2024 Maryland Statutes
Title 6 - Toxic, Carcinogenic, and Flammable Substances
Subtitle 3 - Lead-Based Paint
Section 6-304 - Case Management for Children With Elevated Blood Lead Levels
(a) This section establishes case management assistance and notification requirements for cases of children with elevated blood lead levels greater than or equal to:
(1) Between July 1, 2022, and October 27, 2022, inclusive, 5 micrograms per deciliter (�g/dl);
(2) Between October 28, 2022, and December 31, 2023, inclusive, 3.5 �g/dl; and
(3) On and after January 1, 2024, the reference level, defined in § 6–801(q) of this title.
(b) The Secretary shall assist local governments, if necessary, to provide case management of children with elevated blood lead levels.
(c) Within 10 business days after receipt of the results of a blood test for lead poisoning indicating that a child under the age of 6 years has an elevated blood lead level, the Department or a local health department shall notify:
(1) The child’s parent or legal guardian; and
(2) If the child does not reside at a property owned by the child’s parent or legal guardian, the owner of the property where the child resides.