2019 Maryland Code
State Government
Title 2 - General Assembly
Subtitle 15 - Legislation
Part II - Procedures After Return on Final Passage
§ 2-1512. Record of chapter numbers
(a) The Secretary of State shall keep, for each session, a permanent record of the bills and executive orders that the Governor delivers to the Secretary under this subtitle. The record shall be known as the record of chapter numbers.
(b) (1) The Secretary of State shall enter, in the record, the chapter number of each bill that becomes law and each executive order.
(2) Near the chapter number, the Secretary of State shall enter:
(i) the Senate bill number, the House bill number, or the executive order number;
(ii) a brief summary of the subject of the bill or executive order;
(iii) as to a bill, the date of its presentment to the Governor; and
(iv) the date on which the bill or order was approved by the Governor or otherwise became law.
(c) (1) After the last chapter number, the Secretary of State shall enter, by Senate bill number or House bill number, a list of the bills that the Governor vetoed.
(2) Near the bill number, the Secretary of State shall enter:
(i) a brief summary of the subject of the bill;
(ii) the date of presentment to the Governor; and
(iii) the date of veto.