2024 Maryland Statutes
Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education
Title 6 - Teachers and Other Personnel
Subtitle 1 - Personnel Matters
Section 6-128 - Maryland Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Diversity Dashboard
(a) (1) On or before January 1, 2025, the Department shall establish and maintain a Maryland Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Diversity Dashboard.
(2) Subject to paragraph (3) of this subsection, the Dashboard shall include demographic information and key data points regarding:
(i) Certificated and noncertificated personnel in public schools; and
(ii) Prospective educators within teacher preparation programs throughout the State who are participating in teacher internships.
(3) (i) The Dashboard may not include any demographic information that could be used to identify specific individuals.
(ii) Any demographic that is less than 5% of the relevant population may be reported simply as “< 5%”.
(b) (1) On or before December 1, 2024, and each December 1 thereafter, each county board shall report to the Department demographic and job status information on educators employed by, and teacher interns placed in, the public schools within the jurisdiction of the county board during the previous school year.
(2) Each county board shall report the information required under paragraph (1) of this subsection disaggregated by:
(i) School;
(ii) Gender;
(iii) Race;
(iv) Ethnicity;
(v) Average length of service;
(vi) Status on the career ladder established under § 6–1002 of this title;
(vii) Number of educators hired during the reporting period; and
(viii) Attrition rates of educators during the reporting period.