2019 Mississippi Code
Title 45 - Public Safety and Good Order
Chapter 35 - Identification Cards
Article 1 - General Provisions.
§ 45-35-3. Issuance of identification card by Department of Public Safety; application for card; registered sex offender’s card to identify cardholder as sex offender; designation as veteran on card upon request of honorably discharged veteran
(1) Any person six (6) years of age or older may be issued an identification card by the department which is certified by the registrant and attested by the commissioner as to true name, correct age and such other identifying data as required by Section 45-35-5.
(2) The new, renewal or duplicate identification card of a person required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Section 45-33-25 shall bear a designation identifying the cardholder as a sex offender.
(3) The commissioner is authorized to provide the new, renewal or duplicate identification card to any honorably discharged veteran as defined in Title 38 of the United States Code, and such identification card shall exhibit the letters “Vet” or any other mark identifying the person as a veteran. The veteran requesting the “Vet” designation shall present his DD-214 or equivalent document that includes a notation from the state Veterans Affairs Board that the applicant is a veteran.