2022 Maryland Statutes
Title 8 - Highways
Subtitle 7 - Regulation of Outdoor Advertising
Part III - Outdoor Signs Along State Highways Generally
Section 8-722 - Effect of Part on Signs Existing on June 1, 1931
(a) Except for payment of the annual fee required by § 8-718 of this subtitle, this part does not affect any outdoor sign in existence on June 1, 1931, unless the sign:
(1) Affects adversely the safety of public travel on any State highway by dangerously obstructing the clear view of the highway by the driver of a motor vehicle on it; or
(2) Is lighted in a way that makes it dangerous to drive a motor vehicle on any State highway.
(b) If the outdoor sign affects adversely the safety of public travel or is dangerously lighted as described in subsection (a) of this section, the Administration may remove the sign as provided in Part VI of this subtitle, after 15 days’ written notice and an opportunity to be heard.
(c) Any person whose outdoor sign is ordered removed under this section may appeal to the circuit court for the county in which the sign is located. The appeal shall be heard de novo.