2021 Maryland Statutes
Title 8 - Highways
Subtitle 7 - Regulation of Outdoor Advertising
Part IV - Outdoor Signs Along Federal-Aid Primary Highways
Section 8-736 - Local Zoning Regulations
(a) The political subdivisions of this State have full authority, under their respective zoning powers:
(1) To zone areas for commercial or industrial purposes; and
(2) In these areas, to govern the size, spacing, and lighting of outdoor signs.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this part or any rule or regulation of the Administration:
(1) Local zoning regulations that relate to outdoor signs in commercial or industrial areas shall govern within the zoned area; and
(2) If a political subdivision adopts comprehensive zoning that includes the regulation of outdoor signs:
(i) The Administration may so certify to the Federal Highway Administrator; and
(ii) On certification, the control of outdoor signs in commercial or industrial areas transfers to the political subdivision.