2020 Mississippi Code
Title 91 - Trusts and Estates
Chapter 7 - Executors and Administrators
§ 91-7-185. Report of sale and proceedings
Whenever personal property shall be sold by an executor or administrator, he shall make report thereof in writing to the next term of the court, stating the time and place of sale, the name of the purchaser, and the amount of the purchase-money, and shall satisfy the court that the directions prescribed in the order for sale, if the sale be under an order, were followed. Thereupon the court shall confirm the sale, unless cause be shown to the contrary. If such sale be not reported at the next term, the court may compel the making of such report at a subsequent term, and may confirm or set aside the same. Any executor or administrator failing to make report in due time may be fined for a contempt, not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).