2024 Maryland Statutes
Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education
Title 6 - Teachers and Other Personnel
Subtitle 1 - Personnel Matters
Section 6-119 - Teacher Support Incentive Program
(a) The State Board shall develop guidelines for an incentive program to encourage public school systems to:
(1) Adopt a teacher support system that provides year-long assistance and support to teachers through a teacher consulting program in which consulting teachers are fully trained and apply rigorous teaching standards; and
(2) Improve teacher retention during the first 5 years of service.
(b) In developing the guidelines under subsection (a) of this section, the State Board shall conduct an assessment of the advisability and feasibility of providing competitive grants to county boards to assist in the development and implementation of a teacher support incentive program.
(c) It is the intent of the General Assembly that, if money becomes available, the Governor include an appropriation in the State budget for grants for teacher support incentive programs established in accordance with the guidelines developed under this section.