2021 Maryland Statutes
Financial Institutions
Title 9 - Savings and Loan Associations
Subtitle 2 - Incorporation
Part I - In General
Section 9-207 - Division Director's Review
The Division Director shall determine from the available information if:
(1) The name of the proposed savings and loan association:
(i) Is the same as an existing association or so similar to the name of an existing association as to mislead the public; and
(ii) Complies with § 9-203 of this subtitle;
(2) The character, responsibility, and general fitness of the incorporators, board of directors, officers and controlling persons of the proposed association qualifies those individuals to act as incorporators, directors, officers, or controlling persons;
(3) The establishment of the proposed association and its location will promote the public interest; and
(4) The proposed association, if a stock association, has subscription for capital stock in an amount determined by the Division Director to be sufficient for the safe and proper operation of the association, which in no event may be less than $1,000,000.