2023 Maryland Statutes
Health - General
Title 21 - Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics
Subtitle 3 - Food Establishments
Part IV - Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 21-323.1 - Bed and Breakfast Establishments
(a) In this section, “bed and breakfast establishment” means a lodging or rooming house as defined in § 9-201 of the Public Safety Article having eight rooms or fewer for rent.
(b) A bed and breakfast establishment is exempt from any regulation governing food service facilities that is adopted by the Department or a local government relating to the construction or installation of commercial grade kitchen equipment in the bed and breakfast establishment.
(c) Each bed and breakfast establishment that intends to serve hot meals to renters shall be:
(1) Licensed in accordance with § 21–305 of this subtitle; and
(2) Subject to State and local health regulations that govern food safety and contamination.
(d) In each county, the health officer shall inspect each bed and breakfast establishment that intends to serve hot meals to renters for compliance with food safety and contamination regulations in accordance with § 21-313 of this subtitle.