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2019 Nebraska Revised Statutes
- 71-101 Transferred to section 38-101.
- 71-101.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-101.02 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-102 Transferred to section 38-121.
- 71-103 Transferred to section 38-129.
- 71-104 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-104.01 Transferred to section 38-131.
- 71-105 Transferred to section 38-122.
- 71-106 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-107 Transferred to section 38-124.
- 71-108 Transferred to section 38-130.
- 71-109 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-110 Transferred to section 38-142.
- 71-110.01 Transferred to section 38-143.
- 71-111 Transferred to section 38-158.
- 71-112 Transferred to section 38-167.
- 71-112.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-112.02 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 818, § 1.
- 71-112.03 Transferred to section 38-161.
- 71-112.04 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 473, § 63.
- 71-112.05 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 473, § 63.
- 71-112.06 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 473, § 63.
- 71-113 Transferred to section 38-162.
- 71-114 Transferred to section 38-164.
- 71-115 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 473, § 63.
- 71-115.01 Transferred to section 38-168.
- 71-115.02 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 473, § 63.
- 71-115.03 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 473, § 63.
- 71-115.04 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 473, § 63.
- 71-116 Transferred to section 38-163.
- 71-117 Transferred to section 38-159.
- 71-118 Transferred to section 38-160.
- 71-119 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-120 Transferred to section 38-169.
- 71-121 Transferred to section 38-170.
- 71-121.01 Transferred to section 38-174.
- 71-122 Transferred to section 38-171.
- 71-122.01 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 926, § 65.
- 71-123 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-124 Transferred to section 38-172.
- 71-124.01 Transferred to section 38-141.
- 71-125 Transferred to section 38-132.
- 71-126 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 703, § 83.
- 71-127 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 926, § 65.
- 71-128 Transferred to section 38-133.
- 71-129 Transferred to section 38-135.
- 71-130 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1064, § 33.
- 71-131 Transferred to section 38-136.
- 71-132 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-133 Transferred to section 38-134.
- 71-134 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-134.01 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-134.02 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-134.03 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-135 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1064, § 33.
- 71-136 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1064, § 33.
- 71-137 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 1064, § 33.
- 71-138 Transferred to section 38-137.
- 71-139 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-139.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-139.02 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-140 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-141 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-142 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-143 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-144 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-145 Transferred to section 38-125.
- 71-146 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 94, § 19.
- 71-147 Transferred to section 38-178.
- 71-147.01 Transferred to section 38-1,128.
- 71-147.02 Transferred to section 38-183.
- 71-148 Transferred to section 38-179.
- 71-149 Transferred to section 38-144.
- 71-150 Transferred to section 38-185.
- 71-151 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-152 Transferred to section 38-187.
- 71-153 Transferred to section 38-188.
- 71-154 Transferred to section 38-189.
- 71-155 Transferred to section 38-196.
- 71-155.01 Transferred to section 38-1,101.
- 71-155.02 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-155.03 Transferred to section 38-198.
- 71-156 Transferred to section 38-191.
- 71-157 Transferred to section 38-194.
- 71-158 Transferred to section 38-195.
- 71-159 Transferred to section 38-1,102.
- 71-160 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-161 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 352, § 190.
- 71-161.01 Transferred to section 38-177.
- 71-161.02 Transferred to section 38-197.
- 71-161.03 Transferred to section 38-190.
- 71-161.04 Transferred to section 38-148.
- 71-161.05 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-161.06 Transferred to section 38-149.
- 71-161.07 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-161.08 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-161.09 Transferred to section 38-145.
- 71-161.10 Transferred to section 38-146.
- 71-161.11 Transferred to section 38-1,109.
- 71-161.12 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-161.13 Transferred to section 38-1,110.
- 71-161.14 Transferred to section 38-1,111.
- 71-161.15 Transferred to section 38-1,112.
- 71-161.16 Transferred to section 38-1,113.
- 71-161.17 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-161.18 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-161.19 Transferred to section 38-173.
- 71-161.20 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-162 Transferred to section 38-151.
- 71-162.01 Transferred to section 38-152.
- 71-162.02 Transferred to section 38-153.
- 71-162.03 Transferred to section 38-154.
- 71-162.04 Transferred to section 38-155.
- 71-162.05 Transferred to section 38-156.
- 71-163 Transferred to section 38-157.
- 71-164 Transferred to section 38-1,114.
- 71-164.01 Transferred to section 38-1,116.
- 71-165 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-166 Transferred to section 38-1,117.
- 71-167 Transferred to section 38-1,118.
- 71-168 Transferred to section 38-1,124.
- 71-168.01 Transferred to section 38-1,138.
- 71-168.02 Transferred to section 38-1,127.
- 71-169 Transferred to section 38-126.
- 71-170 Transferred to section 38-127.
- 71-171 Transferred to section 38-1,139.
- 71-171.01 Transferred to section 38-1,107.
- 71-171.02 Transferred to section 38-1,108.
- 71-172 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-172.01 Transferred to section 38-175.
- 71-172.02 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-173 Transferred to section 38-3006.
- 71-174 Transferred to section 38-3007.
- 71-174.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-174.02 Transferred to section 38-3011.
- 71-175 Transferred to section 38-3008.
- 71-175.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-176 Transferred to section 38-3010.
- 71-176.01 Transferred to section 38-3012.
- 71-176.02 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1044, § 1.
- 71-176.03 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-177 Transferred to section 38-805.
- 71-178 Transferred to section 38-806.
- 71-179 Transferred to section 38-807.
- 71-179.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-180 Transferred to section 38-803.
- 71-180.01 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-180.02 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-180.03 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-180.04 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-180.05 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-181 Transferred to section 38-809.
- 71-182 Transferred to section 38-811.
- 71-183 Transferred to section 38-1115.
- 71-183.01 Transferred to section 38-1116.
- 71-183.02 Transferred to section 38-1107.
- 71-184 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-185 Transferred to section 38-1117.
- 71-185.01 Transferred to section 38-1125.
- 71-185.02 Transferred to section 38-1123.
- 71-185.03 Transferred to section 38-1124.
- 71-186 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-187 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 926, § 65.
- 71-188 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-189 Transferred to section 38-1127.
- 71-190 Transferred to section 38-1128.
- 71-191 Transferred to section 38-1129.
- 71-192 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-193 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 587, § 15.
- 71-193.01 Transferred to section 38-1149.
- 71-193.02 Transferred to section 38-1150.
- 71-193.03 Transferred to section 38-1151.
- 71-193.04 Transferred to section 38-1118.
- 71-193.05 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-193.06 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 587, § 15.
- 71-193.07 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 587, § 15.
- 71-193.08 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 587, § 15.
- 71-193.09 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 572, § 8.
- 71-193.10 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 587, § 15.
- 71-193.11 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 238, § 7.
- 71-193.12 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 587, § 15.
- 71-193.13 Transferred to section 38-1135.
- 71-193.14 Transferred to section 38-1136.
- 71-193.15 Transferred to section 38-1130.
- 71-193.16 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-193.17 Transferred to section 38-1131.
- 71-193.18 Transferred to section 38-1132.
- 71-193.19 Transferred to section 38-1133.
- 71-193.20 Transferred to section 38-1134.
- 71-193.21 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-193.22 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-193.23 Transferred to section 38-1137.
- 71-193.24 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-193.25 Transferred to section 38-1138.
- 71-193.26 Transferred to section 38-1139.
- 71-193.27 Transferred to section 38-1140.
- 71-193.28 Transferred to section 38-1142.
- 71-193.29 Transferred to section 38-1141.
- 71-193.30 Transferred to section 38-1144.
- 71-193.31 Transferred to section 38-1145.
- 71-193.32 Transferred to section 38-1146.
- 71-193.33 Transferred to section 38-1143.
- 71-193.34 Transferred to section 38-1147.
- 71-193.35 Transferred to section 38-1148.
- 71-194 Transferred to section 71-1301.
- 71-195 Transferred to section 71-1302.
- 71-196 Transferred to section 71-1303.
- 71-197 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 94, § 19.
- 71-198 Transferred to section 71-1304.
- 71-199 Transferred to section 71-1305.
- 71-1,100 Transferred to section 71-1306.
- 71-1,101 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 187, § 39.
- 71-1,102 Transferred to section 38-2024.
- 71-1,103 Transferred to section 38-2025.
- 71-1,104 Transferred to section 38-2026.
- 71-1,104.01 Transferred to section 71-551.
- 71-1,104.02 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 456, § 40.
- 71-1,104.03 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 456, § 40.
- 71-1,104.04 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 456, § 40.
- 71-1,104.05 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 456, § 40.
- 71-1,104.06 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,105 Transferred to section 38-2004.
- 71-1,106 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,106.01 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 195, § 111.
- 71-1,107 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,107.01 Transferred to section 38-2002.
- 71-1,107.02 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,107.03 Transferred to section 38-2038.
- 71-1,107.04 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,107.05 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,107.06 Transferred to section 38-2042.
- 71-1,107.07 Transferred to section 38-2039.
- 71-1,107.08 Transferred to section 38-2040.
- 71-1,107.09 Transferred to section 38-2041.
- 71-1,107.10 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,107.11 Transferred to section 38-2043.
- 71-1,107.12 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,107.13 Transferred to section 38-2044.
- 71-1,107.14 Transferred to section 38-2045.
- 71-1,107.15 Transferred to section 38-2046.
- 71-1,107.16 Transferred to section 38-2014.
- 71-1,107.17 Transferred to section 38-2047.
- 71-1,107.18 Transferred to section 38-2048.
- 71-1,107.19 Transferred to section 38-2049.
- 71-1,107.20 Transferred to section 38-2050.
- 71-1,107.21 Transferred to section 38-2052.
- 71-1,107.22 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 545, § 52.
- 71-1,107.23 Transferred to section 38-2051.
- 71-1,107.24 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,107.25 Transferred to section 38-2056.
- 71-1,107.26 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,107.27 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,107.28 Transferred to section 38-2053.
- 71-1,107.29 Transferred to section 38-2054.
- 71-1,107.30 Transferred to section 38-2055.
- 71-1,108 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,109 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,110 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,111 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,112 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,113 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,114 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,115 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,115.01 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,115.02 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,115.03 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,116 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,117 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,118 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,119 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,120 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,121 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,122 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,123 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,124 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,125 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,126 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,127 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,128 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,129 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,130 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,131 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,132 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 245, § 21.
- 71-1,132.01 Transferred to section 38-2201.
- 71-1,132.02 Act, expired.
- 71-1,132.03 Act, expired.
- 71-1,132.04 Transferred to section 38-2217.
- 71-1,132.05 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,132.06 Transferred to section 38-2218.
- 71-1,132.07 Transferred to section 38-2213.
- 71-1,132.08 Transferred to section 38-2214.
- 71-1,132.09 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,132.10 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,132.11 Transferred to section 38-2216.
- 71-1,132.12 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,132.13 Transferred to section 38-2220.
- 71-1,132.14 Transferred to section 38-2222.
- 71-1,132.15 Transferred to section 38-2223.
- 71-1,132.16 Transferred to section 38-2225.
- 71-1,132.17 Transferred to section 38-2228.
- 71-1,132.18 Transferred to section 38-2229.
- 71-1,132.19 Transferred to section 38-2224.
- 71-1,132.20 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,132.21 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,132.22 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,132.23 Repealed. Laws 1976, LB 692, § 6.
- 71-1,132.24 Transferred to section 38-2232.
- 71-1,132.25 Transferred to section 38-2233.
- 71-1,132.26 Transferred to section 38-2234.
- 71-1,132.27 Transferred to section 38-2235.
- 71-1,132.28 Transferred to section 38-2236.
- 71-1,132.29 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,132.30 Transferred to section 38-2219.
- 71-1,132.31 Transferred to section 38-2215.
- 71-1,132.32 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 472, § 8.
- 71-1,132.33 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 472, § 8.
- 71-1,132.34 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 472, § 8.
- 71-1,132.35 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,132.36 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,132.37 Transferred to section 38-2221.
- 71-1,132.38 Transferred to section 38-2231.
- 71-1,132.39 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 422, § 21.
- 71-1,132.40 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 422, § 21.
- 71-1,132.41 Transferred to section 38-2230.
- 71-1,132.42 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 422, § 21.
- 71-1,132.43 Repealed. Laws 1978, LB 756, § 59.
- 71-1,132.44 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 472, § 8.
- 71-1,132.45 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 472, § 8.
- 71-1,132.46 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 472, § 8.
- 71-1,132.47 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,132.48 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,132.49 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,132.50 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,132.51 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 379, § 38.
- 71-1,132.52 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 563, § 50.
- 71-1,132.53 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,133 Transferred to section 38-2605.
- 71-1,134 Transferred to section 38-2607.
- 71-1,135 Transferred to section 38-2608.
- 71-1,135.01 Transferred to section 38-2604.
- 71-1,135.02 Transferred to section 38-2613.
- 71-1,135.03 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 236, § 47.
- 71-1,135.04 Transferred to section 38-2610.
- 71-1,135.05 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 236, § 47.
- 71-1,135.06 Transferred to section 38-2617.
- 71-1,135.07 Transferred to section 38-2618.
- 71-1,136 Transferred to section 38-2616.
- 71-1,136.01 Transferred to section 38-2611.
- 71-1,136.02 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,136.03 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,136.04 Transferred to section 38-2619.
- 71-1,136.05 Transferred to section 38-2620.
- 71-1,136.06 Transferred to section 38-2621.
- 71-1,136.07 Transferred to section 38-2622.
- 71-1,136.08 Transferred to section 38-2623.
- 71-1,136.09 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,137 Transferred to section 38-2029.
- 71-1,138 Transferred to section 38-2030.
- 71-1,139 Transferred to section 38-2031.
- 71-1,139.01 Transferred to section 38-2032.
- 71-1,140 Transferred to section 38-2005.
- 71-1,140.01 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 565, § 6.
- 71-1,140.02 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 565, § 6.
- 71-1,140.03 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 565, § 6.
- 71-1,141 Transferred to section 38-2033.
- 71-1,142 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,143 Transferred to section 38-2850.
- 71-1,143.01 Transferred to section 38-2851.
- 71-1,143.02 Transferred to section 38-2853.
- 71-1,143.03 Transferred to section 38-2866.
- 71-1,144 Transferred to section 38-2854.
- 71-1,144.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,144.02 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1135, § 34.
- 71-1,144.03 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-1,144.04 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-1,144.05 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-1,145 Transferred to section 71-1,143.01.
- 71-1,145.01 Transferred to section 71-1,143.02.
- 71-1,146 Transferred to section 38-2804.
- 71-1,146.01 Transferred to section 38-2870.
- 71-1,146.02 Transferred to section 38-2871.
- 71-1,147 Transferred to section 38-2867.
- 71-1,147.01 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.02 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.03 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.04 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.05 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.06 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.07 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.08 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.09 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.10 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.11 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.12 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 163.
- 71-1,147.13 Transferred to section 38-28,103.
- 71-1,147.14 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 398, § 96.
- 71-1,147.15 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 308, § 18.
- 71-1,147.16 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,147.17 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,147.18 Transferred to section 38-2846.
- 71-1,147.19 Transferred to section 38-2824.
- 71-1,147.20 Transferred to section 38-2803.
- 71-1,147.21 Transferred to section 38-2805.
- 71-1,147.22 Transferred to section 38-2855.
- 71-1,147.23 Transferred to section 38-2856.
- 71-1,147.24 Transferred to section 38-2857.
- 71-1,147.25 Transferred to section 38-2858.
- 71-1,147.26 Transferred to section 38-2859.
- 71-1,147.27 Transferred to section 38-2860.
- 71-1,147.28 Transferred to section 38-2861.
- 71-1,147.29 Transferred to section 38-2862.
- 71-1,147.30 Transferred to section 38-2863.
- 71-1,147.31 Transferred to section 38-2864.
- 71-1,147.32 Transferred to section 38-2865.
- 71-1,147.33 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 236, § 47.
- 71-1,147.34 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 236, § 47.
- 71-1,147.35 Transferred to section 38-2869.
- 71-1,147.36 Transferred to section 38-2868.
- 71-1,147.37 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 594, § 75.
- 71-1,147.38 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 594, § 75.
- 71-1,147.39 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 398, § 97.
- 71-1,147.40 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 398, § 97.
- 71-1,147.41 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 398, § 97.
- 71-1,147.42 Transferred to section 38-2875.
- 71-1,147.43 Transferred to section 38-2876.
- 71-1,147.44 Transferred to section 38-2877.
- 71-1,147.45 Transferred to section 38-2878.
- 71-1,147.46 Transferred to section 38-2879.
- 71-1,147.47 Transferred to section 38-2880.
- 71-1,147.48 Transferred to section 38-2881.
- 71-1,147.49 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 398, § 97.
- 71-1,147.50 Transferred to section 38-2882.
- 71-1,147.51 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 398, § 97.
- 71-1,147.52 Transferred to section 38-2883.
- 71-1,147.53 Transferred to section 38-2884.
- 71-1,147.54 Transferred to section 38-2885.
- 71-1,147.55 Transferred to section 38-2886.
- 71-1,147.56 Transferred to section 38-2887.
- 71-1,147.57 Transferred to section 38-2888.
- 71-1,147.58 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 398, § 97.
- 71-1,147.59 Transferred to section 38-2889.
- 71-1,147.60 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 398, § 97.
- 71-1,147.61 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 398, § 97.
- 71-1,147.62 Transferred to section 38-2872.
- 71-1,147.63 Transferred to section 38-2873.
- 71-1,147.64 Transferred to section 38-2874.
- 71-1,147.65 Transferred to section 38-2890.
- 71-1,147.66 Transferred to section 38-2891.
- 71-1,147.67 Transferred to section 38-2892.
- 71-1,147.68 Transferred to section 38-2893.
- 71-1,147.69 Transferred to section 38-2894.
- 71-1,147.70 Transferred to section 38-2895.
- 71-1,147.71 Transferred to section 38-2896.
- 71-1,147.72 Transferred to section 38-2897.
- 71-1,148 Transferred to section 38-2899.
- 71-1,149 Transferred to section 38-28,100.
- 71-1,150 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,151 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,152 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 439, § 18.
- 71-1,152.01 Transferred to section 38-3320.
- 71-1,153 Transferred to section 38-3301.
- 71-1,154 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,155 Transferred to section 38-3321.
- 71-1,156 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 473, § 63.
- 71-1,157 Transferred to section 38-3323.
- 71-1,158 Transferred to section 38-3322.
- 71-1,159 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 473, § 63.
- 71-1,160 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,161 Repealed. Laws 2005, LB 301, § 78.
- 71-1,162 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,163 Transferred to section 38-3324.
- 71-1,164 Transferred to section 38-3330.
- 71-1,165 Transferred to section 38-3325.
- 71-1,166 Transferred to section 38-3326.
- 71-1,167 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1,168 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,169 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,170 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,171 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,172 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,173 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,174 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,175 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,176 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,177 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1,178 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,179 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1,180 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,181 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,182 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1,183 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,184 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,185 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 833, § 12.
- 71-1,186 Transferred to section 38-502.
- 71-1,186.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 247, § 92.
- 71-1,187 Transferred to section 38-511.
- 71-1,188 Transferred to section 38-513.
- 71-1,189 Transferred to section 38-514.
- 71-1,190 Transferred to section 38-515.
- 71-1,190.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 247, § 92.
- 71-1,191 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,192 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 247, § 92.
- 71-1,193 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,194 Transferred to section 38-518.
- 71-1,195 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 129, § 36.
- 71-1,195.01 Transferred to section 38-519.
- 71-1,195.02 Transferred to section 38-520.
- 71-1,195.03 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 247, § 91; Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,195.04 Transferred to section 38-521.
- 71-1,195.05 Transferred to section 38-522.
- 71-1,195.06 Transferred to section 38-523.
- 71-1,195.07 Transferred to section 38-524.
- 71-1,195.08 Transferred to section 38-525.
- 71-1,195.09 Transferred to section 38-526.
- 71-1,196 Transferred to section 38-512.
- 71-1,197 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 129, § 36.
- 71-1,197.01 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1,198 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,199 Transferred to section 38-1,129.
- 71-1,200 Transferred to section 38-1,130.
- 71-1,201 Transferred to section 38-1,133.
- 71-1,202 Transferred to section 38-1,134.
- 71-1,203 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,204 Transferred to section 38-1,135.
- 71-1,205 Transferred to section 38-1,136.
- 71-1,206 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,206.01 Transferred to section 38-3102.
- 71-1,206.02 Transferred to section 38-3103.
- 71-1,206.03 Transferred to section 38-3104.
- 71-1,206.04 Transferred to section 38-3105.
- 71-1,206.05 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,206.06 Transferred to section 38-3106.
- 71-1,206.07 Transferred to section 38-3107.
- 71-1,206.08 Transferred to section 38-3108.
- 71-1,206.09 Transferred to section 38-3109.
- 71-1,206.10 Transferred to section 38-3110.
- 71-1,206.11 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,206.12 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,206.13 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,206.14 Transferred to section 38-3111.
- 71-1,206.15 Transferred to section 38-3114.
- 71-1,206.16 Transferred to section 38-3115.
- 71-1,206.17 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,206.18 Transferred to section 38-3116.
- 71-1,206.19 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,206.20 Transferred to section 38-3117.
- 71-1,206.21 Transferred to section 38-3118.
- 71-1,206.22 Transferred to section 38-3119.
- 71-1,206.23 Transferred to section 38-3120.
- 71-1,206.24 Transferred to section 38-3128.
- 71-1,206.25 Transferred to section 38-3113.
- 71-1,206.26 Transferred to section 38-3129.
- 71-1,206.27 Transferred to section 38-3130.
- 71-1,206.28 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,206.29 Transferred to section 38-3131.
- 71-1,206.30 Transferred to section 38-3132.
- 71-1,206.31 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,206.32 Transferred to section 38-3122.
- 71-1,206.33 Transferred to section 38-3123.
- 71-1,206.34 Transferred to section 38-3124.
- 71-1,206.35 Transferred to section 38-3125.
- 71-1,207 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,208 Transferred to section 71-1,206.11.
- 71-1,209 Transferred to section 71-1,206.12.
- 71-1,210 Transferred to section 71-1,206.13.
- 71-1,211 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,212 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,213 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,214 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,215 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1,216 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1,217 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1,218 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,219 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,220 Transferred to section 71-1,206.28.
- 71-1,221 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,222 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,223 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,224 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,225 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,226 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1210, § 192.
- 71-1,227 Transferred to section 38-3206.
- 71-1,228 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,229 Transferred to section 38-3214.
- 71-1,230 Transferred to section 38-3215.
- 71-1,231 Transferred to section 38-3209.
- 71-1,232 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 245, § 19.
- 71-1,233 Transferred to section 38-3210.
- 71-1,234 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,235 Transferred to section 38-3208.
- 71-1,236 Transferred to section 38-3216.
- 71-1,237 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,238 Transferred to section 38-402.
- 71-1,239 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 178, § 6.
- 71-1,239.01 Transferred to section 38-410.
- 71-1,240 Transferred to section 38-409.
- 71-1,241 Transferred to section 38-411.
- 71-1,242 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,243 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,244 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,245 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,246 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,247 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,248 Transferred to section 71-1,311.
- 71-1,249 Transferred to section 71-1,300.
- 71-1,250 Transferred to section 71-1,303.
- 71-1,251 Transferred to section 71-1,301.
- 71-1,252 Transferred to section 71-1,304.
- 71-1,253 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,254 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,255 Transferred to section 71-1,297.
- 71-1,256 Transferred to section 71-1,318.
- 71-1,257 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,258 Transferred to section 71-1,319.
- 71-1,259 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,260 Transferred to section 71-1,320.
- 71-1,261 Transferred to section 71-1,321.
- 71-1,262 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,263 Transferred to section 71-1,322.
- 71-1,264 Transferred to section 71-1,323.
- 71-1,265 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,266 Transferred to section 71-1,310.
- 71-1,267 Transferred to section 71-1,324.
- 71-1,268 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,269 Transferred to section 71-1,325.
- 71-1,270 Transferred to section 71-1,333.
- 71-1,271 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,272 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1,273 Transferred to section 71-1,326.
- 71-1,274 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 669, § 62.
- 71-1,275 Transferred to section 71-1,327.
- 71-1,276 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1,277 Transferred to section 71-1,328.
- 71-1,278 Transferred to section 38-1702.
- 71-1,279 Transferred to section 38-1708.
- 71-1,280 Transferred to section 38-1709.
- 71-1,281 Transferred to section 38-1710.
- 71-1,281.01 Transferred to section 38-1711.
- 71-1,282 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,283 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,284 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 10, § 7.
- 71-1,285 Transferred to section 38-1802.
- 71-1,286 Transferred to section 38-1803.
- 71-1,287 Transferred to section 38-1812.
- 71-1,288 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,289 Transferred to section 38-1813.
- 71-1,290 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,291 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,291.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,292 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,293 Transferred to section 38-1816.
- 71-1,294 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,295 Transferred to section 38-2102.
- 71-1,296 Transferred to section 38-2103.
- 71-1,297 Transferred to section 38-2104.
- 71-1,298 Transferred to section 38-2105.
- 71-1,299 Transferred to section 38-2106.
- 71-1,300 Transferred to section 38-2107.
- 71-1,301 Transferred to section 38-2108.
- 71-1,302 Transferred to section 38-2109.
- 71-1,303 Transferred to section 38-2110.
- 71-1,304 Transferred to section 38-2111.
- 71-1,305 Transferred to section 38-2112.
- 71-1,305.01 Transferred to section 38-2113.
- 71-1,306 Transferred to section 38-2114.
- 71-1,307 Transferred to section 38-2115.
- 71-1,308 Transferred to section 38-2116.
- 71-1,309 Transferred to section 38-2117.
- 71-1,310 Transferred to section 38-2118.
- 71-1,311 Transferred to section 38-2119.
- 71-1,312 Transferred to section 38-2121.
- 71-1,313 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,314 Transferred to section 38-2122.
- 71-1,314.01 Transferred to section 38-2123.
- 71-1,314.02 Transferred to section 38-2124.
- 71-1,315 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 247, § 91; Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,316 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 247, § 91; Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,317 Transferred to section 38-2126.
- 71-1,318 Transferred to section 38-2127.
- 71-1,319 Transferred to section 38-2128.
- 71-1,319.01 Transferred to section 38-2129.
- 71-1,320 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,321 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,322 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,323 Transferred to section 38-2131.
- 71-1,324 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,325 Transferred to section 38-2132.
- 71-1,326 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,327 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,328 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,329 Transferred to section 38-2133.
- 71-1,330 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,331 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,332 Transferred to section 38-2134.
- 71-1,333 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 247, § 91; Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,334 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,335 Transferred to section 38-2136.
- 71-1,336 Transferred to section 38-2137.
- 71-1,337 Transferred to section 38-2138.
- 71-1,338 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 247, § 91; Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,339 Transferred to section 38-1,137.
- 71-1,340 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,341 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,342 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,343 Transferred to section 38-128.
- 71-1,344 Transferred to section 38-2006.
- 71-1,345 Transferred to section 38-2057.
- 71-1,346 Transferred to section 38-2058.
- 71-1,347 Transferred to section 38-2059.
- 71-1,348 Transferred to section 38-2060.
- 71-1,349 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,350 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1,351 Transferred to section 38-302.
- 71-1,352 Transferred to section 38-311.
- 71-1,353 Transferred to section 38-312.
- 71-1,354 Transferred to section 38-313.
- 71-1,355 Transferred to section 38-314.
- 71-1,356 Transferred to section 38-315.
- 71-1,357 Transferred to section 38-316.
- 71-1,358 Transferred to section 38-317.
- 71-1,359 Transferred to section 38-318.
- 71-1,360 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,361 Transferred to section 38-321.
- 71-1,362 Transferred to section 38-2901.
- 71-1,363 Transferred to section 38-2902.
- 71-1,364 Transferred to section 38-2903.
- 71-1,365 Transferred to section 38-2904.
- 71-1,366 Transferred to section 38-2905.
- 71-1,367 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,368 Transferred to section 38-2906.
- 71-1,369 Transferred to section 38-2907.
- 71-1,370 Transferred to section 38-2908.
- 71-1,371 Transferred to section 38-2909.
- 71-1,372 Transferred to section 38-2910.
- 71-1,373 Transferred to section 38-2911.
- 71-1,374 Transferred to section 38-2912.
- 71-1,375 Transferred to section 38-2913.
- 71-1,376 Transferred to section 38-2914.
- 71-1,377 Transferred to section 38-2915.
- 71-1,378 Transferred to section 38-2916.
- 71-1,379 Transferred to section 38-2917.
- 71-1,380 Transferred to section 38-2918.
- 71-1,381 Transferred to section 38-2919.
- 71-1,382 Transferred to section 38-2920.
- 71-1,383 Transferred to section 38-2921.
- 71-1,384 Transferred to section 38-2922.
- 71-1,385 Transferred to section 38-2927.
- 71-1,386 Transferred to section 38-2928.
- 71-1,387 Transferred to section 38-2929.
- 71-1,388 Transferred to section 38-2926.
- 71-1,389 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1,390 Transferred to section 38-2701.
- 71-1,391 Transferred to section 38-2702.
- 71-1,392 Transferred to section 38-2703.
- 71-1,393 Transferred to section 38-2704.
- 71-1,394 Transferred to section 38-2705.
- 71-1,395 Transferred to section 38-2706.
- 71-1,396 Transferred to section 38-2707.
- 71-1,397 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 247, § 91.
- 71-1,398 Transferred to section 38-2709.
- 71-1,399 Transferred to section 38-2710.
- 71-1,400 Transferred to section 38-2711.
- 71-1,401 Transferred to section 38-2712.
- 71-201 Practice of barbering; barber shop; barber school; license required; renewal; disciplinary actions; prohibited acts.
- 71-201.01 Repealed. Laws 1978, LB 722, § 24.
- 71-201.02 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 87, § 25.
- 71-202 Barbering, defined.
- 71-202.01 Terms, defined.
- 71-203 Barbering; exemptions.
- 71-204 Barber; certificate; qualifications required.
- 71-205 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 87, § 25.
- 71-205.01 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 87, § 25.
- 71-206 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 87, § 25.
- 71-207 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 1020, § 33.
- 71-207.01 Barber school; application to open; fee.
- 71-207.02 Barber school; application for certificate of registration; proof required; factors to be considered in passing on application.
- 71-208 Barber school or college; requirements for approval; course of instruction; standards set by rules and regulations.
- 71-208.01 Barber school or college; payment of wages, commissions, or gratuities forbidden; operation of barber shop in connection with school or college, prohibited.
- 71-208.02 Barber school; registered instructors and assistants; qualifications.
- 71-208.03 Barber school; services; performed by regularly enrolled students.
- 71-208.04 Barber school or college; bond; conditions; exceptions.
- 71-208.05 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 71-208.06 Registered barber instructor; license; expiration.
- 71-208.07 Barber instructor; inactive status; renewal of registration; failure to renew for five years; effect.
- 71-208.08 Barber school or college; cosmetologists; barbers; course hours; credit.
- 71-209 Examinations; application; fee.
- 71-210 Examinations; scope; when and where held; reexamination.
- 71-211 Certificates of registration; kinds; issuance; when authorized.
- 71-211.01 Licensee; license expired while serving in armed forces; reinstatement; requirements.
- 71-212 Practice of barbering in another state or country; eligibility to take examination; successive examinations; failure to appear; notice of next regular examination.
- 71-213 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 87, § 25.
- 71-214 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 87, § 25.
- 71-215 Certificate of registration; certificate of approval of schools; how and where displayed.
- 71-216 Registered barber instructor, assistant barber instructor, or barber; barber school; renewal of registration or license; barber on inactive status; renewal of license; failure to renew for five years; effect.
- 71-216.01 Applicant; certificate; examination; failure to pass; effect.
- 71-217 Barbering; certificate; denial, suspension, or revocation; grounds.
- 71-218 Certificate; refusal, suspension, or revocation; notice; hearing; powers of board; powers of district court.
- 71-219 Barbering fees; set by board; enumerated.
- 71-219.01 Application for license to operate barber school or college; form; contents; transfer; fees.
- 71-219.02 Application for license to establish a barber shop; form; contents; transfer; fees; inspection.
- 71-219.03 Board of Barber Examiners; set fees; manner; annual report.
- 71-219.04 Barber shop or school; reinspection; fees.
- 71-219.05 Barber shop; booth rental permit; application; form; contents; issuance; notice of change of work address.
- 71-220 Violation; penalty.
- 71-220.01 Violation; nuisance; abatement or other relief.
- 71-221 Board of Barber Examiners; established; members; qualifications; terms; appointment; removal.
- 71-222 Board; officers; compensation; records; reports; employees.
- 71-222.01 Director; serve at pleasure of board; salary; qualifications; bond or insurance; premium.
- 71-222.02 Board of Barber Examiners Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-223 Board; rules and regulations; inspections; record of proceedings.
- 71-223.01 Barber shops and barber schools; sanitary requirements; inspections.
- 71-223.02 Barber schools; sign required; advertising requirements.
- 71-223.03 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 71-223.04 Class of instruction; temporary permit; issuance; requirements; fee; period valid; bond.
- 71-224 Act, how cited.
- 71-225 Legislative declarations.
- 71-226 Repealed. Laws 1978, LB 722, § 24.
- 71-227 Board; investigate conditions and practices; notice and hearing; order.
- 71-228 Board; practice and procedure in accordance with rules and regulations.
- 71-229 Repealed. Laws 1978, LB 722, § 24.
- 71-230 Board; oaths; witnesses; fees; compel testimony to be given; subpoena; serving of papers by sheriff.
- 71-231 Board; investigations; matters to be considered.
- 71-232 Board; adopt rules and regulations.
- 71-233 Repealed. Laws 1978, LB 722, § 24.
- 71-234 Certificate of registration; board; suspend or revoke; notice; hearing.
- 71-235 Appeal; procedure.
- 71-236 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 238, § 7.
- 71-237 Expenses of administration; how paid.
- 71-238 Reciprocal licensure agreements; board; powers.
- 71-239 Foreign licenses; recognition; board; powers.
- 71-239.01 Foreign licenses; recognition; licensure without examination; application; form; contents; issuance; appeal.
- 71-240 Board; review foreign licensing requirements.
- 71-241 Board; reciprocal agreement; conditions.
- 71-242 Reciprocal agreement; applicant for licensure or registration; requirements; failure to qualify; effect.
- 71-243 Reciprocal agreement; terminated; when.
- 71-244 License granted under reciprocal agreement; when.
- 71-245 Reciprocal license; provisions applicable.
- 71-246 Reciprocal requirements and disabilities; applicable; when.
- 71-247 Reciprocity; board; establish rules.
- 71-248 Licensee; change of residence; certified statement.
- 71-249 Mobile barber shop; license; requirements.
- 71-250 Mobile barber shop license; application.
- 71-251 Mobile barber shop; application; review; denial; inspection.
- 71-252 Mobile barber shop; operating requirements.
- 71-253 Mobile barber shop license; revocation or expiration; effect.
- 71-254 Mobile barber shop license; change of ownership or mobile unit; effect.
- 71-255 Mobile barber shop; owner liability.
- 71-301 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-302 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-303 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-304 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-305 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-306 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-307 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-308 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-309 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-310 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-311 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-312 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 340, § 29.
- 71-312.01 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-313 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-313.01 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-314 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-315 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-316 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-317 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-318 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-318.01 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-319 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-320 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-320.01 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-321 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-322 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-322.01 Repealed. Laws 1978, LB 569, § 14.
- 71-322.02 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-322.03 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-322.04 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-322.05 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-323 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-324 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-325 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-326 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-327 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-328 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-329 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-330 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-331 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-332 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-333 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-334 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-335 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-336 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-337 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-338 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-339 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 318, § 145.
- 71-340 Transferred to section 38-1001.
- 71-341 Transferred to section 38-1002.
- 71-342 Transferred to section 38-1003.
- 71-343 Transferred to section 38-1004.
- 71-344 Transferred to section 38-1005.
- 71-345 Transferred to section 38-1006.
- 71-346 Transferred to section 38-1007.
- 71-346.01 Transferred to section 38-1008.
- 71-346.02 Transferred to section 38-1009.
- 71-346.03 Transferred to section 38-1010.
- 71-346.04 Transferred to section 38-1011.
- 71-347 Transferred to section 38-1012.
- 71-348 Transferred to section 38-1013.
- 71-349 Transferred to section 38-1014.
- 71-350 Transferred to section 38-1015.
- 71-351 Transferred to section 38-1016.
- 71-352 Transferred to section 38-1017.
- 71-353 Transferred to section 38-1018.
- 71-354 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-355 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 296, § 815.
- 71-356 Transferred to section 38-1019.
- 71-356.01 Transferred to section 38-1020.
- 71-356.02 Transferred to section 38-1021.
- 71-356.03 Transferred to section 38-1022.
- 71-356.04 Transferred to section 38-1023.
- 71-356.05 Transferred to section 38-1024.
- 71-357 Transferred to section 38-1025.
- 71-357.01 Transferred to section 38-1026.
- 71-357.02 Transferred to section 38-1027.
- 71-357.03 Transferred to section 38-1028.
- 71-358 Transferred to section 38-1029.
- 71-358.01 Transferred to section 38-1030.
- 71-359 Transferred to section 38-1031.
- 71-360 Transferred to section 38-1032.
- 71-360.01 Transferred to section 38-1033.
- 71-361 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 68, § 91.
- 71-361.01 Transferred to section 38-1034.
- 71-361.02 Transferred to section 38-1035.
- 71-361.03 Transferred to section 38-1036.
- 71-361.04 Transferred to section 38-1037.
- 71-361.05 Transferred to section 38-1038.
- 71-361.06 Transferred to section 38-1039.
- 71-361.07 Transferred to section 38-1040.
- 71-361.08 Transferred to section 38-1041.
- 71-361.09 Transferred to section 38-1042.
- 71-362 Transferred to section 38-1043.
- 71-362.01 Transferred to section 38-1044.
- 71-363 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-363.01 Transferred to section 38-1045.
- 71-364 Transferred to section 38-1046.
- 71-365 Transferred to section 38-1047.
- 71-365.01 Transferred to section 38-1048.
- 71-365.02 Transferred to section 38-1049.
- 71-366 Transferred to section 71-357.01.
- 71-367 Transferred to section 71-357.03.
- 71-368 Transferred to section 38-1050.
- 71-369 Transferred to section 38-1051.
- 71-370 Transferred to section 38-1052.
- 71-370.01 Transferred to section 38-1053.
- 71-370.02 Transferred to section 38-1054.
- 71-371 Transferred to section 38-1055.
- 71-372 Transferred to section 38-1056.
- 71-373 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-374 Transferred to section 38-1057.
- 71-375 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-376 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-377 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-378 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-379 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-380 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-381 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-382 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-383 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-384 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-385 Transferred to section 38-1058.
- 71-385.01 Transferred to section 38-1059.
- 71-385.02 Transferred to section 38-1060.
- 71-386 Transferred to section 38-1061.
- 71-387 Transferred to section 38-1062.
- 71-388 Transferred to section 38-1063.
- 71-389 Transferred to section 38-1064.
- 71-390 Transferred to section 38-1065.
- 71-391 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-392 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-393 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-394 Transferred to section 38-1066.
- 71-394.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-395 Transferred to section 38-1067.
- 71-396 Transferred to section 38-1068.
- 71-397 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-398 Transferred to section 38-1069.
- 71-399 Transferred to section 38-1070.
- 71-3,100 Transferred to section 38-1071.
- 71-3,101 Transferred to section 38-1072.
- 71-3,102 Transferred to section 38-10,103.
- 71-3,103 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,104 Transferred to section 38-1073.
- 71-3,105 Transferred to section 38-1074.
- 71-3,106 Transferred to section 38-1075.
- 71-3,106.01 Transferred to section 38-1076.
- 71-3,107 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,108 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,109 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,110 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,111 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,112 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,113 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,114 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,115 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,116 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,117 Transferred to section 38-1077.
- 71-3,118 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,119 Transferred to section 38-1078.
- 71-3,119.01 Transferred to section 38-1079.
- 71-3,119.02 Transferred to section 38-1080.
- 71-3,119.03 Transferred to section 38-1081.
- 71-3,120 Transferred to section 38-1082.
- 71-3,121 Transferred to section 38-1083.
- 71-3,122 Transferred to section 38-1084.
- 71-3,123 Transferred to section 38-1085.
- 71-3,124 Transferred to section 38-1086.
- 71-3,125 Transferred to section 38-1087.
- 71-3,126 Transferred to section 38-1088.
- 71-3,127 Transferred to section 38-1089.
- 71-3,128 Transferred to section 38-1090.
- 71-3,129 Transferred to section 38-1091.
- 71-3,130 Transferred to section 38-1092.
- 71-3,131 Transferred to section 38-1093.
- 71-3,132 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,133 Transferred to section 38-1094.
- 71-3,134 Transferred to section 38-1095.
- 71-3,135 Transferred to section 38-1096.
- 71-3,136 Transferred to section 38-1097.
- 71-3,137 Transferred to section 38-1098.
- 71-3,138 Transferred to section 38-1099.
- 71-3,138.01 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 1005, § 143.
- 71-3,138.02 Transferred to section 38-10,100.
- 71-3,139 Transferred to section 38-10,101.
- 71-3,140 Transferred to section 38-10,102.
- 71-3,141 Transferred to section 38-10,104.
- 71-3,142 Transferred to section 38-10,105.
- 71-3,143 Transferred to section 38-10,106.
- 71-3,144 Transferred to section 38-10,107.
- 71-3,145 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,146 Transferred to section 38-10,108.
- 71-3,147 Transferred to section 38-10,109.
- 71-3,148 Transferred to section 38-10,110.
- 71-3,149 Transferred to section 38-10,111.
- 71-3,150 Transferred to section 38-10,112.
- 71-3,151 Transferred to section 38-10,113.
- 71-3,152 Transferred to section 38-10,114.
- 71-3,153 Transferred to section 38-10,115.
- 71-3,154 Transferred to section 38-10,116.
- 71-3,155 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,156 Transferred to section 38-10,117.
- 71-3,157 Transferred to section 38-10,118.
- 71-3,158 Transferred to section 38-10,119.
- 71-3,159 Transferred to section 38-10,120.
- 71-3,160 Transferred to section 38-10,121.
- 71-3,161 Transferred to section 38-10,122.
- 71-3,162 Transferred to section 38-10,123.
- 71-3,163 Transferred to section 38-10,124.
- 71-3,164 Transferred to section 38-10,125.
- 71-3,165 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,166 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,167 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,168 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,169 Transferred to section 38-10,169.
- 71-3,170 Transferred to section 38-10,170.
- 71-3,171 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,172 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,173 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,174 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,175 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,176 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,177 Transferred to section 38-10,171.
- 71-3,178 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,179 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,180 Transferred to section 38-10,126.
- 71-3,181 Transferred to section 38-10,127.
- 71-3,182 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,183 Transferred to section 38-10,128.
- 71-3,184 Transferred to section 38-10,129.
- 71-3,185 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,186 Transferred to section 38-10,130.
- 71-3,187 Transferred to section 38-10,131.
- 71-3,188 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,189 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,190 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,191 Transferred to section 38-10,132.
- 71-3,192 Transferred to section 38-10,133.
- 71-3,193 Transferred to section 38-10,134.
- 71-3,194 Transferred to section 38-10,135.
- 71-3,195 Transferred to section 38-10,136.
- 71-3,196 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,197 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,198 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,199 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,200 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,201 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,202 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,203 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,204 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,205 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,206 Transferred to section 38-10,137.
- 71-3,207 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-3,208 Transferred to section 38-10,138.
- 71-3,209 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-3,210 Transferred to section 38-10,139.
- 71-3,211 Transferred to section 38-10,140.
- 71-3,212 Transferred to section 38-10,141.
- 71-3,213 Transferred to section 38-10,142.
- 71-3,214 Transferred to section 38-10,143.
- 71-3,215 Transferred to section 38-10,144.
- 71-3,216 Transferred to section 38-10,145.
- 71-3,217 Transferred to section 38-10,146.
- 71-3,218 Transferred to section 38-10,147.
- 71-3,219 Transferred to section 38-10,148.
- 71-3,220 Transferred to section 38-10,149.
- 71-3,221 Transferred to section 38-10,150.
- 71-3,222 Transferred to section 38-10,151.
- 71-3,223 Transferred to section 38-10,152.
- 71-3,224 Transferred to section 38-10,153.
- 71-3,225 Transferred to section 38-10,154.
- 71-3,226 Transferred to section 38-10,155.
- 71-3,227 Transferred to section 38-10,156.
- 71-3,228 Transferred to section 38-10,157.
- 71-3,229 Transferred to section 38-10,158.
- 71-3,230 Transferred to section 38-10,159.
- 71-3,231 Transferred to section 38-10,160.
- 71-3,232 Transferred to section 38-10,161.
- 71-3,233 Transferred to section 38-10,162.
- 71-3,234 Transferred to section 38-10,163.
- 71-3,235 Transferred to section 38-10,164.
- 71-3,236 Transferred to section 38-10,165.
- 71-3,237 Transferred to section 38-10,166.
- 71-3,238 Transferred to section 38-10,167.
- 71-401 Act, how cited.
- 71-402 Purpose of act.
- 71-403 Definitions, where found.
- 71-404 Adult day service, defined.
- 71-405 Ambulatory surgical center, defined.
- 71-406 Assisted-living facility, defined.
- 71-407 Care, defined.
- 71-408 Center or group home for the developmentally disabled, defined.
- 71-408.01 Children's day health service, defined.
- 71-409 Critical access hospital, defined.
- 71-410 Department, defined.
- 71-411 Director, defined.
- 71-412 General acute hospital, defined.
- 71-413 Health care facility, defined.
- 71-414 Health care practitioner facility, defined.
- 71-415 Health care service, defined.
- 71-416 Health clinic, defined.
- 71-417 Home health agency, defined.
- 71-418 Hospice or hospice service, defined.
- 71-419 Hospital, defined.
- 71-419.01 Hospital pharmacy, defined.
- 71-420 Intermediate care facility, defined.
- 71-421 Intermediate care facility for persons with developmental disabilities, defined.
- 71-422 Long-term care hospital, defined.
- 71-422.01 Memory care endorsement, defined.
- 71-423 Mental health substance use treatment center, defined.
- 71-423.01 Mental illness, defined.
- 71-424 Nursing facility, defined.
- 71-425 Pharmacy, defined.
- 71-426 Psychiatric or mental hospital, defined.
- 71-427 Rehabilitation hospital, defined.
- 71-427.01 Representative peer review organization, defined.
- 71-427.02 Remote dispensing, defined.
- 71-427.03 Remote dispensing pharmacy, defined.
- 71-427.04 Supervising pharmacy, defined.
- 71-428 Respite care service, defined.
- 71-429 Skilled nursing facility, defined.
- 71-430 Substance use disorder, defined.
- 71-431 Treatment, defined.
- 71-432 Health care facility; health care service; licensure required.
- 71-433 Health care facility; health care service; license; application.
- 71-434 License fees.
- 71-435 License; duration; issuance.
- 71-436 License; multiple services or locations; effect.
- 71-436.01 License; designation of services.
- 71-436.02 Remote dispensing pharmacy license; requirements.
- 71-437 Provisional license; when issued.
- 71-438 Accreditation or certification; when accepted.
- 71-439 Design standards for health care facilities; adoption by Legislature; waiver of rule, regulation, or standard; when; procedure.
- 71-440 Inspection by department; report.
- 71-441 Inspection by State Fire Marshal; fee.
- 71-442 Alternative methods for assessing compliance.
- 71-443 Findings of noncompliance; review, notice; statement of compliance; procedure.
- 71-444 Complaints; investigation; immunity.
- 71-445 Discrimination or retaliation prohibited; action for relief authorized.
- 71-446 License; temporary suspension or limitation; procedure; appeal.
- 71-447 License; denied or refused renewal; grounds.
- 71-448 License; disciplinary action; grounds.
- 71-449 License; disciplinary actions authorized.
- 71-450 License; disciplinary actions; considerations.
- 71-451 License; disciplinary actions; notice.
- 71-452 License; disciplinary actions; rights of licensee.
- 71-453 License; disciplinary actions; informal conference; procedure.
- 71-454 License; disciplinary actions; hearings; procedure.
- 71-455 Appeals.
- 71-456 License; reinstatement; when; procedure.
- 71-457 Rules and regulations.
- 71-458 Violations; penalty.
- 71-459 Injunction.
- 71-460 Transferred to section 71-5903.
- 71-461 Transferred to section 71-5904.
- 71-462 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 398, § 96.
- 71-463 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 1005, § 144.
- 71-464 Itemized billing statement; duty to provide.
- 71-465 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 782, § 253.
- 71-466 Religious residential facility; exemption from licensure and regulation.
- 71-467 General acute hospital; employees; influenza vaccinations; tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine; duties; record.
- 71-468 Onsite vaccinations for influenza and pneumococcal disease.
- 71-469 Onsite vaccinations for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.
- 71-470 Hospital pharmacy; license, when required; designate pharmacist in charge; duties; inspection.
- 71-471 Memory care endorsement; application; qualifications.
- 71-472 Memory care endorsement; qualifications; rules and regulations; fee.
- 71-473 Department; duties.
- 71-474 Comprehensive stroke center, designated thrombectomy-capable stroke center, primary stroke center, or acute stroke-ready hospital; restriction on advertisement.
- 71-475 Drug; provided to patient upon discharge; records; label; documentation.
- 71-501 Contagious diseases; local public health department; county board of health; powers and duties.
- 71-501.01 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; legislative findings.
- 71-501.02 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome program; department; powers.
- 71-502 Communicable diseases; rules and regulations; control; powers of Department of Health and Human Services.
- 71-502.01 Sexually transmitted diseases; enumerated.
- 71-502.02 Sexually transmitted diseases; rules and regulations.
- 71-502.03 Pregnant women; subject to syphilis test; fee; human immunodeficiency virus infection test.
- 71-502.04 Laboratory; test results; notification required.
- 71-503 Contagious, infectious, or other disease or illness; poisoning; duty of attending physician; violation; penalty.
- 71-503.01 Reports required; confidentiality; limitations on use; immunity.
- 71-503.02 Chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis; prescription oral antibiotic drugs; powers of medical professionals; restrictions.
- 71-503.03 Chlamydia or gonorrhea; prescription oral antibiotic drugs; rules and regulations.
- 71-504 Sexually transmitted diseases; minors; treatment without consent of parent; expenses.
- 71-505 Department of Health and Human Services; public health; duties; fees.
- 71-506 Violations; penalty; enforcement.
- 71-507 Terms, defined.
- 71-508 Exposure to infectious disease or condition; form; department; duties.
- 71-509 Health care facility or alternate facility; emergency services provider; significant exposure; completion of form; reports required; tests; notification; costs.
- 71-510 Emergency services provider; public safety official; significant exposure; testing; conditions.
- 71-511 Information or test; confidentiality.
- 71-512 Health care facilities; provider agencies; adopt procedures.
- 71-513 Immunity from liability; when.
- 71-514 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 44, § 1.
- 71-514.01 Health care providers; legislative findings.
- 71-514.02 Health care providers; terms, defined.
- 71-514.03 Health care providers; significant exposure to blood or body fluid; procedure; cost; restriction.
- 71-514.04 Health care providers; patient information or test results; confidentiality; release of information.
- 71-514.05 Health care providers; provider agencies; adopt procedures.
- 71-515 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 44, § 1.
- 71-516 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 10, § 7.
- 71-516.01 Act, how cited.
- 71-516.02 Legislative findings and declarations.
- 71-516.03 Terms, defined.
- 71-516.04 Facility; disclosures required; department; duties.
- 71-517 Memory care endorsement.
- 71-518 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 10, § 7.
- 71-519 Screening test; duties; disease management; duties; fees authorized; immunity from liability.
- 71-520 Food supplement and treatment services program; authorized; fees.
- 71-521 Tests and reports; department; duties.
- 71-522 Central data registry; department; duties; use of data.
- 71-523 Departments; powers and duties; adopt rules and regulations; contracting laboratories; requirements; fees.
- 71-524 Enforcement; procedure.
- 71-525 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 536, § 128.
- 71-526 Act, how cited.
- 71-527 Legislative findings and declarations.
- 71-528 Intent and purpose.
- 71-529 Statewide immunization action plan; department; powers.
- 71-530 Act; entitlement not created; availability of funds; effect.
- 71-531 Test; anonymous testing; referral for treatment; person committed to the Department of Correctional Services; department; duties.
- 71-532 Test results reportable; manner.
- 71-533 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-534 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-535 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-536 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-537 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-538 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-539 Legislative intent.
- 71-540 Immunization information; nondisclosure.
- 71-541 Immunization information system; immunization information; access; fee.
- 71-541.01 Immunization information system; established; purpose; access to records authorized.
- 71-542 Immunization information system; immunization information; confidentiality; violation; penalty.
- 71-543 Rules and regulations.
- 71-544 Immunity.
- 71-545 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 928, § 47.
- 71-546 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 928, § 47.
- 71-547 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 928, § 47.
- 71-548 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 928, § 47.
- 71-549 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 928, § 47.
- 71-550 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 928, § 47.
- 71-551 Physician; genetic tests; written informed consent; requirements; Department of Health and Human Services; duty.
- 71-552 Syndromic surveillance program; development; department set standards for reporting by hospitals; additional powers of department; use, confidentiality, and immunity; failure to make report; grounds for discipline.
- 71-553 Act, how cited.
- 71-554 Legislative findings.
- 71-555 Terms, defined.
- 71-556 Newborn; critical congenital heart disease screening; responsibilities.
- 71-557 Department; duties; rules and regulations.
- 71-601 Act, how cited.
- 71-601.01 Terms, defined.
- 71-602 Department; standard forms; release of information; confidentiality.
- 71-602.01 Release of information; written agreements authorized.
- 71-603 Vital statistics; duties of department; rules and regulations.
- 71-603.01 Electronic signatures; department; duty.
- 71-604 Birth certificate; preparation and filing.
- 71-604.01 Birth certificate; sex reassignment; new certificate; procedure.
- 71-604.02 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 39, § 3.
- 71-604.03 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 385, § 7.
- 71-604.04 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 385, § 7.
- 71-604.05 Birth certificate; restriction on filing; social security number required; exception; use; release of data to Social Security Administration.
- 71-605 Death certificate; cause of death; sudden infant death syndrome; how treated; cremation, disinterment, or transit permits; how executed; filing; requirements.
- 71-605.01 Death certificate; death in military service outside continental limits of United States; recording.
- 71-605.02 Death certificate; death in military service outside continental limits of United States; fees.
- 71-605.03 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 26.
- 71-605.04 Death; autopsy; sudden infant death syndrome; report by county attorney or coroner; to whom.
- 71-606 Stillborn child; death certificate; how registered; duties; certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.
- 71-607 Nonviable birth; commemorative certificate; department; duties; fee.
- 71-608 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 26.
- 71-608.01 Birth and death certificates; local registration; where filed; exemption.
- 71-609 Caskets; sale by retail dealer; record; report.
- 71-610 Maternity homes; hospitals; birth reports.
- 71-611 Department; forms; duty to supply; use of computer-generated forms; authorized.
- 71-612 Department; certificates; copies; fees; waiver of fees, when; search of death certificates; fee; access; petty cash fund; authorized.
- 71-613 Violation; penalty.
- 71-614 Marriage licenses; monthly reports; county clerk; duties; failure; penalty.
- 71-615 Annulments or dissolutions of marriage; monthly reports; duty of clerk of district court.
- 71-616 Reports; department to tabulate.
- 71-616.01 Match birth and death certificates; viewing records; department; powers.
- 71-616.02 Filing and registering of information; additional methods authorized.
- 71-616.03 Filing and issuing vital records; additional methods authorized.
- 71-616.04 Preservation of vital records; methods authorized.
- 71-616.05 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 1005, § 143.
- 71-617 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 27.
- 71-617.01 Delayed Birth Registration Act, how cited.
- 71-617.02 Delayed birth registration; application; fee; certificate registered; documentary evidence, defined.
- 71-617.03 Delayed birth certificate; contents.
- 71-617.04 Delayed birth certificate; persons applying.
- 71-617.05 Delayed birth certificate; application; fee; records required.
- 71-617.06 Delayed birth certificate; independent supporting records; enumerated.
- 71-617.07 Refusal to issue delayed birth certificate; reasons; appeal.
- 71-617.08 Delayed birth certificate; denial; appeal; procedure.
- 71-617.09 Delayed birth certificate; petition; accompanying documents.
- 71-617.10 Delayed birth certificate; hearing; notice; witnesses.
- 71-617.11 Delayed birth certificate; hearing; findings; order; contents.
- 71-617.12 Delayed birth certificate; court order; clerk of the court; duties.
- 71-617.13 Delayed birth certificate; department; duties.
- 71-617.14 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 1005, § 143.
- 71-617.15 Delayed birth certificate; fees.
- 71-618 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 27.
- 71-619 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 27.
- 71-620 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 27.
- 71-621 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 27.
- 71-622 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 27.
- 71-623 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 27.
- 71-624 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 27.
- 71-625 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 42, § 27.
- 71-626 Adoptive birth certificate; adoption decree; court; report of adoption; contents.
- 71-626.01 Adopted person; new birth certificate; conditions; contents; rules and regulations.
- 71-627 Adoptive birth certificates; filing; copies; issuance.
- 71-627.01 Adoptive birth certificate; decree of adoption of child born in another state; notice of entry of decree.
- 71-627.02 Adoption of foreign-born person; birth certificate; contents.
- 71-628 Children born out of wedlock; birth certificate; issuance; when authorized.
- 71-629 Children born out of wedlock; legitimized; birth certificate; copies; issuance; inspection; when authorized.
- 71-630 Birth or death certificate; erroneous or incomplete; correction; department; duties.
- 71-631 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 245, § 13.
- 71-632 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 245, § 13.
- 71-633 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 245, § 13.
- 71-634 Birth or death certificate; correction.
- 71-635 Birth or death certificate; amendments; application; by whom made.
- 71-636 Birth certificates; amendments.
- 71-637 Birth or death certificates; amendment; evidence required.
- 71-638 Birth or death certificates; application for amendment; made one year after date; evidence required.
- 71-639 Birth or death certificate; amendments; evaluation of evidence.
- 71-640 Birth certificates; given names; change; procedure.
- 71-640.01 Birth certificates; identification of father.
- 71-640.02 Children born out of wedlock; birth certificate; enter name of father; when.
- 71-640.03 Birth certificate; surname of child.
- 71-640.04 Birth certificate; name of father changed; when.
- 71-641 Birth certificates; without given name; legal change of name; procedure.
- 71-642 Birth or death certificates; medical certification; amendment; requirements.
- 71-643 Birth or death certificate; additional amendment; requirements.
- 71-644 Birth or death certificate; amendment; requirements.
- 71-645 Birth defects; findings and duties.
- 71-646 Birth defects; registry; purpose; information released.
- 71-647 Birth defects; department; powers and duties; information released.
- 71-648 Birth defects; reports.
- 71-649 Vital statistics; unlawful acts; enumerated; violations; penalties; warning statement.
- 71-701 Women's Health Initiative of Nebraska; created; duties.
- 71-702 Women's Health Initiative Advisory Council; created; members; terms; duties; expenses.
- 71-703 Initiative; personnel; administrative support.
- 71-704 Funding intent.
- 71-705 Women's Health Initiative Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-706 Department of Health and Human Services; powers.
- 71-707 Report.
- 71-801 Nebraska Behavioral Health Services Act; act, how cited.
- 71-802 Purposes of act.
- 71-803 Public behavioral health system; purposes.
- 71-804 Terms, defined.
- 71-805 Division; personnel; office of consumer affairs.
- 71-806 Division; powers and duties; rules and regulations.
- 71-807 Behavioral health regions; established.
- 71-808 Regional behavioral health authority; established; regional governing board; matching funds; requirements.
- 71-809 Regional behavioral health authority; behavioral health services; powers and duties.
- 71-810 Division; community-based behavioral health services; duties; reduce or discontinue regional center behavioral health services; powers and duties.
- 71-811 Division; funding; powers and duties.
- 71-812 Behavioral Health Services Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-813 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-814 State Advisory Committee on Mental Health Services; created; members; duties.
- 71-815 State Advisory Committee on Substance Abuse Services; created; members; duties.
- 71-816 Repealed. Laws 2013, LB 6, § 16.
- 71-817 Transferred to section 9-1006.
- 71-818 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 154, § 27.
- 71-819 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-820 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-821 Children and Family Behavioral Health Support Act; act, how cited.
- 71-822 Children and Family Support Hotline; establishment.
- 71-823 Family Navigator Program; establishment; evaluation.
- 71-824 Post-adoption and post-guardianship case management services; notice; administration; evaluation.
- 71-825 Repealed. Laws 2016, LB816, § 4.
- 71-826 Legislative intent regarding appropriations; allocation.
- 71-827 Repealed. Laws 2015, LB 8, § 4.
- 71-828 Behavioral Health Workforce Act; act, how cited.
- 71-829 Legislative findings.
- 71-830 Behavioral Health Education Center; created; administration; duties; report.
- 71-831 Contracts and agreements; department; duties.
- 71-901 Act, how cited.
- 71-902 Declaration of purpose.
- 71-903 Definitions, where found.
- 71-904 Administrator, defined.
- 71-904.01 Firearm-related disability, defined.
- 71-905 Mental health board, defined.
- 71-906 Mental health professional, defined.
- 71-907 Mentally ill, defined.
- 71-908 Mentally ill and dangerous person, defined.
- 71-909 Outpatient treatment, defined.
- 71-910 Peace officer or law enforcement officer, defined.
- 71-911 Regional center, defined.
- 71-912 Subject, defined.
- 71-913 Substance dependent, defined.
- 71-914 Treatment facility, defined.
- 71-915 Mental health boards; created; powers; duties; compensation.
- 71-916 Mental health board; training; department; duties.
- 71-917 Clerk of the district court; duties relating to mental health board.
- 71-918 Facility or programs for treatment of mental illness, substance dependence, or personality disorders; voluntary admission; unconditional discharge; exception.
- 71-919 Mentally ill and dangerous person; dangerous sex offender; emergency protective custody; evaluation by mental health professional.
- 71-920 Mentally ill and dangerous person; certificate of mental health professional; contents.
- 71-921 Person believes another to be a mentally ill and dangerous person; notify county attorney; petition; when.
- 71-922 Mental health board proceedings; commencement; custody; conditions; dismissal; when.
- 71-923 Petition; summons; hearing; sheriff; duties; failure to appear; warrant for custody.
- 71-924 Hearing; mental health board; duties.
- 71-925 Burden of proof; mental health board; hearing; orders authorized; conditions; rehearing.
- 71-926 Subject; custody pending entry of treatment order.
- 71-927 Mentally ill and dangerous subject; board; issue warrant; contents; immunity.
- 71-928 Inpatient treatment; subject taken to facility; procedure.
- 71-929 Mental health board; execution of warrants; costs; procedure.
- 71-930 Treatment order of mental health board; appeal; final order of district court; appeal.
- 71-931 Treatment order; individualized treatment plan; contents; copy; filed; treatment; when commenced.
- 71-932 Person responsible for subject's individualized treatment plan; periodic progress reports; copies; filed and served.
- 71-933 Outpatient treatment provider; duties; investigation by county attorney; warrant for immediate custody of subject; when.
- 71-934 Outpatient treatment; hearing by board; warrant for custody of subject; subject's rights; board determination.
- 71-935 Mental health board; review hearing; order discharge or change treatment disposition; when.
- 71-936 Regional center or treatment facility; administrator; discharge of involuntary patient; notice.
- 71-937 Mental health board; notice of release; hearing.
- 71-938 Mental health board; person released from treatment; compliance with conditions of release; conduct hearing; make determination.
- 71-939 Escape from treatment facility or program; notification required; contents; warrant; execution; peace officer; powers.
- 71-940 Person with mental illness or substance dependence; committed under other state's laws; return to other state; procedure; warrant issued.
- 71-941 Person with mental illness or substance dependence; arrested under warrant; notice; rights; writ of habeas corpus; hearing.
- 71-942 Person with mental illness, substance dependence, or personality disorder; dangerous sex offender; located outside state; demand return; procedure.
- 71-943 Subjects' rights during proceedings against them.
- 71-944 Subject's rights; written notice of the time and place of hearing; reasons alleged for treatment; procedure.
- 71-945 Subject's rights; representation by counsel; appointment of counsel if indigent.
- 71-946 Appointment of counsel; procedure.
- 71-947 Appointed counsel; fees; reimbursement of costs incurred; procedure.
- 71-948 Subject's rights; independent evaluation and assistance in proceedings; fees and expenses.
- 71-949 Counsel for subject; rights; enumerated; discovery; appeal from denial of discovery; when.
- 71-950 Continuances; liberally granted.
- 71-951 Mental health board hearings; closed to public; exception; where conducted.
- 71-952 Subject's rights; appear in person and testify in own behalf; present witnesses and evidence.
- 71-953 Subject's rights; compulsory process to obtain testimony of witnesses.
- 71-954 Subject's rights; confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses and evidence.
- 71-955 Hearings; rules of evidence applicable.
- 71-956 Subject's rights; written statements; contents.
- 71-957 Proceedings shall be of record; reporter; expenses and fees.
- 71-958 Qualified mental health professional; provide medical treatment to subject; when.
- 71-959 Subject in custody or receiving treatment; rights; enumerated.
- 71-960 Subject; waive rights; manner.
- 71-961 Subject's records; confidential; exceptions.
- 71-962 Violations; penalty.
- 71-963 Firearm-related disabilities; petition to remove; mental health board; review hearing; evidence; decision; appeal; petition granted; effect.
- 71-1001 State Anatomical Board; members; powers and duties; State Anatomical Board Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-1002 Repealed. Laws 2019, LB559, § 6.
- 71-1003 Board; dead human bodies; distribution.
- 71-1004 Board; dead human bodies; transportation.
- 71-1005 Repealed. Laws 2019, LB559, § 6.
- 71-1006 Repealed. Laws 2019, LB559, § 6.
- 71-1007 Board; purpose.
- 71-1101 Act, how cited.
- 71-1102 Public policy.
- 71-1103 Purpose of act.
- 71-1104 Definitions, where found.
- 71-1105 Court, defined.
- 71-1106 Department, defined.
- 71-1107 Developmental disability, defined.
- 71-1108 Independent mental health professional, defined.
- 71-1108.01 Intellectual disability, defined.
- 71-1109 Least restrictive alternative, defined.
- 71-1110 Transferred to section 71-1108.01.
- 71-1111 Petitioner, defined.
- 71-1112 Risk analysis, defined.
- 71-1113 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB333, § 14.
- 71-1114 Subject, defined.
- 71-1115 Threat of harm to others, defined.
- 71-1116 Treatment, defined.
- 71-1117 Petition; where filed; contents; evidentiary rules; applicability.
- 71-1118 Subject; rights.
- 71-1119 Emergency custody; application; court order; evaluation by department.
- 71-1120 Emergency custody order; expedited hearing.
- 71-1121 Petition and summons; service.
- 71-1122 Petition; hearing; procedure; representation by legal counsel.
- 71-1123 Subject; response to petition.
- 71-1124 Burden of proof; court findings; dispositional hearing; when required.
- 71-1125 Departmental plan; contents.
- 71-1126 Dispositional hearing; considerations; court order.
- 71-1127 Court-ordered custody and treatment; annual review hearings; procedure.
- 71-1128 Review hearing; when authorized; notice.
- 71-1129 Jurisdiction of court.
- 71-1130 Findings under act; effect.
- 71-1131 Costs; payment; public defender; appointment.
- 71-1132 Treatment needs of subject; rights of subject or subject's guardian.
- 71-1133 Juvenile; when subject to act.
- 71-1134 Reports.
- 71-1201 Act, how cited.
- 71-1202 Purpose of act.
- 71-1203 Terms, defined.
- 71-1204 Emergency protective custody; dangerous sex offender determination; written certificate; contents.
- 71-1205 Person believes another to be a dangerous sex offender; notify county attorney; petition; when; contents.
- 71-1206 Mental health board proceedings; commencement; petition; custody of subject; conditions; dismissal; when.
- 71-1207 Petition; summons; hearing; sheriff; duties; failure to appear; warrant for custody.
- 71-1208 Hearing; mental health board; duties.
- 71-1209 Burden of proof; mental health board; hearing; orders authorized; conditions; rehearing.
- 71-1210 Subject; custody pending entry of treatment order.
- 71-1211 Dangerous sex offender; board; issue warrant; contents; immunity.
- 71-1212 Inpatient treatment; subject taken to facility; procedure.
- 71-1213 Mental health board; execution of warrants; costs; procedure.
- 71-1214 Treatment order of mental health board; appeal; final order of district court; appeal.
- 71-1215 Treatment order; individualized treatment plan; contents; copy; filed; treatment; when commenced.
- 71-1216 Person responsible for subject's individualized treatment plan; periodic progress reports; copies; filed and served.
- 71-1217 Outpatient treatment provider; duties; investigation by county attorney; warrant for immediate custody of subject; when.
- 71-1218 Outpatient treatment; hearing by board; warrant for custody of subject; subject's rights; board determination.
- 71-1219 Mental health board; review hearing; order discharge or change treatment disposition; when.
- 71-1220 Regional center or treatment facility; administrator; discharge of involuntary patient; notice.
- 71-1221 Mental health board; notice of release; hearing.
- 71-1222 Mental health board; person released from treatment; compliance with conditions of release; conduct hearing; make determination.
- 71-1223 Escape from treatment facility or program; notification required; contents; warrant; execution; peace officer; powers.
- 71-1224 Rights of subjects.
- 71-1225 Mental health board hearings; closed to public; exception; where conducted.
- 71-1226 Hearings; rules of evidence applicable.
- 71-1227 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 154, § 27.
- 71-1228 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 154, § 27.
- 71-1301 Transferred to section 38-1402.
- 71-1302 Transferred to section 38-1414.
- 71-1303 Transferred to section 38-1415.
- 71-1304 Transferred to section 38-1416.
- 71-1305 Transferred to section 38-1417.
- 71-1306 Transferred to section 38-1418.
- 71-1307 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1308 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1309 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1310 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1311 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1312 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1313 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1314 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1315 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1316 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1317 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1318 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1319 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1320 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1321 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1322 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1323 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1324 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 295, § 15.
- 71-1325 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 187, § 39.
- 71-1326 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1327 Transferred to section 38-1419.
- 71-1327.01 Transferred to section 38-1420.
- 71-1328 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 187, § 39.
- 71-1329 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1330 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 187, § 39.
- 71-1331 Transferred to section 38-1423.
- 71-1332 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1333 Transferred to section 38-1424.
- 71-1333.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1333.02 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1333.03 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1334 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1335 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-1336 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1337 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 10, § 7.
- 71-1338 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 10, § 7.
- 71-1339 Transferred to section 38-1425.
- 71-1340 Transferred to section 38-1426.
- 71-1341 Transferred to section 38-1427.
- 71-1342 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 643, § 25.
- 71-1343 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 643, § 25.
- 71-1344 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 643, § 25.
- 71-1345 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1346 Transferred to section 38-1428.
- 71-1347 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-1348 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 187, § 39.
- 71-1349 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-1350 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-1351 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-1352 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-1353 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 1021, § 111.
- 71-1354 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1355 Act, how cited.
- 71-1356 Terms, defined.
- 71-1357 Crematory; license required.
- 71-1358 Crematory; building and location requirements.
- 71-1359 License; application; requirements; fee.
- 71-1360 License; expiration.
- 71-1361 Crematory; change in location, ownership, or name; application; requirements; fee.
- 71-1362 Provisional license.
- 71-1363 Licensure; fees.
- 71-1364 Department; inspection; report; duties; noncompliance; procedure.
- 71-1365 Complaints; department; duties; confidentiality; immunity.
- 71-1366 Imminent danger; department; powers.
- 71-1367 Deny or refuse to renew license; disciplinary action; grounds.
- 71-1368 Disciplinary actions; fine; disposition.
- 71-1369 Appeal.
- 71-1370 License; reinstatement or relicensure.
- 71-1371 Nuisance; abatement; acts prohibited; penalty.
- 71-1372 Injunction; authorized.
- 71-1373 Cremation; right to authorize.
- 71-1374 Crematory authority; delivery receipt form; duties.
- 71-1375 Crematory operation; limitations.
- 71-1376 Crematory authority; operation; requirements.
- 71-1377 Cremation authorization form; required; contents.
- 71-1378 Cremation authorization form; signature.
- 71-1379 Potentially hazardous implant or condition; jewelry or other valuables; requirements.
- 71-1380 Dispute; crematory authority or funeral establishment; powers and duties.
- 71-1381 Cremated remains; how treated.
- 71-1382 Cremated remains; final disposition.
- 71-1382.01 Cremated remains; veteran or spouse or dependent of veteran; procedures; final disposition; records; immunity.
- 71-1383 Rules and regulations.
- 71-1384 Crematory authority; bylaws.
- 71-1385 Act; how construed.
- 71-1401 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-1402 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-1403 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-1404 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-1405 Medically handicapped child; birth; duty of attendant to report.
- 71-1406 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 651, § 3.
- 71-1501 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1502 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1503 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1504 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1505 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1506 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1507 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1508 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1509 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1510 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 104.
- 71-1511 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1512 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1513 Repealed. Laws 1947, c. 179, § 8.
- 71-1514 Repealed. Laws 1947, c. 179, § 8.
- 71-1515 Repealed. Laws 1947, c. 179, § 8.
- 71-1516 Repealed. Laws 1947, c. 179, § 8.
- 71-1517 Repealed. Laws 1947, c. 179, § 8.
- 71-1518 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1519 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1520 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1521 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1522 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1523 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1524 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1525 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1526 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1527 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1528 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1529 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1530 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1531 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1532 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1533 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1534 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1535 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1536 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1537 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1538 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1539 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1540 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1541 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1542 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1543 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1544 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1545 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1546 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1547 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1548 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1549 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1550 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1551 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1552 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1553 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1554 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 105, § 103.
- 71-1555 Act, how cited.
- 71-1556 Declaration of purpose.
- 71-1557 Terms, defined.
- 71-1558 Modular housing units; construction of and installation of plumbing, heating, and electrical systems; standards; manner adopted; when applicable.
- 71-1559 Modular housing unit; compliance assurance program; exception; purpose; inspection; seal; when issued; fee; Public Service Commission Housing and Recreational Vehicle Cash Fund.
- 71-1560 Modular housing unit; dealer; prohibited acts; exceptions.
- 71-1561 Modular housing units; plumbing, heating, electrical, or construction codes; reciprocity; when; prohibited acts; agreements authorized.
- 71-1562 Modular housing unit; local codes or standards; compliance not required; exception; site development, defined.
- 71-1563 Modular housing unit; violation; penalty.
- 71-1564 Commission; administer act; rules and regulations; powers; enumerated; charge for services.
- 71-1565 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-1566 Modular housing units; place manufactured, sold, or leased; open to inspection by commission.
- 71-1567 Seal; denied or suspended; hearing; appeal.
- 71-1568 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 247, § 3.
- 71-1568.01 Existing rules, regulations, orders, suits, and proceedings; effect of transfer.
- 71-1569 Scald prevention device; required; when.
- 71-1570 Scald prevention device; inspection.
- 71-1571 Scald prevention device; violation; penalty.
- 71-1572 Act, how cited.
- 71-1573 Legislative findings.
- 71-1574 Act; purposes.
- 71-1575 Terms, defined.
- 71-1576 Authority established under prior law; existence and actions; how treated.
- 71-1577 Local housing agency; created; when.
- 71-1578 Local housing agency; resolution or ordinance; effect.
- 71-1579 Local housing agency; name.
- 71-1580 Local housing agency; evidence of establishment.
- 71-1581 Regional housing agency; resolution or ordinance to establish.
- 71-1582 Regional housing agency; resolution or ordinance; effect.
- 71-1583 Regional housing agency; name.
- 71-1584 Regional housing agency; evidence of establishment.
- 71-1585 Regional housing agency; additional members; procedure.
- 71-1586 Regional housing agency; withdrawal; conditions; effect.
- 71-1587 Regional housing agency; become local housing agency or dissolve; when.
- 71-1588 Area of operation; effect on jurisdiction.
- 71-1589 Debts and liability; responsibility.
- 71-1590 Taxation of property; Indian housing authorities; payments in lieu of taxes.
- 71-1591 Property; exempt from judicial process.
- 71-1592 Agency representatives; exempt from licensing requirements; when.
- 71-1593 Applicability of Administrative Procedure Act and procurement, operation, and disposition of property provisions.
- 71-1594 Local housing agency; commissioners; appointment.
- 71-1595 Commissioners; powers; quorum; executive committee.
- 71-1596 Commissioners; appointment; procedure.
- 71-1597 Regional housing agency; commissioners; appointment.
- 71-1598 Commissioners; terms.
- 71-1599 Commissioners; vacancies.
- 71-15,100 Certificate of appointment or reappointment.
- 71-15,101 Commissioner; qualifications; requirements.
- 71-15,102 City of the metropolitan class; commissioner; requirements.
- 71-15,103 Commissioner; city representative; required; when.
- 71-15,104 Resident commissioner; selection; procedure.
- 71-15,105 Commissioner; removal; procedure.
- 71-15,106 Officers; executive director; employees.
- 71-15,107 Commissioner; expenses.
- 71-15,108 Local housing agency; dissolution; conditions.
- 71-15,109 Local housing agency; dissolution; transfer of rights, property, and liability.
- 71-15,110 Local housing agency; dissolution; effect on area of operation.
- 71-15,111 Regional housing agency; dissolution; procedure.
- 71-15,112 Local housing agency; general powers.
- 71-15,113 Local housing agency; powers enumerated.
- 71-15,114 Housing agency; borrow money and issue bonds; liability.
- 71-15,115 Housing agency; obligations; issuance and sale.
- 71-15,116 Obligations; validity and enforceability.
- 71-15,117 Issuance of obligations or incurring debt; housing agency; powers.
- 71-15,118 Obligee; rights.
- 71-15,119 Obligee; powers conferred.
- 71-15,120 Investments in obligations authorized.
- 71-15,121 Tax status of bonds and other obligations.
- 71-15,122 Revenue; how treated.
- 71-15,123 Establishment of rental rates.
- 71-15,124 Mixed-income developments; restrictions; requirements.
- 71-15,125 Income, surplus, and payments; use.
- 71-15,126 Policies and procedures; standards.
- 71-15,127 Discretionary powers; how construed.
- 71-15,128 Noncontrolled affiliates; treatment.
- 71-15,129 Financing; limitations.
- 71-15,130 Financial affairs; how conducted.
- 71-15,131 Special limited fund; authorized; restrictions on use.
- 71-15,132 Dwelling units; occupancy eligibility.
- 71-15,133 Plan for selection of applicants.
- 71-15,134 Discrimination prohibited.
- 71-15,135 Current occupants; how treated.
- 71-15,136 Lease; terms and conditions.
- 71-15,137 Change in household; effect.
- 71-15,138 Termination of tenancy; conditions.
- 71-15,139 Termination of tenancy; procedure; recovery of possession of premises; when.
- 71-15,140 Personal property; rules and regulations.
- 71-15,141 Report; false report; penalty; audits.
- 71-15,142 Plan for location and boundaries; approval required.
- 71-15,143 Local housing agency representative; liability.
- 71-15,144 Housing agency representative; indemnification.
- 71-15,145 Effect of local planning, zoning, sanitary, and building laws.
- 71-15,146 Records; exempt from disclosure.
- 71-15,147 Records; disclosure permitted; when.
- 71-15,148 Individual files; examination permitted.
- 71-15,149 Conflict of interest; terms, defined.
- 71-15,150 Conflict of interest; prohibited acts.
- 71-15,151 Conflict of interest; disclosure required; when.
- 71-15,152 Housing agency official; recusal; when.
- 71-15,153 Housing agency official; gifts; prohibited acts.
- 71-15,154 Housing agency official; improper use of information.
- 71-15,155 Misconduct in office.
- 71-15,156 Conflict of interest; rules authorized.
- 71-15,157 Conflict of interest; sections; how construed.
- 71-15,158 Property and personnel; policies, rules, and procedures; bidding requirements.
- 71-15,159 Local housing agency; joint exercise of powers authorized.
- 71-15,160 Local housing agency; joint or cooperative powers enumerated.
- 71-15,161 Public agency; powers.
- 71-15,162 State and public agencies; powers.
- 71-15,163 Screening of applicants; powers of public agencies.
- 71-15,164 Enforcement of rights; remedies.
- 71-15,165 Claims and actions; restrictions.
- 71-15,166 Act; how construed.
- 71-15,167 Conflicting provisions; how construed.
- 71-15,168 Tort claims; other claims; procedure.
- 71-1601 Public health; counties over 200,000; regulation by single governmental subdivision.
- 71-1602 Health district; territorial limits; how designated.
- 71-1603 Health district; powers.
- 71-1604 Health district; creation; petition; election.
- 71-1605 Health district; election; laws applicable.
- 71-1606 Health district; election; Governor's proclamation; filing.
- 71-1607 Health district; board of health; members; term; vacancy.
- 71-1608 Health district; political subdivision deemed fully compensated; when.
- 71-1609 Board of health; meetings; officers; compensation.
- 71-1610 Health district; treasurer; duties; bond.
- 71-1611 Board of health; estimate of expenses; budget; tax authorized.
- 71-1612 Board of health; powers and duties.
- 71-1613 Violations; penalty.
- 71-1614 Health service obtained by ineligible person; reimbursement.
- 71-1615 Special health service; duty of district to provide; cost; how paid.
- 71-1616 Board of health; department or division; director; qualifications; powers and duties.
- 71-1617 Rules and regulations; standards.
- 71-1618 Health district; property of county; possession; when.
- 71-1619 Foods, drinks, properties; inspection; fees.
- 71-1620 Preexisting health regulations; effect.
- 71-1621 Epidemics or disasters; tax limitation inapplicable.
- 71-1622 Health district; bonds; optional payment; interest.
- 71-1623 Health district; additional powers.
- 71-1624 Health district; dissolution; property; reversion.
- 71-1625 Governmental subdivision, defined.
- 71-1626 Terms, defined.
- 71-1626.01 Legislative intent.
- 71-1627 Local public health department; health director; other personnel.
- 71-1628 County board; powers.
- 71-1628.01 County or district health department; termination; procedure.
- 71-1628.02 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 412, § 12.
- 71-1628.03 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 412, § 12.
- 71-1628.04 Core public health functions; contract authorized.
- 71-1628.05 Report.
- 71-1628.06 Core public health functions; personnel.
- 71-1628.07 Satellite office of minority health; duties.
- 71-1628.08 County Public Health Aid Program; created; funds; distribution.
- 71-1629 County or city-county health department; county board; powers; tax; election; when required.
- 71-1629.01 District health department; county board; levy; limitation.
- 71-1629.02 Municipalities; powers; levy.
- 71-1630 Local boards of health; membership; terms; vacancies; duties.
- 71-1630.01 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 198, § 4.
- 71-1630.02 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 198, § 4.
- 71-1630.03 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 198, § 4.
- 71-1631 Local boards of health; meetings; expenses; powers and duties; rules and regulations; pension and retirement plans.
- 71-1631.01 Local boards of health; rules and regulations; violations; penalty.
- 71-1631.02 Local boards of health; retirement plan; reports.
- 71-1632 Health director; powers; duties.
- 71-1633 Local boards of health; records required.
- 71-1634 Health department; funds; how disbursed.
- 71-1635 Health department; establishment; other health agencies abolished; exception; city-county health department; control by department.
- 71-1636 Sections not applicable to school district; exception.
- 71-1637 Political subdivision; employment and contracts authorized; duties; tax to support; limitation; section, how construed.
- 71-1638 Political subdivision; tax levy; limitation; election; procedure.
- 71-1639 Political subdivision; tax levy; resubmission; procedure.
- 71-1701 Transferred to section 71-1637.
- 71-1702 Transferred to section 71-1638.
- 71-1703 Transferred to section 71-1639.
- 71-1704 Transferred to section 38-2301.
- 71-1705 Repealed. Laws 2005, LB 256, § 103.
- 71-1706 Transferred to section 38-2302.
- 71-1707 Transferred to section 38-2312.
- 71-1708 Transferred to section 38-2306.
- 71-1709 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 414, § 52.
- 71-1709.01 Transferred to section 38-2307.
- 71-1709.02 Transferred to section 38-2309.
- 71-1710 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1711 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 414, § 52.
- 71-1712 Transferred to section 38-2311.
- 71-1713 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 536, § 128.
- 71-1714 Transferred to section 38-2313.
- 71-1715 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 414, § 52.
- 71-1716 Transferred to section 38-2308.
- 71-1716.01 Transferred to section 38-2304.
- 71-1716.02 Transferred to section 38-2303.
- 71-1716.03 Transferred to section 38-2310.
- 71-1716.04 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 414, § 52.
- 71-1716.05 Transferred to section 38-2314.
- 71-1717 Transferred to section 38-2305.
- 71-1718 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 536, § 128.
- 71-1718.01 Transferred to section 71-17,134.
- 71-1718.02 Transferred to section 71-17,135.
- 71-1719 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 536, § 128.
- 71-1720 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 536, § 128.
- 71-1721 Transferred to section 38-2315.
- 71-1721.01 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 414, § 52.
- 71-1721.02 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 414, § 52.
- 71-1721.03 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 414, § 52.
- 71-1721.04 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 414, § 52.
- 71-1721.05 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 414, § 52.
- 71-1721.06 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 414, § 52.
- 71-1721.07 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1722 Transferred to section 38-2317.
- 71-1723 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1723.01 Transferred to section 38-2321.
- 71-1723.02 Transferred to section 38-2322.
- 71-1723.03 Transferred to section 38-2323.
- 71-1723.04 Transferred to section 38-2320.
- 71-1724 Transferred to section 38-2319.
- 71-1724.01 Transferred to section 38-2318.
- 71-1724.02 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-1725 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-1725.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-1726 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-1726.01 Transferred to section 38-2316.
- 71-1726.02 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1727 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1728 Transferred to section 38-701.
- 71-1729 Transferred to section 38-706.
- 71-1730 Transferred to section 38-707.
- 71-1731 Transferred to section 38-708.
- 71-1732 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1019, § 129.
- 71-1733 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1019, § 129.
- 71-1734 Transferred to section 38-711.
- 71-1735 Transferred to section 38-709.
- 71-1736 Repealed. Laws 2005, LB 256, § 103.
- 71-1736.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-1736.02 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-1736.03 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-1737 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1738 Transferred to section 38-601.
- 71-1739 Transferred to section 38-602.
- 71-1740 Transferred to section 38-603.
- 71-1741 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 828, § 178.
- 71-1742 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 828, § 178.
- 71-1743 Transferred to section 38-605.
- 71-1744 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-1745 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1746 Transferred to section 38-608.
- 71-1747 Transferred to section 38-607.
- 71-1748 Transferred to section 38-606.
- 71-1749 Transferred to section 38-604.
- 71-1750 Transferred to section 38-609.
- 71-1751 Transferred to section 38-610.
- 71-1752 Transferred to section 38-611.
- 71-1753 Transferred to section 38-613.
- 71-1754 Transferred to section 38-614.
- 71-1755 Transferred to section 38-615.
- 71-1756 Transferred to section 38-617.
- 71-1757 Transferred to section 38-616.
- 71-1758 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-1759 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-1760 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1761 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-1762 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-1763 Transferred to section 38-618.
- 71-1764 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1765 Transferred to section 38-612.
- 71-1766 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 622, § 136.
- 71-1767 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 622, § 136.
- 71-1768 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 622, § 136.
- 71-1769 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 622, § 136.
- 71-1770 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 622, § 136.
- 71-1771 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 622, § 136.
- 71-1772 Transferred to section 38-1601.
- 71-1773 Transferred to section 38-1602.
- 71-1774 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1775 Transferred to section 38-1621.
- 71-1776 Transferred to section 38-1613.
- 71-1777 Transferred to section 38-1615.
- 71-1778 Transferred to section 38-1616.
- 71-1779 Transferred to section 38-1617.
- 71-1780 Transferred to section 38-1622.
- 71-1781 Transferred to section 38-1623.
- 71-1782 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1783 Transferred to section 38-1624.
- 71-1784 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1785 Transferred to section 38-1625.
- 71-1786 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-1787 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1788 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1789 Transferred to section 38-1614.
- 71-1790 Transferred to section 38-1620.
- 71-1791 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1792 Transferred to section 38-1618.
- 71-1793 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1794 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1795 Nurse Licensure Compact.
- 71-1795.01 Nurse Licensure Compact.
- 71-1795.02 Termination of prior compact.
- 71-1796 Act, how cited.
- 71-1797 Legislative findings.
- 71-1798 Nebraska Center for Nursing; established; goals.
- 71-1798.01 Board of Nursing; duties.
- 71-1799 Nebraska Center for Nursing Board; created; members; terms; powers and duties; expenses.
- 71-17,100 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 849, § 41.
- 71-17,101 Act, how cited.
- 71-17,102 Terms, defined.
- 71-17,103 Department; duties.
- 71-17,104 Student loan; eligibility.
- 71-17,105 Loans; restrictions; repayment; when.
- 71-17,106 Rules and regulations.
- 71-17,107 Nursing Student Loan Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-17,108 Act, how cited.
- 71-17,109 Terms, defined.
- 71-17,110 Loan; eligibility.
- 71-17,111 Loan distribution; conditions.
- 71-17,112 Nursing Faculty Student Loan Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-17,113 License renewal; extra fee.
- 71-17,114 Department; powers and duties.
- 71-17,115 Report required.
- 71-17,116 Rules and regulations.
- 71-17,117 Transferred to section 38-901.
- 71-17,118 Transferred to section 38-903.
- 71-17,119 Transferred to section 38-908.
- 71-17,120 Transferred to section 38-906.
- 71-17,121 Transferred to section 38-910.
- 71-17,122 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-17,123 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-17,124 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-17,125 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-17,126 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-17,127 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 185, § 54.
- 71-17,128 Transferred to section 38-907.
- 71-17,129 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-17,130 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-17,131 Transferred to section 38-201.
- 71-17,132 Transferred to section 38-202.
- 71-17,133 Transferred to section 38-203.
- 71-17,134 Transferred to section 38-205.
- 71-17,135 Transferred to section 38-206.
- 71-17,136 Transferred to section 38-207.
- 71-17,137 Transferred to section 38-208.
- 71-17,138 Transferred to section 38-209.
- 71-17,139 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-17,140 Transferred to section 38-210.
- 71-17,141 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-1801 Pathogenic microorganisms; sale and distribution; permit required.
- 71-1802 Permit; Department of Health and Human Services, authority; certification to State Veterinarian.
- 71-1803 Permit; State Veterinarian, authority; rules and regulations.
- 71-1804 Permit; duration; abrogation; renewal.
- 71-1805 Violation; penalty.
- 71-1901 Terms, defined.
- 71-1902 Foster care; license required; license renewal; kinship homes and relative homes; department and child-placing agencies; duties; placement in nonlicensed relative home or kinship home; approval by department; when; license revocation; procedure.
- 71-1903 Foster care; investigation by department; State Fire Marshal; fee; criminal history record information check.
- 71-1904 Rules and regulations; waiver of licensing standard; when.
- 71-1905 Violation; penalty.
- 71-1906 Native American foster homes; legislative intent.
- 71-1906.01 Native American foster homes; rules and regulations.
- 71-1906.02 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-1906.03 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-1907 Child passenger restraint; requirements; violation; penalty.
- 71-1908 Child Care Licensing Act; act, how cited; legislative findings.
- 71-1909 Purposes of act; legislative intent.
- 71-1910 Terms, defined.
- 71-1911 Licenses; when required; issuance; corrective action status; display of license.
- 71-1911.01 Fees.
- 71-1911.02 Application; contents.
- 71-1911.03 Applicant; liability insurance.
- 71-1912 Department; investigation; inspections; national criminal history record information check; procedure; cost; background checks; person ineligible for employment; when.
- 71-1913 Fire and health inspections.
- 71-1913.01 Immunization requirements; record; report.
- 71-1913.02 Immunization reports; audit; deficiencies; duties.
- 71-1913.03 Immunization; department; adopt rules and regulations.
- 71-1914 Department; serve as coordinating agency; local rules and regulations; report of violation.
- 71-1914.01 Unlicensed child care; investigation.
- 71-1914.02 Unlicensed child care; restraining order or injunction; department; powers.
- 71-1914.03 Unlicensed child care; violations; penalty; county attorney; duties.
- 71-1915 Department; emergency powers; injunction.
- 71-1916 Department; administrative procedures.
- 71-1917 School-age child care program; inspections; Department of Health and Human Services; duties.
- 71-1918 Complaint tracking system.
- 71-1919 License denial; disciplinary action; grounds.
- 71-1920 Disciplinary action; types; fines; disposition.
- 71-1921 Disciplinary action; considerations.
- 71-1922 Denial of license; disciplinary action; notice; final; when.
- 71-1923 Voluntary surrender of license.
- 71-1924 Children's Residential Facilities and Placing Licensure Act; act, how cited.
- 71-1925 Purpose of act.
- 71-1926 Terms, defined.
- 71-1927 Residential child-caring agency or child-placing agency; license required; current license holders; how treated.
- 71-1928 Applicant for license or renewal; application; requirements; contents.
- 71-1928.01 National criminal history record information check; procedure; cost; background checks.
- 71-1929 Fees.
- 71-1930 Licenses; expiration date; not transferable or assignable; public inspection and display.
- 71-1931 Separate license required; duties of licensee.
- 71-1932 Provisional license; period valid; conversion to regular license.
- 71-1933 Inspection by department; inspection report.
- 71-1934 State Fire Marshal; inspection; fee; delegation of authority; department; investigations authorized; delegation of authority.
- 71-1935 Inspection report; findings of noncompliance; department; proceedings; letter requesting statement of compliance; contents; failure to correct; additional proceedings.
- 71-1936 Alleged violation of act; complaint; investigation; department; duties; confidentiality; immunity; report.
- 71-1937 Licensee; discrimination or retaliation prohibited; cause of action for relief.
- 71-1938 Emergency; department; powers; order; contents; hearing; order; petition for injunction; other enforcement measures.
- 71-1939 Department; deny or refuse renewal of license; grounds.
- 71-1940 Deny, refuse renewal, or take disciplinary action against license; grounds.
- 71-1941 License; department; impose disciplinary actions; fine; how treated; recovery.
- 71-1942 Disciplinary action; department; considerations.
- 71-1943 Deny, refuse renewal of, or take disciplinary action against license; department; notice; contents; hearing.
- 71-1944 Applicant or licensee; notification to department; failure to notify department; effect.
- 71-1945 Applicant or licensee; hearing; procedure; director; decision; contents.
- 71-1946 Decision of department; appeal; procedure.
- 71-1947 Lapsed license; reinstatement; suspension; probation; reinstatement; procedure; hearing; revoked license; revocation period.
- 71-1948 Voluntary surrender of license.
- 71-1949 Rules and regulations; contested cases; procedure.
- 71-1950 Violations; penalty.
- 71-1951 Existing rules and regulations, licenses, and proceedings; how treated.
- 71-1952 Step Up to Quality Child Care Act; act, how cited.
- 71-1953 Purposes of act.
- 71-1954 Terms, defined.
- 71-1955 Quality rating and improvement system; State Department of Education; Department of Health and Human Services; duties.
- 71-1956 Child care and early childhood education program; rating; quality rating criteria.
- 71-1957 Participation in quality rating and improvement system.
- 71-1958 Quality scale rating; application; assignment of rating.
- 71-1959 Quality scale rating review; reevaluation.
- 71-1960 License under Child Care Licensing Act; denial of license or disciplinary act authorized.
- 71-1961 Quality rating and improvement system incentives and support.
- 71-1962 Nebraska Early Childhood Professional Record System; creation and operation; State Department of Education; duties; develop classification system for employees; use.
- 71-1963 Quality scale ratings available on web site; when.
- 71-1964 Rules and regulations.
- 71-2001 Act, how cited.
- 71-2002 Terms, defined.
- 71-2003 Department; duties.
- 71-2004 Department; powers and duties.
- 71-2005 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 829, § 3.
- 71-2006 Administration; appropriation by the Legislature; expenditures; certification by department.
- 71-2007 Department; inventory; survey; planning; program.
- 71-2008 Construction program.
- 71-2009 Survey and planning; application for federal funds; expenditure.
- 71-2010 State plan; notice; hearing; submission to Surgeon General; hearing; approval of plans; review of program.
- 71-2011 Department; maintenance and operation of hospitals and medical facilities; prescribe minimum standards.
- 71-2012 State plan; need; construction.
- 71-2013 Construction projects; federal funds; application; requirements.
- 71-2014 Construction projects; hearing; approval; recommendation of department.
- 71-2015 Construction projects; inspection; certification of work performed; payment due.
- 71-2016 Hospital and Medical Facilities Fund; State Treasurer; disbursement by warrants; funds; investment.
- 71-2017 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2017.01 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2017.02 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 355, § 19.
- 71-2017.03 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2017.04 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2017.05 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-2017.06 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2017.07 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2018 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2019 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 592, § 2.
- 71-2020 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2021 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2021.01 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2021.02 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2022 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2023 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2023.01 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2023.02 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2023.03 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2023.04 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2023.05 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2023.06 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2023.07 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2024 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2024.01 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 459, § 7.
- 71-2024.02 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 459, § 7.
- 71-2025 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 829, § 3.
- 71-2026 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2027 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2028 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2029 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-2030 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 423, § 1.
- 71-2031 Transferred to section 71-6043.
- 71-2032 Transferred to section 71-6044.
- 71-2033 Transferred to section 71-6045.
- 71-2034 Transferred to section 71-6046.
- 71-2035 Transferred to section 71-6047.
- 71-2036 Transferred to section 71-6048.
- 71-2037 Transferred to section 71-6049.
- 71-2038 Transferred to section 71-6050.
- 71-2039 Transferred to section 71-6051.
- 71-2040 Transferred to section 71-6052.
- 71-2041 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1040, § 14.
- 71-2041.01 Transferred to section 71-6053.
- 71-2041.02 Transferred to section 71-6054.
- 71-2041.03 Transferred to section 71-6055.
- 71-2041.04 Transferred to section 71-6056.
- 71-2041.05 Transferred to section 71-6057.
- 71-2041.06 Transferred to section 71-6058.
- 71-2041.07 Transferred to section 71-6059.
- 71-2042 Transferred to section 71-6067.
- 71-2043 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 5, § 2.
- 71-2044 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 686, § 11.
- 71-2045 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1040, § 14.
- 71-2045.01 Transferred to section 71-6065.
- 71-2045.02 Transferred to section 71-2041.02.
- 71-2045.03 Transferred to section 71-6060.
- 71-2045.04 Transferred to section 71-6062.
- 71-2045.05 Transferred to section 71-6061.
- 71-2045.06 Transferred to section 71-6066.
- 71-2045.07 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 693, § 18.
- 71-2045.08 Transferred to section 71-6063.
- 71-2045.09 Transferred to section 71-6064.
- 71-2045.10 Transferred to section 71-6068.
- 71-2046 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 431, § 17.
- 71-2047 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 431, § 17.
- 71-2048 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 431, § 17.
- 71-2048.01 Clinical privileges; standards and procedures.
- 71-2049 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 288, § 54.
- 71-2050 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-2051 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-2052 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-2053 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-2054 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-2055 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-2056 Legislative findings.
- 71-2057 Terms, defined.
- 71-2058 Public hospital; marketing strategies and plans authorized.
- 71-2059 Governmental body; powers.
- 71-2060 Conversion of public funds.
- 71-2061 Public hospital; indebtedness, how construed; expenditures, limitation; membership interests and contractual joint ventures; how construed.
- 71-2062 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2063 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2064 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2065 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2066 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2067 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2068 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2069 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2070 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2071 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2072 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2073 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2074 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2075 Written estimate of charges; when required; notice.
- 71-2076 Listing of common diagnostic related groups; when required.
- 71-2077 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1222, § 65.
- 71-2078 Injury data; legislative findings.
- 71-2079 Terms, defined.
- 71-2080 Diagnosis code; required.
- 71-2081 Hospital; submission of data; release by department.
- 71-2082 Department; adopt rules and regulations.
- 71-2083 Surgical infections; report required.
- 71-2084 Terms, defined.
- 71-2085 Appointment of receiver; conditions.
- 71-2086 Appointment of receiver; procedure; temporary receiver; purpose of receivership.
- 71-2087 Receiver; appointment; effect; duties.
- 71-2088 Receiver; powers.
- 71-2089 Receiver; litigation authorized.
- 71-2090 Property and records; inspection by department.
- 71-2091 Receivership; receiver responsibility; successor appointed; when.
- 71-2092 Receivership; termination; procedure; failure to terminate; effect.
- 71-2093 Receivership; payment of expenses.
- 71-2094 Action against receiver; requirements.
- 71-2095 Receivership; acts not precluded; effect on liability.
- 71-2096 Interference with enforcement; penalty.
- 71-2097 Terms, defined.
- 71-2098 Civil penalties; department; powers.
- 71-2099 Civil penalties; type and amount; criteria.
- 71-20,100 Nursing Facility Penalty Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-20,101 Rules and regulations.
- 71-20,102 Act, how cited.
- 71-20,103 Terms, defined.
- 71-20,104 Acquisition of hospital; approval required; exception; notice; application; procedure.
- 71-20,105 Application; department; Attorney General; duties; single unified review process; when.
- 71-20,106 Review of acquisition; hearing; department or Attorney General; powers.
- 71-20,107 Review of application; Attorney General; department; duties; action for declaratory judgment; authorized; contest of denial.
- 71-20,108 Review of application; Attorney General; considerations.
- 71-20,109 Review of application; department; considerations.
- 71-20,110 Noncompliance with commitment to affected community; revocation of license; when.
- 71-20,111 Attorney General; powers to ensure compliance.
- 71-20,112 Licensure; issuance, renewal, revocation, or suspension; when; section, how construed.
- 71-20,113 Applicability of act.
- 71-20,114 Authority of Attorney General; act; how construed.
- 71-20,115 Transferred to section 71-460.
- 71-20,116 Transferred to section 71-461.
- 71-20,117 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-20,118 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-20,119 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-20,120 Visitation privileges; designation by patient.
- 71-20,121 Disposition of remains of child born dead; hospital; duties.
- 71-2101 Sudden infant death syndrome; legislative findings.
- 71-2102 Abusive head trauma; legislative findings.
- 71-2103 Information for parents of newborn child; requirements.
- 71-2104 Public awareness activities; duties.
- 71-2201 Maternal and Child Health and Public Health Work Fund; created; investment.
- 71-2202 Maternal and Child Health and Public Health Work Fund; administration.
- 71-2203 Maternal and Child Health and Public Health Work Fund; disbursements; how made.
- 71-2204 Maternal and Child Health and Public Health Work Fund; federal aid; acceptance.
- 71-2205 Construction of sections.
- 71-2206 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 307, § 236.
- 71-2207 Maternal and child health funds; how used.
- 71-2208 Maternal and child health; reports by Department of Health and Human Services; to whom made.
- 71-2209 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2210 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2211 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2212 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2213 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2214 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2215 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2216 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2217 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2218 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2219 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2220 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2221 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2222 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2223 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2224 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 344, § 35.
- 71-2225 Terms, defined.
- 71-2226 State CSF program; authorized; department; powers.
- 71-2227 State WIC program; authorized; department; powers.
- 71-2228 Obtaining benefits; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.
- 71-2229 Using benefits; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.
- 71-2230 Attorney General; enforcement.
- 71-2301 Act, how cited.
- 71-2302 Legislative findings.
- 71-2303 Legislative intent.
- 71-2304 Coordinated program of education and treatment; regional behavioral health funding; Department of Health and Human Services; duties.
- 71-2305 Rules and regulations.
- 71-2401 Transferred to section 71-2461.
- 71-2402 Transferred to section 71-2470.
- 71-2403 Repealed. Laws 2015, LB 37, § 93.
- 71-2404 Transferred to section 71-2480.
- 71-2405 Transferred to section 71-2481.
- 71-2406 Mail Service Pharmacy Licensure Act; act, how cited.
- 71-2407 Mail service pharmacy license; requirements; fee.
- 71-2408 Department of Health and Human Services; disciplinary actions; violations; Attorney General; duties.
- 71-2409 Rules and regulations.
- 71-2410 Emergency Box Drug Act; act, how cited.
- 71-2411 Terms, defined.
- 71-2412 Long-term care facility; emergency boxes; use; conditions.
- 71-2413 Drugs to be included in emergency boxes; requirements; removal; conditions; notification of supplying pharmacy; expired drugs; treatment; examination of emergency boxes; written procedures; establishment.
- 71-2414 Department; powers; grounds for disciplinary action.
- 71-2415 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 195, § 111.
- 71-2416 Violations; department; powers; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.
- 71-2417 Controlled substance; exemption.
- 71-2418 Legislative findings.
- 71-2419 Physician, nurse, or pharmacist; disciplinary action or criminal prosecution; limitation.
- 71-2420 Board of Medicine and Surgery; duties.
- 71-2421 Transferred to section 38-28,107.
- 71-2422 Cancer Drug Repository Program Act; act, how cited.
- 71-2423 Terms, defined.
- 71-2424 Cancer drug repository program; established.
- 71-2425 Cancer drug donation.
- 71-2426 Cancer drug; accepted or dispensed; conditions.
- 71-2427 Participant; duties; fee authorized.
- 71-2428 Immunity.
- 71-2429 Rules and regulations.
- 71-2430 Participant registry.
- 71-2431 Community health center; relabeling and redispensing prescription drugs; requirements.
- 71-2432 Terms, defined.
- 71-2433 Property owner; law enforcement agency; Nebraska State Patrol; duties.
- 71-2434 Local public health department; powers and duties; fees; release of property for human habitation; civil penalty.
- 71-2435 Leased property; termination of lease; notice.
- 71-2436 Immunosuppressant Drug Repository Program Act; act, how cited.
- 71-2437 Terms, defined.
- 71-2438 Immunosuppressant drug repository program; established.
- 71-2439 Immunosuppressant drug donation.
- 71-2440 Immunosuppressant drug; accepted or dispensed; conditions.
- 71-2441 Participant; duties; resale prohibited.
- 71-2442 Rules and regulations.
- 71-2443 Immunity.
- 71-2444 Automated Medication Systems Act; act, how cited.
- 71-2445 Terms, defined.
- 71-2446 Automated machine prohibited.
- 71-2447 Hospital, long-term care facility, or pharmacy; use of automated medication system; policies and procedures required.
- 71-2448 Prescription medication distribution machine; requirements; location.
- 71-2449 Automated medication distribution machine; requirements; drugs; limitations; inventory; how treated.
- 71-2450 Pharmacist providing pharmacist remote order entry; requirements.
- 71-2451 Long-term care facility; annual license; application; contents; inspection; pharmacist; duties; dispensing of drugs; labeling requirements.
- 71-2451.01 Management of long-term care facility; prohibited acts.
- 71-2452 Violations; disciplinary action.
- 71-2453 Department of Correctional Services facilities, detention facilities, or jails; prescription drug or device; return for credit or relabeling and redispensing; requirements; liability; professional disciplinary action.
- 71-2454 Prescription drug monitoring; system established; provisions included; not public records.
- 71-2454.01 Veterinary Prescription Monitoring Program Task Force; created; duties; members; meeting; report.
- 71-2455 Prescription drug monitoring; Department of Health and Human Services; duties; powers.
- 71-2456 Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Fund; created; investment.
- 71-2457 Prescription Drug Safety Act; act, how cited.
- 71-2458 Definitions, where found.
- 71-2459 Administer, defined.
- 71-2460 Administration, defined.
- 71-2461 Adulterated drug, defined.
- 71-2462 Chart order, defined.
- 71-2463 Compounding, defined.
- 71-2464 Controlled substance, defined.
- 71-2465 Dispense or dispensing, defined.
- 71-2466 Distribute, defined.
- 71-2467 Drugs, medicines, and medicinal substances, defined.
- 71-2468 Labeling, defined.
- 71-2469 Medical order, defined.
- 71-2470 Misbranded drug, defined.
- 71-2471 Pharmacist, defined.
- 71-2472 Pharmacy, defined.
- 71-2473 Practitioner, defined.
- 71-2474 Prescribe, defined.
- 71-2475 Prescription, defined.
- 71-2476 Prescription drug or device or legend drug or device, defined.
- 71-2477 Act; how construed; practitioner; duties; compound or reconstitute drug; duties.
- 71-2478 Legend drug not a controlled substance; written, oral, or electronic prescription; information required; controlled substance; requirements; prohibited acts.
- 71-2479 Legend drug not a controlled substance; prescription; retention; label; contents.
- 71-2480 Drugs; adulteration or misbranding; confiscation; destruction or sale; proceeds; disposition.
- 71-2481 Drugs; manufacture or possession of adulterated or misbranded drugs; sale prohibited.
- 71-2482 Drugs; violations; penalties.
- 71-2483 Communication authorized.
- 71-2484 Information regarding cost, price, or copayment of a prescription drug; pharmacist or contracted pharmacy; authorized activities; pharmacy benefit manager; insurer; prohibited acts.
- 71-2501 Poison, defined; exceptions.
- 71-2501.01 Act, how cited.
- 71-2502 Poisons; sale; labeling required.
- 71-2503 Poisons; sale; duty of vendor to record in Poison Register.
- 71-2504 Poisons; sale; false representation or use of fictitious name by purchaser, prohibited.
- 71-2505 Act; applicability.
- 71-2506 Poisons; sale; revised schedule of poisons; preparation; notice; hearing; appeal.
- 71-2507 Poisons; sale by person not registered pharmacist prohibited; exception.
- 71-2508 Poisons; sale to minors and incompetents, prohibited.
- 71-2509 Poisons; restriction to sale upon medical order; power of Department of Health and Human Services.
- 71-2510 Sales excluded from act.
- 71-2510.01 Embalming fluids; use of arsenic or strychnine prohibited; label required; violation; penalty.
- 71-2511 Repealed. Laws 2015, LB 37, § 93.
- 71-2512 Violations; penalty.
- 71-2513 Act, how cited.
- 71-2514 Legislative findings.
- 71-2515 Legislative intent.
- 71-2516 Department of Health and Human Services; statewide environmental lead hazard awareness action plan; powers.
- 71-2517 Entitlement not created; funding.
- 71-2518 Lead poisoning prevention program; established; components; results of tests; reports required; department; reports; payment of costs.
- 71-2601 State Board of Health; members; appointment; qualifications.
- 71-2602 Board; members; term; vacancy; appointment.
- 71-2602.01 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 375, § 7.
- 71-2603 Board; members; removal; grounds; procedure.
- 71-2604 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 249, § 8.
- 71-2605 Board; members; per diem; expenses.
- 71-2606 Board; members; chairperson; officers; election.
- 71-2607 Board; meetings; notice; open to public.
- 71-2608 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 249, § 8.
- 71-2609 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 985.
- 71-2610 Board; advise Division of Public Health of the Department of Health and Human Services.
- 71-2610.01 Board; powers and duties.
- 71-2611 Board; immunity.
- 71-2612 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 249, § 8.
- 71-2613 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 249, § 8.
- 71-2614 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 249, § 8.
- 71-2615 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 249, § 8.
- 71-2616 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 249, § 8.
- 71-2617 Health and Human Services Reimbursement Fund; created; purpose; investment.
- 71-2618 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 985.
- 71-2618.01 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 13, § 1.
- 71-2619 Fees; establish; disposition.
- 71-2620 Agreements for laboratory tests; contents.
- 71-2621 Fees; laboratory tests and services; credited to Health and Human Services Cash Fund.
- 71-2622 Private water supply; private sewage disposal facilities; inspection; fees.
- 71-2623 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 860, § 8.
- 71-2701 Transferred to section 71-1,278.
- 71-2702 Transferred to section 71-1,279.
- 71-2703 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2704 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2704.01 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2705 Transferred to section 71-1,281.
- 71-2706 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2707 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2708 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2709 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2710 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2711 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2712 Transferred to section 71-1,280.
- 71-2713 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2714 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2715 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2716 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2717 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2718 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2719 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 184.
- 71-2801 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2802 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2803 Transferred to section 71-1,383.
- 71-2803.01 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2804 Transferred to section 71-1,388.
- 71-2805 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2806 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-2807 Transferred to section 71-1,389.
- 71-2808 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2809 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2810 Transferred to section 71-1,385.
- 71-2811 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2812 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2813 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-2814 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2815 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2816 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2817 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2818 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-2819 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2820 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2821 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2822 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2823 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 162.
- 71-2901 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2902 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2903 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2904 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2905 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2906 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2907 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2908 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2909 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2910 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2911 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2912 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2913 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2914 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2915 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2916 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 367, § 1.
- 71-2917 Extermination of mosquitoes, flies, insects; county and city of the primary class; jointly or severally; powers.
- 71-2918 Extermination of mosquitoes, flies, insects; county and city of the primary class; jointly or severally; nuisance; abatement; expenses; lien.
- 71-3001 Act, how cited.
- 71-3002 Legislative findings.
- 71-3003 Terms, defined.
- 71-3004 Mental health first aid training program; Division of Behavioral Health of Department of Health and Human Services; duties.
- 71-3005 Efficacy of mental health first aid training program; behavioral health regions; report.
- 71-3006 Behavioral health regions; duties.
- 71-3007 Legislative intent.
- 71-3101 Terms, defined.
- 71-3102 Permit; application; issuance; fees; disposition.
- 71-3103 Annual inspection; duty of department.
- 71-3104 Permit; revocation; grounds.
- 71-3105 Rules and regulations.
- 71-3106 Plans; submit to department.
- 71-3107 Violations; penalty.
- 71-3201 Terms, defined.
- 71-3202 License required; false representation of employment by licensee.
- 71-3203 Applicability of sections.
- 71-3204 Secretary of State; rules and regulations; fees.
- 71-3205 License; application; criminal history record check; investigation; qualifications; fee.
- 71-3206 Applicant for license; disqualification.
- 71-3207 License; bond; conditions.
- 71-3208 License; renewal; form and content; posting.
- 71-3209 License; renewal; term; renewal fee; renewal application.
- 71-3210 Secretary of State; denial, suspension, or revocation of license; grounds.
- 71-3211 Appeal; procedure.
- 71-3212 Licensee; agents and employees; compliance required.
- 71-3213 Violations; penalty.
- 71-3301 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 449, § 4.
- 71-3302 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 449, § 4.
- 71-3303 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 449, § 4.
- 71-3304 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 449, § 4.
- 71-3305 Political subdivision; fluoride added to water supply; exception; ordinance to prohibit addition of fluoride; ballot; vote.
- 71-3306 Other entity; fluoride added to water supply; rules and regulations.
- 71-3401 Information, statements, and data; furnish without liability.
- 71-3402 Publication of material; purpose; identity of person confidential.
- 71-3403 Information, interviews, reports, statements, data; privileged communications; not received in evidence.
- 71-3404 Act, how cited; child deaths; maternal deaths; legislative findings and intent.
- 71-3405 Terms, defined.
- 71-3406 State Child and Maternal Death Review Team; core members; terms; chairperson; not considered public body; meetings; expenses.
- 71-3407 Team; purposes; duties; powers.
- 71-3408 Chairperson; team coordinator; duties.
- 71-3409 Review of child deaths; review of maternal deaths; manner.
- 71-3410 Provision of information and records; subpoenas.
- 71-3411 Information and records; confidentiality; release; conditions; disclosure; limitations.
- 71-3501 Public policy.
- 71-3502 Purpose of act; programs provided.
- 71-3502.01 Radon mitigation program; authorized.
- 71-3503 Terms, defined.
- 71-3504 Radiation control activities; Department of Health and Human Services; powers and duties.
- 71-3505 Department; powers and duties.
- 71-3506 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-3507 Licenses or registration; rules and regulations; exemptions; reciprocity; department; right of entry; surveys and inspections.
- 71-3508 Radiation; possession or use; records; contents; user of sources of radiation; qualifications; exemptions.
- 71-3508.01 Radioactive materials license; terms and conditions; termination of license; transfer of land; effect; department; powers and duties.
- 71-3508.02 Acquisition of sites; use; management.
- 71-3508.03 Fees; costs; use; exemptions; failure to pay; effect.
- 71-3508.04 Licensee; surety; long-term site surveillance and care; funds; disposition; powers and duties.
- 71-3509 Sources of radiation; agreements with federal agency; Governor; license; expiration.
- 71-3510 Federal government; other states; agreements; control of sources of radiation; department; powers.
- 71-3511 Radiation; ordinance, resolution, or regulation; superseded; when.
- 71-3512 Transferred to section 38-1914.
- 71-3513 Rules and regulations; licensure; department; powers; duties; appeal.
- 71-3513.01 Repealed. Laws 2014, LB 659, § 1.
- 71-3514 Violation of act; remedies.
- 71-3514.01 Deliberate misconduct; intentional misinformation; prohibited.
- 71-3515 Radiation; acts; registration or license required.
- 71-3515.01 Transferred to section 38-1915.
- 71-3515.02 Transferred to section 38-1918.
- 71-3516 Emergency; impounding sources of radiation; department; powers.
- 71-3516.01 Impounded source of radiation; disposition; procedure; expenses.
- 71-3517 Violations; civil and criminal penalties; appeal.
- 71-3518 License or registration; common carrier exempt.
- 71-3518.01 Existing rules, regulations, licenses, forms of approval, suits, other proceedings; how treated.
- 71-3519 Act, how cited.
- 71-3520 Act, how construed.
- 71-3521 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 530, § 2.
- 71-3522 Compact; withdrawal.
- 71-3523 Legislative intent.
- 71-3524 Terms, defined.
- 71-3525 Fees.
- 71-3526 Radiation Transportation Emergency Response Cash Fund; created; use; investment; changes in fees; when.
- 71-3527 Rules and regulations.
- 71-3528 Applicability of sections.
- 71-3529 Legislative intent.
- 71-3530 Terms, defined.
- 71-3531 Fees; use.
- 71-3532 Nebraska Emergency Management Agency Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-3533 Delivery and receipt of radiological instruments.
- 71-3534 Forfeiture of instrument; when; procedure.
- 71-3535 Applicability of sections.
- 71-3536 Rules and regulations.
- 71-3601 Terms, defined.
- 71-3601.01 Act, how cited.
- 71-3602 Communicable tuberculosis; orders authorized; refusal; state health officer or local health officer; powers and duties.
- 71-3603 Petition; hearing; notice; costs.
- 71-3604 Hearing; procedure; order.
- 71-3605 Appeal; procedure.
- 71-3606 Commitment; length of time.
- 71-3607 Commitment; release; procedure.
- 71-3608 Commitment; voluntary hospitalization.
- 71-3609 Commitment; medical or surgical treatment; consent required.
- 71-3610 Commitment; treatment; expenses; payment by state.
- 71-3611 Commitment; consent to leave hospital; violation; return; costs paid by county.
- 71-3612 Communicable tuberculosis; examination required; expense; payment.
- 71-3613 Department; powers and duties.
- 71-3614 Cost of drugs and patient care; transportation; payment.
- 71-3701 Act, how cited.
- 71-3702 Terms, defined.
- 71-3703 Brain Injury Oversight Committee; created; members; terms; meetings; expenses.
- 71-3704 Committee; duties.
- 71-3705 Brain Injury Trust Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-3706 Legislative intent.
- 71-3801 Transferred to section 71-1,206.
- 71-3802 Transferred to section 71-1,207.
- 71-3803 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3804 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3805 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3806 Transferred to section 71-1,208.
- 71-3807 Transferred to section 71-1,209.
- 71-3808 Transferred to section 71-1,210.
- 71-3809 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3810 Transferred to section 71-1,211.
- 71-3811 Transferred to section 71-1,212.
- 71-3812 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3813 Transferred to section 71-1,213.
- 71-3814 Transferred to section 71-1,214.
- 71-3815 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 811, § 21.
- 71-3816 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3817 Transferred to section 71-1,215.
- 71-3818 Transferred to section 71-1,216.
- 71-3819 Transferred to section 71-1,217.
- 71-3820 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3821 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3822 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3823 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3824 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3825 Transferred to section 71-1,218.
- 71-3826 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 71-3827 Transferred to section 71-1,219.
- 71-3828 Transferred to section 71-1,220.
- 71-3829 Transferred to section 71-1,221.
- 71-3830 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 545, § 52.
- 71-3831 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 481, § 45.
- 71-3832 Transferred to section 71-1,222.
- 71-3833 Transferred to section 71-1,223.
- 71-3834 Transferred to section 71-1,224.
- 71-3835 Transferred to section 71-1,225.
- 71-3836 Transferred to section 71-1,226.
- 71-3901 Act, how cited.
- 71-3902 Terms, defined.
- 71-3903 Legislative intent.
- 71-3904 Applicability of act.
- 71-3905 Operator, owner, or lessee; prohibited acts; signed statement required; when; consent; proof of age; duties.
- 71-3906 Operator, owner, or lessee; civil penalty.
- 71-3907 Operator, owner, or lessee; post warning sign; information.
- 71-3908 Operator, owner, or lessee; ensure compliance.
- 71-3909 Complaint; department; powers.
- 71-4001 Transactions, defined.
- 71-4002 Plasma donation; consent.
- 71-4101 Act, how cited.
- 71-4102 Terms, defined.
- 71-4103 Information support sheet.
- 71-4104 Department; duties; Down syndrome organization; include information on web site.
- 71-4201 Act, how cited.
- 71-4202 Legislative findings.
- 71-4203 Terms, defined.
- 71-4204 Designation of hospitals; department; duties.
- 71-4205 Coordinating stroke care agreement; contents.
- 71-4206 Plan for triage and transfer of acute stroke patients.
- 71-4207 Stroke triage assessment tool; post on web site.
- 71-4208 Emergency medical service; use of stroke triage assessment tool; establish protocols.
- 71-4209 Stroke system of care task force; duties.
- 71-4301 Swimming pool, defined.
- 71-4302 Department of Health and Human Services; sanitary and safety requirements; adopt.
- 71-4303 Construction; permit; Department of Health and Human Services; issuance; when.
- 71-4304 Permit; application; requirements.
- 71-4305 Department of Health and Human Services; inspection; records; owners and operators; fees; exception.
- 71-4306 Inspection; violation of sections; effect.
- 71-4307 Violation; public nuisance; abatement.
- 71-4401 Terms, defined.
- 71-4402 Vaccination against rabies; required; vaccine; sales.
- 71-4402.01 Repealed. Laws 2019, LB61, § 7.
- 71-4402.02 Hybrid animal; vaccination against rabies; required; vaccine; sales.
- 71-4402.03 Control and prevention of rabies; rules and regulations.
- 71-4403 Veterinarian; vaccination for rabies; certificate; contents.
- 71-4404 Vaccination for rabies; cost; payment.
- 71-4405 Vaccination; domestic animals exempt.
- 71-4406 Post-incident management.
- 71-4407 Domestic or hybrid animal or livestock; postexposure management.
- 71-4408 Rabies control authority; pounds; authorized; impoundment; notice; release; fee.
- 71-4409 Rabies control authority; enforcement of sections; duties.
- 71-4410 Violation; penalty; order for seizure.
- 71-4411 Impoundment fees; payment.
- 71-4412 Control of rabies; vaccination; enforcement; political subdivisions.
- 71-4501 Act, how cited.
- 71-4502 Legislative findings.
- 71-4503 Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program; established; Department of Health and Human Services; duties.
- 71-4504 Palliative Care and Quality of Life Advisory Council; created; duties; members; meetings; expenses.
- 71-4601 Act, how cited.
- 71-4602 Uniformity in construction and use of manufactured homes and recreational vehicles and their systems; purpose.
- 71-4603 Terms, defined.
- 71-4604 Plumbing, heating, and electrical systems; body and frame design and construction; installed equal to standards approved by commission.
- 71-4604.01 Manufactured home or recreational vehicle; seals certifying compliance with standards; exemption; rules and regulations; fees; Public Service Commission Housing and Recreational Vehicle Cash Fund.
- 71-4605 Standards; compliance prior to sale, offer for sale, or lease.
- 71-4606 Standards; exception; reciprocity with other states; effect; seal of state on reciprocity list; federal manufactured-home label; validity; restrictions on sale.
- 71-4607 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 313, § 31.
- 71-4608 Violations; penalties; administrative fine.
- 71-4609 Commission; duties; rules and regulations; refusal to issue seal; grounds; hearing; appeal; commission; powers; disciplinary actions; fee.
- 71-4610 Commission; inspections and investigations; purpose; notice of noncompliance.
- 71-4611 Commission; powers and duties.
- 71-4612 District court; enforcement.
- 71-4613 Manufacturer of manufactured homes; duties.
- 71-4614 Commission; require manufacturer to supply information to purchaser; manner.
- 71-4615 Trade secret information; confidential; exceptions.
- 71-4616 Manufacturer; notification of failure to conform; method; contents.
- 71-4617 Manufacturer; furnish commission with information regarding hazards, defects, and noncompliance; disclosure to public; limitation; exception.
- 71-4618 Commission; notice to manufacturers concerning nonconformance; opportunity for evidence; determination by commission; effect.
- 71-4619 Manufacturer; maintain sales records; commission; rules and regulations.
- 71-4620 Manufacturer; compliance with standards or correction of nonconformance; conditions; powers of commission; remedy plan; replacement or refund; when provided.
- 71-4620.01 Existing rules, regulations, orders, suits, and proceedings; effect of transfer.
- 71-4621 Terms, defined.
- 71-4622 License required; term.
- 71-4623 License; application.
- 71-4624 License; application; fees; inspection.
- 71-4625 Sanitary facilities; permit; exception; application; issuance.
- 71-4626 Sanitary facilities permit; denial; procedures; appeal.
- 71-4627 Department; permit or license approved; records.
- 71-4628 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 34.
- 71-4629 Department; utility systems and sanitary conditions; standards.
- 71-4630 Applicability of code; certificate of exemption; procedure.
- 71-4631 Licenses; issuance; denial, refusal of renewal, suspension, or revocation; civil penalty; grounds; notice; hearing; appeal.
- 71-4632 Violations; nuisance; penalty; removal.
- 71-4633 Operation without license; action by department; burden of proof.
- 71-4634 Act, how cited.
- 71-4635 Fire safety inspection; fee.
- 71-4701 Transferred to section 38-1502.
- 71-4702 Transferred to section 38-1509.
- 71-4702.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-4703 Transferred to section 38-1511.
- 71-4704 Transferred to section 38-1510.
- 71-4705 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 701, § 13.
- 71-4706 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-4707 Transferred to section 38-1512.
- 71-4708 Transferred to section 38-1513.
- 71-4709 Transferred to section 38-1514.
- 71-4709.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-4710 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-4711 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-4712 Transferred to section 38-1517.
- 71-4713 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1100, § 185.
- 71-4714 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-4714.01 Transferred to section 38-1518.
- 71-4715 Transferred to section 38-1508.
- 71-4715.01 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-4716 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-4717 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-4718 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-4719 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-4720 Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; created; members; appointment; qualifications.
- 71-4720.01 Terms, defined.
- 71-4721 Commission; members; terms.
- 71-4722 Members; removal; grounds.
- 71-4723 Members; expenses.
- 71-4724 Commission; meetings; record; quorum.
- 71-4725 Commission; officers; elect.
- 71-4726 Commission; executive director; appoint.
- 71-4727 Commission; employees.
- 71-4728 Commission; purpose; duties.
- 71-4728.01 Commission; mental health, alcoholism, and drug abuse services; service coordination.
- 71-4728.02 Commission; mental health specialist advisor; duties.
- 71-4728.03 Commission; special advisory committee; members.
- 71-4728.04 Commission; telehealth system; powers and duties.
- 71-4728.05 Interpreter Review Board; members; duties; expenses.
- 71-4729 Commission; cooperate with state agencies.
- 71-4730 Commission; agreements; contracts; enter into.
- 71-4731 Governor; gifts, grants, and donations; accept.
- 71-4732 Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-4732.01 Telehealth System Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-4733 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 352, § 24.
- 71-4734 Act, how cited.
- 71-4735 Legislative findings and purpose.
- 71-4736 Terms, defined.
- 71-4737 Hearing loss; tracking system.
- 71-4738 Federal funding.
- 71-4739 Birthing facility; confirmatory testing facility; reports required.
- 71-4740 Hearing loss; educational information.
- 71-4741 Hearing screening; department; duties.
- 71-4742 Hearing screening test; newborn; standard of care.
- 71-4743 Referral guidelines.
- 71-4744 Rules and regulations.
- 71-4801 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4802 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4803 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4804 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4805 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4806 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4807 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4808 Blood; who may consent to donate.
- 71-4809 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4810 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4811 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4812 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4813 Eye tissue; pituitary gland; removal; when authorized.
- 71-4814 Organ and tissue donations; legislative findings; protocol; development.
- 71-4815 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4816 Certificate of death; attestation required; statistical information.
- 71-4817 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4818 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 1036, § 42.
- 71-4819 Department of Health and Human Services; education regarding bone marrow donors; powers and duties.
- 71-4820 Employer; grant of leaves of absence; encouraged.
- 71-4821 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 985.
- 71-4822 Donor Registry of Nebraska; establishment; duties; restriction on information.
- 71-4823 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 154, § 27.
- 71-4824 Act, how cited.
- 71-4825 Terms, defined.
- 71-4826 Applicability of act.
- 71-4827 Who may make anatomical gift before donor's death.
- 71-4828 Manner of making anatomical gift before donor's death.
- 71-4829 Amending or revoking anatomical gift before donor's death.
- 71-4830 Refusal to make anatomical gift; effect of refusal.
- 71-4831 Preclusive effect of anatomical gift, amendment, or revocation.
- 71-4832 Who may make anatomical gift of decedent's body or part.
- 71-4833 Manner of making, amending, or revoking anatomical gift of decedent's body or part.
- 71-4834 Persons that may receive anatomical gift; purpose of anatomical gift.
- 71-4835 Search and notification.
- 71-4836 Delivery of document of gift not required; right to examine.
- 71-4837 Rights and duties of procurement organization and others.
- 71-4838 Coordination of procurement and use.
- 71-4839 Sale or purchase of parts prohibited; penalty.
- 71-4840 Other prohibited acts; penalty.
- 71-4841 Immunity.
- 71-4842 Law governing validity; choice of law as to execution of document of gift; presumption of validity.
- 71-4843 Effect of anatomical gift on advance health care directive.
- 71-4844 Uniformity of application and construction.
- 71-4845 Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.
- 71-4901 Chronic renal diseases; Department of Health and Human Services program; establish; definitions.
- 71-4902 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-4903 Department of Health and Human Services; duties.
- 71-4904 Chronic Renal Disease Cash Fund; created; purpose.
- 71-4905 Director of Administrative Services; warrants.
- 71-5001 Act, how cited.
- 71-5002 Terms, defined.
- 71-5003 Lethal fetal anomaly; physician or nurse practitioner; powers.
- 71-5004 Department; web site and information support sheet; duties; perinatal hospice program; request to include information.
- 71-5101 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5102 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5103 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5104 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5105 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5106 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5107 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5108 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5108.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5109 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5110 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5111 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5112 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5113 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5114 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5115 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5116 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5117 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5118 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5119 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5120 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5121 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5122 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5123 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5124 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5125 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5126 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5127 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5128 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5129 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5130 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5130.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5131 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5132 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5133 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5134 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5135 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5136 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5137 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5138 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5139 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5140 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5141 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5142 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5143 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5144 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5145 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5146 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5147 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5148 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5149 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5150 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5151 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5152 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5153 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5154 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5155 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5156 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5157 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5158 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5159 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5160 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5161 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5162 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5163 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5164 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5165 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5166 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 898, § 3.
- 71-5167 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 898, § 3.
- 71-5168 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 898, § 3.
- 71-5169 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 898, § 3.
- 71-5170 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 898, § 3.
- 71-5171 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 898, § 3.
- 71-5172 Transferred to section 38-1201.
- 71-5173 Transferred to section 38-1202.
- 71-5174 Transferred to section 38-1203.
- 71-5175 Transferred to section 38-1204.
- 71-5176 Transferred to section 38-1215.
- 71-5177 Transferred to section 38-1216.
- 71-5178 Transferred to section 38-1217.
- 71-5179 Transferred to section 38-1218.
- 71-5180 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-5181 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-5181.01 Transferred to section 38-1222.
- 71-5182 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-5183 Transferred to section 38-1223.
- 71-5184 Transferred to section 38-1224.
- 71-5185 Transferred to section 38-1225.
- 71-5186 Transferred to section 38-1226.
- 71-5187 Transferred to section 38-1227.
- 71-5188 Transferred to section 38-1228.
- 71-5189 Transferred to section 38-1229.
- 71-5190 Transferred to section 38-1230.
- 71-5191 Transferred to section 38-1220.
- 71-5192 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-5193 Transferred to section 38-1231.
- 71-5194 Transferred to section 38-1232.
- 71-5195 Transferred to section 38-1233.
- 71-5196 Transferred to section 38-1234.
- 71-5197 Transferred to section 38-1235.
- 71-5198 Transferred to section 38-1236.
- 71-5199 Transferred to section 38-1237.
- 71-51,100 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-51,101 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 90, § 8.
- 71-51,102 Automated external defibrillator; use; conditions; liability.
- 71-51,103 Nebraska Emergency Medical System Operations Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-5201 Terms, defined.
- 71-5202 Medical education residency program; established; purpose; implementation.
- 71-5203 Residency programs; funding; use of funds.
- 71-5204 Funding; designation of minimum enrollments and priorities.
- 71-5205 Family practice residency program; how funded.
- 71-5206 Family practice residents; contract with other programs to assist in training; when; requirements.
- 71-5206.01 Family practice residents; funding of stipends and benefits.
- 71-5207 Recruitment and training of physicians for rural communities; program established; purpose.
- 71-5208 Dental education program in comprehensive dentistry; established; purpose; implementation.
- 71-5209 Comprehensive dentistry program; funding.
- 71-5210 Act, how cited.
- 71-5211 Primary care, defined.
- 71-5212 Postgraduate residency training program; University of Nebraska Medical Center and Creighton University Medical Center; develop plans.
- 71-5213 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 782, § 253.
- 71-5301 Terms, defined.
- 71-5301.01 Use of lead-free materials; rules and regulations.
- 71-5302 Drinking water and monitoring standards; harmful materials; how determined; applicability; priority system.
- 71-5303 Public water system; permit; director; powers; hearing; appeal.
- 71-5304 Rules and regulations; construction and operation of system; objectives.
- 71-5304.01 Violations; administrative orders; director; emergency powers; hearing; administrative penalties.
- 71-5304.02 Public water system; notice; requirements.
- 71-5305 Public water system; construction, extension, or alteration; written authorization required; exception; procedure.
- 71-5305.01 Certain new water systems; technical, managerial, and financial capacity.
- 71-5305.02 Capacity development strategy; department; solicit public comment.
- 71-5306 Director; powers and duties; Safe Drinking Water Act Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-5307 Operator of public water system; license required.
- 71-5308 License; application; issuance; disciplinary actions; grounds; existing certificate holder; how treated.
- 71-5309 Qualifications of operators of public water system; license; rules and regulations; expired license; relicensure; department; powers and duties.
- 71-5310 Director; authorize variances or exemptions to standards; procedure.
- 71-5310.01 Notice, order, or other instrument; service.
- 71-5311 Advisory Council on Public Water Supply; established; duties; members; qualifications; terms; vacancy; meetings; officers; quorum; expenses.
- 71-5311.01 Compliance not dependent on funding.
- 71-5311.02 Voluntary compliance.
- 71-5312 Violations; penalty; county attorney or Attorney General; action to assure compliance.
- 71-5312.01 Existing rules, regulations, certificates, forms of approval, suits, other proceedings; how treated.
- 71-5313 Act, how cited.
- 71-5314 Act, how cited.
- 71-5315 Legislative findings.
- 71-5316 Terms, defined.
- 71-5317 Federal grants; director; powers.
- 71-5318 Drinking Water Facilities Loan Fund; Land Acquisition and Source Water Loan Fund; Drinking Water Administration Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-5319 Repayment of loan or credit; effect.
- 71-5320 Pledge; effect.
- 71-5321 Council; powers and duties.
- 71-5322 Department; powers and duties.
- 71-5323 Loans; eligibility.
- 71-5324 Loans; requirements.
- 71-5325 Loan terms.
- 71-5326 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 383, § 9.
- 71-5327 Reserves authorized.
- 71-5401 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 667, § 26.
- 71-5401.01 Transferred to section 38-28,108.
- 71-5401.02 Transferred to section 38-28,109.
- 71-5402 Transferred to section 38-28,110.
- 71-5403 Transferred to section 38-28,111.
- 71-5404 Transferred to section 38-28,112.
- 71-5405 Transferred to section 38-28,113.
- 71-5406 Transferred to section 38-28,114.
- 71-5407 Transferred to section 38-28,115.
- 71-5408 Transferred to section 71-5401.01.
- 71-5409 Transferred to section 38-28,116.
- 71-5501 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5501.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5502 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5503 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5504 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5505 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5505.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5506 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5507 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5507.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5508 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5509 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5510 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5511 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5512 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5513 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5514 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5514.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5514.02 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5515 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5515.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5516 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5517 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5518 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5519 Transferred to section 71-5501.01.
- 71-5520 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5521 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5521.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5522 Transferred to section 71-5514.01.
- 71-5523 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-5601 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5602 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5603 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5604 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5605 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5606 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5607 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5608 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5609 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5610 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5611 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5612 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5613 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5614 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5615 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5616 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5617 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5618 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5619 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5620 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5621 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5622 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5623 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5624 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 506, § 17.
- 71-5625 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5626 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5627 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5628 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5629 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5630 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5631 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5632 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 506, § 17.
- 71-5632.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5633 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5634 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5635 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5636 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5637 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 506, § 17.
- 71-5638 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 506, § 17.
- 71-5639 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5640 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5641 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5642 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5643 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5643.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5644 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5645 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5646 Legislative findings.
- 71-5647 Office of Rural Health; created; powers and duties.
- 71-5648 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 400, § 26.
- 71-5649 Legislative appropriation.
- 71-5650 Rural Health Systems and Professional Incentive Act; act, how cited.
- 71-5651 Legislative findings.
- 71-5652 Purposes of act.
- 71-5653 Terms, defined.
- 71-5654 Nebraska Rural Health Advisory Commission; created; members; appointment; terms.
- 71-5655 Commission; purpose.
- 71-5656 Commission; officers.
- 71-5657 Commission members; expenses.
- 71-5658 Commission; meetings; quorum.
- 71-5659 Commission; powers and duties.
- 71-5660 Act; how administered.
- 71-5661 Financial incentives; funding; Rural Health Professional Incentive Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-5662 Student loan; medical resident incentive; loan repayment; eligibility.
- 71-5663 Amount of financial assistance; limitation.
- 71-5664 Financial incentives; commission; considerations.
- 71-5665 Commission; designate health profession shortage areas; factors.
- 71-5666 Student loan recipient agreement; contents.
- 71-5667 Agreements under prior law; renegotiation.
- 71-5668 Loan repayment recipient agreement; contents.
- 71-5669 Loan repayment program; office; duties.
- 71-5669.01 Medical resident incentive recipient; agreement; contents.
- 71-5670 Department; rules and regulations.
- 71-5670.01 Rural Health Opportunities Loan Pool Fund; transfers.
- 71-5671 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 242, § 4.
- 71-5672 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 242, § 4.
- 71-5673 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 242, § 4.
- 71-5674 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 242, § 4.
- 71-5675 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 242, § 4.
- 71-5676 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 242, § 4.
- 71-5677 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 242, § 4.
- 71-5678 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 242, § 4.
- 71-5679 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 242, § 4.
- 71-5680 Rural Behavioral Health Training and Placement Program Act; act, how cited.
- 71-5681 Legislative findings and declarations.
- 71-5682 Rural Behavioral Health Training and Placement Program; created.
- 71-5683 Funding under act; use.
- 71-5701 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5702 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5703 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5704 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5705 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, §22.
- 71-5706 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5707 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5708 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5709 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5710 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5711 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5712 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5713 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 395, § 22.
- 71-5714 Tobacco Prevention and Control Program; created.
- 71-5715 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 154, § 27.
- 71-5716 Act, how cited.
- 71-5717 Purpose of act.
- 71-5718 Definitions, where found.
- 71-5719 Employed, defined.
- 71-5720 Employee, defined.
- 71-5721 Employer, defined.
- 71-5722 Guestroom or suite, defined.
- 71-5723 Indoor area, defined.
- 71-5724 Place of employment, defined.
- 71-5725 Proprietor, defined.
- 71-5726 Public place, defined.
- 71-5727 Smoke or smoking, defined.
- 71-5728 Tobacco retail outlet, defined.
- 71-5729 Smoking in place of employment or public place prohibited.
- 71-5730 Exemptions; legislative findings; legislative intent.
- 71-5731 Proprietor; duties.
- 71-5732 Department of Health and Human Services; local public health department; enjoin violations; retaliation prohibited; waiver of act.
- 71-5733 Prohibited acts; penalties; act of employee or agent; how construed.
- 71-5734 Rules and regulations.
- 71-5735 Tobacco retail outlet; sign required; waiver signed by employee; form; owner; duties.
- 71-5801 Act, how cited.
- 71-5802 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5803 Definitions, where found.
- 71-5803.01 Acute care bed, defined.
- 71-5803.02 Ambulatory surgical center, defined.
- 71-5803.03 Certificate of need, defined.
- 71-5803.04 Department, defined.
- 71-5803.05 Assisted-living facility, defined.
- 71-5803.06 Health care facility, defined.
- 71-5803.07 Health planning region, defined.
- 71-5803.08 Hospital, defined.
- 71-5803.09 Intermediate care facility, intermediate care facility for persons with developmental disabilities, defined.
- 71-5803.10 Long-term care bed, defined.
- 71-5803.11 Nursing facility, defined.
- 71-5803.12 Person, defined.
- 71-5803.13 Rehabilitation bed, defined.
- 71-5803.14 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 608, § 30.
- 71-5803.15 Skilled nursing facility, defined.
- 71-5804 Transferred to section 71-5803.02.
- 71-5805 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5805.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5806 Transferred to section 71-5803.03.
- 71-5807 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5808 Transferred to section 71-5803.04.
- 71-5809 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5809.01 Transferred to section 71-5803.05.
- 71-5809.02 Transferred to section 71-5803.11.
- 71-5810 Transferred to section 71-5803.06.
- 71-5811 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5812 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5813 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5814 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5815 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5816 Transferred to section 71-5803.08.
- 71-5817 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5818 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5818.01 Transferred to section 71-5803.13.
- 71-5818.02 Transferred to section 71-5803.14.
- 71-5818.03 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5819 Transferred to section 71-5803.09.
- 71-5820 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5821 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5821.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5822 Transferred to section 71-5803.12.
- 71-5823 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5824 Transferred to section 71-5803.15.
- 71-5825 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5826 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5827 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 378, § 57.
- 71-5828 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5829 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5829.01 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 195, § 111.
- 71-5829.02 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 195, § 111.
- 71-5829.03 Certificate of need; activities requiring.
- 71-5829.04 Long-term care beds; moratorium; exceptions; department; duties.
- 71-5829.05 Long-term care beds; certificate of need; issuance; conditions.
- 71-5829.06 Rehabilitation beds; moratorium; exceptions.
- 71-5830 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5830.01 Certificate of need; exempt activities.
- 71-5831 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5832 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5832.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5832.02 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 429, § 43.
- 71-5833 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5834 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5835 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5836 Department; duties.
- 71-5836.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5836.02 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5837 Certificate of need application; filing; fee.
- 71-5838 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5839 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 378, § 57.
- 71-5840 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5841 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5842 Transferred to section 71-5859.01.
- 71-5843 Transferred to section 71-5859.02.
- 71-5844 Transferred to section 71-5859.04.
- 71-5844.01 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 429, § 43.
- 71-5845 Transferred to section 71-5859.03.
- 71-5846 Certificate of need; decision; department; duties.
- 71-5847 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 429, § 43.
- 71-5848 Application; decision; findings and conclusions.
- 71-5848.01 Certificate of need; period valid; renewal.
- 71-5849 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5850 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 429, § 43.
- 71-5851 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5852 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5853 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5854 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5855 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5856 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 378, § 57.
- 71-5857 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5858 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 429, § 43.
- 71-5859 Department; decision; appeal procedures.
- 71-5859.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5859.02 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5859.03 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5859.04 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5860 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 429, § 43.
- 71-5861 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 429, § 43.
- 71-5862 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 429, § 43.
- 71-5863 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 429, § 43.
- 71-5864 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 429, § 43.
- 71-5865 Certificate of need; appeal; burden of proof.
- 71-5866 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 798, § 39.
- 71-5867 Transferred to section 71-5848.01.
- 71-5868 Violation; department; maintain action.
- 71-5869 Health care facility; license or permit; denial, revocation, or suspension; grounds.
- 71-5870 Violation; penalty.
- 71-5871 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 725, § 1.
- 71-5872 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 9, § 3.
- 71-5901 Act, how cited.
- 71-5902 Purposes of act.
- 71-5903 Terms, defined.
- 71-5904 Administrator; discretion.
- 71-5905 Admission or retention; conditions; services of employees; requirements; written information provided to applicant for admission; resident services agreement.
- 71-5906 Complex nursing interventions; authorized; drugs, devices, biologicals, and supplements; list required; duties.
- 71-5907 State Fire Code classification.
- 71-5908 Rules and regulations.
- 71-5909 Grievance procedure.
- 71-6001 Transferred to section 71-2084.
- 71-6002 Transferred to section 71-2085.
- 71-6003 Transferred to section 71-2086.
- 71-6004 Transferred to section 71-2092.
- 71-6005 Transferred to section 71-2093.
- 71-6006 Transferred to section 71-2095.
- 71-6007 Transferred to section 71-2096.
- 71-6008 Definitions, where found.
- 71-6009 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6010 Department, defined.
- 71-6011 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 296, § 815.
- 71-6012 Nursing home, defined.
- 71-6013 Resident, defined.
- 71-6014 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 1005, § 145.
- 71-6015 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 1005, § 145.
- 71-6016 License, defined.
- 71-6017 Licensee, defined.
- 71-6017.01 Medicaid, defined.
- 71-6018 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6018.01 Nursing facility; nursing requirements; waiver; procedure.
- 71-6018.02 Skilled nursing facility; nursing requirements; waiver; procedure.
- 71-6019 Access to residents; when permitted.
- 71-6020 Visitor; visitation procedures.
- 71-6021 Administrator refuse access; hearing; procedure; access authorized.
- 71-6022 Transfer or discharge of resident; conditions; procedure; involuntary transfer or discharge; notice requirements.
- 71-6023 Involuntary transfer or discharge; notice; contents.
- 71-6023.01 Licensure; retention of medicaid resident required; when.
- 71-6024 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6025 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6026 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6027 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6028 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6029 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6030 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6031 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6032 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6033 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6034 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6035 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6036 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6037 Act, how cited.
- 71-6038 Terms, defined.
- 71-6039 Nurse aide; qualifications; training requirements; department; duties; licensure as nurse; effect.
- 71-6039.01 Paid dining assistant; qualifications.
- 71-6039.02 Paid dining assistant; permitted activities.
- 71-6039.03 Paid dining assistant; training requirements.
- 71-6039.04 Paid dining assistant registry.
- 71-6039.05 Paid dining assistant; nursing home; duties.
- 71-6039.06 Eligibility for Licensee Assistance Program.
- 71-6040 Department; approve programs and materials.
- 71-6041 Department; adopt rules and regulations.
- 71-6042 Chief medical officer; enforcement; powers.
- 71-6043 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-6044 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-6045 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-6046 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-6047 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-6048 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-6049 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-6050 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-6051 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-6052 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-6053 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6054 Transferred to section 38-2419.
- 71-6055 Transferred to section 38-2420.
- 71-6056 Transferred to section 38-2421.
- 71-6057 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6058 Transferred to section 38-2422.
- 71-6059 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6060 Transferred to section 38-2424.
- 71-6061 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6062 Transferred to section 38-2418.
- 71-6063 Transferred to section 38-2423.
- 71-6064 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6065 Transferred to section 38-2417.
- 71-6066 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6067 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6068 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6101 Transferred to section 38-2501.
- 71-6102 Transferred to section 38-2502.
- 71-6103 Transferred to section 38-2503.
- 71-6104 Transferred to section 38-2516.
- 71-6105 Transferred to section 38-2517.
- 71-6106 Transferred to section 38-2518.
- 71-6107 Transferred to section 38-2519.
- 71-6108 Transferred to section 38-2520.
- 71-6109 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6110 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6111 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6112 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 463, § 1319.
- 71-6113 Transferred to section 38-2521.
- 71-6114 Transferred to section 38-2524.
- 71-6115 Transferred to section 38-2515.
- 71-6116 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 242, § 154.
- 71-6117 Transferred to section 38-2525.
- 71-6118 Transferred to section 38-2526.
- 71-6119 Transferred to section 38-2527.
- 71-6120 Transferred to section 38-2528.
- 71-6121 Transferred to section 38-2529.
- 71-6122 Transferred to section 38-2530.
- 71-6123 Transferred to section 38-2531.
- 71-6201 Act, how cited.
- 71-6202 Purpose of act.
- 71-6203 Definitions, where found.
- 71-6204 Applicant group, defined.
- 71-6205 Board, defined.
- 71-6206 Certificate or certification, defined.
- 71-6206.01 Chairperson, defined.
- 71-6207 Committee, defined.
- 71-6207.01 Credentialing, defined.
- 71-6207.02 Directed review, defined.
- 71-6208 Director, defined.
- 71-6208.01 Division, defined.
- 71-6209 Grandfather clause, defined.
- 71-6210 Health profession, defined.
- 71-6211 Health professional group not previously regulated, defined.
- 71-6212 Inspection, defined.
- 71-6213 License, licensing, or licensure, defined.
- 71-6214 Professional license, defined.
- 71-6215 Practitioner, defined.
- 71-6216 Public member, defined.
- 71-6217 Registration, defined.
- 71-6218 Regulated health professions, defined.
- 71-6219 Regulatory entity, defined.
- 71-6219.01 Review body, defined.
- 71-6220 State agency, defined.
- 71-6220.01 Welfare, defined.
- 71-6221 Regulation of health profession; change in scope of practice; when.
- 71-6222 Least restrictive method of regulation; how implemented.
- 71-6223 Letter of intent; application; contents.
- 71-6223.01 Application fee; disposition; waiver.
- 71-6223.02 Directed review; initiation; procedure; report.
- 71-6224 Technical committee; appointment; membership; meetings; duties.
- 71-6225 Board; review technical committee report; report to director.
- 71-6226 Director; prepare final report; recommendations.
- 71-6227 Rules and regulations; professional and clerical services; expenses.
- 71-6228 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 834, § 23.
- 71-6229 Act, how construed.
- 71-6230 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 536, § 128.
- 71-6301 Terms, defined.
- 71-6302 Asbestos project; business entity; license required; exceptions; training course.
- 71-6303 Administration of act; rules and regulations; fees; department; powers and duties.
- 71-6304 Business entity; license; qualifications.
- 71-6305 License; application; contents.
- 71-6306 License; term; renewal.
- 71-6307 Licensee or business entity; records required; contents.
- 71-6308 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 1073, § 20.
- 71-6309 Waiver of requirements; when authorized.
- 71-6309.01 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 406, § 96.
- 71-6310 Individual worker; license required; qualifications; disciplinary actions; applications; current certificate holder; how treated; limited license; instructors; qualifications.
- 71-6310.01 Asbestos occupations; training courses; approval.
- 71-6310.02 Asbestos occupations; license; renewal; continuing competency requirements.
- 71-6310.03 Project designer or project monitor; duties.
- 71-6310.04 Fees.
- 71-6311 Governmental body; contract with nonlicensee prohibited.
- 71-6312 Violations; penalties.
- 71-6313 Violations; action to enjoin.
- 71-6314 Violations; citation; disciplinary actions; procedures; civil penalty; lien; enforcement.
- 71-6315 Existing rules, regulations, licenses, certificates, forms of approval, suits, other proceedings; how treated.
- 71-6316 Act; districts exempt.
- 71-6317 Asbestos Control Act; act, how cited.
- 71-6318 Residential Lead-Based Paint Professions Practice Act; act, how cited.
- 71-6318.01 Act; purpose and applicability.
- 71-6319 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 863, § 57.
- 71-6319.01 Definitions, where found.
- 71-6319.02 Abatement or abatement project, defined.
- 71-6319.03 Accredited training program, defined.
- 71-6319.04 Licensed abatement worker, defined.
- 71-6319.05 Licensed firm, defined.
- 71-6319.06 Licensed inspector, defined.
- 71-6319.07 Licensed project designer, defined.
- 71-6319.08 Licensed risk assessor, defined.
- 71-6319.09 Licensed supervisor, defined.
- 71-6319.10 Licensed visual lead-hazard advisor, defined.
- 71-6319.11 Child-occupied facility, defined.
- 71-6319.12 Common area, defined.
- 71-6319.13 Component or building component, defined.
- 71-6319.14 Containment, defined.
- 71-6319.15 Department, defined.
- 71-6319.16 Deteriorated paint, defined.
- 71-6319.17 Repealed. Laws 2007, LB 296, § 815.
- 71-6319.18 Elevated blood-lead level, defined.
- 71-6319.19 Encapsulant, defined.
- 71-6319.20 Encapsulation, defined.
- 71-6319.21 Enclosure, defined.
- 71-6319.22 Firm, defined.
- 71-6319.23 Guest instructor, defined.
- 71-6319.24 Inspection, defined.
- 71-6319.25 Interim controls, defined.
- 71-6319.26 Lead-based paint, defined.
- 71-6319.27 Lead-based paint activities, defined.
- 71-6319.28 Lead-based paint hazard, defined.
- 71-6319.29 Lead-based paint profession, defined.
- 71-6319.30 Lead-contaminated dust, defined.
- 71-6319.31 Lead-contaminated soil, defined.
- 71-6319.32 Person, defined.
- 71-6319.33 Principal instructor, defined.
- 71-6319.34 Reduction, defined.
- 71-6319.35 Residential dwelling, defined.
- 71-6319.36 Risk assessment, defined.
- 71-6319.37 Target housing, defined.
- 71-6319.38 Training curriculum, defined.
- 71-6319.39 Training program manager, defined.
- 71-6319.40 Visual lead-hazard screen, defined.
- 71-6320 Lead abatement project; firm; license required.
- 71-6321 Administration of act; rules and regulations; department; powers and duties.
- 71-6322 Firm; license; qualifications.
- 71-6323 License; application; contents; current certificate holder; how treated.
- 71-6324 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 863, § 57.
- 71-6325 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 863, § 57.
- 71-6326 Individuals; license required; qualifications; term; renewal; applications; current certificate holder; how treated.
- 71-6327 Lead-based paint professions; license; application; disciplinary actions; fees; continuing competency requirements.
- 71-6328 Governmental body; acceptance of bid; limitation.
- 71-6328.01 Reciprocity.
- 71-6328.02 Existing rules, regulations, licenses, certificates, forms of approval, suits, other proceedings; how treated.
- 71-6329 Violations; penalties.
- 71-6330 Violations; action to enjoin.
- 71-6331 Violations; disciplinary actions; civil penalty; procedure; appeal; lien; enforcement.
- 71-6331.01 Environmental audits; applicability.
- 71-6332 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 863, § 57.
- 71-6333 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 863, § 57.
- 71-6401 Act, how cited.
- 71-6402 Purpose of act.
- 71-6403 State building code; adopted; amendments.
- 71-6404 State building code; applicability.
- 71-6405 State building code; compliance required.
- 71-6406 County, city, or village; building code; adopt; amend; enforce; copy; fees.
- 71-6407 Construction of act.
- 71-6501 Terms, defined.
- 71-6502 In-home personal services worker; qualifications.
- 71-6503 In-home personal services agency; duties.
- 71-6504 Sections; applicability.
- 71-6601 Legislative intent.
- 71-6602 Terms, defined.
- 71-6603 Home health aide; requirements.
- 71-6604 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 703, § 83.
- 71-6605 Home health aides; permitted acts.
- 71-6606 Home health agencies; employ qualified aides.
- 71-6607 Home health agency; provide supervision; care plan.
- 71-6608 Home health aide; demonstrate competency; when required.
- 71-6608.01 Home health aide training course; standards; supervised training; documentation required.
- 71-6608.02 Home health aide competency evaluation; requirements.
- 71-6609 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6610 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 703, § 83.
- 71-6611 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 703, § 83.
- 71-6612 Home health agency; verify competency.
- 71-6613 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 703, § 83.
- 71-6614 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-6615 Hospice program; volunteers exempt.
- 71-6701 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6702 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6703 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6704 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6705 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6706 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6707 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6708 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6709 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6710 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6711 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6712 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6713 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6714 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6715 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6716 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6717 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1354, § 48.
- 71-6718 Act, how cited.
- 71-6719 Legislative findings.
- 71-6720 Purpose of act; applicability.
- 71-6721 Terms, defined.
- 71-6722 Administration of medication; by whom.
- 71-6723 Administration of medication; methods authorized; conditions; additional methods; requirements.
- 71-6724 Medication administration records.
- 71-6725 Minimum standards for competencies.
- 71-6726 Medication aide; registration; qualifications; report of conviction required; licensure as nurse; effect.
- 71-6727 Medication Aide Registry; contents.
- 71-6728 Registration; renewal; fee.
- 71-6729 Screening and review.
- 71-6730 Failure to meet standards; violations; department; powers.
- 71-6731 Informal conference; procedure.
- 71-6732 Contested actions; procedure.
- 71-6733 Reapplication authorized; lifting of sanctions.
- 71-6734 Fees.
- 71-6735 Facility, school, or child care facility; subject to discipline.
- 71-6736 Alleged incompetence; reports required; confidential; immunity.
- 71-6737 Complaints, investigational records, reports, and investigational files; disclosure; restrictions.
- 71-6738 Convictions; reports required.
- 71-6739 Prohibited act; exceptions.
- 71-6740 Injunction.
- 71-6741 Violation; penalty.
- 71-6742 Eligibility for Licensee Assistance Program.
- 71-6743 Rules and regulations.
- 71-6801 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6802 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6803 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6804 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93; Laws 2000, LB 1135, § 34.
- 71-6805 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6806 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6807 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6808 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6809 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6810 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6811 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6812 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6813 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6814 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6815 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6815.01 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6816 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6817 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6818 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6819 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6820 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6821 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6822 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6823 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6823.01 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6824 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6825 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6826 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6827 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6828 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6829 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93; Laws 2000, LB 1135, § 34.
- 71-6830 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6831 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1115, § 93.
- 71-6832 Human genetic testing; requirements.
- 71-6833 Forensic DNA laboratories; requirements.
- 71-6901 Terms, defined.
- 71-6902 Performance of abortion; notarized written consent required.
- 71-6902.01 Victim of abuse, sexual abuse, or child abuse or neglect; attending physician; duties; liability.
- 71-6902.02 Coercion to obtain abortion; prohibited; denial of financial support; effect.
- 71-6903 Abortion; authorized by court; when; procedures; confidentiality and anonymity; guardian ad litem; court order; specific factual findings and legal conclusions.
- 71-6904 Appeal; procedure; confidentiality.
- 71-6905 Court proceedings; no fees or costs required.
- 71-6906 Performance of abortion; consent not required; when.
- 71-6907 Violation by physician; penalty; civil action; immunity; prohibited acts; violation; penalty.
- 71-6908 Family or foster family abuse, neglect, or sexual assault; legislative findings and declarations; prosecution encouraged.
- 71-6909 Physician; report; contents; form; compilation by department.
- 71-6910 Sections; how construed; intent.
- 71-6911 Declaration; confidentiality.
- 71-7001 Mammography; health care facilities; notice; powers and duties.
- 71-7001.01 Legislative findings.
- 71-7002 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 71-7003 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 71-7003.01 Department; funding; powers.
- 71-7004 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 71-7005 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 71-7006 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 71-7007 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 71-7008 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 71-7009 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 71-7010 Breast and Cervical Cancer Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-7011 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 797, § 35.
- 71-7012 Breast and Cervical Cancer Advisory Committee; established; members; appointment; terms; duties; expenses.
- 71-7013 Immunity from liability; when.
- 71-7101 Act, how cited.
- 71-7102 Terms, defined.
- 71-7103 Legislative findings.
- 71-7104 Critical Incident Stress Management Program; created; duties.
- 71-7105 Critical Incident Stress Management Council; created; members; duties.
- 71-7106 Interagency Management Committee; created; members; duties.
- 71-7107 Department of Health and Human Services; duties.
- 71-7108 Department of Health and Human Services; Nebraska State Patrol; State Fire Marshal; Nebraska Emergency Management Agency; duties.
- 71-7109 Statewide clinical director; appointment; duties.
- 71-7110 Critical incident stress management region; regional management committee; membership; regional clinical director; duties.
- 71-7111 Statewide critical incident stress management team; members; immunity.
- 71-7112 Confidentiality of information.
- 71-7113 State correctional employees; services provided.
- 71-7201 Act, how cited.
- 71-7202 Determination of death.
- 71-7203 Act, how construed.
- 71-7301 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7302 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7303 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7304 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7305 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7306 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7307 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7308 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7309 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7310 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7310.01 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7311 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7312 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7313 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7314 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7315 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7316 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7317 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7318 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 138, § 57.
- 71-7401 Transferred to section 71-7427.
- 71-7402 Transferred to section 71-7428.
- 71-7403 Transferred to section 71-7429.
- 71-7404 Transferred to section 71-7430.
- 71-7405 Transferred to section 71-7431.
- 71-7406 Transferred to section 71-7433.
- 71-7407 Transferred to section 71-7434.
- 71-7408 Transferred to section 71-7435.
- 71-7409 Transferred to section 71-7436.
- 71-7410 Transferred to section 71-7438.
- 71-7411 Transferred to section 71-7441.
- 71-7412 Transferred to section 71-7444.
- 71-7413 Transferred to section 71-7445.
- 71-7414 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 161.
- 71-7415 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 161.
- 71-7416 Transferred to section 71-7454.
- 71-7417 Transferred to section 71-7447.
- 71-7418 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 161.
- 71-7419 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 161.
- 71-7420 Transferred to section 71-7451.
- 71-7421 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 994, § 161.
- 71-7422 Transferred to section 71-7463.
- 71-7423 Transferred to section 71-7457.
- 71-7424 Transferred to section 71-7453.
- 71-7425 Transferred to section 71-7458.
- 71-7426 Transferred to section 71-7459.
- 71-7427 Act, how cited.
- 71-7428 Definitions, where found.
- 71-7429 Blood, defined.
- 71-7430 Blood component, defined.
- 71-7431 Board, defined.
- 71-7432 Chain pharmacy warehouse, defined.
- 71-7433 Common control, defined.
- 71-7434 Department, defined.
- 71-7435 Drug sample, defined.
- 71-7436 Emergency medical reasons, defined.
- 71-7437 Facility, defined.
- 71-7438 Manufacturer, defined.
- 71-7439 Normal distribution chain, defined.
- 71-7440 Pedigree, defined.
- 71-7441 Prescription drug, defined.
- 71-7442 Repackage, defined.
- 71-7443 Repackager, defined.
- 71-7444 Wholesale drug distribution, defined.
- 71-7445 Wholesale drug distributor, defined.
- 71-7446 Wholesale medical gas distributor, defined.
- 71-7447 Wholesale drug distributor; licenses; requirements; exemptions.
- 71-7448 License; application; contents; examination; criminal history record information check; waiver.
- 71-7449 Designated representative; information required.
- 71-7450 Fees.
- 71-7451 License; term; renewal.
- 71-7452 Bond or other security.
- 71-7453 Department; inspections; procedures; fees.
- 71-7454 Prescription drugs; restrictions on transfer; exceptions.
- 71-7455 Records; pedigree; requirements.
- 71-7456 Pedigree; contents.
- 71-7457 License; denied, refused renewal, suspended, limited, or revoked; grounds.
- 71-7458 Enforcement of act.
- 71-7459 Department; fines; when.
- 71-7460 Order to cease distribution.
- 71-7460.01 Reporting and investigation duties.
- 71-7460.02 Health care facility; peer review organization, or professional association; duty to report; confidentiality; immunity; failure to report; civil penalty.
- 71-7460.03 Insurer; duty to report; contents.
- 71-7460.04 Clerk of county or district court; duty to report conviction or judgment; Attorney General or city or county prosecutor; provide information.
- 71-7461 Unlawful acts.
- 71-7462 Violations; penalty.
- 71-7463 Rules and regulations.
- 71-7501 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7502 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7502.01 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7503 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7504 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7505 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7506 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7507 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7508 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7509 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7510 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7511 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7512 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7513 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7514 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7515 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7516 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7517 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7518 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1223, § 135.
- 71-7518.01 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7518.02 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7518.03 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7518.04 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7518.05 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7518.06 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7518.07 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7518.08 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7518.09 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7519 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1223, § 135.
- 71-7520 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7521 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7522 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7523 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7524 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7525 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7526 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7527 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7528 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7529 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 1, § 3; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-7601 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 480, § 5.
- 71-7602 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 480, § 5.
- 71-7603 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 480, § 5.
- 71-7604 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 480, § 5.
- 71-7605 Act, how cited.
- 71-7606 Purpose of act; restrictions on use of funds; report.
- 71-7606.01 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 692, § 29.
- 71-7607 Nebraska Medicaid Intergovernmental Trust Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-7608 Nebraska Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-7609 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 480, § 5.
- 71-7610 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 480, § 5.
- 71-7611 Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund; created; use; investment; report.
- 71-7611.01 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 412, § 12.
- 71-7611.02 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 412, § 12.
- 71-7611.03 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 412, § 12.
- 71-7611.04 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 412, § 12.
- 71-7611.05 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 412, § 12.
- 71-7611.06 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 412, § 12.
- 71-7611.07 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 412, § 12.
- 71-7611.08 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 412, § 12.
- 71-7612 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1427, § 12.
- 71-7613 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 692, § 29.
- 71-7614 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 480, § 5.
- 71-7615 Act, how cited.
- 71-7616 Legislative findings.
- 71-7617 Contracts to provide educational and public health services; Department of Health and Human Services; duties.
- 71-7618 Funding of contracts; priority.
- 71-7619 Aid to tribal councils.
- 71-7620 Recipients; reports.
- 71-7621 Recapture of funds.
- 71-7622 Rules and regulations.
- 71-7701 Act, how cited.
- 71-7702 Terms, defined.
- 71-7703 Certificate of public advantage; governing cooperative agreement; application.
- 71-7704 Certificate of public advantage; notice; review; hearing; rules and regulations.
- 71-7705 Certificate of public advantage; decision; execute cooperative agreement; when; contest of decision; appeal.
- 71-7706 Certificate of public advantage; issuance; considerations.
- 71-7707 Certificate of public advantage; termination.
- 71-7708 Parties to agreement; report; petition to terminate certificate; adverse job actions prohibited.
- 71-7709 Parties and participants; immunity; notice; act, how construed.
- 71-7710 Act; how construed.
- 71-7711 Department; maintain copies of agreements; notice of termination, filing required.
- 71-7801 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-7802 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-7803 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-7804 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-7805 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-7806 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 819, § 162.
- 71-7901 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 431, § 17.
- 71-7902 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 431, § 17.
- 71-7903 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 431, § 17.
- 71-7904 Act, how cited.
- 71-7905 Purposes of act.
- 71-7906 Definitions, where found.
- 71-7907 Health care provider, defined.
- 71-7908 Incident report, defined.
- 71-7909 Peer review, defined.
- 71-7910 Peer review committee, defined; policies and procedures.
- 71-7910.01 Professional health care service entity, defined.
- 71-7911 Liability for activities relating to peer review.
- 71-7912 Confidentiality; discovery; availability of medical records, documents, or information; limitation; burden of proof.
- 71-7913 Incident report or risk management report; how treated; burden of proof.
- 71-8001 Act, how cited.
- 71-8002 Legislative intent.
- 71-8003 Industrial hygiene, defined.
- 71-8004 Individual; use of title; requirements.
- 71-8005 Business enterprise; use of certified industrial hygienist required; when.
- 71-8006 Violations; unfair trade practice; civil penalty.
- 71-8007 Act; applicability.
- 71-8008 Department of Health and Human Services; rules and regulations.
- 71-8101 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 2, § 1; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-8102 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 2, § 1; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-8103 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 2, § 1; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-8104 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 2, § 1; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-8105 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 2, § 1; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-8106 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 2, § 1; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-8107 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 2, § 1; Laws 2001, LB 209, § 36.
- 71-8201 Act, how cited.
- 71-8202 Legislative findings.
- 71-8203 Definitions, where found.
- 71-8204 Advanced level rehabilitation center, defined.
- 71-8205 Advanced level trauma center, defined.
- 71-8206 Transferred to section 71-8220.01.
- 71-8207 Basic level trauma center, defined.
- 71-8208 Communications system, defined.
- 71-8209 Complete data set, defined.
- 71-8210 Comprehensive level trauma center, defined.
- 71-8211 Department, defined.
- 71-8212 Designated rehabilitation centers, defined.
- 71-8213 Designated trauma centers, defined.
- 71-8214 Designation, defined.
- 71-8215 Emergency medical service, defined.
- 71-8216 Emergency medical services and trauma plan, defined.
- 71-8217 General level rehabilitation center, defined.
- 71-8218 General level trauma center, defined.
- 71-8219 Hospital, defined.
- 71-8220 Interfacility or intrafacility transfer and bypass, defined.
- 71-8220.01 Intermediate level rehabilitation center, defined.
- 71-8221 Minimum data set, defined.
- 71-8222 Online physician or qualified physician surrogate, defined.
- 71-8223 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 195, § 111.
- 71-8224 Patient care protocols, defined.
- 71-8225 Pediatric trauma patient, defined.
- 71-8226 Physician medical director, defined.
- 71-8227 Qualified physician surrogate, defined.
- 71-8228 Regional medical director, defined.
- 71-8229 Rehabilitative services, defined.
- 71-8230 Specialty level burn or pediatric trauma center, defined.
- 71-8231 State trauma medical director, defined.
- 71-8232 Trauma, defined.
- 71-8233 Trauma care regions, defined.
- 71-8234 Trauma team, defined.
- 71-8235 Trauma system, defined.
- 71-8236 State Trauma Advisory Board; created; members; terms; expenses.
- 71-8237 State Trauma Advisory Board; duties.
- 71-8238 State Trauma System Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-8239 Statewide trauma system; established; rules and regulations; state trauma medical director and regional medical directors; appointment.
- 71-8240 Department; statewide duties.
- 71-8241 Department; coordination.
- 71-8242 Department; startup activities; duties.
- 71-8243 Centers; categorized; requirements.
- 71-8244 Designated center; requirements; request; appeal; revocation or suspension; notice; hearing.
- 71-8245 Onsite reviews; applicant; duties; confidentiality; fees.
- 71-8246 Regional trauma system; department; duties.
- 71-8247 Regional trauma system quality assurance program; established.
- 71-8248 Statewide trauma registry.
- 71-8249 Statewide trauma registry; data; confidentiality.
- 71-8250 Trauma care regions; designated.
- 71-8251 Regional trauma advisory boards; established; members; expenses.
- 71-8252 Regional trauma advisory boards; powers and duties.
- 71-8253 Act; how construed.
- 71-8301 Legislative intent.
- 71-8302 Definitions, where found.
- 71-8303 Credentialing, defined.
- 71-8304 Facility, defined.
- 71-8305 Health care services, defined.
- 71-8306 Human services, defined.
- 71-8307 Licensure, defined.
- 71-8308 Facilities not previously licensed; credentialing; when.
- 71-8309 Facilities not previously licensed; legislative intent.
- 71-8310 Currently licensed facilities; changes in credentialing; when.
- 71-8311 Currently licensed facilities; legislative intent.
- 71-8312 Facility regulation system; periodic review.
- 71-8313 Department; credentialing recommendations.
- 71-8314 Sections; how construed.
- 71-8401 Legislative findings.
- 71-8402 Terms, defined.
- 71-8403 Access to medical records.
- 71-8404 Access; charges.
- 71-8405 Charges; exemptions.
- 71-8406 Provider; immunity.
- 71-8407 Sections; applicability.
- 71-8501 Act, how cited.
- 71-8502 Legislative findings.
- 71-8503 Terms, defined.
- 71-8504 Act; how construed.
- 71-8505 Written statement; requirements.
- 71-8506 Medical assistance program; reimbursement; requirements.
- 71-8507 Health care facility; duties.
- 71-8508 Rules and regulations.
- 71-8509 Telehealth services for children's behavioral health; rules and regulations; terms, defined.
- 71-8510 Behavioral health screenings; legislative intent; optional screening.
- 71-8511 Behavioral Health Education Center; duties.
- 71-8512 Behavioral Health Screening and Referral Pilot Program; created by University of Nebraska Medical Center; clinics; selection; collection of data; evaluation; termination of section.
- 71-8601 Act, how cited.
- 71-8602 Purposes of act.
- 71-8603 Terms, defined.
- 71-8604 Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired; created; per diem; expenses.
- 71-8605 Commission; director; employees.
- 71-8606 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 93, § 27.
- 71-8607 Commission; powers and duties.
- 71-8608 Promotion of self-support; powers and duties.
- 71-8609 Blindness-related services; qualifications; commission; duties.
- 71-8610 Vocational rehabilitation services.
- 71-8610.01 Certified vocational rehabilitation counselor for the blind; duties.
- 71-8610.02 Vocational rehabilitation counseling for the blind; certified vocational rehabilitation counselor for the blind; certification required; qualifications; continuing competency requirements.
- 71-8611 Vending facilities; license; priority status.
- 71-8612 Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-8613 Annual report.
- 71-8614 Hearing authorized.
- 71-8615 Rules and regulations.
- 71-8616 Transfer of property to commission; contracts and agreements; effect.
- 71-8701 Act, how cited.
- 71-8702 Legislative findings and intent.
- 71-8703 Purposes of act.
- 71-8704 Definitions, where found.
- 71-8705 Identifiable information, defined.
- 71-8706 Nonidentifiable information, defined.
- 71-8707 Patient safety organization, defined.
- 71-8708 Patient safety work product, defined.
- 71-8709 Provider, defined.
- 71-8710 Patient safety work product; confidentiality; use; restrictions.
- 71-8711 Patient safety organization; proceedings and records; restrictions on use; violation; penalty.
- 71-8712 Patient safety work product; unlawful use; effect.
- 71-8713 Act; cumulative to other law.
- 71-8714 Patient safety organization; conditions.
- 71-8715 Patient safety organization; board of directors; membership.
- 71-8716 Election to be subject to act; contract; requirements.
- 71-8717 Reportable patient safety events; provider; duties.
- 71-8718 Reporting requirements.
- 71-8719 Nonidentifiable information; disclosure.
- 71-8720 Public disclosure of data and information.
- 71-8721 Immunity from liability.
- 71-8722 Patient Safety Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 71-8801 Act, how cited.
- 71-8802 Terms, defined.
- 71-8803 Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee; created; qualifications; terms; meetings; stipend; expenses.
- 71-8804 Committee; establish grant process; reports.
- 71-8805 Stem Cell Research Program; created.
- 71-8806 Limitation on use of facilities and funds.
- 71-8901 Act, how cited.
- 71-8902 Purpose of act.
- 71-8903 Definitions, where found.
- 71-8904 Controlled substance, defined.
- 71-8905 Department, defined.
- 71-8906 Distribution, defined.
- 71-8907 Human legend drug, defined.
- 71-8908 Veterinarian-client-patient relationship, defined.
- 71-8909 Veterinary drug distributor, defined.
- 71-8910 Veterinary drug order, defined.
- 71-8911 Veterinary legend drug, defined.
- 71-8912 License required; exception.
- 71-8913 Veterinary drug distributor license; application; contents; authority.
- 71-8914 Written policies and procedures required.
- 71-8915 Provisional license conditions.
- 71-8916 Department; waiver of requirements.
- 71-8917 License; denied; disciplinary actions; grounds; department; duties.
- 71-8918 Fees.
- 71-8919 License; expiration; renewal.
- 71-8920 Inspections; fees; compliance with act.
- 71-8921 Records; available to department.
- 71-8922 Distribution of veterinary legend drugs; authorized; applicability of labeling provisions.
- 71-8923 Limitations on veterinary drug distributor.
- 71-8924 Enforcement of act.
- 71-8925 Prohibited acts.
- 71-8926 Final disciplinary action; fines.
- 71-8927 Order to cease distribution of drug; notice; hearing; powers of department.
- 71-8928 Rules and regulations.
- 71-8929 Criminal penalty.
- 71-9001 Sexual assault or domestic violence patient; examination and treatment authorized.
- 71-9101 Act, how cited.
- 71-9102 Legislative findings.
- 71-9103 Terms, defined.
- 71-9104 Schools; duties; participant on athletic team; actions required; notice to parent or guardian; effect of signature of licensed health care professional.
- 71-9105 City, village, business, or nonprofit organization; duties; participant in athletic activity; actions required; notice to parent or guardian; effect of signature of licensed health care professional.
- 71-9106 Act; how construed.
- 71-9201 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-9202 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-9203 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-9204 Repealed. Laws 2017, LB644, § 21.
- 71-9301 Act, how cited.
- 71-9302 Terms, defined.
- 71-9303 Minor child; incapacitated person; representation; assistance in securing rights.
- 71-9304 Rights.
- 71-9305 Attorney General; enforcement; powers; civil action; civil penalty; damages.
- 71-9306 Civil action.
- 71-9401 Act, how cited.
- 71-9402 Terms, defined.
- 71-9403 Designation of caregiver; hospital; duties.
- 71-9404 Designation of caregiver; record; contents; effect of designation.
- 71-9405 Notification of discharge or transfer.
- 71-9406 Discharge plan; contents; instructions concerning aftercare tasks; documentation.
- 71-9407 Assisting Caregiver Transitions Act; effect.
- 71-9408 Rules and regulations.
- 71-9501 Act, how cited.
- 71-9502 Legislative intent; purpose of act.
- 71-9503 Terms, defined.
- 71-9504 Direct agreement; requirements; notice; copy to direct patient.
- 71-9505 Direct provider; provide written disclaimer; notice; contents.
- 71-9506 Direct provider; limitation on activities; duty.
- 71-9507 Direct agreement; not insurance; certificate of authority or license not required; billing limitations.
- 71-9508 Direct provider; direct service charges; acceptance of payments.
- 71-9509 Direct agreement; sale or transfer; written consent.
- 71-9510 Direct provider; acceptance of payments from medical assistance program.
- 71-9511 Direct provider; primary care services; payment.
- 71-9601 Act, how cited.
- 71-9602 Terms, defined.
- 71-9603 Eligible patient.
- 71-9604 Written informed consent; contents.
- 71-9605 Manufacturer of investigational drug, biological product, or device; powers.
- 71-9606 Manufacturer; provide without compensation.
- 71-9607 Death of patient; effect on debt.
- 71-9608 Good-faith recommendation; effect on discipline or adverse licensure action.
- 71-9609 Treating physician.
- 71-9610 Official, employee, or agent of the state.
- 71-9611 No private cause of action created.
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