2020 Mississippi Code
Title 21 - Municipalities
Chapter 35 - Municipal Budget
§ 21-35-11. Records of municipal funds
The clerk of the municipality shall open and keep a regular set of records, as prescribed by the State Auditor, as the head of the State Department of Audit, or the director thereof, appointed by him, as designated and defined in Title 7, Chapter 7, of the Mississippi Code of 1972, or any office or officers hereafter designated to replace or perform the duties imposed by said chapter, of each and every fund of the municipality, subject always to inspection within office hours by any citizen desiring to inspect the same. Said records shall contain accounts, under headings, corresponding with the several headings of the budget, so that the expenditures under each head may be at once known, and the purpose for which expended, and said records shall show the source of all monies received and paid into each fund of the municipality. Said records shall be paid for out of the general municipal fund, upon the order of the proper municipal authorities.
For failure to perform any duty herein required, said clerk shall be subject to suit on his bond for any damage which the municipality may sustain by reason of such failure. Such suit, or suits, shall be brought by the city attorney or by any attorney designated and empowered to do so by the proper governing authorities of such municipality.