2017 Mississippi Code
Title 69 - Agriculture, Horticulture, and Animals
Chapter 25 - Plants, Plant and Bee Diseases
Article 1 - Division of Plant Industry; Plant Diseases and Pests
§ 69-25-5. Director of the Bureau of Plant Industry; State Entomologist
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce shall appoint a full-time executive secretary and director, hereinafter called the "Director of the Bureau of Plant Industry," whose office shall be at Mississippi State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. The director shall serve at the will and pleasure of the commissioner and shall receive a salary in an amount to be determined by the commissioner. It shall be the duty of the director to enforce the rules and regulations adopted by the commissioner and to perform such other functions that may be assigned to him by the commissioner.
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce and the Director of the Bureau of Plant Industry shall appoint a full-time State Entomologist, who shall be a qualified entomologist and whose office shall be at Mississippi State University of Agriculture and Applied Science.