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2016 Nebraska Revised Statutes
- 66-101 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 856, § 7.
- 66-102 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 856, § 7.
- 66-103 Gasoline and other explosives; sale; containers or portable tanks; type required.
- 66-103.01 Containers or portable tanks, defined.
- 66-104 Gasoline and other explosives; purchase; containers or portable tanks; type required.
- 66-105 Kerosene; delivery; container or portable tank prohibited.
- 66-106 Kerosene; use or storage; container or portable tank prohibited.
- 66-107 Violation; penalty.
- 66-201 Act, how cited.
- 66-202 Terms, defined.
- 66-203 Rebate for qualified clean-burning motor vehicle fuel property.
- 66-204 Clean-burning Motor Fuel Development Fund; created; use; investment.
- 66-301 Terms, defined.
- 66-302 Department of Environmental Quality; state plan for regulating carbon dioxide emissions; duties.
- 66-303 State Energy Office; duties; report; contents; legislative vote.
- 66-304 State plan; submit to Legislature.
- 66-401 Transferred to section 66-482.
- 66-402 Transferred to section 66-483.
- 66-403 Transferred to section 66-484.
- 66-404 Transferred to section 66-485.
- 66-405 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 528, § 20.
- 66-405.01 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 360, § 13.
- 66-406 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-407 Transferred to section 66-486.
- 66-408 Transferred to section 66-487.
- 66-409 Transferred to section 66-488.
- 66-410 Transferred to section 66-489.
- 66-410.01 Transferred to section 66-490.
- 66-410.02 Transferred to section 66-491.
- 66-410.03 Transferred to section 66-492.
- 66-410.04 Transferred to section 66-493.
- 66-410.05 Transferred to section 66-494.
- 66-410.06 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-410.07 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-411 Transferred to section 66-495.
- 66-412 Transferred to section 66-496.
- 66-413 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-414 Transferred to section 66-497.
- 66-415 Transferred to section 66-498.
- 66-416 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 1027, § 226.
- 66-416.01 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 1027, § 226.
- 66-417 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 528, § 20.
- 66-418 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-418.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-418.02 Transferred to section 66-449.01.
- 66-418.03 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-419 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-420 Transferred to section 66-4,103.
- 66-421 Transferred to section 66-499.
- 66-422 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 530, § 9.
- 66-423 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 530, § 9.
- 66-423.01 Transferred to section 66-4,101.
- 66-423.02 Transferred to section 66-4,102.
- 66-424 Transferred to section 66-4,100.
- 66-424.01 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 530, § 9.
- 66-424.02 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 530, § 9.
- 66-424.03 Repealed. Laws 1971, LB 33, § 1.
- 66-425 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 175, § 34.
- 66-426 Repealed. Laws 1957, c. 284, § 3.
- 66-426.01 Transferred to section 66-4,104.
- 66-427 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-428 Transferred to section 66-4,105.
- 66-429 Transferred to section 66-4,106.
- 66-430 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-431 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-432 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-433 Transferred to section 66-4,107.
- 66-434 Transferred to section 66-4,108.
- 66-435 Transferred to section 66-4,109.
- 66-436 Transferred to section 66-4,110.
- 66-437 Transferred to section 66-4,111.
- 66-438 Transferred to section 66-4,112.
- 66-439 Transferred to section 66-4,113.
- 66-440 Transferred to section 66-4,117.
- 66-441 Transferred to section 66-4,114.
- 66-442 Transferred to section 66-4,115.
- 66-443 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-444 Transferred to section 66-4,116.
- 66-445 Transferred to section 66-4,118.
- 66-446 Transferred to section 66-4,119.
- 66-447 Transferred to section 66-4,120.
- 66-448 Transferred to section 66-4,121.
- 66-449 Transferred to section 66-4,122.
- 66-449.01 Transferred to section 66-4,130.
- 66-450 Transferred to section 66-4,123.
- 66-451 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-452 Transferred to section 66-4,124.
- 66-453 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-454 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-455 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-456 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-457 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-458 Transferred to section 66-4,125.
- 66-459 Transferred to section 66-4,126.
- 66-460 Transferred to section 66-4,127.
- 66-461 Transferred to section 66-4,128.
- 66-461.01 Transferred to section 66-4,129.
- 66-462 Transferred to section 66-4,131.
- 66-463 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 343, § 25.
- 66-464 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-465 Transferred to section 66-4,132.
- 66-465.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-466 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-467 Transferred to section 66-4,133.
- 66-467.01 Transferred to section 66-4,134.
- 66-468 Transferred to section 66-4,135.
- 66-469 Transferred to section 66-4,136.
- 66-470 Transferred to section 66-4,137.
- 66-471 Transferred to section 66-4,138.
- 66-472 Transferred to section 66-4,139.
- 66-473 Transferred to section 66-4,140.
- 66-474 Transferred to section 66-4,141.
- 66-474.01 Transferred to section 66-4,142.
- 66-475 Transferred to section 66-4,143.
- 66-476 Transferred to section 66-4,144.
- 66-477 Transferred to section 66-4,145.
- 66-478 Transferred to section 66-4,146.
- 66-479 Transferred to section 66-4,147.
- 66-480 Transferred to section 66-4,148.
- 66-481 Transferred to section 66-4,149.
- 66-482 Terms, defined.
- 66-483 Producer, supplier, distributor, wholesaler, importer, or exporter; application for license; contents.
- 66-484 Producer, supplier, distributor, wholesaler, importer, or exporter; license required.
- 66-485 Producer, supplier, distributor, wholesaler, exporter, or importer; security.
- 66-486 Motor fuel tax; collection; commission.
- 66-487 Producer, supplier, distributor, wholesaler, exporter, and importer; records required.
- 66-488 Producer, supplier, distributor, wholesaler, importer, and exporter; return; contents.
- 66-489 Producer, supplier, distributor, wholesaler, or importer; motor fuel tax; excise tax; amount; when payable; exemptions; equalization fee; section, how construed; refund.
- 66-489.01 Motor fuels blending agent or fuel expander; when taxed.
- 66-489.02 Producer, supplier, distributor, wholesaler, or importer; tax on average wholesale price of gasoline; credit to Highway Trust Fund; use; allocation.
- 66-490 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-491 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-492 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-493 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1067, § 37.
- 66-494 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-495 Purchase of undyed diesel fuel; exemption certificate; requirements; prohibited acts; penalty.
- 66-495.01 Diesel fuels; restrictions on use; inspections authorized; violations; penalties; government vehicles; treatment.
- 66-496 Stored fuel; payment of tax; when; reports.
- 66-497 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-498 Tax previously paid; credit allowed; when.
- 66-499 Tax received; credit to Highway Trust Fund; credits and refunds; balance to Highway Cash Fund.
- 66-4,100 Highway Cash Fund; Roads Operations Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 66-4,101 Highway Allocation Fund; share of counties and municipalities; how used.
- 66-4,102 Highway Allocation Fund; street intersection, defined.
- 66-4,103 Interstate commerce exemption.
- 66-4,104 Transferred to section 66-525.
- 66-4,105 Motor fuels; use; excise tax; amount; use, defined.
- 66-4,106 Excise tax; payment; report; duty to collect.
- 66-4,107 Transferred to section 66-526.
- 66-4,108 Transferred to section 66-527.
- 66-4,109 Transferred to section 66-528.
- 66-4,110 Transferred to section 66-529.
- 66-4,111 Transferred to section 66-530.
- 66-4,112 Transferred to section 66-531.
- 66-4,113 Transferred to section 66-719.01.
- 66-4,114 Motor fuels; importation; liable for tax; exception.
- 66-4,115 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1067, § 37.
- 66-4,116 Motor fuels; transportation; interstate commerce exempt.
- 66-4,117 Motor vehicle fuel tax law; enforcement; rules and regulations.
- 66-4,118 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,119 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,120 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,121 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,122 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 168, § 15.
- 66-4,123 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 168, § 15.
- 66-4,124 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,124.01 Tax credit gasoline; certain purchases; repeal of section, effect.
- 66-4,125 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,126 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,127 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,128 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,129 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,130 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,131 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,132 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,133 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-4,134 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,135 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-4,136 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-4,137 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-4,138 Note: This section was transferred in 1991 from section 66-471. Laws 1985, LB 346, section 9 provided for a repeal of section 66-471 with an operative date of January 1, 1993.
- 66-4,139 Note: This section was transferred in 1991 from section 66-472. Laws 1985, LB 346, section 9 provided for a repeal of section 66-472 with an operative date of January 1, 1993.
- 66-4,140 Motor fuels; excise tax; disposition; payment.
- 66-4,141 Excise tax; tax rate per gallon; computations.
- 66-4,142 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-4,143 Materiel administrator; submit report; contents.
- 66-4,144 Highway Restoration and Improvement Bond Fund; Highway Cash Fund; maintain adequate balance; setting of excise tax rates; procedure; Department of Roads; provide information.
- 66-4,145 Additional excise tax.
- 66-4,146 Fuels; use; additional excise tax.
- 66-4,146.01 Floor-stocks tax on agricultural ethyl alcohol; rate; payment.
- 66-4,147 Receipts from excise tax; disposition.
- 66-4,147.01 Taxes, interest, and penalties; disposition.
- 66-4,148 Highway Allocation Fund; distribution of funds.
- 66-4,149 Rules and regulations.
- 66-501 Sections, purpose; how construed.
- 66-502 Liquid fuel carriers license; issuance.
- 66-502.01 Motor vehicle equipped with cargo tank; restrictions.
- 66-503 License; other documents; possession required; motor fuel delivery permit number required; when; inspections; enforcement.
- 66-504 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 360, § 13.
- 66-505 Motor fuel transportation; vehicles; display required; rules and regulations.
- 66-506 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 373, § 21.
- 66-507 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 373, § 21.
- 66-508 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 209, § 1.
- 66-509 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 373, § 21.
- 66-510 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 373, § 21.
- 66-511 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 834, § 66.
- 66-512 Unlawful acts; prohibited.
- 66-513 Repealed. Laws 1963, c. 373, § 21.
- 66-514 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 440, § 19.
- 66-515 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 440, § 19.
- 66-516 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 440, § 19.
- 66-517 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 440, § 19.
- 66-518 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 440, § 19.
- 66-519 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 440, § 19.
- 66-520 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 440, § 19.
- 66-520.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-521 Repealed. Laws 1947, c. 215, § 1.
- 66-522 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-523 Repealed. Laws 1947, c. 215, § 1.
- 66-524 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-525 Carriers; transportation companies; shipments of motor fuel or diesel fuel into or out of state; reports; contents.
- 66-526 Motor vehicle fuel or diesel fuel; unlawful transportation; vehicle declared nuisance.
- 66-527 Unlawful transportation; search and seizure; arrest; administrative penalty; terms, defined.
- 66-528 Unlawful transportation; conviction; effect.
- 66-529 Unlawful transportation; conviction; sale of vehicle.
- 66-530 Unlawful transportation; no arrest; sale of fuel and vehicle; procedure.
- 66-531 Unlawful transportation; delay in proceedings; intervention by lienor or owner of vehicle.
- 66-601 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-601.01 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-602 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-603 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-604 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 530, § 9.
- 66-605 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-605.01 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-605.02 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-605.03 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-605.04 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-605.05 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-605.06 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-605.07 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-606 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-606.01 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-607 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-608 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-609 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-610 Repealed. Laws 1973, LB 528, § 20.
- 66-610.01 Transferred to section 66-733.
- 66-610.02 Transferred to section 66-734.
- 66-610.03 Transferred to section 66-735.
- 66-610.04 Transferred to section 66-736.
- 66-610.05 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-610.06 Transferred to section 66-737.
- 66-611 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-612 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-613 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-614 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-615 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-616 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-617 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-618 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-619 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-620 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-621 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-622 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 406, § 2.
- 66-623 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-624 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-625 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-626 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-627 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-628 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 1027, § 226.
- 66-628.01 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 1027, § 226.
- 66-629 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-630 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-631 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-632 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-633 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-634 Repealed. Laws 1981, LB 360, § 13.
- 66-634.01 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-635 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-636 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-637 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-637.01 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-638 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-639 Transferred to section 66-601.01.
- 66-640 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 402, § 1.
- 66-641 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-642 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-643 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-644 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-645 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-646 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-646.01 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-646.02 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1013, § 21.
- 66-647 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-648 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-649 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 627, § 148.
- 66-650 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-651 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-652 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-653 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-654 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-655 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-656 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-657 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-658 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-659 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-660 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-661 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-662 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-663 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-664 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-665 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-666 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-667 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-668 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-669 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-670 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-671 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-672 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-673 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-674 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-675 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-676 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-677 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-678 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-679 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-680 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-681 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-682 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-683 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 983, § 71.
- 66-684 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 289, § 41.
- 66-685 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 289, § 41.
- 66-686 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 289, § 41.
- 66-687 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 289, § 41.
- 66-688 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 289, § 41.
- 66-689 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 72.
- 66-690 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 72.
- 66-691 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 289, § 41.
- 66-691.01 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1067, § 37.
- 66-692 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 72.
- 66-693 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 72.
- 66-694 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 289, § 41.
- 66-695 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 289, § 41.
- 66-696 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1067, § 37.
- 66-697 Act, how cited.
- 66-698 Purpose of act.
- 66-699 Definitions, where found.
- 66-6,100 Compressed fuel, defined.
- 66-6,101 Department, defined.
- 66-6,102 Gallon equivalent, defined.
- 66-6,103 Motor vehicle, defined.
- 66-6,104 Person, defined.
- 66-6,105 Retailer, defined.
- 66-6,106 Retailer's license; application; issuance; security requirements.
- 66-6,107 Excise tax; amount.
- 66-6,108 Excise tax; amount; credits and refunds; allocation.
- 66-6,109 Excise tax; amount.
- 66-6,109.01 Fuel used for buses; exemption from tax; when; equalization fee; section, how construed; refund.
- 66-6,109.02 Retailer; tax on average wholesale price of gasoline; credit to Highway Trust Fund; use; allocation.
- 66-6,110 Retailer; return; filing requirements.
- 66-6,111 Tax computation.
- 66-6,112 Taxes, interest, and penalties; disposition.
- 66-6,113 Compressed fuel tax; collection; commission.
- 66-6,114 Retailer; records.
- 66-6,115 Prohibited acts; violation; penalty; transport and delivery vehicles.
- 66-6,116 Enforcement; rules and regulations.
- 66-701 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-702 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-703 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-704 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-705 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-706 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-707 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-708 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-709 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-710 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-711 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 954, § 65.
- 66-712 Terms, defined.
- 66-713 Retailer; license required; when; records.
- 66-714 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1121, § 18.
- 66-715 Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 1121, § 18.
- 66-716 Motor fuel distribution, sale, or delivery; license; when required; records.
- 66-717 Invoice or billing documents; requirements; licensed producer, supplier, distributor, wholesaler, and importer; statement authorized.
- 66-718 Report, return, or other statement; department; powers; electronic filing.
- 66-719 Prohibited acts; financial penalties; department; powers; waiver of interest.
- 66-719.01 Unlawful transportation; violations; reward for disclosure.
- 66-720 License or permit; suspension; grounds; procedure; cancellation; reinstatement fee.
- 66-721 Notices; mailing requirements.
- 66-722 Returns; review by department; deficiency determination; procedure.
- 66-723 Corporate officer or employee; personal liability; collection of taxes; procedures; hearing.
- 66-724 Deficiency; late payment; interest.
- 66-725 Department; examination of records; investigations.
- 66-726 Refund; when allowed; procedures.
- 66-727 Prohibited acts; criminal penalties.
- 66-728 Jurisdiction.
- 66-729 Permit or license; issuance; when; department; powers and duties.
- 66-730 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 1067, § 37.
- 66-731 Department; computer system; shared information.
- 66-732 Department of Revenue, Attorney General, and Nebraska State Patrol; duties.
- 66-733 Producers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers, and importers; cash bond required; funds created; investment.
- 66-734 Cash bond; contribution; how collected.
- 66-735 Trust fund; use; delinquency; certification; State Treasurer; duties.
- 66-736 Cash bond; contribution; refund; return of trust fund.
- 66-737 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 727, § 58.
- 66-738 Motor Fuel Tax Enforcement and Collection Division; created within Department of Revenue; powers and duties; funding; contracts authorized.
- 66-739 Motor Fuel Tax Enforcement and Collection Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 66-740 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 143, § 8.
- 66-741 Federally recognized Indian tribe; agreement with state; authorized.
- 66-801 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-802 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-803 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-804 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-805 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-806 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-807 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-808 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-809 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-810 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-811 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-812 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-813 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-814 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-815 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-816 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-817 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 993, § 1.
- 66-818 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 993, § 1.
- 66-819 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-820 Transferred to section 66-1338.
- 66-821 Terms, defined.
- 66-822 Department of Roads; motor vehicles; use of gasohol.
- 66-823 Department of Roads; gasohol; storage and dispensing facilities.
- 66-824 Department of Roads; gasohol; use; conditions.
- 66-825 Unconstitutional.
- 66-826 Unconstitutional.
- 66-827 Unconstitutional.
- 66-828 Unconstitutional.
- 66-829 Unconstitutional.
- 66-830 Unconstitutional.
- 66-831 Unconstitutional.
- 66-832 Unconstitutional.
- 66-833 Unconstitutional.
- 66-834 Unconstitutional.
- 66-835 Unconstitutional.
- 66-836 Unconstitutional.
- 66-837 Unconstitutional.
- 66-838 Unconstitutional.
- 66-839 Unconstitutional.
- 66-840 Unconstitutional.
- 66-841 Unconstitutional.
- 66-901 Legislative findings.
- 66-902 Definitions; where found.
- 66-902.01 Decommissioning security, defined.
- 66-903 Solar energy, defined.
- 66-904 Solar energy collector, defined.
- 66-905 Solar energy system, defined.
- 66-906 Passive solar energy system, defined.
- 66-907 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 828, § 22.
- 66-908 Structure, defined.
- 66-909 Solar agreement, defined.
- 66-909.01 Wind energy, defined.
- 66-909.02 Wind energy conversion system, defined.
- 66-909.03 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 828, § 22.
- 66-909.04 Wind agreement, defined.
- 66-910 Solar agreement; wind agreement; manner granted.
- 66-911 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 828, § 22.
- 66-911.01 Solar agreement; wind agreement; land right or option to secure a land right; requirements.
- 66-912 Solar agreement; wind agreement; how enforced.
- 66-912.01 Solar agreement; wind agreement; initial term; limitation; termination.
- 66-912.02 Interest in wind or solar resource; restriction on severance from surface estate.
- 66-913 Counties or municipalities; zoning regulations, ordinances, and plans; considerations.
- 66-914 Solar energy systems; wind energy conversion systems; restricted by regulation or ordinance; variance or exception; when granted.
- 66-1001 Energy conservation and efficiency; legislative findings.
- 66-1002 Definitions, sections found.
- 66-1003 Customer, defined.
- 66-1004 Energy conservation measure, defined.
- 66-1005 Loan, defined.
- 66-1006 Utility, defined.
- 66-1007 Utility; initiate and administer loans.
- 66-1008 Utility; loans; restrictions.
- 66-1009 Loan; repayment plan; default; use; lien; limitation; State Energy Office; duties.
- 66-1010 Utilities; supplemental powers.
- 66-1011 Loan; use; limitation.
- 66-1012 Act, how cited.
- 66-1013 Legislative findings.
- 66-1014 Terms, defined.
- 66-1015 Energy Conservation Improvement Fund; created; investment; department; duties.
- 66-1016 Program of eligible energy conservation grants; establishment and administration; certification of improvement; cost share.
- 66-1017 Contracts authorized.
- 66-1018 Report.
- 66-1019 Rules and regulations.
- 66-1019.01 Act; termination date.
- 66-1020 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1021 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1022 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1023 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1024 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1025 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1026 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1027 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1028 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1029 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1030 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1031 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1032 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1033 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1034 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1035 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1036 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1037 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1038 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1039 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1040 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1041 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1042 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1043 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1044 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1045 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1046 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1046.01 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1047 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1048 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1049 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1050 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1051 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1052 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1053 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1054 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1055 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 5, § 6.
- 66-1056 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1057 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1058 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1059 Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 11, § 2.
- 66-1060 Legislative findings.
- 66-1061 Section and repeal of section, how construed.
- 66-1062 Terms, defined.
- 66-1063 Governmental unit; energy financing contracts; authorized.
- 66-1064 Governmental unit; powers and duties.
- 66-1065 Energy financing contract; contents; energy service company; bond requirements.
- 66-1066 Energy financing contract; terms.
- 66-1101 Legislative findings.
- 66-1102 Terms, defined.
- 66-1103 Severance of mineral estate; right to develop geothermal resource; attaches; exception.
- 66-1104 Owner of mineral estate; right of entry; lease of state-owned geothermal resources.
- 66-1105 Geothermal resource development; conditions; permit; Department of Natural Resources; adopt rules and regulations.
- 66-1106 Development and production of geothermal resources; provisions applicable.
- 66-1201 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1202 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1203 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1204 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1205 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1206 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1207 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1208 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1209 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1210 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1211 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1212 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1213 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 736, § 1.
- 66-1214 Motor fuel dispensers; label requirements; penalty.
- 66-1215 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 73.
- 66-1216 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 73.
- 66-1217 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 73.
- 66-1218 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 73.
- 66-1219 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 73.
- 66-1220 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 73.
- 66-1221 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 73.
- 66-1222 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 73.
- 66-1223 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 73.
- 66-1224 Repealed. Laws 1995, LB 182, § 73.
- 66-1225 Reformulated gasoline; requirements for sale.
- 66-1226 Standard Specifications for Automotive Spark Ignition Engine Fuels; adoption by reference; sale of fuels; requirements; violations; penalties.
- 66-1227 Methyl tertiary butyl ether; restriction.
- 66-1301 Transferred to section 66-1330.
- 66-1302 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1303 Transferred to section 66-1333.
- 66-1304 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1305 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1306 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1307 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1307.01 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1307.02 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1308 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1309 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1310 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1311 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1312 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1313 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1314 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1315 Transferred to section 66-1339.
- 66-1316 Transferred to section 66-1340.
- 66-1317 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1318 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 279, § 15.
- 66-1319 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1320 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1321 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1321.01 Transferred to section 66-1341.
- 66-1322 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1323 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 364, § 26.
- 66-1324 Transferred to section 66-1342.
- 66-1325 Transferred to section 66-1343.
- 66-1326 Transferred to section 66-1344.
- 66-1327 Transferred to section 66-1345.
- 66-1328 Transferred to section 66-1346.
- 66-1329 Transferred to section 66-1347.
- 66-1330 Act, how cited.
- 66-1331 Legislative findings.
- 66-1332 Public policy.
- 66-1333 Terms, defined.
- 66-1334 Agricultural Alcohol Fuel Tax Fund; created; use; investment.
- 66-1335 Nebraska Ethanol Board; established; terms; vacancy; meetings; expenses.
- 66-1336 Administrator.
- 66-1337 Board; administrative powers.
- 66-1338 National ethanol promotion group; board; powers.
- 66-1339 Federal funds; solicitation; use.
- 66-1340 Board; accept property; powers.
- 66-1341 Application; information confidential.
- 66-1342 Repayment of loan; other funds; remittance.
- 66-1343 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 605, § 8.
- 66-1344 Ethanol tax credits; conditions; limitations; Department of Revenue; powers and duties.
- 66-1344.01 Ethanol tax credits; agreement required; contents.
- 66-1345 Ethanol Production Incentive Cash Fund; created; use; investment; transfers; duties.
- 66-1345.01 Corn and grain sorghum; excise tax; procedure.
- 66-1345.02 Excise tax; records required; remittance of tax; duties; calculations required by Department of Agriculture; report.
- 66-1345.03 Excise tax; violation; penalty.
- 66-1345.04 Transfer to Ethanol Production Incentive Cash Fund; legislative intent.
- 66-1345.05 Funds received by the Department of Revenue; disposition.
- 66-1346 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 479, § 12.
- 66-1347 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 605, § 8.
- 66-1348 Investment agreements; act; how construed.
- 66-1349 Ethanol facility eligible for tax credits or incentives; employ residents.
- 66-1350 Repealed. Laws 2004, LB 810, § 1; Laws 2004, LB 940, § 4.
- 66-1401 Act, how cited.
- 66-1402 Purpose of act.
- 66-1403 Terms, defined.
- 66-1404 Cooperative fuel tax agreements; local reciprocal exemption agreements; authorized.
- 66-1405 Tax rate; how determined; setoff authorized.
- 66-1406 Agreements; provisions.
- 66-1406.01 License required; when.
- 66-1406.02 License; director; powers.
- 66-1407 Excess tax paid; credit.
- 66-1408 Audits authorized.
- 66-1409 Director; disclose information; when.
- 66-1410 Rules and regulations.
- 66-1411 Legal remedies; rules and regulations.
- 66-1411.01 Director; enforcement powers.
- 66-1412 Agreement; controlling provisions.
- 66-1413 Contract to administer act; authorized.
- 66-1414 Fuel tax; disposition; Motor Carrier Services Division Distributive Fund; created; use; investment.
- 66-1415 Decal fee; Motor Carrier Division Cash Fund; use.
- 66-1416 Sections; purpose; terms, defined.
- 66-1417 Trip permit or payment of motor fuels taxes; required; violation; penalty.
- 66-1418 Trip permits; issuance; fees.
- 66-1419 Records; required.
- 66-1501 Act, how cited.
- 66-1502 Statement of purpose.
- 66-1503 Definitions, where found.
- 66-1504 Department, defined.
- 66-1505 Repealed. Laws 1994, LB 1160, § 127.
- 66-1506 Fund, defined.
- 66-1507 Importer, defined.
- 66-1508 Operator, defined.
- 66-1509 Owner, defined.
- 66-1510 Petroleum, defined.
- 66-1511 Refiner, defined.
- 66-1512 Release, defined.
- 66-1513 Remedial action, defined.
- 66-1514 Responsible person, defined.
- 66-1514.01 Supplier, defined.
- 66-1515 Tank, defined.
- 66-1515.01 Third-party claim, defined.
- 66-1516 Responsibility for release or third-party claim; avoidance; prohibited; when.
- 66-1517 Reimbursement for remedial actions and third-party claims; act; how construed.
- 66-1518 Rules and regulations; schedule of rates; use.
- 66-1519 Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 66-1519.01 Petroleum Release Remedial Action Cash Fund; transfer to Wastewater Treatment Facilities Construction Loan Fund; authorized; repayment; contracts authorized.
- 66-1520 Owner of registered tank; petroleum release remedial action fee; amount.
- 66-1521 Petroleum release remedial action fee; amount; license required; filing; violation; penalty; Motor Fuel Tax Enforcement and Collection Division of the Department of Revenue; powers and duties; Petroleum Release Remedial Action Collection Fund; create
- 66-1522 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1161, § 99.
- 66-1523 Reimbursement; amount; limitations; Prompt Payment Act applicable.
- 66-1524 State not liable; when; payment of principal and interest on unpaid applications.
- 66-1525 Reimbursement; application; procedure; State Fire Marshal; duties; reduction of reimbursement; notification required.
- 66-1526 Reimbursement; not subject to legal process or attachment; when.
- 66-1527 Failure to complete remedial action; reimburse fund.
- 66-1528 Person receiving conveyance; action; not barred.
- 66-1529 Reimbursement; assignment; authorized.
- 66-1529.01 Remedial action; fixtures and tangible personal property; treatment.
- 66-1529.02 Remedial actions by department; third-party claims; recovery of expenses.
- 66-1530 Department; federal funding; duty.
- 66-1531 Claim under State Miscellaneous Claims Act authorized; procedure; limitations.
- 66-1532 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 832, § 3.
- 66-1601 Act, how cited.
- 66-1602 Purposes of act.
- 66-1603 Definitions, where found.
- 66-1604 Bulk, defined.
- 66-1605 Council, defined.
- 66-1606 Education, defined.
- 66-1607 Industry, defined.
- 66-1608 Industry trade association, defined.
- 66-1609 Manufacturer and distributor of liquefied petroleum gas equipment, defined.
- 66-1610 Odorized propane, defined.
- 66-1611 Person, defined.
- 66-1612 Propane, defined.
- 66-1613 Qualified industry organization, defined.
- 66-1614 Research, defined.
- 66-1615 Retail marketer, defined.
- 66-1616 Wholesaler, supplier, or importer, defined.
- 66-1617 Propane Education and Research Council; referendum for creation; approval.
- 66-1618 Council; members; appointment; terms.
- 66-1619 Council; powers and duties; rules and regulations.
- 66-1620 Council; implement act; use of funds.
- 66-1621 Propane education and research fee; collection and use.
- 66-1622 Act; how construed.
- 66-1623 Retail marketers; liability insurance; employees; training requirements; violation; penalty.
- 66-1624 Council; suspension or termination; referendum.
- 66-1625 Price of propane; legislative intent.
- 66-1626 Collection of fees.
- 66-1627 Venue.
- 66-1701 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 246, § 2.
- 66-1801 Act, how cited.
- 66-1802 Terms, defined.
- 66-1803 Exemptions from act; conditions; action to determine.
- 66-1804 Commission; powers; act, how construed.
- 66-1805 Rules and regulations; commission; additional powers; Attorney General; duties.
- 66-1806 Jurisdictional utilities; filings required.
- 66-1807 Commission; powers; how construed.
- 66-1808 Rate changes; term or condition of service; when effective.
- 66-1809 Commission; investigations authorized; hearing; powers.
- 66-1810 Service to high-volume ratepayers, agricultural ratepayers, and interruptible ratepayers; jurisdictional utility; powers.
- 66-1811 Complaint; investigation; hearing; where held; commission; powers.
- 66-1812 Rate proceeding; intervention by county or city.
- 66-1813 Proceedings for review; parties; rights and privileges.
- 66-1814 Action of commission; review.
- 66-1815 Jurisdictional utility; reports; failure to file; penalty.
- 66-1816 Jurisdictional utility; ownership of competitor; prohibited; when.
- 66-1817 Completion and dedication of property.
- 66-1818 Commission; examinations and audits; authorized.
- 66-1819 Nonregulated private enterprise; how treated.
- 66-1820 Franchise ordinances; requirements.
- 66-1821 Franchise or certificate of convenience; restrictions.
- 66-1822 Prohibited acts; penalty.
- 66-1823 Criminal and civil proceedings to compel compliance.
- 66-1824 Federal actions; commission; powers.
- 66-1825 Rates; requirements.
- 66-1826 Payment of dividends; limitation.
- 66-1827 Encumbrance of property; limitation.
- 66-1828 Reorganization or change of control; approval required.
- 66-1829 Disclosure of information; limitations.
- 66-1830 Office of public advocate; created; duties; appointment; qualifications.
- 66-1831 Public advocate; powers.
- 66-1832 Office of public advocate; administration.
- 66-1833 Public advocate; access to information; limitations.
- 66-1834 Public advocate; records; how kept.
- 66-1835 Public advocate; ex parte communications.
- 66-1836 Investigations; powers.
- 66-1837 Commission; contract for services.
- 66-1838 General rate filings; requirements.
- 66-1839 Municipal Rate Negotiations Revolving Loan Fund; created; use; administration; audit; investment; loan repayment.
- 66-1840 Commission; investigation expenses; assessment against jurisdictional utility; procedure.
- 66-1841 Commission; determination of total expenditures; assessment against jurisdictional utilities; limitation.
- 66-1842 Public Service Commission Regulation Fund; created; use; investment.
- 66-1843 Jurisdictional utility; failure to pay assessment; procedure.
- 66-1844 Jurisdictional utility; objections to assessment; procedure.
- 66-1845 Jurisdictional utility; assessment; action to recover.
- 66-1846 Action to recover assessment; requirements.
- 66-1847 Public natural gas utilities; requirements.
- 66-1848 Competitive natural gas providers and aggregators; terms, defined.
- 66-1849 Competitive natural gas providers and aggregators; certification by commission; costs and expenses; allocation.
- 66-1850 Act; enforcement; prior law; applicability.
- 66-1851 Jurisdictional utility; customer choice or other programs; how treated.
- 66-1852 Extension of natural gas mains or other services; limitations.
- 66-1853 Certificate of public convenience; requirements.
- 66-1854 Cost of gas supply; effect on rate schedules; procedure.
- 66-1855 Banded rates; commission; powers.
- 66-1856 Construction of new facilities; prior approval not required.
- 66-1857 Rights and remedies; how construed.
- 66-1858 Metropolitan utilities district; solicitations prohibited; proposals authorized; when.
- 66-1859 Enlargement or extension of area; applicability of sections.
- 66-1860 Enlargement or extension of area; considerations.
- 66-1861 Enlargement or extension of area; rebuttable presumptions.
- 66-1862 Duplicative gas mains or services; prohibited.
- 66-1863 Enlargement or extension of area; review by Public Service Commission; when required.
- 66-1864 Enlargement or extension of area; records; open to public; use.
- 66-1865 Jurisdictional utility; application and proposed rate schedules; filing; commission; powers.
- 66-1866 Jurisdictional utility; prior filing not subject to negotiations; application for infrastructure system replacement cost recovery charge; duties; public advocate; duties; commission; powers; change in rate schedules.
- 66-1867 Jurisdictional utility; prior filing subject to negotiations; application for infrastructure system replacement cost recovery charge; duties; affected cities; powers; commission; powers; change in rate schedules.
- 66-1868 Rural infrastructure development; rural infrastructure surcharge tariff; filing in additional filings; agreement; contents; gas supply cost adjustment tariff; collection; refund; billing.
- 66-1901 Repealed. Laws 2015, LB 469, § 19.
- 66-2001 Natural Gas Fuel Board; established; members; terms; vacancy; meetings; duties; State Energy Office; administrative support.
- 66-2101 Legislative declaration.
- 66-2102 Terms, defined.
- 66-2103 City; utilization of funds; powers.
- 66-2104 Rural infrastructure development; jurisdictional utility; powers.
- 66-2105 Jurisdictional utility; consider factors.
- 66-2106 Jurisdictional utility; applicability of other law.
- 66-2107 Sections; applicability.
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