2020 Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XII - Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 191 - Health and Welfare
Section 191.1075 Definitions.
Effective - 28 Aug 2016
*191.1075. Definitions. — As used in sections 191.1075 to 191.1085, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Department", the department of health and senior services;
(2) "Health care professional", a physician or other health care practitioner licensed, accredited, or certified by the state of Missouri to perform specified health services;
(3) "Hospital":
(a) A place devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of facilities for the diagnosis, treatment, or care of not less than twenty-four consecutive hours in any week of three or more nonrelated individuals suffering from illness, disease, injury, deformity, or other abnormal physical conditions; or
(b) A place devoted primarily to provide for not less than twenty-four consecutive hours in any week medical or nursing care for three or more unrelated individuals. "Hospital" does not include convalescent, nursing, shelter, or boarding homes as defined in chapter 198.
(L. 2016 H.B. 1682 merged with S.B. 608 merged with S.B. 635 merged with S.B. 865 & 866)
Effective 8-28-16 (H.B. 1682); 8-28-16 (S.B. 635); 8-28-16 (S.B. 865 & 866); *10-14-16 (S.B. 608), see § 21.250
*S.B. 608 was vetoed July 5, 2016. The veto was overridden on September 14, 2016.