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this Chapter
2017 Nebraska Revised Statutes
- 23-101 Counties; corporate name.
- 23-102 County seal; use.
- 23-103 Powers; how exercised.
- 23-104 Powers.
- 23-104.01 Compacts; conditions; limitations; powers.
- 23-104.02 Counties containing a city of the primary class; public grounds; powers.
- 23-104.03 Power to provide protective services.
- 23-104.04 Commission on the status of women; establish; fund.
- 23-104.05 Commission on the status of women; purposes.
- 23-105 County property; control; duty of county board; annual inventory.
- 23-106 County funds; management; establish petty cash fund; purpose; power of county board.
- 23-107 Public grounds and buildings; sale or lease; terms; illegal sale; when validated.
- 23-107.01 Real estate owned by county; sale or lease; terms and procedures.
- 23-108 Roads; establishment; abandonment; eminent domain.
- 23-109 Claims; audit; settlement; imprest system of accounting.
- 23-110 City or village plat; vacation.
- 23-111 City or village plat; change; when authorized.
- 23-112 Claims or judgments; power to compromise.
- 23-113 Transferred to section 12-805.
- 23-113.01 Transferred to section 12-806.
- 23-113.02 Transferred to section 12-806.01.
- 23-113.03 County board; general duties.
- 23-114 Zoning regulations; when authorized; powers; manufactured homes; limitation of jurisdiction.
- 23-114.01 County planning commission; appointment; qualifications; terms; vacancies; compensation; expenses; powers; duties; appeal.
- 23-114.02 Comprehensive development plan; purpose.
- 23-114.03 Zoning regulations; purpose; districts.
- 23-114.04 Zoning regulations; enforcement; county zoning administrator; appoint; compensation; permits; fees.
- 23-114.05 County zoning; violations; penalty; injunction.
- 23-114.06 County planning commission; notice to military installation.
- 23-115 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 709, § 5.
- 23-115.01 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 709, § 5.
- 23-115.02 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 709, § 5.
- 23-116 Insect pests; plant diseases; control; cooperation with federal and state agencies.
- 23-116.01 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 393, § 18.
- 23-116.02 Transferred to section 23-113.03.
- 23-117 Clerks; assistants of county officer; service in more than one office; when.
- 23-118 Repealed. Laws 1977, LB 363, § 2.
- 23-119 Property tax; limitation.
- 23-120 Provide buildings; tax; levy authorized.
- 23-121 Office supplies; safes; duty to provide.
- 23-122 Counties having less than 150,000 inhabitants; proceedings; claims; employee job titles and salaries; publication; rate.
- 23-123 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 80, § 116.
- 23-124 Bridges or buildings; damages; actions to recover.
- 23-125 Additional tax; when authorized; limitation.
- 23-126 Special tax; submission to voters; notice.
- 23-127 Bonds or expenditures; submission to voters; tax proposal mandatory.
- 23-128 Special tax; submission to voters; election; laws applicable.
- 23-129 Special tax; approval by voters; number required; effect.
- 23-130 Special tax; fund.
- 23-131 Warrants; how issued; claims of jurors.
- 23-132 Warrants; limitations upon issuance; exceptions.
- 23-133 Warrants; specify fund upon which drawn.
- 23-134 Warrants; issuance in excess of limitations; liability of county board.
- 23-135 Claims; time of filing; approval of certain purchases; procedure; payment in advance of services; authorized; disallowance of claim; notice; appeal.
- 23-135.01 Claims; false statements or representations; penalties.
- 23-136 Claims; allowance; appeal by taxpayer; procedure.
- 23-137 Claims; appeal; record; trial; costs.
- 23-138 Claims; reconsideration.
- 23-139 Special tax fund; reversion to general fund.
- 23-140 Debts due county; settlement.
- 23-141 Debts due county; action to recover.
- 23-142 Debts due county; failure to pay; penalty; collection.
- 23-143 Claims; delinquent personal taxes; deduction.
- 23-144 Claims; delinquent personal taxes; deduction; treasurer's receipt.
- 23-145 Actions against county; delinquent personal tax; offset.
- 23-146 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 370, § 28.
- 23-147 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 370, § 28.
- 23-148 Commissioners; number; election; when authorized.
- 23-149 Commissioners; number; petition to change; election; ballot; form.
- 23-150 Commissioners; qualifications.
- 23-151 Commissioner system; districts; number; redistricting; duties of county board; commissioners; election.
- 23-152 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
- 23-153 County board; joint sessions; mileage reimbursement.
- 23-154 County board; special sessions; notice.
- 23-155 County board; transaction of business; majority required.
- 23-156 County board; chairman; term; duties.
- 23-157 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
- 23-158 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 287.
- 23-159 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 339, § 1.
- 23-160 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 339, § 1.
- 23-160.01 Authority to borrow money; conditions.
- 23-160.02 Authority to use idle funds.
- 23-161 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 117, § 19.
- 23-162 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 117, § 19.
- 23-163 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 117, § 19.
- 23-164 Adjacent territory; regulation; hearings; notice by publication; written notice to chairperson of planning commission.
- 23-165 Adjacent territory; regulation; amendments; objections; hearings.
- 23-166 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 117, § 19.
- 23-167 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 117, § 19.
- 23-168 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 410, § 34.
- 23-168.01 Board of adjustment; members; appointment; qualifications; term; vacancy; rules and regulations; records; open to public.
- 23-168.02 Board of adjustment; decision; appeal.
- 23-168.03 Board of adjustment; powers; variance; when permitted; power to reverse or modify action.
- 23-168.04 Board of adjustment; decision; appeal; procedure.
- 23-169 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 117, § 19.
- 23-170 Adjacent territory; regulation; statutes and ordinances; highest standard required by either to govern.
- 23-171 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 410, § 34.
- 23-172 Standard codes; adoption; copy; area where applicable.
- 23-173 Zoning resolutions; adoption; publication; printing; effect.
- 23-173.01 Nonconforming use; termination; restoration.
- 23-174 Violations; penalty.
- 23-174.01 County zoning; cities of the primary class; grant of authority.
- 23-174.02 Zoning resolution; regulations.
- 23-174.03 County zoning; cities of the primary class; subdivision and platting into lots and streets; approval requirements; definition of terms.
- 23-174.04 County zoning; cities of the primary class; planning department; planning director.
- 23-174.05 County; comprehensive plan; requirements; contents.
- 23-174.06 Planning director; prepare comprehensive plan; review by county planning commission; county board; adopt or modify plan.
- 23-174.07 Change to comprehensive plan; prior consideration by planning department; report.
- 23-174.08 Zoning resolution; public hearing; notice; approval.
- 23-174.09 Board of zoning appeals; powers; duties.
- 23-174.10 Public health, safety, and welfare regulations; county board may adopt.
- 23-175 County board; county vehicles; liability insurance procurement; effect; applicability.
- 23-175.01 Transferred to section 13-401.
- 23-176 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
- 23-177 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 393, § 18.
- 23-178 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 393, § 18.
- 23-179 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 393, § 18.
- 23-180 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 548, § 15.
- 23-181 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 548, § 15.
- 23-182 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 548, § 15.
- 23-183 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 548, § 15.
- 23-184 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 548, § 15.
- 23-185 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 548, § 15.
- 23-186 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 801, § 102.
- 23-187 Subjects regulated; power to enforce.
- 23-188 County board; notice; contents; public hearing.
- 23-189 Proof of ordinance; proof of adoption and publication.
- 23-190 County ordinance; reading by title; suspension of requirement; adoption; vote required; revision or amendment.
- 23-191 Style of ordinance; publication.
- 23-192 Ordinance; territorial application; copy provided to clerk of city and village within county; effective date; change of jurisdiction; effect.
- 23-193 County attorney; powers; filing of ordinances.
- 23-201 Township organization; adoption.
- 23-202 Township organization; petition; election.
- 23-203 When effective.
- 23-204 Supervisor districts; formation; election of supervisors.
- 23-205 Supervisor districts; how numbered.
- 23-206 Supervisor districts; cities and villages.
- 23-207 Supervisors; first board; how constituted.
- 23-208 First board of supervisors; organization.
- 23-209 Board of supervisors; division of county.
- 23-210 Township; creation from city of second class; petition.
- 23-211 Township; creation from city of second class; boundaries; alteration.
- 23-212 Township; change of name.
- 23-213 Township; names; recording.
- 23-214 Chairman of township board; appointment; qualifications.
- 23-215 Town clerk and treasurer; qualifications; bond.
- 23-216 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-217 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-218 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-219 Town; corporate name.
- 23-220 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-221 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-222 Township officers; when elected; qualifications.
- 23-222.01 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
- 23-223 Towns; corporate powers.
- 23-224 Annual town meeting; powers of electors present.
- 23-225 Town; failure to organize; officers; how appointed.
- 23-226 Town officers; failure to qualify; effect.
- 23-227 Annual town meetings; notice; publication.
- 23-228 Annual town meeting; additional powers of electors.
- 23-229 Town bylaws and regulations; publication.
- 23-230 Special town meetings; how called; notice; place; quorum.
- 23-231 Special town meeting; powers of electors enumerated.
- 23-232 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-233 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-234 Town meeting; minutes; duty of town clerk; duty of town treasurer.
- 23-235 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-236 Town meeting; questions; vote required.
- 23-237 Town meeting; manner of voting.
- 23-238 Town meeting; qualifications of electors.
- 23-239 Town meeting; voters; challenges; laws applicable.
- 23-240 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-241 Town meeting; minutes; filing.
- 23-242 Town officers; oath; certificate; filing.
- 23-243 Town officers; oath; failure to take; effect.
- 23-244 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-245 Town officer; retirement; records; transfer.
- 23-246 Town treasurer; bond; amount; forfeiture; right of action.
- 23-246.01 Town treasurer; funds; depository.
- 23-247 Town clerk; duties; penalties, recovery of.
- 23-248 Poor relief; duty of county board.
- 23-249 Town clerk; duties and powers; records; papers; oaths.
- 23-250 Town clerk; budget; prepare.
- 23-250.01 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 86, § 17.
- 23-251 Town clerk; duties; proceedings to raise money; certificate to county clerk.
- 23-252 Town board; accounts and claims; audit; annual statement.
- 23-253 Accounts; audit; meetings; notice.
- 23-254 Accounts; filing; production at town meeting.
- 23-255 Town funds; disbursement; orders; warrants; limitations; registration of warrants.
- 23-256 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-257 Claims; certified statement; delivered to town clerk.
- 23-258 Town funds; general expenditures authorized.
- 23-259 Tax; amount authorized.
- 23-260 Town board; compensation of officers; fixed by town board.
- 23-260.01 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 23-261 Town officers; official oaths; no fees for administering.
- 23-262 Towns; actions by or against; how brought.
- 23-263 Towns; actions against; service of process; defense.
- 23-264 Towns; judgments against; payment.
- 23-265 County supervisors; meetings; supervision of expenditures; road money, how expended.
- 23-266 Towns; meetings; provisions inapplicable to cities.
- 23-267 Supervisor districts; population as basis for division; how calculated.
- 23-268 County supervisors; election; ballots; residency.
- 23-269 County supervisor districts; boundaries; change.
- 23-270 County board; duties; how determined.
- 23-271 Township organization; adoption; pending business; disposition.
- 23-272 County supervisors; meetings.
- 23-273 County supervisors; special meetings; notice.
- 23-274 County supervisors; chairman; duties.
- 23-275 County supervisors; certificates of election; where filed.
- 23-276 County supervisors; additional powers.
- 23-277 County supervisors; quorum.
- 23-278 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 269, § 80.
- 23-279 County supervisors; oaths; chairman may administer.
- 23-280 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 75, § 20.
- 23-281 Town; change of name; procedure.
- 23-282 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 453, § 61.
- 23-283 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 269, § 14.
- 23-284 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 453, § 61.
- 23-285 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 453, § 61.
- 23-286 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 453, § 61.
- 23-287 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 269, § 14.
- 23-288 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 453, § 61.
- 23-289 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 453, § 61.
- 23-290 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 269, § 14.
- 23-291 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 269, § 14.
- 23-292 Township organization; how discontinued.
- 23-293 Township organization; discontinuance; procedure.
- 23-294 Township organization; discontinuance; election; ballot; form.
- 23-295 Township organization; discontinuance; when effective.
- 23-296 Township organization; cessation; establishment of commissioner system.
- 23-297 Commissioner system creation; districts; elected members; how treated.
- 23-298 Township organization; cessation; commissioners; succeed supervisors.
- 23-299 Township organization; cessation; town records; indebtedness and unexpended balances; how discharged.
- 23-2,100 Termination of township board; public hearing; notice; resolution; termination date; conduct of business; disposal of property; discontinuance of township organization of county.
- 23-301 County resurvey; petition; contents; election.
- 23-302 County resurvey; election; canvass of votes.
- 23-303 County resurvey; cost; tax; bonds; submission to voters.
- 23-304 Irregular tracts of land; survey.
- 23-305 Irregular tracts of land; survey; maps.
- 23-306 Irregular tracts of land; survey; field notes; record.
- 23-307 Irregular tracts of land; legal description.
- 23-308 Watercourses; diversion of channel; dams and dikes; when authorized.
- 23-309 Levees; dikes; construction; when authorized.
- 23-310 Levees; dikes; petition of landowners; contents; filing.
- 23-311 Levees; dikes; site; surveys and reports; duty of engineer.
- 23-312 Levees; dikes; report of engineer; filing; notice of hearing.
- 23-313 Levees; dikes; petition; remonstrance; hearing; powers of board.
- 23-314 Levees; dikes; plan for protection; approval by Director-State Engineer.
- 23-315 Levees; dikes; bids; contracts; conditions.
- 23-316 Levees; dikes; construction; special assessments.
- 23-317 Levees; dikes; special assessments; entry on tax list; lien.
- 23-318 Levees; dikes; assessments; notice.
- 23-319 Levees; dikes; bonds; when authorized; term; sinking fund.
- 23-320 Levees; dikes; assessments; appeal to district court; procedure.
- 23-320.01 Flood control; powers of county board; contracts with federal government; appropriation of funds.
- 23-320.02 Flood control; acquisition of lands, rights-of-way, and easements; procedure.
- 23-320.03 Flood control; bonds; amount; term; levy of tax.
- 23-320.04 Flood control; liability on indemnity agreements; how paid; insurance.
- 23-320.05 Flood control; maintenance and operation; coordinated program; tax levy; special fund; establish; use.
- 23-320.06 Flood control; agreements with other governmental agencies; construction, maintenance, repair, and operation; coordinated program; employment of nonprofit corporation.
- 23-320.07 Flood control; cities; powers; eminent domain; bonds; tax levy; funds, how used.
- 23-320.08 Flood control; cooperation with federal government; additional powers; agreements authorized.
- 23-320.09 Repealed. Laws 1977, LB 510, § 10.
- 23-320.10 Flood control; construction of works; acquisition of rights-of-way and easements; eminent domain; procedure.
- 23-320.11 Flood control; acquisition and operation of flood control works; tax levy authorized; repairs.
- 23-320.12 Flood control; execution of program; parties to agreement; employment of services of nonprofit corporation.
- 23-320.13 Flood control; cities of the first class; project outside city limits; powers; authority.
- 23-321 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 393, § 18.
- 23-322 Transferred to section 23-346.01.
- 23-323 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 393, § 18.
- 23-324 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 393, § 18.
- 23-324.01 Transferred to section 23-3105.
- 23-324.02 Transferred to section 23-3106.
- 23-324.03 Transferred to section 23-3104.
- 23-324.04 Transferred to section 23-3107.
- 23-324.05 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 393, § 18.
- 23-324.06 Transferred to section 23-3112.
- 23-324.07 Transferred to section 23-3113.
- 23-324.08 Transferred to section 23-3114.
- 23-325 Real estate; appropriation; power of county board; procedure.
- 23-326 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 101, § 127.
- 23-327 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 101, § 127.
- 23-328 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 101, § 127.
- 23-329 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 101, § 127.
- 23-330 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 68, § 1.
- 23-331 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 101, § 127.
- 23-332 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 101, § 127.
- 23-333 County surplus funds; how transferred; exceptions.
- 23-334 Repealed. Laws 1949, c. 36, § 1.
- 23-335 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 893, § 18.
- 23-336 County contracts; when invalid.
- 23-337 Illegal contracts; liability of county officers.
- 23-338 Illegal contracts; county exempt from liability.
- 23-339 Street improvement; county aid; when authorized.
- 23-340 Streets outside corporate limits; improvement; notice to landowners; county aid.
- 23-341 Streets outside corporate limits; improvement; cost; payment; assessments; determination; how levied.
- 23-342 Streets outside corporate limits; improvement; contracts; conditions.
- 23-343 Transferred to section 23-3501.
- 23-343.01 Transferred to section 23-3502.
- 23-343.02 Transferred to section 23-3503.
- 23-343.03 Transferred to section 23-3504.
- 23-343.04 Transferred to section 23-3505.
- 23-343.05 Transferred to section 23-3506.
- 23-343.06 Transferred to section 23-3507.
- 23-343.07 Transferred to section 23-3508.
- 23-343.08 Transferred to section 23-3509.
- 23-343.09 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 134, § 9.
- 23-343.10 Transferred to section 23-3510.
- 23-343.11 Transferred to section 23-3511.
- 23-343.12 Transferred to section 23-3512.
- 23-343.13 Transferred to section 23-3513.
- 23-343.14 Transferred to section 23-3514.
- 23-343.15 Transferred to section 23-3515.
- 23-343.16 Transferred to section 23-3516.
- 23-343.17 Transferred to section 23-3517.
- 23-343.18 Transferred to section 23-3518.
- 23-343.19 Transferred to section 23-3519.
- 23-343.20 Transferred to section 23-3529.
- 23-343.21 Transferred to section 23-3530.
- 23-343.22 Transferred to section 23-3531.
- 23-343.23 Transferred to section 23-3532.
- 23-343.24 Transferred to section 23-3533.
- 23-343.25 Transferred to section 23-3534.
- 23-343.26 Transferred to section 23-3535.
- 23-343.27 Transferred to section 23-3536.
- 23-343.28 Transferred to section 23-3537.
- 23-343.29 Transferred to section 23-3538.
- 23-343.30 Transferred to section 23-3539.
- 23-343.31 Transferred to section 23-3540.
- 23-343.32 Transferred to section 23-3541.
- 23-343.33 Transferred to section 23-3542.
- 23-343.34 Transferred to section 23-3543.
- 23-343.35 Transferred to section 23-3544.
- 23-343.36 Transferred to section 23-3545.
- 23-343.37 Transferred to section 23-3546.
- 23-343.38 Transferred to section 23-3547.
- 23-343.39 Transferred to section 23-3548.
- 23-343.40 Transferred to section 23-3549.
- 23-343.41 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 134, § 9.
- 23-343.42 Transferred to section 23-3550.
- 23-343.43 Transferred to section 23-3551.
- 23-343.44 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 145, § 52.
- 23-343.45 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 134, § 9.
- 23-343.46 Transferred to section 23-3552.
- 23-343.47 Transferred to section 23-3528.
- 23-343.48 Transferred to section 23-3553.
- 23-343.49 Transferred to section 23-3554.
- 23-343.50 Transferred to section 23-3555.
- 23-343.51 Transferred to section 23-3556.
- 23-343.52 Transferred to section 23-3557.
- 23-343.53 Transferred to section 23-3558.
- 23-343.54 Transferred to section 23-3559.
- 23-343.55 Transferred to section 23-3560.
- 23-343.56 Transferred to section 23-3561.
- 23-343.57 Transferred to section 23-3562.
- 23-343.58 Transferred to section 23-3563.
- 23-343.59 Transferred to section 23-3564.
- 23-343.60 Transferred to section 23-3565.
- 23-343.61 Transferred to section 23-3566.
- 23-343.62 Transferred to section 23-3567.
- 23-343.63 Transferred to section 23-3568.
- 23-343.64 Transferred to section 23-3569.
- 23-343.65 Transferred to section 23-3570.
- 23-343.66 Transferred to section 23-3571.
- 23-343.67 Transferred to section 23-3572.
- 23-343.68 Transferred to section 23-3520.
- 23-343.69 Transferred to section 23-3521.
- 23-343.70 Transferred to section 23-3522.
- 23-343.71 Transferred to section 23-3523.
- 23-343.72 Transferred to section 23-3524.
- 23-343.73 Transferred to section 23-3525.
- 23-343.74 Transferred to section 23-3579.
- 23-343.75 Transferred to section 23-3580.
- 23-343.76 Transferred to section 23-3581.
- 23-343.77 Transferred to section 23-3582.
- 23-343.78 Transferred to section 23-3583.
- 23-343.79 Transferred to section 23-3584.
- 23-343.80 Transferred to section 23-3585.
- 23-343.81 Repealed. Laws 1985, LB 421, § 6.
- 23-343.82 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 412, § 32.
- 23-343.83 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 733, § 5.
- 23-343.84 Transferred to section 23-3586.
- 23-343.85 Transferred to section 23-3587.
- 23-343.86 Transferred to section 23-3588.
- 23-343.87 Transferred to section 23-3589.
- 23-343.88 Transferred to section 23-3590.
- 23-343.89 Transferred to section 23-3591.
- 23-343.90 Transferred to section 23-3592.
- 23-343.91 Transferred to section 23-3593.
- 23-343.92 Transferred to section 23-3594.
- 23-343.93 Transferred to section 23-3595.
- 23-343.94 Transferred to section 23-3596.
- 23-343.95 Transferred to section 23-3597.
- 23-343.96 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 412, § 32.
- 23-343.97 Transferred to section 23-3598.
- 23-343.98 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 733, § 5.
- 23-343.99 Transferred to section 23-3599.
- 23-343.100 Transferred to section 23-35,100.
- 23-343.101 Transferred to section 23-35,101.
- 23-343.102 Transferred to section 23-35,102.
- 23-343.103 Transferred to section 23-35,103.
- 23-343.104 Transferred to section 23-35,104.
- 23-343.105 Transferred to section 23-35,105.
- 23-343.106 Transferred to section 23-35,106.
- 23-343.107 Transferred to section 23-35,107.
- 23-343.108 Transferred to section 23-35,108.
- 23-343.109 Transferred to section 23-35,109.
- 23-343.110 Transferred to section 23-35,110.
- 23-343.111 Transferred to section 23-35,111.
- 23-343.112 Transferred to section 23-35,112.
- 23-343.113 Transferred to section 23-35,113.
- 23-343.114 Transferred to section 23-35,114.
- 23-343.115 Transferred to section 23-35,115.
- 23-343.116 Transferred to section 23-35,116.
- 23-343.117 Transferred to section 23-35,117.
- 23-343.118 Transferred to section 23-35,118.
- 23-343.119 Transferred to section 23-35,119.
- 23-343.120 Transferred to section 23-35,120.
- 23-343.121 Transferred to section 23-3526.
- 23-343.122 Transferred to section 23-3527.
- 23-343.123 Transferred to section 23-3573.
- 23-343.124 Transferred to section 23-3574.
- 23-343.125 Transferred to section 23-3575.
- 23-343.126 Transferred to section 23-3576.
- 23-343.127 Transferred to section 23-3577.
- 23-343.128 Transferred to section 23-3578.
- 23-344 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1114, § 75.
- 23-345 County machinery; rental to farmers; conditions.
- 23-346 Uniform inventory statements required.
- 23-346.01 County supplies in certain counties; annual estimate; perpetual inventory.
- 23-347 Inventory statement; duty of county officers to make; filing.
- 23-348 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1382, § 9.
- 23-348.01 Inventory of real property; filing; contents.
- 23-349 Inventory statements; public record.
- 23-350 Inventory statements; failure to file; false statements; penalty.
- 23-351 Historic sites; monuments and markers; erection; expenditures authorized.
- 23-352 Monuments; markers; inscription.
- 23-353 Monuments; markers; record of location.
- 23-354 Monuments; markers; eminent domain.
- 23-355 Monuments; markers; plans; contracts; advisory committee; duties.
- 23-355.01 Nonprofit county historical association or society; tax levy; requirements; funding request.
- 23-356 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 105, § 11.
- 23-357 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 105, § 11.
- 23-358 Control program; county board; powers; requirements.
- 23-358.01 Control service; availability; payment.
- 23-359 County board; expenditures authorized.
- 23-360 Program; tax levy; use.
- 23-361 Additional tax on sheep and cattle; conditions.
- 23-362 Indians; support; state aid to counties; purpose; conditions; audit; certificate of county assessor; alcohol-related programs; participation by county board.
- 23-362.01 Indian reservation; county share of funds.
- 23-362.02 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 584, § 4.
- 23-362.03 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 607, § 8.
- 23-362.04 Transferred to section 81-1217.01.
- 23-363 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 92, § 1.
- 23-364 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 131, § 2.
- 23-365 Sidewalks; outside corporate limits of city or village; construct or repair; tax; levy; notice; construction by owner, when; appropriation.
- 23-366 Bids; special assessments; notice; levy.
- 23-367 Special assessments; collection.
- 23-368 Street improvements; limitation.
- 23-369 Street improvement districts; delineate; purpose.
- 23-370 Resolution of county board; notice; objections; effect.
- 23-371 Board of trustees; appointment; procedure.
- 23-372 Subdivision of land, defined.
- 23-373 Subdivisions; platting; approval of county board; exceptions.
- 23-374 Subdivisions; platting; requirements.
- 23-375 Subdivisions; dedication of avenues, streets, alleys; hard surfacing.
- 23-376 Applicability of sections.
- 23-377 Subdivisions; comprehensive plan; standards; county board prescribe.
- 23-378 Transferred to section 13-303.
- 23-379 Garbage disposal plants; systems or solid waste disposal areas; purchase, construct, maintain.
- 23-380 Garbage disposal plant; system or solid waste disposal areas; cities and villages; agreement.
- 23-381 Garbage disposal; levy; tax.
- 23-382 Public gatherings; protest; enjoin; grounds.
- 23-383 Regulation by county; authorized.
- 23-384 Construction, installation, operation, maintenance; permit required.
- 23-385 Underground cables and equipment; map; filing.
- 23-386 Occupation tax; levy; due date.
- 23-387 Violations; penalty.
- 23-388 Franchise granted by municipality; exempt from sections.
- 23-389 County; provide for horseracing facilities; paid for by revenue bonds; bond anticipation notes; procedure.
- 23-390 Horseracing facilities; operation and maintenance; nonprofit corporation; use of revenue.
- 23-391 Horseracing facilities; taxes or assessments; exemption; exceptions.
- 23-392 Act, how cited.
- 23-393 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 284, § 12.
- 23-394 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 284, § 12.
- 23-395 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 284, § 12.
- 23-396 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 284, § 12.
- 23-397 Bridge construction and repair; bonds; issuance; election; procedure.
- 23-398 Bonds; levy of tax.
- 23-401 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-402 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-403 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-404 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-405 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-406 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-407 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-408 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-409 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-410 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-411 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-412 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-413 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-414 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-415 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-416 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-417 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-418 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-419 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 741, § 1.
- 23-420 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 69, § 1.
- 23-421 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 69, § 1.
- 23-422 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 69, § 1.
- 23-423 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 69, § 1.
- 23-501 County buildings; erection; petition.
- 23-502 Election; proposition; submission.
- 23-503 Election; tax; how collected; resubmission of proposal.
- 23-504 Tax; when levied.
- 23-505 Sinking fund.
- 23-506 Public buildings; contracts; warrants; when authorized.
- 23-507 Surplus building fund; disposition.
- 23-601 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 96, § 5.
- 23-602 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 96, § 5.
- 23-603 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 96, § 5.
- 23-604 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 96, § 5.
- 23-605 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 96, § 5.
- 23-606 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 96, § 5.
- 23-607 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 96, § 5.
- 23-608 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 96, § 5.
- 23-609 Transferred to section 81-2,236.
- 23-610 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 124, § 3.
- 23-611 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 124, § 3.
- 23-612 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 124, § 3.
- 23-701 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 71, § 1.
- 23-702 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 71, § 1.
- 23-703 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 71, § 1.
- 23-704 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 71, § 1.
- 23-705 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 71, § 1.
- 23-706 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 71, § 1.
- 23-707 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 71, § 1.
- 23-708 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 71, § 1.
- 23-709 Repealed. Laws 1955, c. 71, § 1.
- 23-801 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1114, § 75.
- 23-802 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1114, § 75.
- 23-803 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1114, § 75.
- 23-804 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1114, § 75.
- 23-805 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1114, § 75.
- 23-806 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1114, § 75.
- 23-807 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1114, § 75.
- 23-808 Pool hall; bowling alley; operation without license; penalty.
- 23-809 Pool hall; bowling alley; petition for license.
- 23-810 Pool hall; bowling alley; license; hearing; renewal.
- 23-811 Pool hall; bowling alley; license fee; closing hour; determination by county board.
- 23-812 Pool hall; bowling alley; licensee; violations; forfeiture of license.
- 23-813 Roadhouses; dance halls; carnivals; shows; amusement parks; license required.
- 23-814 Roadhouses; dance halls; carnivals; shows; amusement parks; petition for license.
- 23-815 Roadhouses; dance halls; carnivals; shows; amusement parks; petition for license; notice; hearing.
- 23-816 Roadhouses; dance halls; carnivals; shows; amusement parks; license fee.
- 23-817 Roadhouses; dance halls; carnivals; shows; amusement parks; license; revocation; violations by licensee; penalty.
- 23-818 Roadhouse, defined.
- 23-819 Public grounds and parks; improvement; statues, memorials, and works of art; erection and construction; gifts and bequests.
- 23-820 Transferred to section 13-304.
- 23-821 Transferred to section 13-305.
- 23-822 Transferred to section 13-306.
- 23-823 Transferred to section 13-307.
- 23-901 Act, how cited.
- 23-902 Sections; applicability; fiscal year.
- 23-903 County budget; scope and contents.
- 23-904 County budget document; three parts.
- 23-905 County budget; budget document; forms; preparation; Auditor of Public Accounts; duties; expenses.
- 23-906 Budget-making authority, how constituted; budget, when prepared; contents; notice of hearing.
- 23-907 Hearing; duty of county board.
- 23-908 Budget revision; power of county board; hearing.
- 23-909 Budget; when adopted; duty of county board.
- 23-910 Budget; income from taxation; how determined; estimated revenue; deduction.
- 23-911 Budget; income from taxation; limitation.
- 23-912 Budget; income from taxation; deemed appropriated.
- 23-913 Budget summary; contents; filing.
- 23-914 Unexpended balances; expenditure; limitation; county board powers.
- 23-915 Budget; failure of county board to adopt; effect.
- 23-916 Contracts or liabilities in excess of budget prohibited.
- 23-917 Contracts or liabilities in excess of budget; county not liable.
- 23-918 Emergencies; additional appropriations; loans; tax authorized.
- 23-919 Violations; penalty; liability to county.
- 23-920 Counties having 200,000 population or more; county hospitals; fiscal year; change of fiscal year.
- 23-921 Transferred to section 13-502.
- 23-922 Transferred to section 13-503.
- 23-923 Transferred to section 13-504.
- 23-924 Transferred to section 13-505.
- 23-925 Transferred to section 13-506.
- 23-926 Transferred to section 13-507.
- 23-927 Transferred to section 13-508.
- 23-927.01 Transferred to section 13-509.
- 23-928 Transferred to section 13-510.
- 23-929 Transferred to section 13-511.
- 23-930 Transferred to section 13-512.
- 23-931 Transferred to section 13-513.
- 23-932 Transferred to section 13-514.
- 23-933 Transferred to section 13-501.
- 23-934 Transferred to section 13-606.
- 23-1001 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
- 23-1002 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
- 23-1003 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
- 23-1004 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
- 23-1005 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
- 23-1006 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
- 23-1007 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
- 23-1008 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
- 23-1009 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 138, § 28.
- 23-1101 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1102 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1103 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1104 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1105 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1106 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1107 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1108 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1108.01 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1108.02 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1108.03 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1109 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1110 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1110.01 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1110.02 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1111 County officers; clerks and assistants; county board; budgetary approval.
- 23-1112 County officers; mileage; rate; amount; allowance.
- 23-1112.01 County officers; employees; use of automobile; allowance.
- 23-1113 Repealed. Laws 1949, c. 40, § 9.
- 23-1113.01 Repealed. Laws 1949, c. 40, § 9.
- 23-1113.02 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1113.03 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1113.04 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 63, § 6.
- 23-1114 County officers and deputies; salaries; fixed by county board; when; method of payment.
- 23-1114.01 County officers; salaries; classification of counties.
- 23-1114.02 County officers; salaries; Class 1 counties.
- 23-1114.03 County officers; salaries; Class 2 counties.
- 23-1114.04 County officers; salaries; Class 3 counties.
- 23-1114.05 County officers; salaries; Class 4 counties.
- 23-1114.06 County officers; salaries; Class 5 counties.
- 23-1114.07 County officers; salaries; Class 6 or 7 counties.
- 23-1114.08 County officers; minimum salaries; person occupying more than one office.
- 23-1114.09 Deputies; one full-time; minimum salary.
- 23-1114.10 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 341, § 1.
- 23-1114.11 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 33, § 1.
- 23-1114.12 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 33, § 1.
- 23-1114.13 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 33, § 1.
- 23-1114.14 Interpretation of sections.
- 23-1114.15 Interpretation of sections.
- 23-1114.16 Repealed. Laws 1988, LB 806, § 1.
- 23-1115 County officers; deputies; compensation.
- 23-1115.01 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 23-1115.02 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 23-1115.03 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 286, § 1.
- 23-1115.04 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 126, § 6.
- 23-1115.05 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 33, § 1.
- 23-1116 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 339, § 1.
- 23-1117 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 23-1118 Employees of certain counties or municipal counties; retirement benefits; establish; approval of voters; contribution rates; funds; investment; employees, defined; reports.
- 23-1201 County attorney; duties; services performed at request of Attorney General; additional compensation; reports.
- 23-1201.01 County attorney; residency; appointment of nonresident attorney, when; contract.
- 23-1201.02 County attorney; qualifications; exception.
- 23-1202 County attorney; actions before magistrate; duties.
- 23-1203 Opinions; civil cases; additional counsel; compensation.
- 23-1204 Deputies; appointment and compensation.
- 23-1204.01 Deputies; special; when; compensation.
- 23-1204.02 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 99, § 2.
- 23-1204.03 Deputies; counties having a population of between 30,000 and 200,000 inhabitants; additional deputy; salary.
- 23-1204.04 Deputies; bond.
- 23-1204.05 Deputies; counties having a population of more than 200,000 inhabitants.
- 23-1204.06 Deputies; grant program for termination of parental rights actions.
- 23-1205 Acting county attorney; appointment; when authorized; compensation.
- 23-1206 Fees; prohibited; civil cases; when disqualified.
- 23-1206.01 County attorney, deputies, and employees; employment restrictions; salary.
- 23-1206.02 County attorney, deputies, and employees; counties having a population of more than 200,000 inhabitants; private practice; illegal reference; malfeasance; penalty.
- 23-1207 Money or property received; county attorney; duties.
- 23-1208 Grand jury and court sittings; attendance and duties.
- 23-1209 Detectives; employment; when authorized; compensation.
- 23-1210 Coroner; duties; county attorney shall perform; expenses; delegation of duties.
- 23-1211 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 411, § 1.
- 23-1212 Terms, defined.
- 23-1213 Nebraska County Attorney Standards Advisory Council; created; members; qualifications; appointment; terms; vacancy.
- 23-1213.01 Guidelines to promote uniform and quality death investigations for county coroners; contents.
- 23-1213.02 Network of regional officials for death investigation support services.
- 23-1213.03 Coroner or deputy coroner; training; continuing education.
- 23-1214 Council; membership; holding other office or position; effect.
- 23-1215 Council; members; expenses.
- 23-1216 Council; continuing legal education; duties.
- 23-1217 County attorney; deputy county attorney; continuing legal education required; failure to complete; effect.
- 23-1218 Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice; continuing legal education; duties; enumerated.
- 23-1219 County attorney; deputy county attorney; failure to fulfill continuing legal education requirements; commission; investigate; duties.
- 23-1220 County attorney; deputy county attorney; failure to complete continuing legal education; Attorney General; commence civil action.
- 23-1221 County attorney; deputy county attorney; removal from office; vacancy; how filled.
- 23-1222 Continuing education; tuition, fees, expenses; how paid.
- 23-1223 Traveling expenses; mileage.
- 23-1301 County clerk; office; duties; residency.
- 23-1301.01 County clerk; deputy; appointment; oath; duties.
- 23-1302 County clerk; duties.
- 23-1303 Warrants; funds transfer systems; procedure.
- 23-1304 Official bonds; record; duty to keep.
- 23-1305 Road record; duty to keep.
- 23-1306 County officers; signatures and seals; duty to report to Secretary of State.
- 23-1307 County clerks; election commissioners; deputies; oaths; acknowledgments.
- 23-1308 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 339, § 1.
- 23-1309 Veterans discharge record; duty to keep; information; confidential.
- 23-1310 Veterans discharge or record of separation; registration upon application.
- 23-1311 Instruments; signatures; illegible; refusal to file.
- 23-1312 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
- 23-1313 Name of farm, ranch, or home; registration.
- 23-1401 County comptroller; qualifications; duties.
- 23-1402 Treasurer's account; how kept.
- 23-1403 Record of claims; assistants; appointment; absence or disability; power of deputy.
- 23-1404 Powers; limitation.
- 23-1405 Salary; determination.
- 23-1406 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 52, § 1.
- 23-1407 County comptroller; office; equipment.
- 23-1501 Register of deeds; office, equipment, and supplies; residency.
- 23-1501.01 Register of deeds; deputy; appointment; oath; duties.
- 23-1502 County clerk ex officio register of deeds, when.
- 23-1503 Record of instruments; form.
- 23-1503.01 Instrument submitted for recording; requirements.
- 23-1504 Seal; when required; certified copies.
- 23-1505 Acknowledgments; oaths; power to administer.
- 23-1506 Documents; deeds and conveyances; recording; errors; inventory statement; duty to file; exceptions.
- 23-1507 Violations; penalty.
- 23-1508 Grantor and grantee index.
- 23-1509 Grantor and grantee index; entries; form.
- 23-1510 Instruments; endorsement, recording, and indexing; required information.
- 23-1511 Deed record; mortgage record; duty to keep.
- 23-1512 Construction Lien Record.
- 23-1513 Numerical index.
- 23-1514 Numerical index; entries.
- 23-1515 Numerical index; instrument; certificate of entry.
- 23-1516 Miscellaneous Record.
- 23-1517 Records; other indices.
- 23-1517.01 Records; microfilm; requirements.
- 23-1517.02 Records; computerized system of indexing; authorized.
- 23-1518 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 107, § 1.
- 23-1519 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 107, § 1.
- 23-1520 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 107, § 1.
- 23-1521 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 107, § 1.
- 23-1522 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 433, § 10.
- 23-1523 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 433, § 10.
- 23-1524 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 433, § 10.
- 23-1525 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 433, § 10.
- 23-1526 Repealed. Laws 1989, LB 5, § 7.
- 23-1527 Bankruptcy proceedings; recording; fee.
- 23-1528 Printed form; noncompliance; effect.
- 23-1601 County treasurer; general duties.
- 23-1601.01 Residency requirement.
- 23-1601.02 County treasurer; deputy; appointment; oath; duties.
- 23-1602 Warrants; nonpayment for want of funds; endorsement; interest.
- 23-1603 Violations; penalty.
- 23-1604 Repealed. Laws 1978, LB 650, § 40.
- 23-1605 Semiannual statement; publication.
- 23-1606 Semiannual statement; contents.
- 23-1607 Semiannual statement; cost of publication; payment.
- 23-1608 County officers; audit required; cost; audit report; irregularities; how treated.
- 23-1609 Audit; requirements.
- 23-1610 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 692, § 13.
- 23-1611 County officers; uniform system of accounting; duty of Auditor of Public Accounts; individual ledger sheets; approval.
- 23-1612 County offices; audit; refusal to exhibit records; penalty.
- 23-1613 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 692, § 13.
- 23-1613.01 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1.
- 23-1614 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 692, § 13.
- 23-1615 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 36, § 10.
- 23-1616 Cashier's bonds; amount.
- 23-1701 Sheriff; general duties; residency.
- 23-1701.01 Candidate for sheriff; requirements; sheriff; attend Sheriff's Certification Course; exception; continuing education; violation; penalty.
- 23-1701.02 Arrests; keeping the peace; duties.
- 23-1701.03 Sheriff; general powers and duties.
- 23-1701.04 Process; duty of sheriff to execute.
- 23-1701.05 Writs and orders; endorsement.
- 23-1701.06 Failure or neglect to execute process; amercement; civil liability.
- 23-1702 Violations; penalty.
- 23-1703 Jailer; duty of sheriff; certain counties.
- 23-1704 Assistants; power to summon.
- 23-1704.01 Sheriff; deputies; appointment; oath; duties.
- 23-1704.02 Sheriff; appoint employee.
- 23-1704.03 Sheriff; employee; false return of writ; penalty.
- 23-1704.04 Sheriff; deputies; compensation.
- 23-1705 Court attendance; when required.
- 23-1706 Court; appearance as counsel prohibited.
- 23-1707 Sheriff's sales; purchases prohibited.
- 23-1708 Vacancy; legal process; deputy; duty.
- 23-1709 Term of office; expiration; transfers to successor.
- 23-1710 Crimes; prevention; arrest; powers and duties.
- 23-1711 Special investigations; when authorized; report; expenses.
- 23-1712 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 153, § 1.
- 23-1713 Sheriff; party to judicial proceedings; duties; county clerk shall perform.
- 23-1714 Sheriff; disqualification; duties; county clerk shall perform.
- 23-1715 Sheriff; specialized equipment; damages to privately owned motor vehicle, reimbursement.
- 23-1716 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1278, § 3.
- 23-1717 Sheriff; deputy; uniform; badge, display; exceptions.
- 23-1718 Sheriff; deputy; uniform; allowance in counties of less than 200,000 population.
- 23-1719 Sheriff; deputy; uniform; specifications.
- 23-1720 Sheriff; deputies; indemnification; legal counsel.
- 23-1721 Sections; purposes.
- 23-1722 Sheriff's office merit commission; created; county having 25,000 inhabitants or more.
- 23-1723 Sheriff's office merit commission; county having 400,000 or more population; members; number; appointment; term; vacancy.
- 23-1723.01 Sheriff's office merit commission; county having 25,000 to 400,000 population; members; number; appointment; term; vacancy.
- 23-1724 Sheriff's office merit commission; members; salary; expenses.
- 23-1725 Commission; meetings; public; rules of procedure; adopt.
- 23-1726 Classified service, defined.
- 23-1727 Commission; powers; duties.
- 23-1728 Commission; competitive examinations; records of service; keep; subject to inspection by commission.
- 23-1729 Sheriff; personnel director; duties.
- 23-1730 Deputy sheriffs; classified service; chief deputy sheriff.
- 23-1731 Classified service; vacancy; how filled.
- 23-1732 Deputy sheriffs in active employment; examinations; when required.
- 23-1733 Promotions; procedure.
- 23-1734 Deputy sheriff; removal, suspension, reduced in rank or grade; procedure; grievance; procedure.
- 23-1735 Classified service; discrimination; prohibited.
- 23-1736 Classified service; political activity; prohibited.
- 23-1737 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 222, § 14.
- 23-1801 Inquest; when authorized; coroner's jury; compensation.
- 23-1802 Inquest; warrant; form.
- 23-1803 Inquest; warrant; execution.
- 23-1804 Inquest; coroner's jury; vacancies; oath.
- 23-1805 Inquest; juror; refusal to serve; penalty.
- 23-1806 Inquest; subpoenas; power to issue.
- 23-1807 Inquest; witnesses; oath.
- 23-1808 Inquest; witnesses; recognizance for appearance in district court.
- 23-1809 Inquest; verdict; form.
- 23-1810 Inquest; verdict of murder or manslaughter; effect.
- 23-1811 Inquest; arrest; when authorized.
- 23-1812 Inquest; warrant of arrest; effect.
- 23-1813 Inquest; warrant of arrest; contents.
- 23-1814 Inquest; return to district court; contents; duty.
- 23-1815 Inquest; personal property; discovery on or near body; disposition.
- 23-1816 Inquest; body of deceased; disposition.
- 23-1817 Coroner; duties; performance by sheriff.
- 23-1818 Inquest; surgeons; subpoena; when authorized.
- 23-1819 Murder; warrant for arrest of suspect; when required.
- 23-1820 Coroner's physician; appointment; when authorized; duties; compensation; mileage.
- 23-1821 Death during apprehension or custody; notice required; penalty.
- 23-1822 Death during apprehension or custody; county coroner; duties.
- 23-1823 Death during apprehension or custody; powers.
- 23-1824 Minor; autopsy required; when; guidelines; reimbursement.
- 23-1825 Organ and tissue donations; legislative findings.
- 23-1826 Organ and tissue donations; terms, defined.
- 23-1827 Organ and tissue donations; preliminary investigation; access to information; release of organs or tissues; exception; presence for removal procedure.
- 23-1828 Organ and tissue donations; failure to complete preliminary investigation; effect.
- 23-1829 Organ and tissue donations; denial of recovery; written report required.
- 23-1830 Organ and tissue donations; coroner's access to medical information, medical records, pathology reports, and the donor's body.
- 23-1831 Organ and tissue donations; report provided to coroner; contents.
- 23-1832 Organ and tissue donations; immunity from criminal liability.
- 23-1901 County surveyor; county engineer; qualifications; powers and duties.
- 23-1901.01 County surveyor; residency; appointed from another county; when; term.
- 23-1901.02 County surveyor; deputy; appointment; oath; duties.
- 23-1902 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 127, § 19.
- 23-1903 Witnesses; attendance and testimony; power to compel; fees.
- 23-1904 Surveyor's certificate; use as evidence; effect.
- 23-1905 Surveyor; interest; disqualification; who may act.
- 23-1906 Trespass; exemption from liability.
- 23-1907 Original corners; perpetuation.
- 23-1908 Corners; establishment and restoration; rules governing.
- 23-1909 Subdivisions; petition for survey; expense.
- 23-1910 Field books; contents.
- 23-1911 Surveys; records; contents; available to public.
- 23-1912 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 127, § 19.
- 23-1913 Records; transfer to successor; violation; penalty.
- 23-2001 County officers; removal by judicial proceedings; grounds.
- 23-2002 County officers; removal by judicial proceedings; jurisdiction of district court.
- 23-2003 County officers; removal by judicial proceedings; procedure.
- 23-2004 County officers; removal by judicial proceedings; complaint; verification.
- 23-2005 County officers; removal by judicial proceedings; complaint; summons and service.
- 23-2006 County officers; removal by judicial proceedings; defensive pleadings.
- 23-2007 County officers; removal by judicial proceedings; judgment.
- 23-2008 County officers; removal by judicial proceedings; costs of action.
- 23-2009 County officers; suspension pending trial; vacancy; how filled.
- 23-2010 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2010.01 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2010.02 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2010.03 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2010.04 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2010.05 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2010.06 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2010.07 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2010.08 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2010.09 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2010.10 Repealed. Laws 1984, LB 975, § 14.
- 23-2011 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 601, § 13.
- 23-2012 Removal of disabled officers; procedure.
- 23-2013 Incarcerated county officer; forfeiture of office; replacement.
- 23-2101 Transferred to section 13-701.
- 23-2102 Transferred to section 13-702.
- 23-2103 Transferred to section 13-703.
- 23-2104 Transferred to section 13-704.
- 23-2105 Transferred to section 13-705.
- 23-2106 Transferred to section 13-706.
- 23-2107 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 340, § 1.
- 23-2201 Transferred to section 13-802.
- 23-2202 Transferred to section 13-801.
- 23-2203 Transferred to section 13-803.
- 23-2204 Transferred to section 13-804.
- 23-2205 Transferred to section 13-805.
- 23-2206 Transferred to section 13-806.
- 23-2207 Transferred to section 13-807.
- 23-2301 Terms, defined.
- 23-2302 Retirement System for Nebraska Counties; establish; purpose; acceptance of contributions.
- 23-2303 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 216, § 4.
- 23-2304 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 216, § 4.
- 23-2305 Public Employees Retirement Board; duties; rules and regulations.
- 23-2305.01 Board; power to adjust contributions and benefits; overpayment of benefits; investigatory powers; subpoenas.
- 23-2306 Retirement system; members; employees; elected officials; new employee; participation in another governmental plan; how treated; separate employment; effect.
- 23-2306.01 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 366, § 14.
- 23-2306.02 Retirement system; transferred employee; payment to system.
- 23-2306.03 Retirement system; municipal county employee; participation in another governmental plan; how treated.
- 23-2307 Retirement system; members; contribution; amount; county pay.
- 23-2308 County Employees Retirement Fund; created; investment; system; county clerk; payment; fees; accounting of funds.
- 23-2308.01 Cash balance benefit; election; effect; administrative services agreements; authorized.
- 23-2309 Defined contribution benefit; employee account, defined; interest credited to account.
- 23-2309.01 Defined contribution benefit; employee account; investment options; procedures; administration.
- 23-2310 Defined contribution benefit; employer account, defined; state investment officer; duties.
- 23-2310.01 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 85.
- 23-2310.02 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 85.
- 23-2310.03 State Treasurer; duties.
- 23-2310.04 County Employees Defined Contribution Retirement Expense Fund; County Employees Cash Balance Retirement Expense Fund; created; use; investment; forfeiture funds; use.
- 23-2310.05 Defined contribution benefit; employer account; investment options; procedures; administration.
- 23-2311 Transferred to section 23-2333.
- 23-2312 Retirement system; records; contents; employer education program.
- 23-2313 Retirement system; Auditor of Public Accounts; audit; report.
- 23-2314 Retirement system; powers.
- 23-2315 Retirement system; retirement; when; conditions; application for benefits; deferment of payment; board; duties; certain required minimum distributions; election authorized.
- 23-2315.01 Retirement for disability; application; when; medical examination; waiver.
- 23-2316 Retirement system; retirement value for employee.
- 23-2317 Retirement system; future service retirement benefit; when payable; how computed; selection of annuity; board; certain required minimum distributions; election authorized.
- 23-2317.01 County Equal Retirement Benefit Fund; created; use.
- 23-2318 Transferred to section 23-2334.
- 23-2319 Termination of employment; termination benefit; vesting; certain required minimum distributions; election authorized.
- 23-2319.01 Termination of employment; account forfeited; when; County Employer Retirement Expense Fund; created; use; investment.
- 23-2319.02 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 916, § 47.
- 23-2320 Employee; reemployment; status; how treated; reinstatement; repay amount received.
- 23-2321 Retirement system; employee; death before retirement; death benefit; death while performing qualified military service; additional death benefit.
- 23-2322 Retirement system; retirement benefits; exemption from legal process; exception.
- 23-2323 Transferred to section 23-2335.
- 23-2323.01 Reemployment; military service; contributions; effect.
- 23-2323.02 Direct rollover; terms, defined; distributee; powers; board; duties.
- 23-2323.03 Retirement system; accept payments and rollovers; limitations; board; duties.
- 23-2323.04 Retirement system; accept transfers; limitations; how treated.
- 23-2324 Retirement system; membership status; not lost while employment continues.
- 23-2325 Retirement system; false or fraudulent actions; prohibited acts; penalty; denial of benefits.
- 23-2326 Retirement benefits; declared additional to benefits under federal Social Security Act.
- 23-2327 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 687, § 34.
- 23-2328 Retirement system; elected officials and employees having regular term; when act operative.
- 23-2329 Retirement system; when effective.
- 23-2330 Retirement system; adoption; certification; list of eligible employees to retirement board.
- 23-2330.01 Limitation of actions.
- 23-2330.02 Retirement system contributions, property, and rights; how treated.
- 23-2330.03 Termination of system or contributions; effect.
- 23-2330.04 Municipal county; duties.
- 23-2331 Act, how cited.
- 23-2332 County in excess of 85,000; commissioned law enforcement personnel; supplemental retirement plan.
- 23-2332.01 County of 85,000 or less; commissioned law enforcement personnel; supplemental retirement plan.
- 23-2333 Retirement; prior service annuity; how computed.
- 23-2334 Retirement; prior service retirement benefit; how determined.
- 23-2335 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 85.
- 23-2401 Transferred to section 13-902.
- 23-2402 Transferred to section 13-903.
- 23-2403 Transferred to section 13-904.
- 23-2404 Transferred to section 13-905.
- 23-2405 Transferred to section 13-906.
- 23-2406 Transferred to section 13-907.
- 23-2407 Transferred to section 13-908.
- 23-2408 Transferred to section 13-909.
- 23-2409 Transferred to section 13-910.
- 23-2410 Transferred to section 13-912.
- 23-2410.01 Transferred to section 13-911.
- 23-2411 Transferred to section 13-913.
- 23-2411.01 Transferred to section 13-914.
- 23-2412 Transferred to section 13-915.
- 23-2413 Transferred to section 13-916.
- 23-2414 Transferred to section 13-917.
- 23-2415 Transferred to section 13-918.
- 23-2416 Transferred to section 13-919.
- 23-2416.01 Transferred to section 13-920.
- 23-2416.02 Transferred to section 13-921.
- 23-2416.03 Transferred to section 13-922.
- 23-2417 Transferred to section 13-923.
- 23-2418 Transferred to section 13-924.
- 23-2419 Transferred to section 13-925.
- 23-2419.01 Transferred to section 13-926.
- 23-2420 Transferred to section 13-901.
- 23-2501 Purpose of sections.
- 23-2502 Terms, defined.
- 23-2503 Civil Service Commission; formation.
- 23-2504 Commission; members; qualifications; number; election; vacancy; how filled.
- 23-2505 Commission; members; compensation; expenses.
- 23-2506 Commission; meetings; notice; rules of procedure, adopt; chairman.
- 23-2507 Commission; powers; duties.
- 23-2508 Commission; salary and pay plans for employees; recommend.
- 23-2509 Employees; status.
- 23-2510 Employee; discharged, suspended, demoted; order filed with commission; copy to employee; appeal.
- 23-2511 Employee; discharged, suspended, demoted; appeal; hearing; order; effect.
- 23-2512 Commission; subpoena, oaths, production of records; powers.
- 23-2513 Employee; no discrimination against because of political, racial, or religious opinions or affiliations; exceptions.
- 23-2514 Chief deputy or deputy; removal; effect on salary.
- 23-2515 Commission; appeals; district court; procedure.
- 23-2516 Sections, how construed.
- 23-2517 Act, how cited; purpose of act.
- 23-2518 Terms, defined.
- 23-2518.01 Transfer of employees to county; state employee; rights.
- 23-2518.02 Transfer of employees; retirement benefits; calculation; funding.
- 23-2518.03 Transfer of employees; sick leave; annual leave; vacation leave; other benefits; how treated.
- 23-2518.04 Transfer of employees; credit for time of service; seniority.
- 23-2519 County service; classified and unclassified service, defined; exemptions.
- 23-2520 Personnel office; created; county personnel officer; board; members; costs of administering.
- 23-2521 Personnel policy board; members; qualifications; appointment; term; removal; chairperson; meetings; quorum.
- 23-2522 Personnel policy board; powers; duties.
- 23-2523 County personnel officer; appointment; qualifications.
- 23-2524 County personnel officer; duties.
- 23-2525 County personnel officer; personnel rules and regulations for classified service.
- 23-2526 Personal service; classified service; certification of payrolls.
- 23-2527 Reciprocal agreements; county personnel officer; cooperate with other governmental agencies.
- 23-2528 Tenure.
- 23-2529 Veterans preference; sections applicable.
- 23-2530 Compliance with act; when.
- 23-2531 Discrimination; prohibited; other prohibited acts.
- 23-2532 Federal merit standards; federal Hatch Act provisions; applicable to programs.
- 23-2533 Violations; penalty.
- 23-2534 County board; adopt personnel policies and procedures.
- 23-2535 Terms, defined.
- 23-2536 County service; classified and unclassified service, defined.
- 23-2537 Personnel policy board; members; terms; removal; officers; meetings.
- 23-2538 Personnel policy board; powers and duties.
- 23-2539 County personnel officer; appointment.
- 23-2540 County personnel officer; powers.
- 23-2541 Personnel rules and regulations; adoption; contents.
- 23-2542 Federal law; compliance.
- 23-2543 Abolishment or termination of provisions.
- 23-2544 Violations; penalty.
- 23-2545 Payments to employees; methods authorized.
- 23-2601 Transferred to section 13-1301.
- 23-2602 Transferred to section 13-1302.
- 23-2603 Transferred to section 13-1303.
- 23-2604 Transferred to section 13-1304.
- 23-2605 Transferred to section 13-1305.
- 23-2606 Transferred to section 13-1306.
- 23-2607 Transferred to section 13-1307.
- 23-2608 Transferred to section 13-1308.
- 23-2609 Transferred to section 13-1309.
- 23-2610 Transferred to section 13-1310.
- 23-2611 Transferred to section 13-1311.
- 23-2612 Transferred to section 13-1312.
- 23-2701 Transferred to section 13-601.
- 23-2702 Transferred to section 13-602.
- 23-2703 Transferred to section 13-603.
- 23-2801 Declaration of intent.
- 23-2802 County board of corrections; created; powers and duties.
- 23-2803 County board of corrections; meetings; functions; dissolution; procedure.
- 23-2804 County board of corrections; functions, duties, and responsibilities; how performed.
- 23-2805 Division of corrections; established; administrative officer; qualifications.
- 23-2806 Employment rights of employee of sheriff's office.
- 23-2807 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 396, § 8.
- 23-2808 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 396, § 8.
- 23-2809 County board of corrections; contracts authorized.
- 23-2810 Transferred to section 47-501.
- 23-2811 Transferred to section 47-502.
- 23-2901 Legislative intent.
- 23-2902 Site acquisition; purpose.
- 23-2903 Building; use; rules and regulations; agreements; funds.
- 23-2904 Community building district; establish; purpose.
- 23-2905 District; petition; requirements.
- 23-2906 District; petition; hearing; notice.
- 23-2907 District; boundaries; election.
- 23-2908 District; voter approval; board of trustees; how appointed; officers.
- 23-2909 Board of trustees; budget statement; tax; levied; warrants.
- 23-2910 District; bylaws.
- 23-2911 District; unpaid warrants; interest; rate.
- 23-2912 District; territory; added or withdrawn; procedure.
- 23-2913 District; territory withdrawn; outstanding obligations; liability.
- 23-2914 District; territory withdrawn; obligations; when not liable.
- 23-2915 District; dissolution; procedure.
- 23-3001 Transferred to section 20-160.
- 23-3101 Act, how cited.
- 23-3102 Purpose of act.
- 23-3103 Legislative intent.
- 23-3104 Terms, defined.
- 23-3105 Purchasing agent; compensation; bond.
- 23-3106 Purchasing agent or county board; powers; election supplies.
- 23-3107 County board or purchasing agent; administrative duties.
- 23-3108 Purchases; how made.
- 23-3109 Competitive bidding; when not required; waiver of bidding requirements; when.
- 23-3110 Competitive bidding; considerations.
- 23-3111 Competitive bidding; procedure.
- 23-3112 Insufficient funds; compliance with budget; wrongful purchase, effect.
- 23-3113 Purchasing agent or staff; financial interest prohibited; penalty; county board; limitation.
- 23-3114 Equipment; lease; contract.
- 23-3115 Surplus personal property other than mobile equipment; surplus mobile equipment; sale; conditions.
- 23-3201 County assessor; elected; when; duties; county assessor, defined; additional salary for county clerk.
- 23-3202 County assessor or deputy; county assessor certificate; required; exception.
- 23-3203 County clerk acting as ex officio county assessor; county assessor certificate; required.
- 23-3204 County assessor; residence requirements.
- 23-3205 County assessor; oath; bond.
- 23-3206 County assessor in counties over 200,000 population; deputies.
- 23-3207 Administration of oaths.
- 23-3208 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
- 23-3209 Neglect of duty; damages.
- 23-3210 Assessor's bond; action to recover upon; by whom brought.
- 23-3211 Law enforcement officer's residential address; withheld from public; application; form; county assessor and register of deeds; duty.
- 23-3301 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 272, § 118.
- 23-3302 County school administrator; contract authorized.
- 23-3303 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 272, § 118.
- 23-3304 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 272, § 118.
- 23-3305 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 272, § 118.
- 23-3306 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 272, § 118.
- 23-3307 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 272, § 118.
- 23-3308 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 272, § 118.
- 23-3309 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
- 23-3310 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 272, § 118.
- 23-3311 County school administrator; mileage.
- 23-3312 County superintendent; elimination of office; county clerk; duties.
- 23-3313 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 272, § 118.
- 23-3401 Public defender in certain counties; election; qualifications; prohibited practices; residency.
- 23-3402 Public defender; duties; appointment; prohibitions.
- 23-3403 Public defender; assistants; personnel; compensation; office space, fixtures, and supplies.
- 23-3404 Public defender; certain counties; appointment authorized.
- 23-3405 Public defender; policy board created; members; duties.
- 23-3406 Public defender; contract; terms.
- 23-3407 Public defender; contracting attorney; qualifications; experts; support staff; fees.
- 23-3408 Public defender; second attorney authorized; when; fees.
- 23-3501 Medical and multiunit facilities; authorized; bonds; issuance; procedure.
- 23-3502 Board of trustees; membership; vacancy; county board serve as board of trustees; terms; removal.
- 23-3503 Board of trustees; compensation; mileage.
- 23-3504 Board of trustees; powers and duties.
- 23-3505 Board of trustees; meetings; bylaws, rules, and regulations; employees; filing required; other duties.
- 23-3506 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 995, § 20.
- 23-3507 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 995, § 20.
- 23-3508 County board; bonds; purpose; terms; levy; limitation; procedure to exceed.
- 23-3509 County board; tax levy; amount.
- 23-3510 Acceptance of gifts or devises; authorization; powers of county board; tax levy.
- 23-3511 Tax levy; limitation; purpose.
- 23-3512 Sections, how construed.
- 23-3513 Cities and villages; gifts of money or property to aid county in acquisition, construction, or maintenance; issuance of bonds; procedure.
- 23-3514 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 995, § 20.
- 23-3515 Adjoining counties; issuance of joint bonds; election; majority required.
- 23-3516 Adjoining counties; board; membership; powers.
- 23-3517 Adjoining counties; reports; county board actions; voter approval; construction of sections.
- 23-3518 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1240, § 24.
- 23-3519 Adjoining counties; certification of taxes; levy; limitation; disposition of proceeds.
- 23-3520 Preexisting rights; intent of sections.
- 23-3521 Governing board; rates and fees; establish.
- 23-3522 Care and services; liability.
- 23-3523 Care and services; action for recovery.
- 23-3524 Care and services; costs and fees; authority of board to compromise.
- 23-3525 Care and services; costs and fees; collection; disposition.
- 23-3526 Retirement plan; authorized; reports.
- 23-3527 Retirement system; option to discontinue participation under County Employees Retirement Act; future participation in a retirement system, option.
- 23-3528 Act, how cited.
- 23-3529 Hospital districts; establish.
- 23-3530 Hospital districts; petition; contents; signatures required; valuation required.
- 23-3531 Hospital districts; petition; hearing; notice; modification of boundaries.
- 23-3532 Hospital districts; hearing; changes in boundary; submission to electors.
- 23-3533 Hospital district; election; canvass of votes; resolution; district, body corporate; presumption.
- 23-3534 Board of directors; members; election; terms; vacancies.
- 23-3535 Hospital district; board of directors; meetings; officers; selection; expenses.
- 23-3536 Hospital district; board of directors; meetings; quorum; rules and regulations.
- 23-3537 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 76, § 615.
- 23-3538 Secretary-treasurer; bond.
- 23-3539 Hospital district; additional land; annexation; procedure.
- 23-3540 Hospital district; withdrawal of land from district; procedure.
- 23-3541 Hospital district; annexation or withdrawal; resubmission.
- 23-3542 Hospital district; area excluded from district; outstanding obligations; chargeable.
- 23-3543 Hospital district; area withdrawn; not subject to assessments after withdrawal.
- 23-3544 Hospital district; dissolution; petition; signatures required; submission to electors.
- 23-3545 Hospital district; dissolution; resolution; winding up of affairs.
- 23-3546 Hospital district; dissolution; convert property to cash; disposition.
- 23-3547 Hospital district; general powers; hospital, defined.
- 23-3548 Hospital district; board of directors; purchase of equipment.
- 23-3549 Hospital district; board of directors; operation; fix rates.
- 23-3550 Hospital district; board; membership in organization; dues.
- 23-3551 Hospital district; board of directors; officers; books and records; open to inspection.
- 23-3552 Hospital district; board of directors; budget statement; tax; levy; limitation; additional annual tax; election; collection.
- 23-3553 Depreciation funds, authorized; limitations on use.
- 23-3554 Hospital district; bonds; issuance; purpose.
- 23-3555 Hospital district; bonds; issuance; approval of electors.
- 23-3556 Hospital districts; bonds; issuance; petition.
- 23-3557 Hospital districts; bonds; issuance; election; polling places; ballots; counting.
- 23-3558 Hospital districts; bonds; issuance; limitation.
- 23-3559 Hospital districts; bonds; interest; rate.
- 23-3560 Hospital districts; bonds; contents.
- 23-3561 Hospital districts; bonds; issuance; statement; contents.
- 23-3562 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 420, § 38.
- 23-3563 Hospital districts; bonds; taxes.
- 23-3564 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 420, § 38.
- 23-3565 Hospital districts; bonds; interest; levy; sinking fund.
- 23-3566 Hospital district, defined.
- 23-3567 Hospital district; sinking fund; investment.
- 23-3568 Hospital districts; tax; collection; disbursement.
- 23-3569 Hospital districts; bonds; maturity; payment.
- 23-3570 Hospital districts; bonds; liability of district; redemption.
- 23-3571 Hospital districts; bonds; issuance; statement; contents.
- 23-3572 Hospital districts; bonds; new; vote of electors not required.
- 23-3573 Hospital districts; merger; petition; election.
- 23-3574 Hospital districts; petition for merger; plan; contents.
- 23-3575 Hospital districts; merger; election; procedure.
- 23-3576 Hospital districts; merger; voter approval; order.
- 23-3577 Hospital districts; merger; new officers; board of directors; elected; term.
- 23-3578 Hospital districts; merger; property, debts, liabilities; transferred; exception.
- 23-3579 Act, how cited.
- 23-3580 Hospital Authorities Act; declaration of purpose.
- 23-3581 Hospital authority; public corporation; powers.
- 23-3582 Hospital authority; formation; requirements.
- 23-3583 Hospital authority; formation; petitions; notice; contents.
- 23-3584 Hospital authority; objections; contents.
- 23-3585 Hospital authority; formation; submission to health planning agency prior to hearing; findings.
- 23-3586 Hospital authority; hearing; county board; findings; initial trustees; qualifications; terms.
- 23-3586.01 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 898, § 8.
- 23-3587 Hospital authority; certificate; transmit to Secretary of State; county clerk.
- 23-3588 Hospital authority; corporate name.
- 23-3589 Hospital authority; trustees; meetings; officers; expenses; seal; rules and regulations.
- 23-3590 Hospital authority; trustees; vacancy; how filled.
- 23-3591 Hospital authority; trustees; election.
- 23-3592 Hospital authority; trustees; appointment; objections; file with county clerk.
- 23-3593 Hospital authority; trustees; nominations; objections; hearing; findings; appointment.
- 23-3594 Hospital authority; powers.
- 23-3594.01 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 898, § 8.
- 23-3594.02 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 898, § 8.
- 23-3594.03 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 898, § 8.
- 23-3594.04 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 898, § 8.
- 23-3594.05 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 898, § 8.
- 23-3594.06 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 898, § 8.
- 23-3594.07 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 898, § 8.
- 23-3594.08 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 898, § 8.
- 23-3594.09 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 898, § 8.
- 23-3595 Hospital authority; board of trustees; duties.
- 23-3596 Hospital authority; board of trustees; pecuniary interest in contract; prohibited; penalty.
- 23-3597 Hospital authority; structures; construction; submission of plans.
- 23-3598 Hospital authority; construction; plans; recommendations; effect.
- 23-3599 Hospital authority; bonds; issuance.
- 23-35,100 Hospital authority; bonds; principal and interest; payment out of revenue.
- 23-35,101 Hospital authority; trustees; bonds; exempt from liability.
- 23-35,102 Hospital authority; bonds, obligations; not debt of political subdivision.
- 23-35,103 Hospital authority; bonds; maturity; interest.
- 23-35,104 Hospital authority; bonds; sale.
- 23-35,105 Hospital authority; interim certificates; issuance.
- 23-35,106 Hospital authority; bonds; signature; validation.
- 23-35,107 Hospital authority; bonds; purchase; cancellation.
- 23-35,108 Hospital authority; bonds, interim certificates, obligations; issuance; validation.
- 23-35,109 Hospital authority; bonds; obligations; secure; powers of authority.
- 23-35,110 Hospital authority; bonds; obligee; rights.
- 23-35,111 Hospital authority; bonds; default; remedies of obligees.
- 23-35,112 Hospital authority; rights and remedies; cumulative.
- 23-35,113 Hospital authority; property; subject to foreclosure; exempt from execution and liens.
- 23-35,114 Hospital authority; bonds; refunding; applicability of provisions.
- 23-35,115 Hospital authority; bonds; who may purchase.
- 23-35,116 Hospital authority; powers; supplemental to other laws; bonds.
- 23-35,117 Hospital authority; taxation exemption.
- 23-35,118 Hospital authority; county board; dissolve; when.
- 23-35,119 Hospital authority; order of dissolution; effect.
- 23-35,120 Hospital authority; bonds; holders; contract with state; powers.
- 23-3601 Act, how cited.
- 23-3602 Legislative findings.
- 23-3603 Terms, defined.
- 23-3604 Sewerage disposal system and plant; authorized; county; powers; vote by city or village governing body; when required.
- 23-3605 Proposed system; resolution of county board; contents; procedure; county board; duties.
- 23-3606 Adoption of resolution; notices required.
- 23-3607 City or village; proposed boundaries; file map.
- 23-3608 City or village; proposed boundaries; contents.
- 23-3609 Maps; review by county board; notice.
- 23-3610 Public hearing; adoption of map; disputed area; county board; duties.
- 23-3611 Map; change or amendment; procedure.
- 23-3612 Notice to city or village; contents.
- 23-3613 City or village; schedule public hearing; presentation by county.
- 23-3614 City or village; vote on proposal; criteria.
- 23-3615 Order for installation, improvement, or extension; bids.
- 23-3616 Sewer tax levy; authorized; use; vote; when required.
- 23-3617 Revenue bonds; authorized.
- 23-3618 County board; adopt rules and regulations; connection to system; penalty; usage fees; permit; fee.
- 23-3619 Revenue bonds; how paid; sinking fund; rights of holders.
- 23-3620 General obligation bonds; issuance.
- 23-3621 Bonds; resolution required; vote; when required.
- 23-3622 Rental or use charge; authorized; use.
- 23-3623 Warrants; registration; sewerage fund.
- 23-3624 Warrants; issuance for partial and final payments; redemption; interest.
- 23-3625 Sinking fund; transfer of excess by county board.
- 23-3626 Annexation of sewerage disposal system and plant by city or village; powers and duties of city or village.
- 23-3627 Annexation of sewerage disposal system and plant by city or village; when effective; duties of county board.
- 23-3628 Partial annexation by city or village; agreement with county; approval by district court; adjustment; decree.
- 23-3629 Connection of lot or structure; when allowed.
- 23-3630 Owners of real property; subdivide or plat property; connection to system or plant; duty to inform; failure to inform; effect; county board; duties.
- 23-3631 Application to subdivide or plat; referral to urbanizing area planning commission; when.
- 23-3632 Urbanizing area planning commission; members; terms; vacancies.
- 23-3633 Urbanizing area planning commission; jurisdiction; powers and duties.
- 23-3634 Urbanizing area planning commission; county provide documentation or materials; when.
- 23-3635 Application for connection; county clerk; duties; public hearing; notice; approval by city or village; criteria.
- 23-3636 County board; prepare statement; contents; approval; provide to applicants; signed acknowledgment.
- 23-3637 Joint action agreements; service agreement; terms and conditions.
- 23-3701 Auditor; duties.
- 23-3801 Act, how cited.
- 23-3802 Terms, defined.
- 23-3803 Program for management of black-tailed prairie dogs; county; finding required; powers; discontinuance of program; collection of unpaid assessments.
- 23-3804 Person owning or controlling property; duty to manage colonies.
- 23-3805 County board; powers.
- 23-3806 Notices for management of colonies; form; publication; hearing; failure to comply with notice; powers of county board; costs; lien; notice to county attorney; penalty; collection actions.
- 23-3807 Costs; written protest; hearing; county board; power.
- 23-3808 Entry upon land authorized.
- 23-3809 Black-tailed prairie dog management fund; authorized; use.
- 23-3810 Land owned or controlled by state or political subdivision; payment of cost.
- 23-3901 Guardian ad litem division; created; division director; assistant guardians ad litem.
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