2024 Maryland Statutes
Human Services
Title 10 - Department of Aging
Subtitle 9 - Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
Section 10-904 - Qualifications
(a) Entities eligible to be designated as local long–term care ombudsman entities shall:
(1) have demonstrated capability to carry out the responsibilities of the Office;
(2) be public or nonprofit entities;
(3) be free of conflicts of interest; and
(4) meet any additional requirements that the Secretary and the State Long–Term Care Ombudsman specify.
(b) (1) The Secretary, in consultation with the State Long–Term Care Ombudsman and area agencies on aging, shall adopt regulations to establish requirements for training and designating ombudsmen, including in–service training.
(2) The regulations shall prohibit the State Long–Term Care Ombudsman from designating an individual as an ombudsman unless the individual has successfully completed the required training and satisfied the requirements for designation.