation; penalty.
- 37-542 - Fish unlawfully taken; duty of angler.
- 37-543 - Offenses relating to fish; exceptions; rules and regulations; commission orders; violation; penalty.
- 37-544 - Spear fishing; commission; powers.
- 37-545 - Fish; privately owned pond; removal by owner; commercial fishing permits; violation; penalty.
- 37-546 - Offenses relating to baitfish; violation; penalty.
- 37-547 - Aquatic invasive species; wildlife; legislative intent.
- 37-548 - Aquatic invasive species; wildlife; prohibited acts; violation; penalty; release, importation, commercial exploitation, and exportation permits; fees; commission; powers and duties.
- 37-549 - Fish, mollusks, reptiles, crustaceans, and amphibians; permitted acts.
- 37-550 - Wildlife; shipment in interstate commerce; when permitted.
- 37-551 - Fish protection; irrigation waters; screens; duty of commission.
- 37-552 - Fish screens; notice; construction; cost; neglect; liability; liquidated damages; penalty.
- 37-553 - Fishway through dam; obligation of owner; commission; powers and duties; violation; penalty.
- 37-554 - Explosives or poison; use in waters prohibited; penalties; exceptions; permit.
- 37-555 - Waters of state; pollution prohibited; violation; penalty.
- 37-556 - Waters of state; pollution; carcasses; prohibitions; penalty.
- 37-557 - Hatching boxes and nursery ponds; disturbing prohibited; exception; violation; penalty.
- 37-558 - Draining harmful matter into waters stocked by commission prohibited; penalty.
- 37-559 - Destruction of predators; permit required; when; mountain lion; actions authorized.
- 37-560 - Deer, antelope, or elk causing damage to property; removal; disposition of carcass.
- 37-561 - Predatory animals; explosive traps; poison gas; lawful use; exceptions; posting of signs.
- 37-562 - Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 41, § 31.
- 37-563 - Nuisance birds; commission; powers.
- 37-564 - Interference with person hunting, trapping, or fishing.
- 37-565 - Interference with person hunting, trapping, or fishing; injunction.
- 37-566 - Interference with person hunting, trapping, or fishing; affirmative defense.
- 37-567 - Interference with person hunting, trapping, or fishing; aiding or assisting prohibited.
- 37-568 - Interference with person hunting, trapping, or fishing; prohibited acts.
- 37-569 - Sections; how construed.
- 37-570 - Interference with person hunting, trapping, or fishing; violation; penalty; use of aircraft, vessel, or vehicle; destruction of property; liability.
- 37-571 - Hunt through the Internet, defined.
- 37-572 - Hunt through the Internet; prohibited acts; confiscation and forfeiture of contraband.
- 37-573 - Violations; penalty.
- 37-601 - Jurisdiction of courts; duty of prosecuting attorneys.
- 37-602 - Prosecutions; when and where brought; limitation.
- 37-603 - Conservation officers; powers.
- 37-604 - Enforcement of Game Law; duties; fees and mileage.
- 37-605 - Arrests or summons; hearing; failure to appear; violation; penalty.
- 37-606 - Corporate offenders; how served; prosecution of agents or employees.
- 37-607 - Conservation and peace officers; duty to arrest; powers.
- 37-608 - Rules and regulations; enforcement; arrest and detention authorized.
- 37-609 - Resisting officer or employee of commission; penalty.
- 37-610 - False representation as officer or employee of commission; penalty.
- 37-611 - Separate offense, defined.
- 37-612 - Accessories; penalties.
- 37-613 - Wildlife; prohibited acts; liquidated damages; schedule; disposition.
- 37-614 - Revocation and suspension of permits; grounds.
- 37-615 - Revoked or suspended permit; unlawful acts; violation; penalty.
- 37-616 - Certain deaths and injuries; suspension or revocation of permits.
- 37-617 - Suspension, revocation, or conviction; court; duties.
- 37-618 - Suspension or revocation in other jurisdiction; effect; violation; penalty.
- 37-619 - Game and raw furs illegally acquired or possessed; contraband; seizure and confiscation.
- 37-620 - Contraband; evidence; seizure and confiscation.
- 37-621 - Contraband; disposition.
- 37-622 - Contraband; illegal possession; complaints and search warrants.
- 37-623 - Illegally used nets, traps, ferrets, and devices; seizure and confiscation; destruction; return of guns, legal fish nets, or other hunting and fishing equipment; when made.
- 37-624 - Commission; powers; use of federal personnel.
- 37-701 - Reserves, refuges, and sanctuaries; how established; acquisition of land.
- 37-702 - Sanctuaries on rivers; how established; discontinuance; procedure.
- 37-703 - Reserves, refuges, and sanctuaries; signs; form; where placed; defacing prohibited; penalty.
- 37-704 - Sanctuaries; rules and regulations; Missouri River sanctuaries; power of commission.
- 37-705 - Reserves, sanctuaries, and closed waters; prohibited acts; penalty; exceptions.
- 37-706 - Game refuges; establishment; description.
- 37-706.01 - Legislative intent.
- 37-707 - Game refuges; boundaries; marking; Department of Natural Resources; duties; access to property; when.
- 37-708 - Game refuges; prohibited acts; exceptions.
- 37-708.01 - Rule or regulation; validity; review of other orders or acts; procedure.
- 37-709 - Game refuges; violation; penalty.
- 37-710 - State Wild Game Preserve; creation; extent; location; acquisition; purpose.
- 37-711 - State Wild Game Preserve; typical specimens of wild game animals and birds; collection, preservation, and distribution.
- 37-712 - State Wild Game Preserve; firearms, hunting, and fishing prohibited.
- 37-713 - State Wild Game Preserve; special permits for taking surplus wild game animals; issuance.
- 37-714 - Terms, defined.
- 37-715 - Legislative findings.
- 37-716 - Nebraska Natural Areas Register; created; registration; criteria.
- 37-717 - Inclusion in register; nomination; priorities.
- 37-718 - Contracts and agreements authorized.
- 37-719 - Commission; participating cooperators; powers.
- 37-720 - Agreement; landowner's rights.
- 37-721 - Natural area; use; hearing required.
- 37-722 - Hunting, fishing, trapping, fur harvesting on private lands; unlawful except by permission; replevin of animals or pelts.
- 37-723 - Hunting; privately owned land; posting.
- 37-724 - Hunting; privately owned land; posting; where placed.
- 37-725 - Hunting; privately owned land; posting; written consent; contents.
- 37-726 - Hunting; privately owned land; posting; apprehension of violator; arrest and prosecution.
- 37-727 - Hunting; privately owned land; violations; penalty.
- 37-728 - Fishing; privately owned land; statement required; false statement; penalty.
- 37-729 - Terms, defined.
- 37-730 - Limitation of liability; purpose of sections.
- 37-731 - Landowner; duty of care.
- 37-732 - Landowner; invitee; permittee; liability; limitation.
- 37-733 - Land leased to state; duty of landowner.
- 37-734 - Landowner; liability.
- 37-735 - Sections, how construed.
- 37-736 - Obligation of person entering upon and using land.
- 37-801 - Act, how cited.
- 37-802 - Terms, defined.
- 37-803 - Legislative intent.
- 37-804 - Legislative declarations.
- 37-805 - Commission; develop conservation programs; unlawful acts.
- 37-806 - Endangered or threatened species; how determined; commission; powers and duties; unlawful acts; exceptions; local law, regulation, or ordinance; effect.
- 37-807 - Commission; establish conservation programs; agreements authorized; Governor; duties; state agency; effect of agency action on endangered or threatened species or critical habitat; commission statement; conservation programs; public meeting; when required.
- 37-808 - Commission; issue regulations.
- 37-809 - Violations; penalties; conservation or peace officer; powers and duties; regulations.
- 37-810 - Act; how construed.
- 37-811 - Wildlife Conservation Fund; created; use; investment.
- 37-812 - Transportation infrastructure; act, applicability.
- 37-813 - Transportation infrastructure; exempt party; duties; commission; powers and duties.
- 37-814 - Critical habitat; designation; factors; procedure.
- 37-901 - Wildlife-restoration projects; cooperation with federal government; hunters' fees; expenditure.
- 37-902 - Migratory bird reservations; federal establishment; state's consent.
- 37-903 - Fish restoration and management projects; cooperation with federal government; state's consent.
- 37-904 - Land and water conservation; cooperation with federal government; state's consent.
- 37-905 - Land and Water Conservation Fund; created; use; investment.
- 37-906 - Land and Water Conservation Fund; federal funds; allocation; reallocation; manner; restriction.
- 37-907 - State assents to Federal Water Projects Recreation Act; Game and Parks Commission; powers.
- 37-908 - Youth conservation corps projects; Game and Parks Commission; powers and duties; compliance with federal law; funds; use.
- 37-909 - Youth Conservation Corps Fund; created; funds available; use; investment.
- 37-910 - State assents to Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act; Game and Parks Commission; powers.
- 37-911 - Recreational Trails Fund; created; use.
- 37-912 - Chicago and Northwestern Railroad; acceptance of gift; authorized; commission; powers and duties; section, how construed.
- 37-913 - Cowboy Trail Fund; created; use; investment.
- 37-914 - National Trails System Act; commission; railroad right-of-way; acquisition; uses; conditions.
- 37-915 - Repealed. Laws 2016, LB957, § 24.
- 37-916 - Repealed. Laws 2016, LB957, § 24.
- 37-917 - Repealed. Laws 2016, LB957, § 24.
- 37-918 - Repealed. Laws 2016, LB957, § 24.
- 37-919 - Repealed. Laws 2016, LB957, § 24.
- 37-920 - Repealed. Laws 2016, LB957, § 24.
- 37-921 - Repealed. Laws 2016, LB957, § 24.
- 37-1001 - Act, how cited; termination.
- 37-1002 - Legislative findings.
- 37-1003 - Trail Development Assistance Fund; created; use; investment.
- 37-1004 - Funding; application; grants; section, how construed.
- 37-1005 - Administrative costs; limitation; rules and regulations.
- 37-1006 - Eminent domain power.
- 37-1007 - Boundary fences.
- 37-1008 - Warning signs.
- 37-1009 - State agency or political subdivision; establish fees.
- 37-1010 - Recreational trails; public policy.
- 37-1011 - Lease of undeveloped land; when.
- 37-1012 - Responsibility for fences.
- 37-1013 - Sanitary facilities required; camping or open fires prohibited.
- 37-1014 - Rules and regulations.
- 37-1015 - State Recreational Trails Coordinator; duties.
- 37-1016 - Cowboy Trail; Game and Parks Commission; lease or transfer of portions authorized.
- 37-1017 - Trail Development and Maintenance Fund; created; use; investment.
- 37-1101 - Transferred to section 37-434.
- 37-1102 - Transferred to section 37-435.
- 37-1103 - Transferred to section 37-436.
- 37-1104 - Transferred to section 37-437.
- 37-1105 - Transferred to section 37-438.
- 37-1105.01 - Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 74, § 3.
- 37-1105.02 - Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 723, § 9.
- 37-1105.03 - Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 723, § 9.
- 37-1106 - Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 723, § 9.
- 37-1107 - Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 723, § 9.
- 37-1107.01 - Transferred to section 37-439.
- 37-1108 - Transferred to section 37-440.
- 37-1109 - Transferred to section 37-441.
- 37-1110 - Transferred to section 37-442.
- 37-1111 - Transferred to section 37-443.
- 37-1112 - Transferred to section 37-444.
- 37-1113 - Transferred to section 37-445.
- 37-1114 - Transferred to section 37-446.
- 37-1201 - Act, how cited; declaration of policy.
- 37-1202 - Definitions, where found.
- 37-1203 - Vessel, defined.
- 37-1204 - Motorboat, defined.
- 37-1204.01 - Personal watercraft, defined.
- 37-1205 - Owner, defined.
- 37-1206 - Waters of this state, defined.
- 37-1207 - Person, defined.
- 37-1208 - Operate, defined.
- 37-1209 - Commission, defined.
- 37-1210 - Length, defined.
- 37-1211 - Motorboat; numbering required; operation of unnumbered motorboat prohibited; exceptions.
- 37-1212 - Manufacturers; retailers; temporary numbering; certificate; fee.
- 37-1213 - Vessels; classification.
- 37-1214 - Motorboat; registration; period valid; application; registration fee; aquatic invasive species stamp.
- 37-1215 - Motorboat; registration period already commenced; registration fee reduced; computation.
- 37-1216 - Motorboat; application for registration; issuance of a certificate of number; how displayed.
- 37-1217 - Motorboat; registration; fee to recover administrative costs.
- 37-1218 - Motorboat; registration transmitted to Game and Parks Commission; when; duplicate copy.
- 37-1218.01 - Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 131, § 8.
- 37-1219 - Registration fees; remitted to commission; when; form; duplicate copy.
- 37-1220 - Fees; deposited with State Treasurer; placed in State Game Fund.
- 37-1221 - Motorboat; number awarded; maintained in legible condition; certificate of number; available for inspection; when removed.
- 37-1222 - Vessel; previously numbered under a federally approved numbering system; registration of number; when.
- 37-1223 - Motorboat; change of ownership; new application; original number retained; when.
- 37-1224 - Motorboat; removed from the state or transferred; registration fee; claim for refund; how computed.
- 37-1225 - United States Government vessel identification numbering system; effect.
- 37-1226 - Motorboat; certificate of number and number awarded; period valid; renewal; fee.
- 37-1227 - Certificate of number; lost or destroyed; replacement; fee.
- 37-1228 - Certificate of number; contents.
- 37-1229 - Motorboat; transfer, theft, recovery, destruction, or abandonment; notice to commission; certificate; terminated or declared invalid; when.
- 37-1230 - Certificate of number; change of address; notice to commission.
- 37-1231 - Number other than number awarded attached to bow; prohibited.
- 37-1232 - Vessel; carry and exhibit lights; when.
- 37-1233 - Class 1 and 2 motorboats; lights required; enumerated.
- 37-1234 - Class 3 and 4 motorboats; lights required; enumerated.
- 37-1235 - Vessels propelled by sail or hand power; lights required.
- 37-1236 - Lights; visibility requirements.
- 37-1237 - Vessel propelled by sail and machinery; lights required.
- 37-1238 - Lights required by federal rules; commission; option to adopt.
- 37-1238.01 - Vessel equipped with red or blue light; limitation on operation.
- 37-1238.02 - Vessel signaled to stop; violation; penalty.
- 37-1239 - Class 2, 3, or 4 vessel; sound-producing equipment required.
- 37-1240 - Class 3 or 4 vessel; bell required.
- 37-1241 - All vessels; floatation device; requirements; exceptions.
- 37-1241.01 - Personal watercraft; applicability of laws, rules, and regulations.
- 37-1241.02 - Personal watercraft; operation requirements.
- 37-1241.03 - Personal watercraft; time restrictions.
- 37-1241.04 - Personal watercraft; manner of operation.
- 37-1241.05 - Personal watercraft; towing; when permitted.
- 37-1241.06 - Motorboat or personal watercraft; age restrictions; boating safety course; fee.
- 37-1241.07 - Motorboat or personal watercraft; age restriction on lease, hire, or rental; restriction on operation; duties of owner, agent, or employee.
- 37-1241.08 - Sections; applicability.
- 37-1242 - Motorboat; fire extinguishers required.
- 37-1243 - Racing vessels; equipment, exceptions; when.
- 37-1244 - Motorboat; engine equipped with flame arrester or similar device; exception.
- 37-1245 - Motorboat; proper ventilation of bilges required.
- 37-1246 - Federal boating laws or coast guard regulations; equipment requirements; commission; option to adopt.
- 37-1247 - Federal boating laws or coast guard regulations; pilot rules; commission; option to adopt.
- 37-1248 - Operation of a vessel without required equipment; prohibited.
- 37-1249 - Vessels; exemption from numbering.
- 37-1250 - Vessel; exempt from numbering by commission rule and regulation.
- 37-1251 - Boat livery; records required.
- 37-1252 - Boat livery; vessel operated without required equipment; prohibited.
- 37-1253 - Motorboat; noise level; restriction; muffling equipment; requirements.
- 37-1254 - Prohibited operation; reckless or negligent; proof.
- 37-1254.01 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; city or village ordinances; violation; penalty.
- 37-1254.02 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; implied consent to submit to chemical test; preliminary test; refusal; advisement; effect; violation; penalty.
- 37-1254.03 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; choice of test; privileges of person tested.
- 37-1254.04 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; unconscious; effect on consent.
- 37-1254.05 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; chemical test; violation of statute or ordinance; results; competent evidence; permit; fee; evidence existing or obtained outside state; effect.
- 37-1254.06 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; blood test; withdrawing requirements; damages; liability.
- 37-1254.07 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; violation of city or village ordinance; fee for test; court costs.
- 37-1254.08 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; test without preliminary breath test; when; qualified personnel.
- 37-1254.09 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; peace officer; preliminary breath test; refusal; violation; penalty.
- 37-1254.10 - Boating during court-ordered prohibition; violation; penalty.
- 37-1254.11 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; violation; sentencing; terms, defined; prior convictions; use; prosecutor; present evidence; convicted person; rights.
- 37-1254.12 - Boating under influence of alcoholic liquor or drug; penalties; probation or sentence suspension; court orders.
- 37-1255 - Collisions, accidents, and casualties; operator of vessel; duties.
- 37-1256 - Collision, accident, or other casualty; commission; Nebraska State Patrol; duties.
- 37-1257 - Transmittal of information; when.
- 37-1258 - Water skis, surfboard, or similar device; observation required.
- 37-1259 - Water skis, aquaplane, or similar device; operation; time restrictions.
- 37-1260 - Water skis, aquaplane, or similar device; manner of operation.
- 37-1261 - Water skis, aquaplane, or similar device; collision; operation to avoid.
- 37-1262 - Races and exhibitions; commission authorization.
- 37-1263 - Races and exhibitions; application; when; contents.
- 37-1264 - Local regulation; extent permitted.
- 37-1265 - Local regulation; special rules and regulations.
- 37-1266 - Commission; special rules and regulations.
- 37-1267 - Civil liability of owner; recovery limited to actual damages.
- 37-1268 - Commission; rules and regulations.
- 37-1269 - Conservation and peace officers; enforcement of act.
- 37-1270 - Violations; general penalty.
- 37-1271 - Violations; penalty.
- 37-1272 - Operation of vessel in violation of law; penalty.
- 37-1273 - Fees; placed in State Game Fund; how used.
- 37-1274 - Transferred to section 37-1291.
- 37-1275 - Manufacturer's or importer's certificate; required.
- 37-1276 - Certificate of title; assignment required; exemption.
- 37-1277 - Acquisition of motorboat; requirements.
- 37-1278 - Certificate of title; application; contents; issuance; transfer of motorboat.
- 37-1278.01 - Bonded certificate of title; requirements; fee.
- 37-1279 - Certificate of title; issuance; form; county treasurer; duties; filing.
- 37-1280 - Department of Motor Vehicles; powers and duties; rules and regulations; cancellation of certificate of title; removal of improperly noted lien on certificate of title; procedure.
- 37-1280.01 - Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 801, § 102.
- 37-1281 - Motorboat sale; sale instrument; contents.
- 37-1282 - Department of Motor Vehicles; implement electronic title and lien system for motorboats; security interest; financing instruments; provisions applicable; priority; notation of liens; cancellation.
- 37-1282.01 - Printed certificate of title; when issued.
- 37-1283 - New certificate; when issued; proof required; processing of application.
- 37-1284 - Certificate; loss or destruction; replacement; subsequent purchaser, rights; recovery of original; duty of owner.
- 37-1285 - Certificate; surrender and cancellation; when required.
- 37-1285.01 - Electronic certificate of title; changes authorized.
- 37-1286 - Forms; contents; assignment of hull identification number; fee.
- 37-1287 - Fees; disposition.
- 37-1288 - Prohibited acts; penalty.
- 37-1289 - Violations; penalty.
- 37-1290 - Security interest perfected prior to January 1, 1997; treatment; notation of lien.
- 37-1291 - Nontransferable certificate of title; issued; when; effect.
- 37-1292 - Salvage certificate of title; terms, defined.
- 37-1293 - Salvage branded certificate of title; when issued; procedure.
- 37-1294 - Salvage or previously salvaged title brand; procedure; fee.
- 37-1295 - Certificate of title; disclosures required.
- 37-1296 - Acquisition of salvage motorboat without salvage branded certificate of title; duties.
- 37-1297 - Sections; how construed.
- 37-1298 - Salvage motorboat; prohibited acts; penalty.
- 37-1299 - Abandoned motorboat, defined.
- 37-12,100 - Abandoned motorboat; title; vest in local authority or state agency; when.
- 37-12,101 - Local authority or state agency; powers and duties.
- 37-12,102 - State or local law enforcement agency; powers and duties.
- 37-12,103 - Custody; who entitled.
- 37-12,104 - Proceeds of sale; disposition.
- 37-12,105 - Liability for removal.
- 37-12,106 - Person cannot abandon a motorboat.
- 37-12,107 - Destroy, deface, or remove parts; unlawful; exception; violation; penalty.
- 37-12,108 - Costs of removal and storage; last-registered owner; liable.
- 37-12,109 - Rules and regulations.
- 37-12,110 - Violations; penalty.
- 37-1301 - Act, how cited.
- 37-1302 - Terms, defined.
- 37-1303 - Rules and regulations; shooting range performance standards; review.
- 37-1304 - Existing shooting range; effect of zoning provisions.
- 37-1305 - Existing shooting range; effect of noise provisions.
- 37-1306 - Discharge of firearm at shooting range; how treated.
- 37-1307 - Existing shooting range; permitted activities.
- 37-1308 - Hours of operation.
- 37-1309 - Presumption with respect to noise.
- 37-1310 - Regulation of location and construction; limit on taking of property.
- 37-1401 - Legislative findings.
- 37-1402 - Invasive species, defined.
- 37-1403 - Nebraska Invasive Species Council; created; members; expenses; Game and Parks Commission; rules and regulations; meetings.
- 37-1404 - Nebraska Invasive Species Council; duties.
- 37-1405 - Adaptive management plan; contents.
- 37-1406 - Adaptive management plan; completion; update; Nebraska Invasive Species Council; reports; subcommittees.
- 37-1501 - Purpose of sections.
- 37-1502 - Terms, defined.
- 37-1503 - Deer covered by program.
- 37-1504 - Applicant for permit; option to contribute to fund.
- 37-1505 - Commission; duties; rules and regulations.
- 37-1506 - Commission; promote program.
- 37-1507 - Commission; meat processors; contracts authorized; duties.
- 37-1508 - Meat processor; participation; annual contract; record required; payment; liability.
- 37-1509 - Commission; additional contracts authorized; matching grants.
- 37-1510 - Hunters Helping the Hungry Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 37-1601 - Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.
- 37-1701 - Act, how cited.
- 37-1702 - Definitions, where found.
- 37-1703 - Alternative technical concept, defined.
- 37-1704 - Best value-based selection process, defined.
- 37-1705 - Commission, defined.
- 37-1706 - Construction manager, defined.
- 37-1707 - Construction manager-general contractor contract, defined.
- 37-1708 - Construction services, defined.
- 37-1709 - Design-build contract, defined.
- 37-1710 - Design-builder, defined.
- 37-1711 - Preconstruction services, defined.
- 37-1712 - Project performance criteria, defined.
- 37-1713 - Proposal, defined.
- 37-1714 - Qualification-based selection process, defined.
- 37-1715 - Request for proposals, defined.
- 37-1716 - Request for qualifications, defined.
- 37-1717 - Purpose.
- 37-1718 - Contracts authorized.
- 37-1719 - Architect; engineer; hiring authorized.
- 37-1720 - Guidelines for entering into contracts.
- 37-1721 - Process for selecting design-builder and entering into contract.
- 37-1722 - Request for qualifications; prequalify design-builders; publication in newspaper; short list.
- 37-1723 - Design-build contract; request for proposals; contents.
- 37-1724 - Stipend.
- 37-1725 - Alternative technical concepts; evaluation of proposals; commission; power to negotiate.
- 37-1726 - Process for selection of construction manager and entering into construction manager-general contractor contract.
- 37-1727 - Construction manager-general contractor contract; request for proposals; contents.
- 37-1728 - Submission of proposals; procedure; evaluation of proposals; commission; power to negotiate.
- 37-1729 - Commission; duties; powers.
- 37-1730 - Contract changes authorized.
- 37-1731 - Insurance requirements.
- 37-1732 - Rules and regulations.
- 37-1801 - Act, how cited.
- 37-1802 - Legislative findings and declarations.
- 37-1803 - Act; purposes; Game and Parks Commission; powers; legislative intent; contracts; conflict-of-interest provisions.
- 37-1804 - Water Recreation Enhancement Fund; created; use; investment.
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