2022 Maryland Statutes
Title 8 - Highways
Subtitle 7 - Regulation of Outdoor Advertising
Part III - Outdoor Signs Along State Highways Generally
Section 8-716 - Signs for Which Permit May Not Be Issued
The Administration may not issue a permit under this part for any outdoor sign if:
(1) The area of its advertising surface, as required to be specified in the application, exceeds 1,000 square feet;
(2) It might affect adversely the safety of public travel on any State highway by dangerously obstructing the clear view of the highway by the driver of a motor vehicle on it;
(3) It is lighted in a way that makes it dangerous to drive a motor vehicle on a State highway; or
(4) It is located, as to any intersection at grade of a State highway with another highway or with a railroad:
(i) At any point where it obstructs or interferes with the view of a train or other vehicle approaching the intersection; or
(ii) At any other point where it is dangerous to the public in any way.