2021 Maryland Statutes
State Government
Title 12 - Immunity and Liability
Subtitle 1 - Maryland Tort Claims Act
Section 12-103.2 - Montgomery County
(a) In this section, “tort claim” means a tort claim filed in State court relating to the administration of a State program under Title 3, Subtitle 4 of the Human Services Article by the Montgomery County government.
(b) (1) A tort claim shall be considered, defended, settled, and paid in the same manner as any other claim covered by the Montgomery County Self–Insurance Fund.
(2) Under this section, whenever Montgomery County administers a State program under Title 3, Subtitle 4 of the Human Services Article, Montgomery County acts as a unit of the State, and any tort claim shall name the State of Maryland as the proper defendant.
(c) Liability for a tort claim may not exceed the insurance coverage granted to units of State government under Title 9 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
(d) (1) The State Treasurer is not liable under § 9–107(c) of the State Finance and Procurement Article for a tort claim.
(2) For tort claims, the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the Treasurer under this subtitle shall be assumed by the Montgomery County Self–Insurance Fund with damages limited in accordance with subsection (c) of this section.