2017 Mississippi Code
Title 69 - Agriculture, Horticulture, and Animals
Chapter 25 - Plants, Plant and Bee Diseases
Article 1 - Division of Plant Industry; Plant Diseases and Pests
§ 69-25-45. Enforcement of rules and regulations
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce shall have power and authority to enforce his rules, ordinances and regulations in any court of competent jurisdiction by civil, as well as criminal proceedings, and if the remedy to be pursued be by writ of injunction, no court of this state shall have right previous to a trial upon the merits to set aside such writ on bond. It shall be the duty of the attorney general, district attorneys and county attorneys to represent said commissioner whenever called upon to do so. Said commissioner in the discharge of his duties and the enforcement of the powers herein delegated, may send for books and papers, administer oaths, hear witness, etc., and to that end it is made the duty of the various sheriffs throughout the state to serve all summons and other papers upon the request of said commissioner.