2021 Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title XVI - Public Health
Chapter 111 - Public Health
Section 62r - Use of Land, Buildings and Farm Products by Hospital School and Hospital for State Minor Wards
Section 62R. Any land acquired or buildings erected for the Massachusetts hospital school or the hospital for state minor wards, unless it is otherwise expressly provided, and also any farm product raised at the said hospital school, or at the said hospital, may, as the trustees shall from time to time determine, be used either interchangeably or exclusively for said hospital school or said hospital, or in common for the benefit of both institutions, and for the care and maintenance of their respective inmates, officers, employees and attendants. Such officers, employees and attendants shall, as required by the trustees, render service to either or both of the said institutions. Any sewer, heating, ventilating, water or similar plant or system may so be used, separately or jointly.