2023 Nebraska Revised Statutes
Chapter 71 - Public Health and Welfare
71-20,104 - Acquisition of hospital; approval required; exception; notice; application; procedure.
71-20,104. Acquisition of hospital; approval required; exception; notice; application; procedure.
(1) No person shall engage in the acquisition of a hospital owned by a nonprofit corporation without first having applied for and received the approval of the department and without first having notified the Attorney General and, if applicable, received approval from the Attorney General pursuant to the Nonprofit Hospital Sale Act. No person shall engage in the acquisition of a hospital not owned by a nonprofit corporation without first having applied for and received the approval of the department pursuant to the act unless such acquiring person is a nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or is a governmental entity. For purposes of the act, approval of the department and the Attorney General shall not be required for the acquisition of a hospital not owned by a nonprofit corporation as follows: (a) The lease or sale of a county hospital approved under subdivision (3) of section 23-3504; or (b) the dissolution of a hospital district approved under sections 23-3544 to 23-3546 or the merger of hospital districts approved under sections 23-3573 to 23-3578.
(2) Any person not required to obtain the approval of the department under the Nonprofit Hospital Sale Act shall give the Attorney General at least thirty days' notice of an impending acquisition, during which time the Attorney General may take any necessary and appropriate action consistent with his or her general duties of oversight with regard to the conduct of charities. The notice shall briefly describe the impending acquisition, including any change in ownership of tangible or intangible assets.
(3) The application shall be submitted to the department and the Attorney General on forms provided by the department and shall include the name of the seller, the name of the purchaser or other parties to an acquisition, the terms of the proposed agreement, the sale price, a copy of the acquisition agreement, a financial and economic analysis and report from an independent expert or consultant of the effect of the acquisition under the criteria set forth in section 71-20,108, and all other related documents. A copy of the application and copies of all additional related materials shall be submitted to the department and to the Attorney General at the same time. The applications and all related documents shall be considered public records for purposes of sections 84-712 to 84-712.09.
- Laws 1996, LB 1188, § 3;
- Laws 2012, LB995, § 16.