2021 Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 351 — Vacancy In Public Office
Chapter 351 — Resignations, Vacancies, Removals
Section 351.06 — Appointment; Continuance Of Term; Impeachment.
Unless otherwise provided for, when a vacancy in an elective office is authorized to be filled by appointment, such appointment shall continue until the next general election occurring after there is sufficient time to give the notice prescribed by law, and until a successor is elected and has qualified. When any state officer, excepting the lieutenant governor, shall be temporarily suspended from the performance of the duties of office by reason of having been impeached, the governor shall appoint some suitable person to exercise the duties of such office during the time of such suspension, and such person, before entering upon the duties, shall comply with the requirements of law relating to the same, and during incumbency shall be governed in the administration thereof by all laws enacted in reference thereto, and receive the compensation provided by law for such office.
History:(6957) RL s 2671; 1986 c 444