2019 Mississippi Code
Title 41 - Public Health
Chapter 21 - Individuals With Mental Illness or an Intellectual Disability
Crisis Intervention Mental Health Fund
§ 41-21-151. Crisis Intervention Mental Health Fund created; purpose; distribution of monies from fund; fund to be a continuing fund; components of fund
There is created in the State Treasury a special interest-bearing fund to be known as the Crisis Intervention Mental Health Fund. The purpose of the fund shall be to provide funding for the seven (7) mental health crisis centers in the state and the Special Treatment Facility located in Harrison County. Monies from the fund derived from assessments under Section 99-19-73 shall be administered and distributed by the State Treasurer upon warrants issued by the Department of Mental Health. The fund shall be a continuing fund, not subject to fiscal-year limitations, and shall consist of: (a) monies appropriated by the Legislature for the purposes of funding mental health crisis centers and the Special Treatment Facility; (b) the interest accruing to the fund; (c) monies received under the provisions of Section 99-19-73; (d) monies received from the federal government; and (e) monies received from such other sources as may be provided by law.