2020 Mississippi Code
Title 19 - Counties and County Officers
Chapter 25 - Sheriffs
§ 19-25-85. Duties of sheriff of Harrison County in separate judicial district
The sheriff of Harrison County shall be the proper officer to execute all process required by law to be executed by the sheriff and to return the same to such district of said county as the same may belong. He shall keep an office at Gulfport therein, and an office at Biloxi therein, and in each of said offices he shall keep all books, records, and documents required by law to be kept by sheriffs in every county in the state, the same as if said two districts were separate counties. In making sales of land under execution or otherwise in the discharge of any of his official duties, such lands as lie in the first district, he shall sell at the door of the courthouse in Gulfport and in making like sales of land lying in the second district he shall sell the same at the door of the courthouse at Biloxi. Sales of personalty made by the sheriff under like authority shall be made in such places in each district, as if each were a separate county.