2024 Maryland Statutes
Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education
Title 7 - Public Schools
Subtitle 4 - Health and Safety of Students
Section 7-426.5 - Policy on Administration of Naloxone or Other Overdose-Reversing Medications
(a) Each county board shall establish a policy in accordance with school health guidelines and State laws and regulations for public schools within its jurisdiction to authorize the school nurse, school health services personnel, and other school personnel to administer naloxone or other overdose–reversing medication to a student or other person located on school property who is reasonably believed to be experiencing an opioid overdose.
(b) The policy established under subsection (a) of this section shall include:
(1) A provision requiring all public schools to obtain and store at the public school naloxone or other overdose–reversing medication to be used in an emergency situation; and
(2) A requirement that each public school develop and implement a method for notifying the parents or guardians of students of the school’s policy under this section at the beginning of each school year.
(c) Except for any willful or grossly negligent act, any of the following individuals who respond in good faith to the overdose emergency of a student in accordance with this section may not be held personally liable for any act or omission in the course of responding to the emergency:
(1) A school nurse;
(2) Other school health services personnel who are licensed or certified to practice a health occupation under the Health Occupations Article; or
(3) Other school personnel.
(d) (1) The county board or the local health department shall, by local agreement:
(i) Hire a sufficient number of either county or regional community action officials; or
(ii) Develop and implement a program that provides the community relations and education functions required to be conducted by community action officials in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(2) A county or regional community action official shall:
(i) Coordinate school–based community forums, in cooperation with local law enforcement officials; and
(ii) Conduct public relations efforts that include the following:
1. Parent contact;
2. Electronic media; and
3. Public service announcements.
(e) (1) For fiscal year 2019, the Governor shall include an appropriation of at least $3,000,000 in general funds in the State budget for the Department for the purpose of awarding grants to county boards to implement the policy and conduct the training required under this section.
(2) The Department shall disburse the grants authorized under paragraph (1) of this subsection based on the enrollment count of students in public schools in the State for the prior fiscal year.
(f) (1) On or before October 1 each year, each public school shall submit, on the form that the Department requires, a report to the Department on each incident at the school that required the use of naloxone or other overdose–reversing medication.
(2) The Department shall develop and disseminate a standard form to report each incident requiring the use of naloxone or other overdose–reversing medication at a public school.
(3) On or before December 1, 2018, December 1, 2019, and December 1, 2020, the Department shall report the information provided under paragraph (1) of this subsection to the General Assembly in accordance with § 2–1257 of the State Government Article.