2018 Maryland Code
State Government
Title 11 - Consolidated Procedures for Development Permits
Subtitle 1 - Definitions; General Provisions
§ 11-103. Scope of title
(a) Application to development projects and permits. --
(1) This title applies only to a development project and only through the completion of a final action under ยง 11-520 of this title.
(2) This title does not apply to an application for a renewal, amendment, or extension of a development permit.
(b) Jurisdiction of local governments and State units. --
(1) This title applies to the procedures of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for a subdivision or site review to the same extent that this title applies to the procedures of any local government.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, this title does not affect any exclusive jurisdiction granted by law to a local government or State unit to act on an application for a particular type of development permit, and a local government or State unit that has power to grant development permits may exercise the power free from interference by another unit.
(3) The coordinator may inquire as to any application for a development permit and may set a time limit for action to issue or deny a development permit, if the application has not been acted on within the prescribed time.
(4) The procedures set forth in this title are exclusive and shall prevail over any inconsistent law or order.
(c) Fee collection authority of local governments and State units. -- This title does not affect the authority of a local government or State unit to set and to collect an application, permit, or other fee, and the fee shall be paid in accordance with the law and procedures relating to that fee.
(d) Authority of Department of Planning. -- This title does not affect the authority of the Department of Planning under Title 5 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
(e) Application to electrical projects. -- This title does not apply to the construction of:
(1) an electric generating station; or
(2) an overhead transmission line designed to carry more than 69,000 volts.