2020 Mississippi Code
Title 45 - Public Safety and Good Order
Chapter 43 - William Lee Montjoy Pool Safety Act
§ 45-43-27. Relation to other laws, regulations
Except to the extent that any local or state regulation or local ordinance imposes a stricter standard, the duties established by this chapter for an owner of a multiunit dwelling project, an owner of a dwelling in a condominium, cooperative, or townhome project and a property owners association supersede those established by common law and any local or state agency regulation and local ordinances relating to duties to inspect, install, repair or maintain:
Pool yard enclosures;
Pool yard enclosure gates and gate latches, including self-closing and self-latching devices;
Keyed dead bolts, keyless bolting devices, sliding-door handle latches, sliding-door security bars, self-latching and self-closing devices, and sliding-door pin locks on doors that open into a pool yard area and that are owned and controlled by the owner or property owners association; and
Latches on windows that open into a pool yard area and that are owned and controlled by the owner or property owners association.