2022 Maryland Statutes
Health Occupations
Title 1 - Definitions; General Provisions
Subtitle 3 - Patient Referrals
Section 1-304 - Disclosure to Third Party Payors
(a) A health care practitioner shall disclose the name of a referring health care practitioner on each request for payment or bill submitted to a third party payor, including nonprofit health plans and fiscal intermediaries and carriers, that may be responsible for payment, in whole or in part, of the charges for a health care service, if the health care practitioner knows or has reason to believe:
(1) There has been a referral by a health care practitioner; and
(2) The referring health care practitioner has a beneficial interest in or compensation arrangement with the health care entity that is prohibited under § 1-302 of this subtitle.
(b) A health care practitioner who knows or should have known of the practitioner's failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall be subject to disciplinary action by the appropriate licensing board.