2023 Maryland Statutes
General Provisions
Title 5 - Maryland Public Ethics Law
Subtitle 2 - State Ethics Commission
Section 5-209 - Exemptions From Title
(a) The Ethics Commission may exempt from this title or modify the requirements of this title for a board, a member of a board, or a municipal corporation if the Ethics Commission finds that, because of the nature of the board or the size of the municipal corporation, the application of this title to that board, member, or municipal corporation:
(1) would be an unreasonable invasion of privacy;
(2) would reduce significantly the availability of qualified individuals for public service; and
(3) is not necessary to preserve the purposes of this title.
(b) Subject to § 5–502(d) of this title, the Ethics Commission may grant an exemption to a board or member of a board only on written request of the executive unit of which the board is a part.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the records of the Ethics Commission in any matter in which an exemption is granted under this title shall be available for public inspection.