2024 Maryland Statutes
Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education
Title 6 - Teachers and Other Personnel
Subtitle 1 - Personnel Matters
Section 6-112.1 - Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists -- Licensing Fee Reimbursement Program
(a) In this section, “Board” means the State Board of Audiologists, Hearing-Aid Dispensers, and Speech-Language Pathologists.
(b) There is a program of county aid to audiologists and speech-language pathologists who:
(1) Provide audiology and speech-language services on a third-party billing basis in schools; and
(2) Are licensed by the Board.
(c) Each audiologist and speech-language pathologist who meets the requirements of subsection (b) of this section shall receive from the county board an amount equal to the initial licensing fee or renewal of license fee charged by the Board.
(d) The State Board shall adopt regulations to implement and administer the program established under this section.
(e) An audiologist or speech-language pathologist shall reimburse the county board the full amount of the aid received if the audiologist or speech-language pathologist does not:
(1) Complete all the requirements for renewal of a license by the Board; or
(2) Provide audiology or speech-language pathology services on a third-party billing basis in a school.