2020 Maryland Statutes
Correctional Services
Title 8 - State and Local Correctional System -- Generally
Subtitle 2 - Correctional Training Commission
Section 8-209.1 - Applicants -- State and National Criminal History Records Check
(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
(2) “Applicant” means an individual who is seeking certification as:
(i) a correctional officer; or
(ii) a Department of Juvenile Services employee, as defined in § 8–201(h) of this subtitle.
(3) “Central Repository” means the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
(b) An applicant for certification under this section shall apply to the Central Repository for a State and national criminal history records check.
(c) As part of the application for a criminal history records check, an applicant shall submit to the Central Repository:
(1) a complete set of legible fingerprints taken on forms approved by the Director of the Central Repository and the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(2) the fee authorized under § 10–221(b)(7) of the Criminal Procedure Article for access to Maryland criminal history records; and
(3) the mandatory processing fee required by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a national criminal history records check.
(d) In accordance with §§ 10–201 through 10–229 of the Criminal Procedure Article, the Central Repository shall forward to the Commission and the applicant the criminal history record information.
(e) Information obtained from the Central Repository under this section:
(1) shall be confidential;
(2) may not be redisseminated; and
(3) may be used only for the licensing purpose authorized by this title.
(f) The subject of a criminal history records check under this section may contest the contents of the printed statement issued by the Central Repository as provided in § 10–223 of the Criminal Procedure Article.
(g) If criminal history record information is reported to the Central Repository after the date of the initial criminal history records check, the Central Repository shall provide to the Commission a revised statement of the applicant’s or certified correctional officer’s State criminal history record.