There Is a Newer Version of the Nebraska Revised Statutes
2015 Nebraska Revised Statutes
- 25-101 Civil action.
- 25-102 Parties; how designated.
- 25-103 Feigned issues prohibited; issue not plead; tried, when.
- 25-201 Civil actions; when commenced.
- 25-201.01 Civil actions; savings clause; conditions.
- 25-201.02 Amendment of pleading; effect.
- 25-202 Actions for the recovery of title or possession of real estate or foreclosure of mortgages or deeds of trust as mortgages.
- 25-203 Actions for forcible entry and detainer of real property.
- 25-204 Actions other than for the recovery of real property.
- 25-205 Actions on written contracts, on foreign judgments, or to recover collateral.
- 25-206 Actions on oral contracts or statutory liabilities.
- 25-207 Actions for trespass, conversion, other torts, and frauds; exceptions.
- 25-208 Actions for libel, slander, malpractice, and recovery of tax.
- 25-209 Actions on official or judicial bonds.
- 25-210 Actions against sureties on guardian's bond.
- 25-211 Actions on contracts by reason of failure or want of consideration.
- 25-212 Actions not specified.
- 25-213 Tolling of statutes of limitation; when.
- 25-214 Actions against absconding or absent debtor.
- 25-215 Repealed. Laws 2006, LB 1115, § 47.
- 25-216 Part payment; acknowledgment of debt; effect upon accrual.
- 25-217 Action; commencement; defendant not served; effect.
- 25-218 Claims by and against the state; when barred.
- 25-219 Actions upon liability created by federal statute.
- 25-220 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 264, § 1.
- 25-221 Statute of limitations; trial procedure.
- 25-222 Actions on professional negligence.
- 25-223 Action on breach of warranty on improvements to real property.
- 25-224 Actions on product liability.
- 25-225 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 529, § 58.
- 25-226 Cause of action against a common carrier; limitation.
- 25-227 Action to enforce obligation to pay certificate of deposit; when.
- 25-228 Action by victim of sexual assault of a child; when.
- 25-301 Real party in interest.
- 25-302 Assignee of a thing in action.
- 25-303 Assignee; defenses and counterclaims available.
- 25-304 Parties to actions.
- 25-305 Married woman.
- 25-306 Wife's right to defend.
- 25-307 Suit by infant, guardian, or next friend; exception; substitution by court.
- 25-308 Action by guardian, conservator, or next friend; liability for costs; security; witness.
- 25-309 Suit against infant; guardian for suit; when appointed; exception.
- 25-310 Suit against infant; guardian; how appointed.
- 25-311 Joinder of plaintiffs.
- 25-312 Defendants; how designated; misnomer; when immaterial.
- 25-312.01 Dissolved corporation; suit authorized.
- 25-313 Company, partnership, or unincorporated association; designation.
- 25-314 Transferred to section 25-530.08.
- 25-314.01 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-315 Partnership or unincorporated association; security for costs.
- 25-316 Company, partnership, or unincorporated association; member's individual property; how subjected to satisfaction of judgment.
- 25-317 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 234, § 12.
- 25-318 Necessary joinder; involuntary joinder; procedure.
- 25-319 Class actions; representation.
- 25-319.01 Class action litigation; unpaid residue; payment by defendant.
- 25-320 Permissive joinder of defendants.
- 25-321 Unknown defendants; how designated.
- 25-322 Substitution of parties; death; disability; transfer of interest.
- 25-323 Necessary parties; brought into suit; procedure.
- 25-324 Actions for recovery of real or personal property; interest in property; intervention.
- 25-325 Interpleader by order of court upon affidavit of defendant.
- 25-326 Interpleader; when sheriff or other officer defendant.
- 25-327 Substitution; plaintiff in execution for sheriff or other officer.
- 25-328 Intervention; right; procedure.
- 25-329 Intervention; judgment; costs.
- 25-330 Intervention; complaint; other pleadings.
- 25-331 Third-party action; procedure.
- 25-401 Local actions involving real estate.
- 25-402 Local actions involving real estate located in more than one county.
- 25-403 Action for specific performance of land contract.
- 25-403.01 Actions; venue; transfer; payment of expenses.
- 25-403.02 Venue; residency; determination.
- 25-404 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 529, § 58.
- 25-405 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 529, § 58.
- 25-406 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 529, § 58.
- 25-407 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 529, § 58.
- 25-408 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 529, § 58.
- 25-409 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 529, § 58.
- 25-410 Transfer of actions; clerk of transferor court; duties; clerk of transferee court; duties; certain support orders; how treated.
- 25-411 Change of venue; procedure; effect; expenses.
- 25-412 Change of venue in local actions involving real estate; transfer and entry of judgment.
- 25-412.01 Criminal cases; counties of 4,000 inhabitants or less; inadequate facilities; change of venue.
- 25-412.02 Civil cases; counties of 4,000 inhabitants or less; inadequate facilities; change of venue.
- 25-412.03 County board; agreements for criminal and civil trials.
- 25-412.04 Criminal and civil trials; agreements for change of venue; jury; selection.
- 25-413 State, defined.
- 25-414 Choice of forum; jurisdiction; conditions.
- 25-415 Choice of forum in another state; action pending in this state; procedure.
- 25-416 Sections, how construed.
- 25-417 Act, how cited.
- 25-501 Actions; how commenced.
- 25-502 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-502.01 Praecipe for summons.
- 25-503 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-503.01 Summons.
- 25-504 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-504.01 Summons and complaint; service.
- 25-505 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-505.01 Service of summons; methods; State Court Administrator; maintain list.
- 25-506 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-506.01 Process; by whom served.
- 25-507 Process server; requirements; bond; cost.
- 25-507.01 Summons; proof of service; return date.
- 25-508 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-508.01 Service on individual.
- 25-509 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-509.01 Service on corporation.
- 25-510 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-510.01 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-510.02 Service on state or political subdivision.
- 25-511 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-511.01 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-511.02 Service on dissolved corporation.
- 25-512 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-512.01 Service on partnership.
- 25-513 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-513.01 Service on unincorporated association.
- 25-514 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-514.01 Service on agent.
- 25-515 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-516 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-516.01 Service; voluntary appearance; defenses.
- 25-517 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-517.01 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-517.02 Substitute and constructive service.
- 25-518 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-518.01 Service by publication.
- 25-519 Service by publication; how made; contents.
- 25-520 Service by publication; when complete; how proved; affidavit of publication.
- 25-520.01 Service by publication; mailing of published notice; requirements; waiver; when mailing not required.
- 25-520.02 Action or proceeding, defined.
- 25-520.03 Sections, how construed.
- 25-520.04 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 735, § 1.
- 25-521 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-522 Service by publication; designation of newspaper.
- 25-523 Legal newspaper, defined; prior publications legalized.
- 25-524 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-525 Judgment on constructive service; how opened; procedure.
- 25-526 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-527 Procedure when defendants not all served.
- 25-528 Personal service upon appointed resident agent; appointment invalidates constructive service, when.
- 25-529 Personal service upon appointed resident agent; appointment; recording and indexing; fees.
- 25-530 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-530.01 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-530.02 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-530.03 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-530.04 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-530.05 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-530.06 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-530.07 Repealed. Laws 1983, LB 447, § 104.
- 25-530.08 Company, firm, or unincorporated association; appointment of agent; execution on judgment; fees.
- 25-531 Lis pendens; notice; where filed; contents; recording; cancellation; filing fee.
- 25-532 Notice of judgment when property situated in more than one county.
- 25-533 Attachment and execution issued from another county; notice upon entry in encumbrance book.
- 25-534 Order, motion, or notice; service; delivery.
- 25-535 Person, defined.
- 25-536 Jurisdiction over a person.
- 25-537 Service outside state.
- 25-538 Action in another forum; stay or dismissal of action.
- 25-539 Jurisdiction authorized.
- 25-540 Service outside state; manner.
- 25-541 Sections, how construed.
- 25-542 Service of process; applicability.
- 25-543 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 43, § 30.
- 25-601 Dismissal without prejudice.
- 25-602 Dismissal without prejudice; by plaintiff in vacation; exceptions; payment of costs.
- 25-603 Dismissal without prejudice; trial on setoff or counterclaim.
- 25-701 Joinder of claims.
- 25-702 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 234, § 12.
- 25-703 Consolidation of actions; motion and notice.
- 25-704 Consolidation of actions; order.
- 25-705 Joinder; procedures; misjoinder.
- 25-801 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-801.01 Rules of pleading; Supreme Court; promulgate.
- 25-802 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-803 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-804 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-805 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-806 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-807 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-808 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-809 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-810 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-811 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-812 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-813 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-814 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-815 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-816 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-817 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-818 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-819 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-820 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-821 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-822 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-823 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-824 Pleadings; use in other actions; frivolous pleading; effect; effect of signature; frivolous actions; award of attorney's fees and costs.
- 25-824.01 Frivolous actions; attorney's fees; costs; determination of amount.
- 25-824.02 Frivolous actions; actual attorney's fee; effect of award; stipulations authorized.
- 25-824.03 Frivolous actions; applicability of sections.
- 25-825 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 182, § 2.
- 25-826 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 182, § 2.
- 25-827 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 182, § 2.
- 25-828 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 182, § 2.
- 25-829 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 182, § 2.
- 25-830 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 182, § 2.
- 25-831 Repealed. Laws 1969, c. 182, § 2.
- 25-832 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-833 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-834 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-835 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-836 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-837 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-838 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-839 Libel or slander; how sufficiently pleaded; burden of proof.
- 25-840 Libel or slander; truth as defense; effect of actual malice.
- 25-840.01 Libel; invasion of privacy; damages; retraction; effect.
- 25-840.02 Broadcasting stations; liability.
- 25-841 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-842 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-843 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-844 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-845 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-846 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-847 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-848 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-849 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-850 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-851 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-852 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-853 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-854 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-855 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-856 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-901 Offer of judgment before trial; procedure; effect.
- 25-902 Offer of judgment; no cause for continuance or postponement.
- 25-903 Submitting controversy without action; procedure.
- 25-904 Record; what constitutes.
- 25-905 Judgment; effect.
- 25-906 Confession of judgment after action brought; effect.
- 25-907 Confession of judgment before action brought; effect.
- 25-908 Motion, defined.
- 25-909 Motion; several objects authorized.
- 25-910 Notice of motion; contents.
- 25-911 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 284, § 1.
- 25-912 Repealed. Laws 1961, c. 284, § 1.
- 25-913 Motion to strike pleadings and papers from files; notice, when.
- 25-914 Order, defined.
- 25-915 Orders out of court; journal entry.
- 25-1001 Attachment; grounds.
- 25-1002 Attachment; affidavit of plaintiff; contents.
- 25-1003 Attachment; plaintiff's undertaking; bond; amount.
- 25-1004 Attachment; order; contents; service; manner.
- 25-1005 Attachment; several and successive orders; issuance to several counties; costs; taxation.
- 25-1006 Attachment; order; return day.
- 25-1007 Attachment; several orders against same defendant; time of service.
- 25-1008 Attachment; order; execution; inventory; appraisement.
- 25-1009 Attachment or garnishment; delivery of property to defendant or garnishee; conditions.
- 25-1010 Attachment; garnishment; affidavit; summons; answer; duties of garnishee; written interrogatories; financial institution; service of process; designated location; Department of Banking and Finance; immunity.
- 25-1011 Garnishment; service upon garnishee; forms; notice; hearing.
- 25-1012 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 597, § 18.
- 25-1012.01 Garnishment; public officers and employees.
- 25-1012.02 Garnishment; public officers and employees; procedure; process; answer.
- 25-1013 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 597, § 18.
- 25-1014 Several attachments of same property; inventory and appraisement.
- 25-1015 Attached property; subsequent orders; procedure.
- 25-1016 Order of attachment; return; contents.
- 25-1017 Order of attachment; effect; lien of consignee; interest and other costs; how computed.
- 25-1018 Attachment; receiver; appointment; oath; bond; accounting.
- 25-1019 Attachment; receiver; powers and duties; actions by.
- 25-1020 Attachment; receiver; appointment; notice to debtors of defendant in attachment; effect.
- 25-1021 Attachment; receiver; reports; custody of property; duties.
- 25-1022 Attachment; sheriff; powers when no receiver appointed; bond.
- 25-1023 Attached property; preservation; sale; proceeds.
- 25-1024 Attachment; discharge; bond; effect; restitution of property or proceeds.
- 25-1025 Attachment; discharge; bond, how executed.
- 25-1026 Garnishee; answer; interrogatories; filing fee; costs.
- 25-1027 Garnishee; payment into court; effect; costs.
- 25-1028 Garnishee; failure to answer; presumption; judgment.
- 25-1029 Garnishment; property; delivery into court; bond in lieu of delivery.
- 25-1030 Garnishee; answer; controvert; allegations; liability; release.
- 25-1030.01 Garnishee; application; notice; manner of service.
- 25-1030.02 Garnishee; application; hearing; judgment.
- 25-1030.03 Garnishment; ownership of property; intervention; trial.
- 25-1031 Garnishee; final judgment; when rendered; effect; discharge by delivery of property; costs.
- 25-1031.01 Garnishment; judgment; effect.
- 25-1031.02 Garnishment; costs; fee.
- 25-1032 Attachment; judgment for defendant; effect; return of property or proceeds.
- 25-1033 Attachment; judgment for plaintiff; how satisfied; return of surplus.
- 25-1034 Attached property; delivery to sheriff; power of court to compel.
- 25-1035 Attached property out of sheriff's possession; repossession; power of court to order.
- 25-1036 Attachment; intervening claimants; proceeding to ascertain title.
- 25-1037 Several attachments; same property; reference.
- 25-1038 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 597, § 18.
- 25-1039 Attachment; additional security; right of defendant to require.
- 25-1040 Attachment; motion to discharge; right of defendant.
- 25-1041 Attachment; motion to discharge; evidence.
- 25-1042 Attachment; county court; procedure.
- 25-1043 Attachment of lands in another county; copy to be filed with register of deeds.
- 25-1044 Attachment of lands in another county; writ and certificate; recording constitutes notice.
- 25-1045 Attachment; discharge; duty of clerk to certify; duty of register of deeds to record.
- 25-1046 Attachment; copy of order; taxation as costs.
- 25-1047 Attachment; order of discharge; when and how superseded.
- 25-1048 Attachment; order of discharge; appeal; original action unaffected.
- 25-1049 Attachment; claims not due; action authorized; when.
- 25-1050 Attachment; claims not due; procedure; affidavit required.
- 25-1051 Attachment order in actions on claims not due; refusal requires dismissal of action.
- 25-1052 Attachment order in actions on claims not due; amount; specification.
- 25-1053 Repealed. Laws 1980, LB 597, § 18.
- 25-1054 Attachment in actions on claims not due; judgment; when rendered.
- 25-1055 Attachment in actions on claims not due; procedure in general.
- 25-1056 Garnishment in aid of execution; when issued; procedure; continuing lien; when invalid; priority; financial institution; service of process; designated location; Department of Banking and Finance; immunity.
- 25-1057 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 68, § 2.
- 25-1058 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 68, § 2.
- 25-1059 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 68, § 2.
- 25-1060 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 68, § 2.
- 25-1061 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 68, § 2.
- 25-1062 Injunction, defined.
- 25-1062.01 Director of Natural Resources, defined; notice to appropriator; how given.
- 25-1063 Temporary injunction; issuance; grounds.
- 25-1064 Temporary injunctions and restraining orders; courts and judges empowered to issue; conditions; temporary restraining order granted without notice; requirements; actions involving irrigation water; notice, how given.
- 25-1064.01 Order granting an injunction; restraining order; requirements.
- 25-1064.02 Sections, how construed.
- 25-1065 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 516, § 17.
- 25-1066 Repealed. Laws 1986, LB 516, § 17.
- 25-1067 Injunctions; security.
- 25-1068 Service of order of injunction; when not required.
- 25-1069 Service of order; return.
- 25-1070 Injunctions; when binding.
- 25-1071 Injunctions not granted; when.
- 25-1072 Enforcement; disobedience; punishment.
- 25-1073 Motion for additional security; vacation.
- 25-1074 Hearings; affidavits.
- 25-1075 Injunction without notice; vacation; modification; notice.
- 25-1076 Injunction without notice; showing and counter-showing; affidavits.
- 25-1077 Counterclaim; injunction upon.
- 25-1078 Temporary injunction; modification; dissolution; supersedeas bond.
- 25-1079 Temporary injunction; modification; dissolution; supersedeas bond; when executed; form; contents.
- 25-1080 Temporary injunction; modification; dissolution; supersedeas bond; effect.
- 25-1081 Appointment of receiver; grounds.
- 25-1082 Notice of application for appointment; service.
- 25-1083 Property; possession by sheriff; when authorized; restitution.
- 25-1084 Applicants for receiver; bonds required; contents; filing.
- 25-1085 Application; form; content.
- 25-1086 Qualifications of receiver; sureties; objections; nomination by other parties.
- 25-1087 Order of appointment; special directions.
- 25-1088 Receivers; extent of representation.
- 25-1089 Appointment of receiver without notice; void.
- 25-1090 Inconclusive decree; appointment of master; disposition of property; orders; appeal.
- 25-1091 Receivers; disobedience of orders; punishment; sheriff may act.
- 25-1092 Receivers; compensation.
- 25-1093 Replevin; delivery of property; notice, when required.
- 25-1093.01 Request delivery of property; affidavit; contents.
- 25-1093.02 Affidavit; filing; service; temporary order; effect; hearing; when.
- 25-1093.03 Affidavit; temporary order; notice; hearing.
- 25-1093.04 Order for delivery of property.
- 25-1094 Order for delivery; contents.
- 25-1095 Order for delivery; contents.
- 25-1096 Order for delivery; when returnable.
- 25-1097 Order for delivery; how executed.
- 25-1098 Delivery of property to plaintiff; bond; contents; return; redelivery bond.
- 25-1099 Bond; amount; determination; appraisal.
- 25-10,100 Failure to furnish bond; duty and liability of officer; return of property to defendant.
- 25-10,101 Bond; objections to sureties; waiver; liability of officer.
- 25-10,102 Judgment against plaintiff upon dismissal; failure of plaintiff to prosecute; procedure.
- 25-10,103 Verdict for defendant; further findings required; damages.
- 25-10,104 Judgment for defendant; irregularity in process or jurisdictional defect; restoration of status quo.
- 25-10,105 Judgment for plaintiff; damages; costs.
- 25-10,106 Property not taken or returned to defendant; judgment for plaintiff; nature and amount.
- 25-10,107 Order for delivery of property; directed to other counties; successive orders; taxation of costs.
- 25-10,108 Order of delivery; execution; powers of officer.
- 25-10,109 Suits on undertakings; when brought.
- 25-10,110 Order for delivery of property; issuance without court order; effect; taxation of costs.
- 25-1101 Issues; kinds.
- 25-1102 Issue of fact; how formed.
- 25-1103 Trial, defined.
- 25-1104 Issues; how tried generally; court and jury.
- 25-1105 Issues of fact triable to court.
- 25-1106 Formation of jury; applicability of law.
- 25-1107 Order of trial.
- 25-1107.01 Jurors; permitted to take notes; use; destruction.
- 25-1108 View of property or place by jury.
- 25-1109 Cause submitted; action and conduct of jury.
- 25-1110 Jury; separation; admonition of court.
- 25-1111 Instructions by court; requested instructions; requirements.
- 25-1112 Requested instruction; how modified.
- 25-1113 Given or refused instructions; how indicated; requirements.
- 25-1114 Instructions; paragraphing; numbering; filing; record.
- 25-1115 Instructions; oral explanation prohibited; failure to reduce instructions to writing; failure of court to perform duty; effect.
- 25-1116 Instructions after retirement.
- 25-1117 Jury; when discharged.
- 25-1118 Jury; retrial on discharge.
- 25-1119 Assessment of amount of recovery.
- 25-1120 Special verdict; controls general verdict.
- 25-1121 Special verdicts; when allowed; procedure; filing; record.
- 25-1122 General and special verdicts; definitions; form of special verdicts generally.
- 25-1123 Verdict; form; correction.
- 25-1124 Rendition of verdict; polling of jury.
- 25-1125 Five-sixths verdict; jurors to sign.
- 25-1126 Jury trial; waiver.
- 25-1127 Trial by court; general finding; findings of fact; conclusions of law.
- 25-1128 Trial by the court; provisions for jury trials applicable.
- 25-1129 Reference by consent; when allowed.
- 25-1130 Reference by court order; when allowed.
- 25-1131 Trial by referee; procedure; findings of fact; conclusions of law; effect.
- 25-1132 Referees; how chosen; number.
- 25-1133 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 1014, § 80.
- 25-1134 Trial by referee; exceptions; report.
- 25-1135 Reference in vacation; written consent required.
- 25-1136 Referees; oath or affirmation.
- 25-1137 Referees; compensation.
- 25-1138 Exception, defined.
- 25-1139 Taking and noting of exceptions; unnecessary, when.
- 25-1140 Bill of exceptions; filing of request; further proceedings governed by rules of court.
- 25-1140.01 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 104, § 3.
- 25-1140.02 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 104, § 3.
- 25-1140.03 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 104, § 3.
- 25-1140.04 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 104, § 3.
- 25-1140.05 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 104, § 3.
- 25-1140.06 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 104, § 3.
- 25-1140.07 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 104, § 3.
- 25-1140.08 Bill of exceptions; boards and tribunals; filing of request; further proceedings governed by rules of court.
- 25-1140.09 See note regarding referendum petition following the source at the end of the section. Bill of exceptions; preparation; court reporter; fees; procedure for preparation; taxation of cost.
- 25-1141 Testimony; repetition of objections unnecessary.
- 25-1142 New trial, defined; grounds.
- 25-1143 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 921, § 38.
- 25-1144 New trial; motion; form.
- 25-1144.01 New trial; motion; when filed; filing before entry of judgment; treatment.
- 25-1145 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 921, § 38.
- 25-1146 Damages.
- 25-1147 Actions; when triable.
- 25-1148 Continuance or adjournment of causes pending; motion; affidavits; oral testimony; order; effect.
- 25-1149 Issues; order in which tried; time of hearing.
- 25-1150 Transferred to section 25-21,184.
- 25-1151 Transferred to section 25-21,185.
- 25-1152 Transferred to section 25-21,186.
- 25-1153 Transferred to section 25-21,187.
- 25-1154 Legislative purpose and findings.
- 25-1155 Motion; when granted; contents.
- 25-1156 Trial; how conducted.
- 25-1157 Trial; use of verdict; records; not required.
- 25-1201 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1202 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1203 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1204 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1205 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1206 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1207 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1208 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1209 Witnesses; answer subjecting to civil liability; not privileged.
- 25-1210 Witnesses; answer subjecting to criminal liability; disgracing answer; privilege.
- 25-1211 Witnesses; credibility; impeachment.
- 25-1212 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 62, § 5.
- 25-1213 Notarial protest as evidence of dishonor; bill of exchange or promissory note.
- 25-1214 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1215 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1216 Evidence; instrument; written and printed matter; writing controls.
- 25-1217 Agreements; construction of terms.
- 25-1218 Works of history, science, or art; presumptive evidence.
- 25-1219 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1220 Handwriting; proof by comparison; experts; jury.
- 25-1221 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1222 Private writing; when admissible without proof.
- 25-1222.01 Advance payment by person or corporation to injured person; not admission against interest; credit for payment; not admissible as evidence at trial.
- 25-1222.02 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1223 Subpoena; issuance; by whom served; return; costs.
- 25-1224 Subpoena; to whom directed; duces tecum.
- 25-1225 Subpoena on taking deposition; by whom issued.
- 25-1226 Subpoena; manner of service; time; return.
- 25-1227 Witnesses in civil cases; compulsory attendance; distance required to travel; fees and expenses allowed.
- 25-1228 Subpoena; duty of witness; privilege as to fees and expenses; return.
- 25-1229 Subpoena; disobedience; refusal to testify or sign deposition; contempt.
- 25-1230 Subpoena; disobedience; attachment; undertaking; rule to show cause.
- 25-1231 Subpoena; disobedience; refusal to testify or sign deposition; punishment of witness for contempt.
- 25-1232 Subpoena; disobedience; attachment; commitment; form; to whom directed.
- 25-1233 Prisoner; examination; deposition; production order.
- 25-1234 Prisoner; deposition; manner of taking.
- 25-1235 Subpoena; nonresident witness; immunity from service of summons.
- 25-1236 Witnesses; duty to testify; privilege as to fees.
- 25-1237 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1238 Subpoena; witness avoiding service; powers of officer.
- 25-1239 Subpoena to party; failure to attend and testify; continuance; costs.
- 25-1240 Testimony; how taken.
- 25-1241 Affidavit, defined.
- 25-1242 Deposition, defined.
- 25-1243 Oral examination, defined.
- 25-1244 Affidavit; when used.
- 25-1245 Affidavit; before whom made; attorney at law not disqualified.
- 25-1246 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1247 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1248 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1249 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1250 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1251 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1252 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1253 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1254 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1255 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1256 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1257 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1258 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1259 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1260 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1261 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1262 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1263 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1264 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1265 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1266 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1267 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1267.01 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.02 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.03 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.04 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.05 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.06 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.07 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.08 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.09 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.10 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.11 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.12 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.13 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.14 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.15 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.16 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.17 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.18 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.19 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.20 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.21 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.22 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.23 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.24 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.25 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.26 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.27 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.28 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.29 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.30 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.31 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.32 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.33 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.34 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.35 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.36 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.37 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.38 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.39 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.40 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.41 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.42 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.43 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.44 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1267.45 Repealed. Laws 1982, LB 716, § 4.
- 25-1268 Discovery; delivery of copies of documents; refusal to deliver; penalty.
- 25-1269 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1270 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1271 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1272 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1273 Nonparty; discovery; subpoena; procedure.
- 25-1273.01 Rules of procedure.
- 25-1274 Legal notices; proof of publication.
- 25-1275 Legal notices; proof of posting or service.
- 25-1276 Other facts required to be shown by affidavit; how proved.
- 25-1277 Legal notices and other facts provable by affidavit; perpetuation of proof.
- 25-1278 Field notes or plat of county surveyor; when admissible.
- 25-1279 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1280 Official records; certified copies; duty of custodian to furnish; fees.
- 25-1281 Official records; photographic copies; admissibility; destruction of original records.
- 25-1282 Official records; proof of lack of record.
- 25-1283 Land office receipts; effect as evidence.
- 25-1284 Official records; signature of custodian; genuineness presumed, when.
- 25-1285 Judicial records of Nebraska and federal courts; how proved.
- 25-1286 Deleted.
- 25-1287 Records of justice of the peace; how proved.
- 25-1288 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1289 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1290 Legislative proceedings; how proved.
- 25-1291 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-1292 Abstracts of title and title insurance policy; when used as evidence; certification.
- 25-1293 Public seal affixed to copy of written law or public writing; effect; unwritten law; how proved.
- 25-1294 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1295 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1296 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1297 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1298 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-1299 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-12,100 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 68, § 43.
- 25-12,101 Judicial notice.
- 25-12,102 Information of the court.
- 25-12,103 Ruling reviewable.
- 25-12,104 Evidence as to laws of other jurisdictions.
- 25-12,105 Foreign country.
- 25-12,106 Interpretation.
- 25-12,107 Short title.
- 25-12,108 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-12,109 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-12,110 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-12,111 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-12,112 Admissibility of reproduced records in evidence; destruction of records; approval.
- 25-12,113 Sections, how construed.
- 25-12,114 Act, how cited.
- 25-12,115 Report or finding admissible.
- 25-12,116 Cross-examination by adverse party.
- 25-12,117 Notice; copy of report or finding.
- 25-12,118 Sections, how construed.
- 25-12,119 Act, how cited.
- 25-12,120 Hospital records, examination, and inspection; hospital medical staff committee; hospitalization utilization committee.
- 25-12,121 Hospital medical staff committee; hospital utilization committee; extended care facility utilization committee; recommendations or orders; liability for damages.
- 25-12,122 Repealed. Laws 1975, LB 279, § 75.
- 25-12,123 Peer review committee; proceedings and records; testimony; use in civil actions; limitation.
- 25-12,124 Statement, defined.
- 25-12,125 Rebuttable presumption; when.
- 25-12,126 Sections, how construed.
- 25-1301 Judgment, rendition of judgment, entry of judgment, decree, or final order, defined; records.
- 25-1301.01 Civil judgment; mailing of copy; duty of clerk; exception.
- 25-1302 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 921, § 38.
- 25-1303 Transcript of judgment to other county; effect.
- 25-1304 Decree for conveyance; effect.
- 25-1305 Federal court judgment; transcript to other county; effect.
- 25-1306 Dissolution of lien; deposit; bond; appellate proceedings.
- 25-1307 Dissolution of lien; disposition of deposit.
- 25-1308 Judgment upon failure to answer; procedure.
- 25-1309 Right to confess judgment; creditor's assent necessary.
- 25-1310 Judgment by confession; contents.
- 25-1311 Enforcement of judgment.
- 25-1312 Confession of judgment by attorney; warrant; requirements.
- 25-1313 Jury trial; rendition of judgment by court; entry by clerk.
- 25-1314 Entry of judgment by court; when required.
- 25-1315 Multiple claims or parties; effect.
- 25-1315.01 Motion for directed verdict; joinder; effect; requisites.
- 25-1315.02 Motion for directed verdict at close of evidence; effect; filing before entry of judgment; treatment; motion to set aside verdict or judgment; power of court.
- 25-1315.03 Order for directed verdict or for new trial; appeal.
- 25-1316 Judgment upon counterclaim or setoff.
- 25-1317 Judgment or order; infant's right reserved.
- 25-1318 Judgments and orders; journal entry.
- 25-1319 Complete record; duty of clerk.
- 25-1320 Complete record; when made; judge to sign.
- 25-1321 Complete record; contents.
- 25-1322 Complete record; extension of time for making and subscribing.
- 25-1323 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 17, § 8.
- 25-1324 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 17, § 8.
- 25-1325 Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 17, § 8.
- 25-1326 Judicial sale; conveyance of land by master commissioner; when allowed; postponement of sale; notice.
- 25-1327 Judicial sale; sheriff as master commissioner.
- 25-1328 Judicial sale; deed of commissioner; form and execution.
- 25-1329 Motion; when filed; filing before entry of judgment; treatment.
- 25-1330 Claimant; right to move for summary judgment.
- 25-1331 Defending party; right to move for summary judgment.
- 25-1332 Motion for summary judgment; proceedings.
- 25-1333 Case not fully adjudicated on motion.
- 25-1334 Form of affidavits; further testimony.
- 25-1335 Party unable to justify opposition by affidavit; refusal of order; continuance.
- 25-1336 Affidavit made in bad faith.
- 25-1401 Causes of action which survive.
- 25-1402 Actions which abate by death of defendant.
- 25-1403 Death of one of several parties; cessation of powers of personal representative; right of action surviving to or against remaining parties; procedure.
- 25-1404 Death of one of several parties; cessation of powers of personal representative; right of action not surviving to or against remaining parties; procedure.
- 25-1405 Death of party; cessation of powers of personal representative; right of action surviving to or against successor; revivor.
- 25-1406 Revivor; procedure; conditional order.
- 25-1407 Revivor; procedure; motion.
- 25-1408 Revivor; procedure; service of order; order by consent.
- 25-1409 Revivor; procedure; service of order by publication.
- 25-1410 Death of plaintiff; in whose name action revived.
- 25-1411 Death of defendant; against whom action revived.
- 25-1412 Death of defendant in actions to recover real property; against whom action revived.
- 25-1413 Revivor as to defendant; time; limitation.
- 25-1414 Revivor as to plaintiff; time; limitation; revivor as to both parties.
- 25-1415 Abatement of actions by death or cessation of powers of representative; duty of court.
- 25-1416 Death of plaintiff; right of defendant to compel revivor.
- 25-1417 Revived action; when tried.
- 25-1418 Joint debtors not originally summoned made judgment debtors.
- 25-1419 Death of parties after judgment; revivor in name of representatives of deceased.
- 25-1420 Dormant judgment; revivor; time limitation.
- 25-1501 Executions; by whom issued; how directed.
- 25-1501.01 District court judgment; execution issued to any county in state; procedure; lien on real estate; procedure.
- 25-1502 Kinds of executions.
- 25-1503 Property subject to levy and sale.
- 25-1504 Lien of judgment; when attaches; lands within county where entered; other lands; chattels.
- 25-1505 Stay of execution; maximum period.
- 25-1506 Order of sale of mortgaged premises; how stayed; length of stay.
- 25-1507 Execution; how stayed.
- 25-1508 Stay bonds; approval; justification of sureties.
- 25-1509 Stay of execution; surety on stay bond excepted; no appeal after stay.
- 25-1510 Stay of execution; sureties; approval; bond tantamount to judgment confessed.
- 25-1511 Stay of execution; recall of writ; duties of clerk and sheriff.
- 25-1512 Stay of execution; property and undertakings relinquished.
- 25-1513 Stay of execution; expiration; writ to issue; duty of clerk.
- 25-1514 Stay of execution; judgment liens not released.
- 25-1515 Judgment; when dormant.
- 25-1516 Writ of execution; levy on real property; when; service upon debtor; procedure; State Court Administrator; duties; claim of exemption; hearing; valuation of motor vehicle.
- 25-1517 Several writs of execution; preference.
- 25-1518 Levy of execution.
- 25-1519 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 147, § 1, p. 444.
- 25-1520 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 147, § 1, p. 444.
- 25-1521 Intervening claimants; proceedings to ascertain title.
- 25-1522 Intervening claimants; proceedings to ascertain title; procedure; judgment; effect.
- 25-1523 Intervening claimants; proceedings before jury to ascertain title; levy notwithstanding verdict; bond.
- 25-1524 Goods unsold; delivery bond.
- 25-1525 Goods unsold; additional writ; notice of sale.
- 25-1526 Additional writ; goods unsold insufficient; further levy and sale.
- 25-1527 Sale of land; prior sale set aside; readvertisement.
- 25-1528 Successive executions or orders of sale; when authorized.
- 25-1529 Sale of land; notice; publication; effect of failure to publish.
- 25-1530 Foreclosure; redemption of land from levy and sale; rights of mortgagor; terminated, when.
- 25-1531 Mortgage foreclosure; confirmation of sale; grounds for refusing to confirm; time; motion; notice.
- 25-1532 Sale upon execution; deed to purchaser.
- 25-1533 Sale upon execution; deed to purchaser; form; estate conveyed.
- 25-1534 Sale of lands and chattels; printer's fees to be advanced; effect of noncompliance.
- 25-1535 Sale of lands and chattels; printer's fees; officer must demand.
- 25-1536 Sales of lands or tenements; where held; officer disqualified to purchase.
- 25-1537 Lands unsold; additional writs.
- 25-1538 Several writs of execution; levy on real property; how made; preference.
- 25-1539 Sale of lands and tenements; deed by sheriff's successor.
- 25-1540 Sale on execution; disposition of proceeds.
- 25-1541 Sale of lands or tenements; reversal of judgment; title of purchaser; restitution.
- 25-1542 Judgment lien; when lost.
- 25-1543 Writ of execution; when returnable.
- 25-1544 Judgment against principal and surety; how entered; how executed.
- 25-1545 Execution; sheriff; amercement; causes; procedure.
- 25-1546 Clerk of court; amercement; causes; procedure.
- 25-1547 Amercement; amount; limit.
- 25-1548 Execution to another county; return by mail; effect upon liability of officer.
- 25-1549 Amercement; motion; notice; effect of entry; transmission of money.
- 25-1550 Amercement; judgment; liability of sureties; execution.
- 25-1551 Amercement; execution on original judgment; rights of officer.
- 25-1552 Personal property except wages; debtors; claim of exemption; procedure.
- 25-1553 Federal or state earned income tax credit refund; when exempt.
- 25-1554 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1555 Exemptions; not applicable to tax sales.
- 25-1556 Specific exemptions; personal property; selection by debtor.
- 25-1557 Actions in which exemptions limited or not allowed.
- 25-1558 Wages; subject to garnishment; amount; exceptions.
- 25-1559 Pensions of disabled soldiers and sailors; property purchased therewith; limit.
- 25-1560 Exempt wages; interstate business; attachment or garnishment by method to avoid exemption laws; unlawful.
- 25-1561 Exempt wages; interstate business; law violation; aiders; abettors.
- 25-1562 Exempt wages; interstate business; violation of sections; evidence.
- 25-1563 Exempt wages; interstate business; violation; penalty.
- 25-1563.01 Stock, pension, or similar plan or contract; exempt from certain process; when.
- 25-1563.02 Lump-sum settlement; structured settlement; exempt from certain process; when.
- 25-1564 Property of debtor other than lands and chattels subject to payment of judgment.
- 25-1565 Discovery of property of debtor; order to appear and answer.
- 25-1566 Discovery of property of debtor; warrant for arrest; examination; undertaking; punishment for contempt.
- 25-1567 Discovery of property of debtor; examination; debtor's incriminating answers; not privileged; immunity.
- 25-1568 Execution; satisfaction; payment by debtors of judgment debtor.
- 25-1569 Debtors of judgment debtor; examination; notice.
- 25-1570 Discovery of property of debtor; examination; witnesses.
- 25-1571 Discovery of property of debtor; examination; oath; referee.
- 25-1572 Discovery of property of debtor; disposition by judge.
- 25-1573 Discovery of property of debtor; appointment of receiver; transfer of nonexempt property; power of court to prevent.
- 25-1574 Discovery of property of debtor; receiver; liability of officer and sureties; undertaking; oath.
- 25-1575 Discovery of property of debtor; proceedings; continuance.
- 25-1576 Discovery of property of debtor; reference.
- 25-1577 Discovery of property of debtor; disobedience of order of court; penalty.
- 25-1578 Discovery of property of debtor; orders to judgment debtors and witnesses; service; filing; record.
- 25-1579 Discovery of property of debtor; proceedings; fees; taxation as costs.
- 25-1580 Discovery of property of debtor; proceedings; county judge; fees.
- 25-1581 Execution; contents; satisfaction of damages and costs.
- 25-1582 Judgment other than for the recovery of money or real property; enforcement by attachment or rule of court; notice.
- 25-1583 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 287.
- 25-1584 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 287.
- 25-1585 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 287.
- 25-1586 Repealed. Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 287.
- 25-1587 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1587.01 Act, how cited.
- 25-1587.02 Foreign judgment, defined.
- 25-1587.03 Filing and status of foreign judgments.
- 25-1587.04 Notice of filing.
- 25-1587.05 Stay.
- 25-1587.06 Fees.
- 25-1587.07 Optional procedure.
- 25-1587.08 Uniformity of interpretation.
- 25-1587.09 Foreign judgments registered under prior law.
- 25-1588 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1589 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1590 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1591 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1592 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1593 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1594 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1595 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1596 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1597 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1598 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-1599 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-15,100 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-15,101 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-15,102 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-15,103 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-15,104 Repealed. Laws 1993, LB 458, § 15.
- 25-15,105 Federal exemptions; rejected.
- 25-1601 Jurors; competency; disqualified; excused, when.
- 25-1601.01 Repealed. Laws 1977, LB 283, § 4.
- 25-1601.02 Repealed. Laws 1967, c. 149, § 1, p. 446.
- 25-1601.03 Legislative intent; jury system.
- 25-1602 Jurors; actions to which municipal corporation a party; inhabitants and taxpayers; competency.
- 25-1603 Jurors; selection.
- 25-1604 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1605 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1606 Jurors; how summoned; notice.
- 25-1607 Jurors; appearance.
- 25-1608 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1609 Jurors; grounds for challenge; sufficiency of challenge.
- 25-1610 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1611 Jurors; failure to appear; neglect of officers; penalties.
- 25-1612 Packing juries; solicitation of jury service; penalties.
- 25-1613 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1614 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1615 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1616 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1617 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1618 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1619 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1620 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1621 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1622 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1623 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1624 Repealed. Laws 1953, c. 72, § 16, p. 237.
- 25-1625 Jury commissioner; designation; salary; expenses; duties.
- 25-1626 Jury commissioner; compensation in counties over 200,000 inhabitants; assistance; deputy; appointment; powers.
- 25-1626.01 Repealed. Laws 1959, c. 266, § 1, p. 953.
- 25-1626.02 Jury commissioner in counties over 200,000 population; salary increase, when effective.
- 25-1627 Jury list; key number; determination; record.
- 25-1627.01 Jury list; counties having less than 3,000 inhabitants; two key numbers; additional key numbers; when.
- 25-1628 Jury list; how made up.
- 25-1629 Proposed jury list; qualification form; investigation; revision; complaints; grand jury list; when drawn.
- 25-1629.01 Juror qualification form; prospective juror; complete; return; when.
- 25-1629.02 Juror qualification form; failure to return; effect; contempt of court.
- 25-1629.03 One-step qualifying and summoning system.
- 25-1629.04 One-step qualifying and summoning system; procedure.
- 25-1630 Jury list; how kept; tampering; solicitation; penalty.
- 25-1631 County court; advance jury selection; when authorized.
- 25-1631.01 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 234, § 18.
- 25-1631.02 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 234, § 18.
- 25-1631.03 Petit jury; examination by judge; excess jurors.
- 25-1632 Petit jury for subsequent periods; how drawn; how notified.
- 25-1632.01 Petit jury; special panel in criminal cases.
- 25-1633 Grand jury; how drawn; alternate jurors.
- 25-1633.01 Grand jury; summons.
- 25-1633.02 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 234, § 18.
- 25-1633.03 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 234, § 18.
- 25-1634 Petit jury; extra jurors to complete panel; talesmen.
- 25-1634.01 Petit jury; appearance; excused; postponement of service.
- 25-1634.02 Petit jury; additional jurors; how chosen.
- 25-1634.03 Petit jury; additional jurors; discharged; qualified as regular jurors.
- 25-1635 Jurors; disclosing names; when permissible; penalty; access to juror qualification forms.
- 25-1636 Jurors; competency; challenge.
- 25-1637 Juries; proceedings stayed; panel quashed; grounds; procedures; new list, order for.
- 25-1638 Repealed. Laws 1979, LB 234, § 18.
- 25-1639 Juror; serve; limitations.
- 25-1640 Employee; penalized due to jury service; prohibited; penalty.
- 25-1641 Petit jurors; how selected.
- 25-1642 Petit jury; special; how drawn.
- 25-1643 Petit jury; how notified.
- 25-1701 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 19, § 7.
- 25-1702 Repealed. Laws 2003, LB 19, § 7.
- 25-1703 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 489, § 15.
- 25-1704 Repealed. Laws 2001, LB 489, § 15.
- 25-1705 Security for costs; judgment against surety upon motion; satisfaction.
- 25-1706 Costs upon disclaimer.
- 25-1707 Costs on motions, continuances, and amendments.
- 25-1708 Plaintiff's costs; when allowed.
- 25-1709 New or additional security.
- 25-1710 Defendant's costs; when allowed.
- 25-1711 Award and taxation of costs; power of court to exercise discretion; frivolous appeals in jury cases; actual fees and expenses.
- 25-1712 Successive actions against joinable parties; limit to recovery by plaintiff.
- 25-1713 Sheriff's fees; summons issued out of county; return.
- 25-1714 Application for postponement of trial; condition.
- 25-1715 Costs on motion; limit; how taxed.
- 25-1716 Unpaid costs; lien; terminates.
- 25-1717 Bond for cost, appeal, supersedeas, injunction, or attachment; county and employees; exemption.
- 25-1801 Claims of four thousand dollars or less; recovery; costs; interest; attorney's fees.
- 25-1802 Award of fees and expenses against state; terms; defined.
- 25-1803 Award of fees and expenses against state; when authorized.
- 25-1804 Award of fees and expenses against state; conditions; application.
- 25-1805 Award of fees and expenses against state; additional to compensation.
- 25-1806 Award of fees and expenses against state; how paid.
- 25-1807 Award of fees and expenses against state; proceedings to which applicable.
- 25-1808 Actions between state agencies, boards, commissions, constitutional officers, and members of the Legislature; costs awarded; when.
- 25-1809 Legal Services Fund; created; use; transfers.
- 25-1901 District court; appellate jurisdiction; scope.
- 25-1902 Final order, defined.
- 25-1903 Petition in error; filing; summons; contents; service, when returnable; cause, when triable.
- 25-1904 Summons in error; praecipe; service; return; fees.
- 25-1905 Proceedings in error; transcript; abstracts of record not required in Supreme Court.
- 25-1906 Proceedings in error; transcript; how obtained.
- 25-1907 Proceedings in error; effect; supersedeas bond.
- 25-1908 Proceedings in error; stay of execution; supersedeas bond; approval; endorsement.
- 25-1909 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 733, § 5.
- 25-1910 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 733, § 5.
- 25-1911 Appellate jurisdiction; scope.
- 25-1912 Appeal; civil and criminal actions; procedure; notice of appeal; docketing fee; filing of transcript.
- 25-1912.01 Appellate review; motion for new trial; when required.
- 25-1913 Appealed causes; parties; how designated.
- 25-1914 Appeal; cost bond; cash deposit; appellate proceedings; dismissal.
- 25-1915 Appeal; unpaid costs itemized in order; payment.
- 25-1916 Appeal; supersedeas; cash or bond; effect; undertakings; amount, terms, and conditions; effect of having corporate surety.
- 25-1917 Appeal; substitute for undertaking.
- 25-1918 Appeal; bond; approval; by whom made.
- 25-1919 Appeal; briefs; rules; plain error.
- 25-1920 Appeal; injunctions; cause advanced, when.
- 25-1921 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 126, § 1.
- 25-1922 Repealed. Laws 1965, c. 126, § 1.
- 25-1923 Appeal; original bill of exceptions; return to district court; disposition.
- 25-1924 Appeal; original bill of exceptions; return to appellate court if rehearing allowed.
- 25-1925 Appeal; suits in equity; trial de novo.
- 25-1926 Appeal; reversal of judgment; mandate.
- 25-1927 Original cause in Supreme Court; complete record upon final determination; waiver.
- 25-1928 Appeal; mistake of clerk; effect; procedure.
- 25-1929 Appeal; remittitur; effect.
- 25-1930 Civil cases; writs of error abolished.
- 25-1931 Time for commencement; persons under disability.
- 25-1932 Judgment prematurely rendered as error.
- 25-1933 Costs; how taxed.
- 25-1934 Money judgment; enforcement notwithstanding supersedeas; undertaking required.
- 25-1935 Opinion of appellate court; certified to clerk of district court.
- 25-1936 Order of remittitur deemed a final order.
- 25-1937 Appeals; general procedure.
- 25-2001 District court; power to vacate or modify judgments or orders.
- 25-2002 District court judgment; proceedings to vacate or modify; summons; waiver of error.
- 25-2003 Repealed. Laws 2000, LB 921, § 38.
- 25-2004 District court judgment; grounds for vacation or modification; determination.
- 25-2005 District court judgment; vacation; existence of valid claim or defense a prerequisite; preservation of liens upon modification.
- 25-2006 District court judgment; proceedings to vacate or modify; injunction.
- 25-2007 District court judgment; rendition before action regularly stood for trial; rights of defendant; no showing of valid defense required.
- 25-2008 District court judgment; proceedings to vacate or modify; statute of limitations.
- 25-2009 Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and county court judgments; laws applicable.
- 25-2101 Action on bonds or insurance; by whom and how brought.
- 25-2102 Further action; authorized.
- 25-2103 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2104 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2105 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2106 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2107 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2108 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2109 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2110 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2111 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2112 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2113 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2114 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2115 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2116 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2117 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2118 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2119 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2120 Repealed. Laws 1987, LB 71, § 25.
- 25-2121 Conduct constituting contempt; powers of court of record to punish.
- 25-2122 Punishment; procedure.
- 25-2123 Effect of punishment upon criminal liability.
- 25-2124 Ejectment; complaint; allegations.
- 25-2125 Ejectment; answer; contents.
- 25-2126 Ejectment; actions between tenants in common; complaint; allegations.
- 25-2127 Ejectment; plaintiff's right terminating while action pending; verdict; judgment.
- 25-2128 Ejectment; occupying claimants; rights.
- 25-2129 Waste; negligence in preventing; liability.
- 25-2130 Trespass; liability; damages; when recoverable.
- 25-2131 Trespass; taking timber for repair of public highways or bridges; liability.
- 25-2132 Waste or trespass; remainderman; reversioner; rights.
- 25-2133 Waste or trespass; heir; rights.
- 25-2134 Waste or trespass; purchaser on execution; rights.
- 25-2135 Waste or trespass; occupant; right to use lands or timber for repairs.
- 25-2136 Waste; occupant; right to use timber for repairs; limit.
- 25-2137 Complaint for foreclosure or satisfaction; where filed.
- 25-2138 Sale of premises; decree; power of court.
- 25-2139 Decree; power of court.
- 25-2140 Decree; effect upon right to recover for debt.
- 25-2141 Parties defendant; joinder.
- 25-2142 Complaint for foreclosure or satisfaction; allegations; complainant; designate person to receive notices; when.
- 25-2143 Prior judgment at law; effect.
- 25-2144 Sale of premises; by whom made; liability and compensation of sheriff; postponement of sale; notice.
- 25-2145 Deed of conveyance; effect; estate conveyed.
- 25-2146 Sale; proceeds; how applied.
- 25-2147 Sale; proceeds; surplus; disposition.
- 25-2148 Payment by defendant of sums due; effect.
- 25-2149 Payment by defendant of sums due; stay; decree.
- 25-2150 Reference to sheriff; sale of premises in parcels; decree; effect.
- 25-2151 Default in payment of installments subsequent to decree; order of sale.
- 25-2152 Sale of entire property; when ordered.
- 25-2153 Sale of entire property; proceeds; disposition.
- 25-2154 Satisfaction or payment; certificate; delivery to register of deeds; duties of clerk of district court; fee of register of deeds.
- 25-2155 Satisfaction or payment; certificate; recording and indexing; duties of register of deeds.
- 25-2156 Writ of mandamus; to whom issued.
- 25-2157 Writ; when not issued.
- 25-2158 Alternative and peremptory writs.
- 25-2159 Peremptory writ; when allowed in first instance.
- 25-2160 Peremptory writ; motion; affidavit required; notice; order to show cause; actions involving irrigation water.
- 25-2161 Writ; endorsement of allowance; service; neglect to return; penalty.
- 25-2162 Alternative writ; answer.
- 25-2163 Peremptory writ; when issued; failure to answer, effect; pleading new matter, effect.
- 25-2164 Pleadings; trial.
- 25-2165 Judgment for plaintiff; damages; peremptory writ granted; costs and attorney's fees, authorized.
- 25-2166 Recovery of damages; effect upon right of action.
- 25-2167 Peremptory writ directed to public officials; imposition of fine; payment; effect.
- 25-2168 Right of private persons to bring action.
- 25-2169 Action by private person; costs.
- 25-2170 Complaint for partition; parties; allegations.
- 25-2170.01 Who may compel partition.
- 25-2171 Complaint; unknown owners or interests; allegations.
- 25-2172 Parties; lienholders.
- 25-2173 Liens upon undivided interests; lien for costs paramount.
- 25-2174 Answer; contents.
- 25-2175 Repealed. Laws 2002, LB 876, § 92.
- 25-2176 Trial; costs.
- 25-2177 Trial; proof.
- 25-2178 Pleadings; when taken as true.
- 25-2179 Judgment.
- 25-2180 Referee or referees; appointment; duty.
- 25-2181 Report of referees.
- 25-2182 Referees; special allotments; when directed.
- 25-2183 Sale; order; place held.
- 25-2184 Referees; bond; conditions; further security.
- 25-2185 Sale of property; notice; procedure.
- 25-2186 Sale of property; report of referee.
- 25-2187 Encumbrances; referee; appointment; report; appeal.
- 25-2188 Encumbrances; duty of referee; notice of hearing.
- 25-2189 Encumbrances; evidence before referee.
- 25-2190 Encumbrances; payment with consent of owner.
- 25-2191 Encumbrances; objection of owner to payment; procedure; notice.
- 25-2192 Issue between owner and encumbrancer; order; effect.
- 25-2193 Encumbrances; life estate or estate for years; settlement in gross; investment of proceeds.
- 25-2194 Encumbrance proceedings; not to delay distribution of other shares.
- 25-2195 Security for refund.
- 25-2196 Order of conveyance; when made; purchase money security.
- 25-2197 Conveyances; valid against subsequent purchasers and parties to action.
- 25-2198 Repealed. Laws 1951, c. 73, § 1, p. 229.
- 25-2199 Disapproval of sale; refund.
- 25-21,100 Partition in kind; how made.
- 25-21,101 Partition; report of referees; form; contents.
- 25-21,102 Shares drawn by lot, when.
- 25-21,103 Partition in part; remaining portion; sale.
- 25-21,104 Partition; report of referees set aside, when; rereference.
- 25-21,105 Confirmation of report of referees; judgment.
- 25-21,106 Service of process; parties bound by proceedings.
- 25-21,107 Judgment of partition; effect.
- 25-21,108 Partition; proceedings; fees and costs; awarded, when; division.
- 25-21,109 Default of owner; right of encumbrancers to appear.
- 25-21,110 Holders of contingent interests; rights; joinder in action.
- 25-21,111 Share of absent owner; how conserved.
- 25-21,112 Scope of relief.
- 25-21,113 Parties as defendants; how designated; effect of decree.
- 25-21,114 Persons, defined.
- 25-21,115 Adverse claims; liens of record; how pleaded.
- 25-21,116 Unenforceable liens; title quieted without offer to redeem.
- 25-21,117 Remaindermen; reversioners; rights and benefits.
- 25-21,118 Service of process.
- 25-21,119 Costs.
- 25-21,120 Trial; appeal.
- 25-21,121 Quo warranto; action; against whom brought.
- 25-21,122 Quo warranto; action; by whom brought.
- 25-21,123 Duty of Attorney General or county attorney to bring quo warranto action; when.
- 25-21,124 Information; contents.
- 25-21,125 Summons.
- 25-21,126 Answer.
- 25-21,127 Action by claimant against incumbent of office; information; trial.
- 25-21,128 Action by claimant against incumbent of office; judgment for plaintiff; effect.
- 25-21,129 Action by claimant against incumbent of office; judgment for plaintiff; delivery of books and papers.
- 25-21,130 Action by claimant against incumbent of office; judgment for plaintiff; suit for damages by claimant.
- 25-21,131 Action against several claimants of office or franchise.
- 25-21,132 Ouster, judgment of; costs.
- 25-21,133 Partial ouster, judgment of.
- 25-21,134 Quo warranto; in whose name brought; costs.
- 25-21,135 Judgment against pretended corporation; costs.
- 25-21,136 Dissolved corporation; trustees; appointment.
- 25-21,137 Dissolved corporation; trustees; bond.
- 25-21,138 Dissolved corporation; trustees; bond, action upon.
- 25-21,139 Dissolved corporation; trustees; duties.
- 25-21,140 Dissolved corporation; books, papers, effects; delivery to trustees; enforcement.
- 25-21,141 Dissolved corporation; trustees; inventory.
- 25-21,142 Dissolved corporation; trustees; corporate claims and property; duty to sue; liability.
- 25-21,143 Ouster of corporation; liability of officers for misconduct.
- 25-21,144 Quo warranto; disobedience of court order; liability; penalty.
- 25-21,145 Quo warranto; letters patent; annulment; grounds.
- 25-21,146 Action by claimant against incumbent of office; condition precedent.
- 25-21,147 Public officers; malfeasance; ouster.
- 25-21,148 Public officers; malfeasance; action in Supreme Court; suspension of defendant; temporary appointment.
- 25-21,149 Declaratory judgments; courts of record; jurisdiction.
- 25-21,150 Rights of claimants; determination.
- 25-21,151 Construction of contract; before or after breach.
- 25-21,152 Fiduciary or interested person; action to declare rights.
- 25-21,153 Sections; not limiting or restrictive.
- 25-21,154 Declaratory judgments; when refused.
- 25-21,155 Declaratory judgments; review.
- 25-21,156 Pleadings; complaint; orders to show cause.
- 25-21,157 Trial; issues of fact; how conducted.
- 25-21,158 Costs.
- 25-21,159 Parties; municipalities; Attorney General.
- 25-21,160 Sections, how construed.
- 25-21,161 Person, defined.
- 25-21,162 Validity of sections.
- 25-21,163 Interpretation and construction of sections to effectuate uniformity.
- 25-21,164 Act, how cited.
- 25-21,165 By whom brought; jurisdiction.
- 25-21,166 Certification to federal court; stay of proceedings.
- 25-21,167 Expedited trial and appeal; advancement.
- 25-21,168 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,169 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,170 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,171 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,172 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,173 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,174 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,175 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,176 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,177 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,178 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,179 Repealed. Laws 1974, LB 354, § 316.
- 25-21,180 Terms, defined.
- 25-21,181 Action based on strict liability in tort; brought against seller or lessor; when.
- 25-21,182 Product liability action; based upon negligent or defective design, testing, or labeling; defense.
- 25-21,183 Transferred to section 13-911.
- 25-21,184 Railroad company; actions by employees against; negligence; assumption of risk.
- 25-21,185 Actions accruing before February 8, 1992, for injuries to person or property; contributory negligence; comparative negligence.
- 25-21,185.01 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 262, § 12.
- 25-21,185.02 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 262, § 12.
- 25-21,185.03 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 262, § 12.
- 25-21,185.04 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 262, § 12.
- 25-21,185.05 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 262, § 12.
- 25-21,185.06 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 262, § 12.
- 25-21,185.07 Civil actions to which contributory negligence is a defense; sections applicable.
- 25-21,185.08 Civil actions to which contributory negligence is a defense; terms, defined.
- 25-21,185.09 Civil actions to which contributory negligence is a defense; effect on recovery.
- 25-21,185.10 Civil actions to which contributory negligence is a defense; multiple defendants; joint and several liability; when; allocation of liability.
- 25-21,185.11 Civil actions to which contributory negligence is a defense; release, covenant not to sue, or similar agreement; effect.
- 25-21,185.12 Civil actions to which contributory negligence is a defense; assumption of risk, defined; affirmative defense.
- 25-21,186 Emergency care at scene of emergency; persons relieved of civil liability, when.
- 25-21,187 Contract or agreement; indemnity provision; against public policy; unenforceable; when; construction project; violation of safety practice; liability.
- 25-21,188 Alienation of affections; criminal conversation; actions barred.
- 25-21,188.01 Check or instrument; wrongful refusal to endorse; liability; attorney's fees; awarded when.
- 25-21,188.02 Volunteer in free clinic or other facility; immunity; when.
- 25-21,189 Food; donations; limitations on liability.
- 25-21,190 Not-for-profit organization, defined.
- 25-21,191 Not-for-profit organization; director, officer, or trustee; immunity from civil liability.
- 25-21,192 Not-for-profit organization; limitation on immunity.
- 25-21,193 Not-for-profit organization; sections, how construed.
- 25-21,194 Shoplifting; civil action authorized; conditions; limitations.
- 25-21,195 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 594, § 1.
- 25-21,196 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 594, § 1.
- 25-21,197 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 594, § 1.
- 25-21,198 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 594, § 1.
- 25-21,199 Repealed. Laws 1990, LB 594, § 1.
- 25-21,200 Contract; void and unenforceable; definition.
- 25-21,201 Actions against state; jurisdiction; enumeration of claims.
- 25-21,202 Actions against state; complaint; contents.
- 25-21,203 Actions against state; summons; venue.
- 25-21,204 Actions against state; judgment.
- 25-21,205 Actions against state; adjudicated claims; certified statement to Legislature; when transmitted.
- 25-21,206 Actions against state; where brought; procedure; transfer of actions.
- 25-21,207 Actions by state; counterclaims.
- 25-21,208 Actions to which state is a party; priority of trial; power to compel attendance of witnesses.
- 25-21,209 Claims against state; fraud in statement or proof; penalty.
- 25-21,210 Actions to which state is a party; fees; how paid and taxed.
- 25-21,211 Judgment against state; certify to Director of Administrative Services; payment; insufficient funds.
- 25-21,212 Judgment against claimant; transmitted to other counties; how collected.
- 25-21,213 Appeals; procedure; notice of appeal by state; effect.
- 25-21,214 Judgment; payment; effect.
- 25-21,215 Change of venue; costs.
- 25-21,216 Bonds for costs, appeal, supersedeas, injunction, attachment; state or its agencies not required to give.
- 25-21,217 Judgment against state agency; liability of state.
- 25-21,218 Bonds or insurance of Director of Banking and Finance as receiver of insolvent banks; premium; payment by state.
- 25-21,219 Forcible entry and detainer; jurisdiction; exception.
- 25-21,220 Forcible entry and detainer; against whom proceedings may be had; provisions not exclusive.
- 25-21,221 Forcible entry and detainer; notice to leave premises; when and how served.
- 25-21,222 Forcible entry and detainer; complaint; contents.
- 25-21,223 Forcible entry and detainer; summons; service; trial date.
- 25-21,224 Forcible entry and detainer; failure of defendant to appear; effect.
- 25-21,225 Forcible entry and detainer; continuance for more than seven days; undertaking required.
- 25-21,226 Forcible entry and detainer; trial without jury; judgment; restitution; costs.
- 25-21,227 Forcible entry and detainer; trial by jury; verdict.
- 25-21,228 Forcible entry and detainer; verdict; entry; judgment.
- 25-21,229 Forcible entry and detainer; exceptions.
- 25-21,230 Forcible entry and detainer; restitution; writ of execution; form.
- 25-21,231 Forcible entry and detainer; writ of execution; service; writ of error stays proceedings.
- 25-21,232 Forcible entry and detainer; judgment; future action not barred.
- 25-21,233 Forcible entry and detainer; appeal; procedure.
- 25-21,234 Forcible entry and detainer; appeal; operate as supersedeas; bond or surety required.
- 25-21,235 Forcible entry and detainer; restitution notwithstanding appeal; bond; conditions.
- 25-21,236 Release of animal; liability to owner.
- 25-21,237 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 216, § 1.
- 25-21,238 Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 216, § 1.
- 25-21,239 Leased trucks, truck-tractors, and trailers; liability of owner for damages.
- 25-21,240 Claim or action for money damages; limitation.
- 25-21,241 Legislative findings and declarations.
- 25-21,242 Terms, defined.
- 25-21,243 Defendant in action involving public petition and participation; action authorized; costs, attorney's fees, and damages; authorized; waiver; section, how construed.
- 25-21,244 Action involving public petition and participation; damages; standard of proof; section, how construed.
- 25-21,245 Action involving public petition and participation; motion to dismiss; when granted; duty to expedite.
- 25-21,246 Action involving public petition and participation; motion for summary judgment; when granted.
- 25-21,247 Health care payor or employee; immunity from criminal or civil liability; when.
- 25-21,248 Terroristic threats; action authorized.
- 25-21,249 Equine activities; legislative intent.
- 25-21,250 Equine activities; terms, defined.
- 25-21,251 Equine activities; liability and claims; limitations.
- 25-21,252 Equine activities; applicability of other laws; liability enumerated.
- 25-21,253 Equine activities; signs and contracts; requirements.
- 25-21,254 Legislative intent.
- 25-21,255 Terms, defined.
- 25-21,256 Environmental audit; use as evidence prohibited; exceptions.
- 25-21,257 Environmental audit; use as evidence; waiver.
- 25-21,258 Environmental audit; use as evidence; exceptions.
- 25-21,259 Environmental audit; admissible as evidence; when.
- 25-21,260 Voluntary self-evaluation; disclose possible violations.
- 25-21,261 Voluntary self-evaluation; disclosure; effect; exceptions.
- 25-21,262 Regulatory authority; sections; how construed.
- 25-21,263 Privileges; sections; how construed.
- 25-21,264 Venue.
- 25-21,265 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 705, § 1.
- 25-21,266 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 705, § 1.
- 25-21,267 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 705, § 1.
- 25-21,268 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 705, § 1.
- 25-21,269 Repealed. Laws 2012, LB 705, § 1.
- 25-21,270 Change of name; authority of district court.
- 25-21,271 Change of name; persons; procedure; clerk of the district court; duty.
- 25-21,272 Change of name; town, village, or city; procedure.
- 25-21,273 Change of name; effect; costs; how taxed.
- 25-21,274 Motor vehicle collision with domestic animal; principles applied.
- 25-21,275 Diversion of utility services; terms, defined.
- 25-21,276 Diversion of utility services; civil actions; recovery authorized.
- 25-21,277 Diversion of utility services; rebuttable presumption; when.
- 25-21,278 Diversion of utility services; additional remedies.
- 25-21,279 Action to seek injunction; authorized.
- 25-21,280 School, educational service unit, early childhood education program, school nurse, medication aide, and nonmedical staff person; immunity; when.
- 25-21,281 Tampering with anhydrous ammonia or anhydrous ammonia equipment; effect on liability.
- 25-21,282 Immunity from liability; exceptions.
- 25-21,283 Act, how cited.
- 25-21,284 Terms, defined.
- 25-21,285 Cumulative successor asbestos-related liabilities of successor corporation; limitations; applicability.
- 25-21,286 Successor corporation; liability; limitation.
- 25-21,287 Successor corporation; limitations; fair market value of total gross assets.
- 25-21,288 Fair market value of total gross assets; adjustment.
- 25-21,289 Act, how construed; applicability of act.
- 25-21,290 Act, how cited.
- 25-21,291 Terms, defined.
- 25-21,292 Civil action authorized; recovery; attorney's fees and costs; injunctive relief.
- 25-21,293 Time for bringing action; limitation.
- 25-21,294 Use of pseudonym.
- 25-21,295 Defendant; defenses not available.
- 25-21,296 Attorney General; powers.
- 25-21,297 Act, how cited.
- 25-21,298 Terms, defined.
- 25-21,299 Civil action authorized; recovery; attorney's fees and costs; injunctive relief.
- 25-21,300 Time for bringing action; limitation.
- 25-21,301 Use of pseudonym.
- 25-21,302 Human trafficking; labor trafficking or sex trafficking; forfeiture of property; civil proceeding; confiscating authority; duties; seizure of property; proceedings; petition; Attorney General; duties; answer; hearing; disposition of proceeds.
- 25-2201 Process; style.
- 25-2202 Service when sheriff is a party or is interested.
- 25-2203 Process; special process server; return; appointed on motion; fees.
- 25-2204 Clerks of courts; writs and orders; issuance; praecipes.
- 25-2205 Papers; filing; preservation.
- 25-2206 Papers; endorsement.
- 25-2207 Record of service of summons; entry as evidence.
- 25-2208 Judicial records; duty to keep.
- 25-2209 Clerk of district court; required records enumerated; compilation and filing; methods authorized.
- 25-2210 Clerk of district court; records; contents; appearance docket; general index; judgment record; transcripts from inferior courts; discharge of judgments.
- 25-2211 Clerk of district court; trial docket; how kept.
- 25-2211.01 Clerk of district court; trial docket; disposal; procedure.
- 25-2211.02 Clerk of district court; depositions; disposal; procedure.
- 25-2212 Repealed. Laws 1992, LB 1059, § 29.
- 25-2213 Clerks of courts of record other than district courts; duties.
- 25-2214 Clerks of courts; general powers and duties.
- 25-2214.01 Clerk of district court; money or property received; powers and duties.
- 25-2215 Transferred to section 23-1701.05.
- 25-2216 Transferred to section 23-1701.06.
- 25-2217 Transferred to section 23-1701.03.
- 25-2218 Common law; applicability.
- 25-2219 Deputies of ministerial officers; acts; effect.
- 25-2220 Oaths and affirmations.
- 25-2221 Time; how computed; offices may be closed, when; federal holiday schedule observed; exceptions.
- 25-2222 Sureties; affidavit of qualifications; effect.
- 25-2223 Sureties; justification; requirements.
- 25-2224 Cases not provided for in this code; procedure.
- 25-2225 Special statutory proceedings; procedure; how affected by this code.
- 25-2226 Terms, defined.
- 25-2227 Legal notices; week, defined.
- 25-2228 Legal notices; how published.
- 25-2229 Constables; contracts authorized.
- 25-2230 Constables; bond; approval; amount.
- 25-2231 Constables; authority; violation; penalty.
- 25-2232 Sheriffs; general powers.
- 25-2233 Sheriff; service of process.
- 25-2234 Sheriff; return of process.
- 25-2235 Sheriff; process; return; contents.
- 25-2236 Constables and sheriffs; return of not found; when made.
- 25-2237 Constables and sheriffs; take person into custody; procedure.
- 25-2238 Sheriffs; money collected; accounting and payment.
- 25-2239 Sheriffs; neglect of duty; penalty; how recovered.
- 25-2240 Civil action; settlement; payment of costs.
- 25-2301 Terms, defined.
- 25-2301.01 Application; contents.
- 25-2301.02 Application; objection; hearing; appeal.
- 25-2302 Costs of action.
- 25-2303 Process; costs; payment by county.
- 25-2304 Witness; subpoena; process; fees; payment by county.
- 25-2305 Appeal; printing of record; cost paid by county.
- 25-2306 Transcripts; costs; payment by county.
- 25-2307 Appellate briefs; costs; payment by county.
- 25-2308 Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 689, § 17.
- 25-2309 Satisfaction of costs; when.
- 25-2310 Fraudulent practices; penalty.
- 25-2401 Interpreters; public policy.
- 25-2402 Terms, defined.
- 25-2403 Interpreter; appointment.
- 25-2404 Interpreters; qualifications.
- 25-2405 Interpreters; oath.
- 25-2406 Interpreters; fees and expenses.
- 25-2407 Interpreters; qualifications.
- 25-2501 Intent and purpose.
- 25-2502 Terms, defined.
- 25-2503 Agency; notice; contents.
- 25-2504 Agency; hearing; where held; relocations; notice; hearings.
- 25-2505 Public notice; public hearings; when not required; hearing by school district.
- 25-2506 Sections, how construed.
- 25-2601 Act, how cited.
- 25-2602 Repealed. Laws 1997, LB 151, § 14.
- 25-2602.01 Validity of arbitration agreement.
- 25-2602.02 Contract; statement required.
- 25-2603 Proceedings to compel or stay arbitration.
- 25-2604 Appointment of arbitrators by court.
- 25-2604.01 Arbitrators; disqualification.
- 25-2605 Majority action by arbitrators.
- 25-2606 Hearing.
- 25-2607 Representation by attorney.
- 25-2608 Witnesses, subpoenas, depositions.
- 25-2609 Award.
- 25-2610 Change of award by arbitrators.
- 25-2611 Fees and expenses of arbitration.
- 25-2612 Confirmation of award.
- 25-2613 Vacating an award.
- 25-2614 Modification or correction of award.
- 25-2615 Judgment or decree on award.
- 25-2616 Judgment roll, docketing.
- 25-2617 Application to court; procedure.
- 25-2618 District court; jurisdiction; act; how construed.
- 25-2618.01 Small Claims Court; jurisdiction; when; transfer limited; appeal.
- 25-2619 Venue.
- 25-2620 Appeals.
- 25-2621 Act not retroactive.
- 25-2622 Act, how construed.
- 25-2701 Rules of procedure; county court power to seal records.
- 25-2702 Appearances; representation; attorney; qualification.
- 25-2703 Cities and villages; prosecution of complaints; ordinances; file with court.
- 25-2704 Summons; pleadings; time for filings; trial date; telephonic or videoconference hearing; authorized.
- 25-2705 Trial by jury; demand for; exceptions; time; laws applicable.
- 25-2706 County court; certify proceedings to district court; when; avoidance of county court jurisdiction; recovery of costs prohibited.
- 25-2707 Garnishment; amount in excess of jurisdiction of county court; transfer to district court; proceedings certified.
- 25-2708 Estates, guardianships, conservatorships, and trusts; real estate; certificate of pending proceeding; filing; county judge; duties; guardian or conservator; filing required.
- 25-2709 Probate, adoption, trust jurisdiction; continuances.
- 25-2710 Fees and costs; payment; effect.
- 25-2711 Clerk; liable for fees; accounting; indigent person; waiver of fees, when.
- 25-2712 Fees and costs; amount; transmit to State Treasurer; deposited in General Fund.
- 25-2713 Clerk of county court; invest money received; rules.
- 25-2714 Legacies, devises, distributive shares; unclaimed; payment to judge; effect.
- 25-2715 Fees, legacies, devises, distributive shares; payment to claimant; record.
- 25-2716 Unclaimed funds; judge; payment to successor.
- 25-2717 Unclaimed funds; payment to State Treasurer; disposition.
- 25-2718 Offer of judgment; effect; as evidence.
- 25-2719 Judgments; notice; to whom sent.
- 25-2720 Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 234, § 12.
- 25-2720.01 Power to set aside, vacate, or modify judgments or orders.
- 25-2721 Judgment; execution; lien on real estate; conditions.
- 25-2722 Record; certification required; effect.
- 25-2723 Probate books, enumeration.
- 25-2724 Probate record; retention.
- 25-2725 Fee book; contents.
- 25-2726 General index; contents.
- 25-2727 Index to wills deposited; contents.
- 25-2728 Appeals; parties; applicability of sections.
- 25-2729 Appeals; procedure.
- 25-2730 Appeal; operate as supersedeas; when; bond; criminal cases; appeal; effect.
- 25-2731 Appeal; transcript; contents; clerk; duties.
- 25-2732 Testimony; preservation; bill of exceptions; cost.
- 25-2733 Appeals; district court; review record; disposition; costs.
- 25-2734 Repealed. Laws 2008, LB 1014, § 80.
- 25-2735 Appeal; surety; liability.
- 25-2736 Appeal; procedural dismissal; effect.
- 25-2737 Appeal; appellant; pay costs; when.
- 25-2738 Appeals; when not allowed.
- 25-2739 Domestic relations judgment or final order; appeal.
- 25-2740 Domestic relations matters; district, county, and separate juvenile courts; jurisdiction; procedure.
- 25-2801 Designation.
- 25-2802 Jurisdiction.
- 25-2803 Parties; representation.
- 25-2804 Actions; how commenced; fee; hearing; notice; setoff or counterclaim; limitations; default judgment; actions authorized.
- 25-2805 Trial without jury; transfer to county court; fee; jury demand; timeframe.
- 25-2806 Pleadings required; informal disposition; judgment.
- 25-2807 Appeals.
- 25-2901 Act, how cited.
- 25-2902 Legislative findings.
- 25-2903 Terms, defined.
- 25-2904 Office of Dispute Resolution; established; director; qualifications; duties.
- 25-2905 Advisory Council on Dispute Resolution; created; members.
- 25-2906 Council; members; terms; vacancy; officers.
- 25-2907 Council; powers and duties; members; expenses.
- 25-2908 Director; duties.
- 25-2909 Grants; application; contents; approved centers; reports.
- 25-2910 Approved center; funding; fees.
- 25-2911 Dispute resolution; types of cases; referral of cases.
- 25-2912 Dispute resolution process; procedures.
- 25-2913 Mediators; qualifications; compensation; powers and duties.
- 25-2914 Confidentiality; exceptions.
- 25-2915 Immunity; exceptions.
- 25-2916 Agreement; contents; enforceability.
- 25-2917 Tolling of statute of limitations; when.
- 25-2918 Rules and regulations.
- 25-2919 Application of act.
- 25-2920 Director; report.
- 25-2921 Dispute Resolution Cash Fund; created; use; investment.
- 25-2922 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 1, § 1.
- 25-2923 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 1, § 1.
- 25-2924 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 1, § 1.
- 25-2925 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 1, § 1.
- 25-2926 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 1, § 1.
- 25-2927 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 1, § 1.
- 25-2928 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 1, § 1.
- 25-2929 Repealed. Laws 2009, LB 1, § 1.
- 25-2930 Act, how cited.
- 25-2931 Terms, defined.
- 25-2932 Scope.
- 25-2933 Privilege against disclosure; admissibility; discovery.
- 25-2934 Waiver and preclusion of privilege.
- 25-2935 Exceptions to privilege.
- 25-2936 Prohibited mediator reports.
- 25-2937 Confidentiality.
- 25-2938 Mediator's disclosure of conflicts of interest; background.
- 25-2939 Participation in mediation.
- 25-2940 Relation to federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.
- 25-2941 Uniformity of application and construction.
- 25-2942 Application to existing agreements or referrals.
- 25-2943 Referral of civil cases to mediation or alternative dispute resolution; rules of practice.
- 25-3001 Terms, defined.
- 25-3002 Legal Aid and Services Fund; created; use; investment.
- 25-3003 Commission on Public Advocacy; duties.
- 25-3004 Service provider; receipt of funds; powers and duties.
- 25-3005 Legislative intent.
- 25-3006 Definitions.
- 25-3007 Civil Legal Services Program; created; use of appropriations; Commission on Public Advocacy; duties.
- 25-3008 Grant recipients; requirements; application; audit.
- 25-3009 Civil Legal Services Fund; created; investment.
- 25-3010 Civil Legal Services Fund; how funded.
- 25-3101 Act, how cited.
- 25-3102 Act; purpose; applicability.
- 25-3103 Terms, defined.
- 25-3104 Transfer of payment rights; court order; requirements.
- 25-3105 Jurisdiction; hearing; notice.
- 25-3106 Waiver prohibited; failure to meet conditions; effect.
- 25-3107 Act; applicability.
- 25-3201 Act, how cited.
- 25-3202 Terms, defined.
- 25-3203 Conflict of laws; limitation periods.
- 25-3204 Rules applicable to computation of limitation period.
- 25-3205 Unfairness.
- 25-3206 Future claims.
- 25-3207 Uniformity of application and construction.
- 25-3301 Act, how cited.
- 25-3302 Terms, defined.
- 25-3303 Contracts for nonrecourse civil litigation funding; right to cancel; notice; statements required.
- 25-3304 Civil litigation funding company; prohibited acts.
- 25-3305 Assessment of fees; restrictions; calculations.
- 25-3306 Effect of communication on privileges.
- 25-3307 Civil litigation funding company; registration required; application; form; renewal.
- 25-3308 Registration fee; renewal fee.
- 25-3309 Secretary of State; issue certificate of registration or renewal of registration; refusal to issue; grounds; suspend, revoke, or refuse renewal; temporary certificate; submission of data; contents; report.
- 25-3401 Prisoner; civil actions; in forma pauperis litigation; limitation; finding by court that action was frivolous.
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