2023 Nebraska Revised Statutes
Chapter 71 - Public Health and Welfare
71-416 - Health clinic, defined.
71-416. Health clinic, defined.
(1) Health clinic means a facility where advice, counseling, diagnosis, treatment, surgery, care, or services relating to the preservation or maintenance of health are provided on an outpatient basis for a period of less than twenty-four consecutive hours to persons not residing or confined at such facility. Health clinic includes, but is not limited to, an ambulatory surgical center or a public health clinic.
(2) Health clinic does not include (a) a health care practitioner facility (i) unless such facility is an ambulatory surgical center, (ii) unless ten or more abortions, as defined in subdivision (1) of section 28-326, are performed during any one calendar week at such facility, or (iii) unless hemodialysis or labor and delivery services are provided at such facility, (b) a facility which provides only routine health screenings, health education, or immunizations, or (c) a PACE center.
(3) For purposes of this section:
(a) Public health clinic means the department, any county, city-county, or multicounty health department, or any private not-for-profit family planning clinic licensed as a health clinic;
(b) Routine health screenings means the collection of health data through the administration of a screening tool designed for a specific health problem, evaluation and comparison of results to referral criteria, and referral to appropriate sources of care, if indicated; and
(c) Screening tool means a simple interview or testing procedure to collect basic information on health status.
- Laws 2000, LB 819, § 16;
- Laws 2020, LB1053, § 8.