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2023 Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 791 - Department of Corrections
Act 232 of 1953 - Corrections Code of 1953 (791.201 - 791.285)
232-1953-III - Chapter III Bureau of Pardons and Paroles; Parole Board. (791.231...791.246)
- Section 791.231 - Bureau of Field Services; Establishment; Direction and Supervision by Deputy Director; Appointment; Duties; Assistants.
- Section 791.231a - Parole Board; Establishment; Appointment, Terms, and Removal of Members; Vacancy; Salary and Expenses; Designation and Responsibility of Chairperson; Powers and Duties.
- Section 791.231b - Parole Denials; Report.
- Section 791.232 - Repealed. 1992, Act 181, Eff. Nov. 15, 1992.
- Section 791.233 - Grant of Parole; Conditions; Paroles-in-Custody; Rules.
- Section 791.233a - Repealed. 1982, Act 314, Imd. Eff. Oct. 15, 1982.
- Section 791.233b - Eligibility for Parole; Minimum Term.
- Section 791.233b[1] - “Major Controlled Substance Offense” Defined.
- Section 791.233c - “Prisoner Subject to Disciplinary Time” Defined.
- Section 791.233d - Samples for DNA Identification Profiling.
- Section 791.233e - Parole Guidelines; Rules; Reasons for Departure From Guidelines; Waiver for Subsequent Review; Report.
- Section 791.234 - Prisoners Subject to Jurisdiction of Parole Board; Indeterminate and Other Sentences; Termination of Sentence; Prisoner Sentenced to Imprisonment for Life; Ineligibility for Parole; Criteria for Placement on Parole; Conditions; Interview; Release on Parole; Discretion of Parole Board; Appeal to Circuit Court; Cooperation With Law Enforcement by Prisoner Violating MCL 333.7401 and 333.7403; Offenses Occurring Before Certain Date; Notice to Prosecuting Attorney Before Granting Parole; Motion to Object; Procedures; Definitions.
- Section 791.234a - Placement of Prisoner in Special Alternative Incarceration Unit.
- Section 791.234b - Placement of Prisoner on Parole; Release to United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement; Deportation.
- Section 791.234c - Prisoner Reentry; Identification Documents; Refusal of Prisoner to Obtain Documents; Written Information to Be Provided to Prisoner; Electronic Access by Secretary of State to Prisoner Information; Reentry Success Fund.
- Section 791.234d - Documents to Be Issued Prisoner Upon Release; Certificate of Employability; Issuance; Revocation; False Statement or Representation as Misdemeanor; Confirmation of Validity; Form; Liability of Department for Certain Actions.
- Section 791.235 - Release of Prisoner on Parole; Procedure; Medical Parole for Medically Frail; Definitions.
- Section 791.236 - Order of Parole; Notice; Rescission; Amendment; Individualized Conditions; Supervision; Restitution; Payment of Parole Supervision Fee; Condition Requiring Payment of Assessment or Minimum State Cost; Compliance With Sex Offenders Registration Act; Violation of Certain Sections; Condition Requiring Housing in Community Corrections Center or Community Residential Home; Condition Requiring Payment by Parolee; Review to Ensure Payment of Restitution; Report of Violation; Registration of Parolee; Electronic Monitoring; Condition to Protect Named Person; Release of Prisoner; Notice of Residence or Domicile; Monitoring by Global Positioning Monitoring System; Written Consent to Submit to Search; "Violent Felony" Defined.
- Section 791.236a - Collection of Supervision Fee by Parole Board; Payment; Allocation of Money Collected for Other Obligations; Waiver of Fee; Determination and Collection of Fee for Offender Transferred to State Under Interstate Compact; Administrative Costs; Unpaid Amounts; "Electronic Monitoring Device" Defined.
- Section 791.237 - Paroled or Discharged Prisoner; Furnishing Clothing, Transportation, and Money; Repayment of Money; Prisoner Identification Card; Cost of Implementing Section.
- Section 791.238 - Custody of Paroled Prisoner; Warrant for Return of Paroled Prisoner; Incarceration Pending Hearing; Treatment as Escaped Prisoner; Time During Parole Violation Not Counted as Time Served; Forfeiture of Good Time; Committing Crime While on Parole; Construction of Parole.
- Section 791.239 - Paroled Prisoner; Arrest Without Warrant.
- Section 791.239a - Arrest for Alleged Parole Violation; Right to Preliminary Hearing; Notice of Hearing; Rights at Hearing; Postponement; Notice of Charges, Summary of Evidence, and Determination of Guilt When Preliminary Hearing Not Held.
- Section 791.240 - Prisoner Convicted of Violent Felony; Placement on Parole; Special Provisions; History of Substance Abuse; Report; Definitions.
- Section 791.240a - Parole; Revocation; Violation; Right to Fact-Finding Hearing; Time and Location of Hearing; Parolee Determined to Be Indigent; Appointment of Attorney; Notice; Rights at Hearing; Postponement; Notice to Director if Hearing Not Conducted Within Certain Time Period; Insufficient Evidence; Reinstatement to Parole Status; Finding of Parole Violation; Revocation of Parole; Noncompliance With Order to Make Restitution; "Violent Felony" Defined.
- Section 791.241 - Order Rescinding or Reinstating Parole.
- Section 791.242 - Final Order of Discharge; Certificate; Period of Parole.
- Section 791.243 - Applications for Pardon; Filing, Information.
- Section 791.244 - Parole Board Interview of Prisoner Serving Sentence for First Degree Murder or Sentence of Imprisonment for Life Without Parole; Board Duties Upon Own Initiation or Receipt of Application for Reprieve, Commutation, or Pardon; Exception; Files as Public Record.
- Section 791.244a - Reprieve, Commutation, or Pardon; Request From Governor to Expedite Review and Hearing Process; Basis; Duties of Parole Board; Files as Public Record.
- Section 791.245 - Hearing; Administering Oath to Witness.
- Section 791.246 - Decisions and Recommendations of Parole Board; Majority Vote Required.
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