2019 Maryland Code
Corporations and Associations
Title 4A - Limited Liability Company Act
Subtitle 12 - Benefit Limited Liability Companies.
§ 4A-1202. Severability
(a) The provisions of this title apply to benefit limited liability companies except to the extent that:
(1) The context of a provision clearly requires otherwise; or
(2) A specific provision of this title provides otherwise.
(b) This subtitle applies only to a benefit limited liability company.
(c) (1) The existence of a provision of this subtitle does not of itself create any implication that a contrary or different rule of law is or would be applicable to a limited liability company that is not a benefit limited liability company.
(2) This subtitle does not affect any statute or rule of law as it applies to a limited liability company that is not a benefit limited liability company.
(d) A provision of the articles of organization or operating agreement of a benefit limited liability company may not be inconsistent with any provision of this subtitle.