2024 Nebraska Revised Statutes
Chapter 32 - Elections
32-922 - Employees; time allowed for voting, when.
32-922. Employees; time allowed for voting, when.
Any registered voter who does not have two consecutive hours in the period between the time of the opening and closing of the polls during which he or she is not required to be present at work for an employer shall be entitled on election day to be absent from employment for such a period of time as will in addition to his or her nonworking time total two consecutive hours between the time of the opening and closing of the polls. If the registered voter applies for such leave of absence prior to or on election day, the registered voter shall not be liable for any penalty and no deduction shall be made from his or her salary or wages on account of such absence. The employer may specify the hours during which the employee may be absent.
- Laws 1994, LB 76, ยง 265.