2020 Mississippi Code
Title 91 - Trusts and Estates
Chapter 7 - Executors and Administrators
§ 91-7-41. Oath and bond of executor or administrator with will annexed
Every executor or administrator with the will annexed, at or prior to the time of obtaining letters testamentary or of administration, shall take and subscribe the following oath, viz.:
"I do swear that the writing exhibited byme is the true last will and testament of_______________ , as far as I know and believe, and that I, if and whenappointed as executor, will well and truly execute the same accordingto its tenor, and discharge the duties required by law." Inthe case of an administrator with the will annexed, then say "I,as administrator, will," and "when appointed as administrator,will" etc.
He will alsogive bond in such penalty as will be equal to the full value of theestate, and with such sureties as may be approved of by the courtor by the clerk, payable to the state, with the following conditions,viz.:
"The conditionof this bond is, that if the abovebound_______________ , as executorof the last will and testament of_______________ , shall welland truly execute the willas far as the same may be consistent withlaw, and faithfully dischargeall the duties required of him by law,then this obligation shallbe void." If the obligor be administratorwith the will annexed,then say "the above bound_______________ , as administratorwith the will of_______________annexed, will,"etc.