2023 Maryland Statutes
Correctional Services
Title 9 - State and Local Correctional System -- Incarcerated Individuals
Subtitle 5 - Incarcerated Individual Work Force
Section 9-504 - County Road Work by State Incarcerated Individuals
(a) (1) A county roads authority may request that the Division of Correction furnish inmates who may be profitably employed in the repair or construction of public roads of the county.
(2) After receiving a request from the county roads authority, the Division of Correction shall furnish the number of requested inmates who are available to work on the public roads of the county.
(b) (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection and subsection (c) of this section, the Division of Correction shall provide for the guarding, transporting, lodging, feeding, clothing, and medical care of State inmates employed on public roads of a county.
(2) When State inmates are employed in the same work force as inmates of a county that requested that the Division of Correction furnish State inmates:
(i) the Division of Correction shall furnish all necessary guards at the expense of the county roads authority; and
(ii) the county roads authority shall provide for the lodging, feeding, and medical care of the inmates as required by § 9-503(c) of this subtitle.
(c) The county roads authority shall reimburse the Division of Correction for all expenses incurred in guarding, transporting, and maintaining State inmates who are furnished for work on public roads of the county at the request of the county roads authority.
(d) (1) A county roads authority using State inmates as provided in this section shall pay to the Division of Correction the daily amount contractually agreed on by the county roads authority and the Division of Correction for each day that a State inmate works on public roads of the county.
(2) The Division of Correction shall hold the payments made under this section to the credit of each inmate under applicable law.
(e) The county roads authority may use money appropriated to construct county or State aid roads under its jurisdiction as necessary to maintain the inmate work force and to pay for the materials and equipment used by the inmate work force.