2018 Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXXII - Courts
Chapter 479 - Municipal Courts and Traffic Courts
Section 479.172 Intoxication-related traffic offenses, municipal judges to receive adequate instruction — written policy on timely disposition of cases — report required.
Effective 01 Jan 2017, see footnote
Chapter 479479.172. Intoxication-related traffic offenses, municipal judges to receive adequate instruction — written policy on timely disposition of cases — report required. — 1. Each municipal judge shall receive adequate instruction on the laws related to intoxication-related traffic offenses as defined in section 577.001 including jurisdictional issues related to such offenses, reporting requirements to the highway patrol central repository as set out in section 43.503 and required assessment for offenders under the substance abuse traffic offender program (SATOP). Each municipal judge shall adopt a written policy requiring that municipal court personnel timely report all dispositions of all charges for intoxication-related traffic offenses to the central repository.
2. Each municipal court shall provide a copy of its written policy for reporting dispositions of intoxication-related traffic offenses to the office of state courts administrator and the highway patrol. To assist municipal courts, the office of state courts administrator may create a model policy for the reporting of dispositions of all charges for intoxication-related traffic offenses.
3. Each municipal division of every circuit court in the state of Missouri shall prepare a report every six months. The report shall include, but shall not be limited to, the total number and disposition of every intoxication-related traffic offense adjudicated, dismissed or pending in its municipal court division. The municipal court division shall submit said report to the circuit court en banc. The report shall include the six-month period beginning January first and ending June thirtieth and the six-month period beginning July first and ending December thirty-first of each year. The report shall be submitted to the circuit court en banc no later than sixty days following the end of the reporting period. The circuit court en banc shall make recommendations or take any action it deems appropriate based on its review of said reports.
(L. 2010 H.B. 1695, et al., A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Transferred 2014; formerly 577.006; Effective 1-01-17