2024 Maryland Statutes
Human Services
Title 10 - Department of Aging
Subtitle 1 - Definitions
Section 10-101 - Definitions
(a) In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) “Area agency” means the local agency that the Department designates in accordance with the Older Americans Act of 1965 to administer the delivery of a comprehensive and coordinated plan of social and other services and activities for seniors in a planning and service area.
(c) “Community for a Lifetime” means a community certified under § 10–804 of this title.
(d) “Congregate housing services” means services provided in an apartment building that promote independent living for an eligible individual.
(e) “Department” means the Department of Aging.
(f) “Interagency Committee” means the unit established in § 10–301 of this title to oversee the coordination and consolidation of services for seniors in the State.
(g) “Planning and service area” means an area of the State that the Department designates in accordance with the Older Americans Act of 1965 for the planning and administration of social, health, and other services for seniors.
(h) “Secretary” means the Secretary of Aging.